Chapter 6: Chapter 6
A week has gone by and right now I am waiting for my Mom to show up to the school.
Apparently we are having a ' friendly ' parent teacher conference. I hope this is about me potentially skipping a few grades.
As I am waiting for my mom to show up they have me waiting in the library so I am taking this time to study a bit more.
In the room with me is Amber and Su. Amber is sitting at her desk and appears to be doing some paperwork. Su on the other hand is sitting across from me trying to talk to me
" So Natsu you weren't lying when you told me that you like to read text books books? "
I give her a nod causing her to let out a small chuckle.
" Ok Natsu I am going to look for a book to read my self "
As she says that she pulls her chair out and stands up
" Ok Su "
Hearing me talk to her, she looks at me and smiles at me before leaving.
As she walks away from the table I noticed that she walks to Amber and starts talking to her. I am too far away to hear them, doesn't help that they are talking quietly.
I can clearly see both their faces, Amber's is hard as hell to read do to her dead fish eyes and expressionless face but Su more than makes up for it.
Su's face looks like she just heard some terrible news and is looking at me with that face.
Did I fuck up somehow? I don't remember doing anything bad over this past week I've just been ignoring my classmates, doing my work and taking every chance I can to go to the library.
I will just have to wait and see what the issue is.
It's been about 15 minutes since Amber and Su had their conversation. After the conversation Su grab the first book that piqued her interest and walk back to the table I am at and started reading it.
I can't help but notice that every once in awhile Su will look up from her book and give me a sad look.
This went on for 10 minutes before my Mom and miss Yuki both walk in to the library.
Miss Yuki appears to be ready to have a serious talk. my Mom on the other hand waves at me before speeding her walk up to get closer to me.
When she gets close enough, she gives me a hug and kisses me on the top of my head afterwards she pulls the chair next to me out and sits down.
After miss Yuki sits down across from us I see Su get up and move to are side of the table, miss Yuki seeing this asks my Mom
" Miss Sato this is an important conversation are you sure it is appropriate for her to be here "
As I hear that I look around and see Su looks a little hurt by miss Yuki's words as Su tries to speak she is cut off by my Mom
" Miss Yuki with all due respect Su is a part of my family for the foreseeable future, do to the fact she was appointed to my son by the government to safely transport him to school and back. So she has a right to be privy to the information in this conversation "
Appointed to me? By the government?
As I turn my head to my Mom and ask her about this I stop before a word gets out. The look on my mom's face is serious. Most of the time when I see her she has soft eyes and a smile when talking to me or my sister's but right now she has the look of someone who is a cold calculated machine
" I understand Miss Sato if you wish for Su to stay she can "
Miss Yuki started this conversation with a strong look of conviction on her face but after hearing my Mom's response it washed away from her face.
Miss Yuki clears her throat before continuing
" So miss Sato do you have any idea why I called you for this parent-teacher conference "
" No I do not, from what I know my son has been a perfect student "
God I hope this is about me moving up a grade
" Ok miss Sato I will inform you that your son has been doing outstanding work in his academics but he is made no effort to socialize with his fellow students "
Hearing that Mom's cold look slightly fades
" At first we thought your son was just shy but after a assignment in class where everyone was forced to partner up. I saw that your son has no problems communicating with others in a work environment but every time one of his classmates tries to talk and be friendly with him, your son responds by telling them to leave him alone "
Hearing that puts Mom and me in shock.
I had no idea miss Yuki was watching this much
" I also noticed that Natsu was performing better in his school work then his classmates. So with the approval of the principal I started giving your son harder assignments "
At this point I can see that Mom was getting tired of Miss Yuki
" Miss Yuki I have two other kids waiting for me can you please get to the point of this"
Miss Yuki clears her throat for a final time
" I along with the principal and the help of the counselor we would like to run some tests on your son to gauge his intelligence and see if he has any mental impairments "
Hearing that last part throws me for a loop
What does she mean by mental impairments.
Apparently I'm not the only one as my mom says
" What do you refer to when you say mental impairments miss Yuki "
The coldness is back in her voice and miss Yuki scrambles to respond with
" Well miss Sato your son has shown a lot of signs of antisocial behavior and at his age socializing is a very important aspect of his mental development "
I can see where she's coming from it would be odd if a kid my age doesn't socialize
Mom looks at me before returning her eyes back at Miss Yuki sharper than ever and tells her
" Miss Yuki I feel this was a inappropriate conversation to have in front of Natsu. You have my phone number and I would like to continue this conversation later "
Wait no I want to know what's going to happen
A look of shock washes over miss Yuki's face before she says
" Oh my goodness you are right miss Sato you are free to leave and we will continue this conversation at a later date "
No no I want to know what's going to happen to me. They can't stop here
" I appreciate your understanding miss Yuki if you'll excuse us me and Natsu will be heading home "
As she says that she pulls her chair out and stands up giving me a cold look that tells me to follow
After I give my goodbyes to miss Yuki and Amber. My mom, Su and me leave the library