The White Devil of Leviathan

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

"Now that this matter is taken care of, it would probably be best for you, Nimura, and Yura to head to class now, Namikaze-kun." Sitri-senpai stated.

""Yes, President."" Both Yura-san and Ruruko replied respectfully to the order.

I felt weird hearing Senpai address me by my last name, but I was happy that she was addressing me slightly less formally in terms of honorifics.

"W-What?" I couldn't help but let out in surprise. "You tell me that me and everyone I know are Devils and then you just say 'head to class'?! What's up with that?!" 

Sitri-senpai adjusted her glasses, the glint of the light reflecting of her glasses seeming somewhat harsh and commanding.

"Just because you have become the servant of Onee-sama doesn't mean you are allowed to neglect your studies." She gave me an intense stare. "Understood?" 

I felt a chill go down my spine. "Y-Yes…" ...I don't know why, but Senpai seemed kind of… SEXY all of a sudden. I don't know why… she just did.


"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!" I whined as I felt a vicious yank on my left cheek. "Ow! It huwts, Wuwuko!" 

My lovely, petite, brown-haired lady was trying to rip my face off, a very jealous and annoyed look mixed with a blush on her face.

"S-Stop looking at President with such eyes when I'm standing right here!" 

I managed an awkward smile while Ruruko was trying to pinch my face off. "Alwight, alwight! Pwease wet go!" 

Ruruko puffed her cheeks, letting go of my face. She turned away from me, somewhat upset.

She's mad at me. Before anything else, I have to fix this.

Got it! Time to pull what I would dub "The Serafall Solution!"

I smirked slightly before I put the plan into action. I changed my expression to a cute, adorable pout.

"Auuuu! Ruru-tan's being mean to meeeee!" I then lunged forward and wrapped my arms around her from behind. "Don't be so mean, Ruru-taaaan!" 

Ruruko tensed up, let out a high-pitched squeak as I hugged her from behind.

"H-Haruto!" She turned to face me, looking at the expression I pulled. She seemed to hesitate slightly but turned away again, her face turning a slight pink. "W-Whatever!" 

I then started nuzzling my face against her back, trying to be as adorable as possible.

"Aw, Ruru-taaaan, don't be like that! I don't like it when my adowable Ruru-tan gets all mad and mean like this!" 

She started trembling and her entire face turned a scarlet red color as she began to succumb to my charm.

Ruruko forced herself out of my arms, placing her hands on her hips.

"S-Stupid, Haruto…" Did it fail? "I-If you're gonna get all upset about it, then I suppose I s-should just forgive you this once!" Ruruko then turned around on her heels and pointed at me, her face literally steaming. "Just don't pull such eyes at someone out of the blue like that again! Remember the rules!" 

SUCCESS! I now know what my new secret weapon to appease Ruruko or any future girl I manage to get into my harem!

I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Hehehe, don't worry. I do." 


Both Ruruko and I turned in the direction of the President who had coughed into her hand to remind us where we were.

I blushed slightly out of embarrassment, quickly releasing Ruruko while Ruruko completely covered her embarrassed face with her hands. We had been wrapped in our own usual comical situation that we had forgotten we were in the presence of a disapproving Sitri-senpai and Yura-san who was crossing her arms and shooting a… weird look at Ruruko. It wasn't a kind one.

"Anyway, if you have anything else you wish to discuss, please feel free to come to the Student Council room at lunch, Namikaze-kun," said Shitori… err… Sitri… erm…

"Well, I have one quick question." I spoke up.

Senpai looked at me. "Yes?" 

"Do I call you Sitri-senpai or Shitori-senpai from now on?" 

Senpai considered this for a second before answering. "During normal school hours, it would be best to refer to me as Shitori-senpai unless only those related to the supernatural are around, in which case you may call me Sitri-senpai." 

I nodded in understanding. "Yes, Senpai." 

Sitri-senpai then looked at all of us. "Now that this matter is resolved, I expect all of you to quickly head to your respective classes. Dismissed." 

""""Yes, President!"""" We all said in disturbingly perfect unison.

We all filed out of the Student Council room and moved into the hallways which had become slightly more full with students since the… however much amount of time I spent with Senpai.

I gave Ruruko a quick peck on the cheek as we said our respective goodbyes before heading to class.

...I wonder if Yuka is already there.

Then I remembered something:

Gremory-senpai had told me to talk to Yuka. I can't forget that.

I made it to my class to see that it was only slightly filled. There was only about two or three other people besides me and—

"Yo, Yuka!" I waved when I saw my blonde-haired friend by the window in the corner of the classroom, staring out blankly into the horizon.

She seemed to snap out of it after I called to her, quickly turning around to face me with what I suspected to be a surprised expression for one second before her expression became a small smile.

...It was fake though. Her smile that is.

It's a sort of sixth sense I have. I am good at sensing the emotions of the girls close to me even when they're trying to keep something secret…

Now I had no doubt I had to have a talk with her.

"Ah! Good morning, Haruto-kun!" She said cheerfully, waving. "H-How are you doing today?" 

I gave her a blank stare. "Well, other than getting stabbed in the chest by a Fallen Angel and finding out that just about all of my friends and the girls closest to me are actually Devils, I'm all good." 

Yuka's eyes widened in surprise. "Y-You know?!" 

...She hadn't been told that I knew I guess.

"That you're a Devil? Yes." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. So far, so good. I haven't ruined our friendship (I'm assuming that's what it is by this point) yet, so I'd say it's going well.

Yuka's expression became sadder, her smile vanishing completely, as she bowed her head.

"I'm… I'm sorry about yesterday…" 

For a moment, I was confused. Then I remembered how abruptly Yuka had left me during our date yesterday.

I shrugged. It was no big deal really.

"...I bet you really hate me now, huh…?" 


I shot Yuka a confused look. "Hm?" 

"...I left yesterday and… and…" I noticed a slight sniffling sound. Yuka was trembling somewhat.

Is she… is she crying?

She raised her face somewhat, but didn't look me in the eyes. Despite this, I could still see the tears flowing from her eyes.

"...I-I thought that… that if I had left, t-then you would've been fine… that the Fallen Angel would've left you…" Yuka was choking on her sobs by this point, causing sudden pauses in her sentence. "I didn't… I didn't know what would happen… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry!" 

"W-Whoa…" I suddenly felt really terrible. This must've been what Gremory-senpai was talking about. "Y-Yuka, it's alright…" 

"It's not alright… I'm sorry…" She lowered her voice, wiping her tears from her eyes. "...again… my fault…" What was she mumbling about?

I stared at Yuka with sad eyes. "Yuka…" Before I could understand what I was trying to do, I reached out and placed a gentle hand on Yuka's head, causing her to look up at me. I managed a soft smile. "Dummy… It's fine now. See? I'm still alive and kicking and I plan to stay that way for a long time now that I've become a Devil as well. So stop crying. You're too cute to be crying like this." 

Yuka swallowed once, finishing wiping her tears from her eyes. "Right…" Once her eyes were dry again. She managed a weak smile. "Sorry… I was really pathetic for a second there… It's just… when I thought about you being hurt… my chest started to hurt like crazy…" 

My soft smile became a wide grin as an amusing thought occurred to me. "Oho! Could it be this is starting to turn into a romantic confession?" I took a dramatic pose, sweeping my arm through the air before gesturing towards Yuka, placing my other hand over my heart. "Oh, Yuka! I never knew you felt such a way!" 

Yuka blushed slightly, but I could tell she was feeling better because I spotted a familiar, teasing smile on her face. She suppressed a giggle with the back of her hand against her mouth.

"As if I would surrender myself so easily." She teased. "Even if I did feel such a way, there's no way I would surrender in such a way to you." She lowered one hand to her torso, gesturing to her breasts. "Besides, if anyone would surrender, it would be you considering I still have my 'secret weapons', the leverage every woman has to make any man submit to their whims." 

I nodded at her point. "I see. I see." I grinned perversely. "Alright then, then how about this? If I manage to make you fall for me, I get to grope both your breasts and your incredibly wondrous posterior whenever I want. If you make me fall for you, then you're free to do with me as you wish, Yuka-sama," I brushed my hair out from in front of my face. "To be abused by my lovely mistress. Oooh the thought makes my body tingle! But is it with apprehension or excitement, I don't understand I—" 

I then realized that not only Yuka, but also the other few students standing in the classroom were staring at me.

They all blinked. I blinked back.

"...I went overboard with the teasing, didn't I?" 

They all nodded in unison.


Yuka smiled at me. "Alright then, I accept your wager, Haruto-kun." 


Our other classmates including me let out a shocked response.

I had only been speaking as a joke to keep Yuka's spirits up, but I never actually expected her to accept! Is she joking?! She has to be joking! Yuka would never do something so random and sudden!

Yuka winked at me. "Even if I'm not quite like Akeno-senpai, don't expect me to be gentle. I plan on taking full advantage." 

Eh? What's that mean? What does she mean about Himejima Akeno-senpai? Come to think of it, she's also a member of the Occult Research Club along with Gremory-senpai and Yuka. And all of them are supposed to be Devils so I assumed that Gremory-senpai was their King while Yuka and Akeno-senpai are her servants.

I matched her smile with a smirk. "Alright then, but expect your bountiful body to be at my mercy and—" The next words I spoke were directed towards our classmates. "I do hope you will all keep the words spoken here a secret. Otherwise, I'm afraid I might accidentally castrate you all in your sleep. Kufufufu!" Lucky for me, the castration threat worked since all of the classmates who've arrived thus far were guys. I added a slight demonic aura for added effect.

They all nodded silently, turning pale while they started sweating rivers.

"Hehehe…" Yuka laughed weakly, backing away slightly. She mumbled something that ended in "...almost just like her…" 

But anyway, Yuka ended up feeling better, returning to her old, awesome, lovable, adorable, slightly perverted self.

That and, if I can make her fall for me before I fall head-over-heels first, I get to grope her glorious, soft, ample bosoms and posterior all I like, hehehehehe…

That, my friends, is what I call a win.

The classroom gradually started to fill up with students as the time until class started started to tick away to the last second…

Yuka and I returned to our seats after a pleasant conversation, agreeing to have lunch later that day.

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