Chapter 7: Chapter 7
Su mom and me are currently in Su's car driving home as they have yet to say a word about that parent teacher conference and this is eating me up.
I got to know what's going on, first I find out Su is hired by the government and not the school, second I find out I was getting harder work at school and lastly they think I am autistic.
" My Prince is everything ok?"
Hearing Mom's voice brings me back from my thoughts.
Since she already started conversation I may as well try and figure out what's going on
" No Mom "
I try to get my voice as pitiful is possible
" I don't understand what's going on "
I see both of there faces falter at hearing my words
" It's ok my Prince Mommy will tell you what's happening "
I see worry in her eyes but if I want answers best strike while the iron is hot
" Mom who is Su?"
She takes a bit to respond
" Su is your driver my Prince "
I know that but the school never hired her
" Why do I need a driver Mommy "
Hearing me call her mommy over the usual mom did a number to her
" To make sure nothing bad happens to you my Prince "
We're almost there just a bit more digging
" Why would anything bad happen to me Mommy "
That seemed to do the trick. She lets out a sigh
" My Prince Su is here to make sure no bad woman would try to do anything to you "
Wait why would a woman want to do something bad to me?
" Mom what do you mean?"
I can see that she is contemplating telling me, she even looks at Su as if asking for help but Su keeps her eyes locked on the road.
After a full minute she breaks the silence
" Natsu my sweet prince a lot of women will want to do bad things to you and some will try, so it's my job to protect you but Mommy can't be with you everywhere. That's where Su comes in, her job is to protect you in my place"
Oh I get it
I can only sit here in silence processing what she told me, I know what she says is true as much as I want things to be normal I know it's never going to happen.
I live in a world full of women, where they outnumber men 15 to 1. Hell even in my old world with a almost 1 to 1 gender ratio people were still doing horrible shit to each other God knows what they do here.
If I was someone else I would most likely take advantage of this world to indulge in anything I wanted, to live like a king, sleep with any women I want and never worry about a thing but I am not that kind of man.
I plan to live right by my father and achieve success through My own means and never hurt my loved ones in the same way I was hurt.
By the time I'm done thinking I see we're about a block away from our house.
2 days have past after the car ride home mom never brought up the subject again and I never asked her about it because she knew just as much as me at the moment.
So I waited for her to breach the subject.
Right now it's just Mom and me in the house. Mom just gave Haru 1,500 yen ( 10 USD ) and told her to take Aki to the store to pick up whatever they want. Leaving just me and Mom alone in the house.
As I sit there on the couch waiting for her to start the conversation she tells me
" My Prince I am so proud of you "
As she tells me that she pulls me into herself and gives me a tight hug and a kiss on my forehead
" Miss Yuki and I had a great chat and apparently you're doing so well they're looking into potentially moving you in to a new grade "
Yeah baby that's what I have been waiting for. I can't stop myself from smiling after hearing the news
" I know my Prince I am happy for you but you're going to have to take some tests before they move you up "
Oh so I still have to take some tests. Hell that should be easy as pie
" Ok Mommy "
I look up and smile at her as I say that
" I can't say this enough my little Prince but I am so proud of you "
I sit there enjoying the hug and the words of praise. After a bit I hear the front door open
" MOM we're ba - that's not fair i want a hug too"
After I hear that I feel something crashed into my back and a strong squeeze as two small arms wrap around me.
God why is Aki so freakishly strong
" So what's this all about "
I hear Haru ask
" I had to tell your brother some good news"
After saying that mom also increases the strength of her hug
" What good news?"
I can hear Haru setting the bags they got from the store on the coffee table
" Your brother is potentially going to skip a grade or 2"
I hear a surprising amount of Joy as Haru says
" I know tutoring him would pay off"
Surprisingly I feel more weight come from the hug as Haru joins in the now family hug.
It's the next day and I'm at school.
Early in the day miss Yuki pulled me out of class and handed me off to Amber, where I was brought to a empty classroom and the principal waiting on us. As we enter the classroom the principal speaks to us
" Thanks Amber for getting Natsu from miss Yuki's class"
The principal looks to be an older woman I'd say about late '40s early '50s she has some simple long hair
" Hi Natsu I am principal Ema and I will giving you a exam today "
Principal Ema gives me a big smile before turning around and walking to the desk in the classroom
" The exam will be in four parts one in math, one in science, one in history, and one in Japanese each part will have 200 questions except for the Japanese section that only has 150 but you will have to write an essay. Do you understand that Natsu "
750 questions and an essay, fuck me that's a lot
" Yes principal Ema "
She nods her head
" Good now find a desk to set at so we can start the exam"