Why a reverse world

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

As the car is parked I try to get out only to hear my door open and see my mom unbuckle me from the seat and say

"Let's go my little Prince your Castle awaits"

As she swoops me in her arms and carries me to the house. I heard from Su


Even with her shouting I could barely hear her as my mom was taking me to the house with a quick pace.

As my mom opens the door I see that my sister's are not home yet. Before I can ask or do anything mom falls on her back landing on the couch with me now laying on her and she asks me

" So my little Prince how was your first day at school, did you have fun, did you meet new people, did you make any friends?!?! "

She asks me so many questions I have to take a minute to process all of them.

" It was ok, yes I met my teacher miss Yuki and the librarian her name was Amber. And no I did not make any friends. "

A quiet silence fills the air. I can't see my mom's face but I know it's not good I mean who would want to hear that there son made no friends on their first day of school.

After what feels like an eternity she finally speaks up

" Oh it's ok my Prince your first day away from me must have been a tough one, it'll get better with time Natsu "

Figures she thinks I am just shy. Not like I'd want to befriend any of those snot nosed brats. I bet most of them can't even count past ten

" Ok Mom "

" Thank you my little Prince "

After are chat she keeps holding me and rubbing my hair not saying a word.

Just when I start to doze off I hear the front door start to open. I try my best to move but she is holding me tight so I only hear.


" Aki use your eyes and quit yelling. They're on the couch "

" sorry Haru "

I can't see the two of them but I know for a fact Haru is giving Aki a death glare for yelling like that.

At this point mom sits up taking me with her as I am now sitting on her lap and she says

" Haru quit being mean to your sister "

Now that I'm sitting up I can properly see them and my guess was correct. I can see that Aki has a sad almost pitiful face after being scolded by Haru. But her face immediately changes when she sees me

Haru on the other hand looks annoyed with the way Aki is acting and the fact that Mom is getting on to her for it.


Before I can say or do anything a missile of pure energy tackles into me

" Hi Aki "

I let out in a light grown

" Natsu how was your first day at school did you have fun, did you make friends please tell me everything "

At this point mom moves me off her lap to the couch so she can get up and tells Aki and Haru

" Both of you get started with your homework before anything else I am going to go make us a snack "

Thanks Mom for leaving me to deal with them

" Ok Mom "

" Yes Mom "

As both Haru and Aki set everything up to do there home work. Aki asks me

" So Natsu tell me everything about your first day at school and don't spare a detail "

Knowing there's no way around I start telling Aki every detail about my first day of school


" That's it?? "

I hear this come from both of my sisters.

Haru is not even looking up from her work as she asks that.

Aki on the other side of the spectrum is looking me dead in the eyes shocked about how boring my first day was.

" That's everything you did. But but but all you did was read you didn't even try to make friends "

Aki looks at me expecting me to answer her

" I just didn't want any of them to be my friend "

Me saying that seems to offend Aki even more

" Why not Natsu you never know. You might have missed the chance to meet a great friend "

" I just didn't want to make friends today Aki "

As I tell Aki that her brain seems to go haywire not understanding the fact that I don't want to make friends

" But but but "

Before she can finish her sentence mom interrupts her

" Aki quit bothering your brother and focus on your homework "

Aki gives me a defeated look before telling Mom

" Ok Mom "

At this moment Mom sets a plate of fruit on the table where my sister's are working. And tells me

" Natsu let's leave your sisters alone so they can focus on their homework "

I give her a nod and get up to leave my sister's to there work.

After that everything went back to normal.

When Aki and Haru got done with their homework Aki started to tell me everything about her day and after a bit Mom set up a board game for us to play as a family.

When we are done with it Mom goes to start dinner and I ask Haru teach me more Japanese. While Aki watches TV

As I sit here studying with Haru I look around and see Aki engrossed in some TV show mimicking the gestures they're doing and hearing my new Mom cooking in the kitchen.

They may not be my first family but I am starting to see them as family and I am happy to have them.


Drawing me out of my stupor is Haru yelling my name

" Sorry what?? "

Haru gives me a scowl before saying

" Look Natsu if you're not going to pay attention I am going to stop teaching you "

I give her a sorry look and tell her

" No Haru I will pay attention please don't "

She gives me a look of contemplation before a smug look washes over her face and she tells me

" Fine I guess it can't be helped "

I give Haru my thanks before we start studying again

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