Chapter 8: Chapter 8
Ten minutes later, we were all sitting at a desk, Shitori-senpai, now SITRI-senpai, sat on one side with her usual serious expression while I, now HORRIBLY confused, sat on the other side.
Where was Serafall, you ask?
She sat in my lap with her arms wrapped around me, hugging me and snuggling against me like I was some kind of teddy bear toy (not that I was complaining or anything… she was soft. The part I felt on my lap, her hands, and her face. Everything was just so soft…).
I had my eyes closed pensively. "OK, so let me just go through this again to make sure I didn't miss anything." I sighed. "You and Serafall are both Devils from the Underworld which is actually not a fiery pit of eternal suffering as depicted in the Bible?"
"Well, there is the Lake of Fire," Sera-tan explained. "But that's mostly used as a location for a prison for us to hold some of our worst criminals. But don't get me wrong, the Underworld itself isn't Hell. Hell is kind of like the very, VERY, very terrifying basement of the Underworld. It's not too uncommon for people to mistake the two."
"OK," I didn't open my eyes. "And Issei and I were really killed by Yuuma who is actually a being known as a Fallen Angel, another race depicted in the Bible?"
Sitri-senpai nodded.
"And the cute magical girl, Serafall, here," Sera-tan smiled at my compliment, "saved my life by turning me into a Devil?"
"Yep," Sera-tan chipped in. My eye twitched.
"And now I'm a Devil and now the servant of Serafall Leviathan, chosen because I have this supposed thing called a [Sacred Gear]?"
"That about covers it." Sitri-senpai confirmed.
"Ah," I said, "I see." Inhaling deeply, I opened my eyes.
Then I carefully lifted Sera-tan off my lap and placed her on her feet on the ground while I myself stood.
I shook my head. "Well, while I've enjoyed the Crazy Train up to this point, I think this is where I take my leave." I walked over to the door and waved goodbye to Sera-tan and Sitri-senpai. "Have fun with the whole Devil-thing, good luck with turning more people against the big guy upstairs, and I wish you the best for the apocalypse. Buh-bye."
"Wait!" Sera-tan called out. "You don't believe us?!"
Auuu! The sad expression that appeared on her face made me feel so bad… but I wasn't changing from this position.
I sighed, turning back to them. I rubbed my temples, trying to figure out how to put my thoughts in the nicest way possible.
"It's more like you haven't provided the slightest bit of proof to any of your claims." I explained. "To expect me to easily accept every word you're saying as fact without some kind of evidence is kind of silly, ya know?"
Sera-tan pouted. "Well… how do you explain how I knew about the Fallen Angel killing you?"
I crossed my arms, closing my eyes. "Drug-induced trance where dreams and hallucinations were planted inside of my subconscious."
Sera-tan snapped her fingers as if to say "Darn."
She then started thinking about it again. "Then… how about why you get a sharp pain every time you say the name of the Angels's leader?"
I turned away. "Easy. Just simple migraines."
"How about—"
"Onee-sama," Sitri/Shitori-senpai (I'm not sure what to call her right now) interrupted, "this will continue for longer than we can afford, so perhaps a quicker and more efficient solution is in order. The definite proof of what we are saying." She pulled something out and placed it on the table before her.
It was a photo.
I walked back to get a better look and was shocked.
"It's Yuuma!" I let out due to surprise.
So she WAS real…
I shook my head. "That… that doesn't mean anything. Yuuma could've existed, but that doesn't mean she was really some kind of Fallen Angel."
"That wasn't the only proof I was referring to." Senpai looked towards the door with expectant eyes. "Nimura, Yura. You can stop eavesdropping and enter now."
It sounded as if something heavy had hit the ground outside.
""W-We w-weren't e-eavesdropping! B-But w-we're coming in anyway!""
Ruruko… sometimes you are just THE WORST liar…
The door opened and my brown-haired alpha girl and… Yura-san… I guess… they both walked in. That's the point.
"Was there something you wanted, President?" Yura-san asked.
Senpai nodded, smirking slightly to herself. "I called you in here simply to welcome Namikaze-san… to the world of Devils."
Both of the other girls nodded, as if following some unknown signal.
I was about to voice my disagreement when black wings sprouted out of everyone's backs!
These were unlike Yuuma's wings which were black and feathery. They were more like bat wings than anything. I looked behind me when I felt a strange sensation on my own back. I was shocked to see I, too, had grown a pair of bat wings.
With a straight expression, I calmly walked back over to my chair and sat down, my hands in my lap.
"OK. I got nothing to explain that, and therefore, you must be telling the truth. I believe you."
Sera-tan took a photo of me with a camera she got from G—I mean Heaven knows where.
She shot me a thumbs up. "Haru-tan's first photo as a Devil! The adorable look on your face when you finally came to believe us will be one of my happiest memories!"
I sweatdropped. "Uh… right." Trying to take in everything they've said to me as being true.
Devils, servants, Fallen Angels… it was a LOT to take in. I was still in denial somewhat.
"Oh wow! So you're really a Devil too, Haruto? And the servant of Leviathan-sama?!" Ruruko sounded both happy yet disappointed for a reason… no not disappointed… more like JEALOUS. Said jealousy seemed to be directed towards Sera-tan.
I blinked. "Wait…'Too'?" It was then that I remembered that Ruruko, too, possessed bat-like wings. I leaped backwards, pointing at my alpha girl. "Y-You're a Devil?" She nodded.
I then looked at the blue-haired girl next to her. "You too, Yura?"
Yura-san smiled slightly, nodding as well.
I brushed my hand through my hair, trying to process this. "Geez. Next I bet you'll be saying that YUKA is a Devil…"
The four girls in the room exchanged awkward glances, as if trying to figure out how to explain something.
My eyes widened. "Yuka, too!?" I sighed. "Is EVERYBODY I know a Devil!?"
Sitri-senpai (as I would from on refer to her by) shook her head. "While there are many of those amongst Kuoh Academy who are either Devils or related to the world of the supernatural, the only friends and associates you know who are Devils are only on the Student Council or in the Occult Research Club excluding your friend, Hyoudou Issei, as he was only reincarnated into a Devil as of recently. I can't say whether or not Rias has informed him of his reincarnation yet."
There's one surprise after another! First I learn Issei and I actually died, then I learn we're Devils now, then I learn that most of the people I know are Devils! When does it end?
I mentally prepared myself for further surprises before I dared to continue to speak.
"OK then… so I know I'm a Devil now and that Sera-tan saved my life—" I turned to Sera-tan for a moment. "Thank you for that by the way." Sera-tan nodded, smiling cutely. "But can I ask more questions? I've been curious about some things."
Sitri-senpai nodded calmly. "Yes. If there is a question you're wondering about, then I will be sure to answer it to the best of my abilities."
"OK. First question: Sacred Gears. What are they?" It was something that came to mind when I remembered the last words Yuuma spoke to me and Issei:
"Sorry. You were a threat to us, so we decided to get rid of you early. If you want to hold a grudge, then hate the God who put the Sacred Gear inside you."
Whatever these Sacred Gear things were, they were the reasons that me and Issei had died. I at least had to know what they were.
Sera-tan waved her hand excitedly. "Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! Let me answer it, So-tan!"
Sitri-senpai sighed at her Onee-sama's childishness. Apparently she didn't find it as adorable or endearing as I did.
"Very well, Onee-sama."
Sera-tan did a little "Yay!" pose before she put on a (relatively) serious expression that still exuded a slight air of silly cuteness.
"A Sacred Gear is an irregular power that is bestowed to certain humans. For example, most of the people whose names are recorded in history are said to be possessors of a Sacred Gear. They used the power of their Sacred Gear to record their name in history. Presently, there are people who possess Sacred Gears within their bodies. You know those people who play an important role worldwide? Most of those people possess Sacred Gear."
I let out a slight smirk as an amusing thought came to mind. "So, hypothetically, I could use my Sacred Gear to-say-take over the world or something?"
"If it's strong enough." Sera-tan admitted. "There are different levels of Sacred Gears. There are low-level or non-combat oriented Sacred Gears that are usually used in normal everyday life by certain people, others that are more powerful and have many more uses in the lives of the users." Sera-tan paused as if to build up dramatic effect. "And finally, there's certain Sacred Gears that are much more powerful than the others, being exceptional enough that they are a threat to us, the Devils, Angels, and Fallen Angels."
So… Sacred Gears are like weapons. Yuuma killed both Issei and I because our Sacred Gears were on the level of danger towards supernatural races that proved a genuine threat to the Fallen Angels.
"Any idea what my or Issei's Sacred Gears are? Why were they enough of a threat that we had to be killed?" I winced again, remembering the feeling of Yuuma's spear of light passing through my chest.
Sitri-senpai shook her head. "No. That is one of the things we do not know as of yet, but considering Onee-sama was drawn to you as she was, yours must be a formidable one. While the Sacred Gears you both possess are unknown as of now, we will delve more into that matter later. Do you have any other questions?"
"Yeah," I said. "By all rights, I should be dead along with Issei." I turned to Sera-tan. "You said you brought me back as your servant, and everyone keeps saying something about 'reincarnation'. How did you turn me into a Devil?"
"Through the use of Evil Pieces." Sitri-senpai explained. "They are tools used by Devils to reincarnate other beings into Devils."
"Evil Pieces?" I asked.
"Yes. It would take a while to go into the details, so for now I'll just explain the basics of the Evil Pieces. Are you familiar with a game called Chess?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Naruko, my older sister, taught me how to play the game when I was little. It's kind of similar to Shogi. Back when I was little and it was raining outside with nothing to do, Naru-nee would bring out this old chessboard and we'd play until the rain went away. She taught me all about it." I then realized I was off-track with my reminiscing. I shook my head. "Anyway, there are six different types of pieces. There's the King who's like the big boss. If your King got taken out, you lost the game, so the most important goal is to protect the King at all costs to keep him safe. The other pieces involved in the game are Queen, Knight, Bishop, Rook, and Pawn. Each piece has its own worth, each one possessing a different trait."
Sitri-senpai hid her pleased expression to my knowledge while Sera-tan let her emotions be read like an open book.
"That's good," Sitri-senpai stated. "That saves a lot of explaining. High-class Devils each possess their own Evil Piece set matching the number of pieces one side would possess on a chessboard. Like Chess, each Evil Piece is different and grants different strength to the person it is used to reincarnate into a Devil. The Rook gains superhuman strength and defense, their weakness usually being a lack of speed. There's also the Knight who gains enhanced speed and mobility. However, their major weakness is their legs. If one were to take out their legs, the Knight themselves would be easy to take out. Those who are a Bishop gain enhanced magical abilities and can cast a multitude of spells. And, of course, there's Pawns which have the ability to promote to any piece other than King. Finally, there is the Queen piece. The Queen could be considered one of the most powerful and well-balanced pieces, possessing all of the characteristics of all of the other pieces. Devils who own these pieces are able to reincarnate those who are deceased or those even of other races into their servant Devils."
I crossed my arms, taking all of this knowledge to heart. If I had been reincarnated into a Devil, then that meant I was one of these pieces. Honestly, barring Bishop (since I don't know jack about magic), I would probably excel as any of them.
"So which piece am I?" I asked, curious.
Sitri-senpai smiled, amused. "Well, from what Onee-sama told me, the piece she used to resurrect you was—"
There was a knock at the door shortly before it opened again, every head in the room turning to see a busty girl with crimson-colored hair.
One of the Two Great Onee-samas, Rias Gremory.
I jammed one thumb over my shoulder while I looked at Sitri-senpai. "She's a Devil too?"
My violet-eyed senpai nodded. Ah. Good to know.
Well, she DID say that the Occult Research Club was made up of Devils, so it made sense that Gremory-senpai was also a Devil.
Sera-tan waved excitedly. "Oh, heeeeeey, Rias-chan!"
Gremory-senpai seemed somewhat uneasy at suddenly being addressed by Sera-tan. She bowed her head in respect.
"A-Ah, Leviathan-sama. I've come here to deliver an informal message from Onii-sama." She explained. She then paused when she noted my presence. "Ah, you must be the Namikaze-kun that Issei-kun was worried about earlier. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Then a thought occurred to me. "Hey, what about Issei? Is he okay? I mean… ya know?"
Gremory-senpai smiled softly. "Do not worry. I wouldn't allow my new, adorable servant to die after all of my efforts used to save him. He'll be fine. He remembers what happened, but I'm going to let him adjust to the changes his body underwent when he became a Devil. I'll explain everything to him later."
"Good to know. Thank you."
Gremory-senpai then turned back to Sera-tan. "As for my message, Onii-sama told me that you had been gone for far longer than you had initially been allowed. Your work is starting to pile up, Leviathan-sama. He said it would be best if you returned soon."
Sera-tan puffed up her cheeks adorably, but she didn't complain oddly enough.
"Mmmm… Yeah, I know. I wanted to spend much more time with Haru-tan, but it looks like that's not gonna happen…" She sounded genuinely disappointed at the thought of not being able to be near me and that made me happy in a way.
How much time had she spent away from her work that Gremory-senpai's Onii-sama (whom I guess is a co-worker of Sera-tan or something) had to advise her to return soon?
She then turned to Sitri-senpai. "So-tan, I'm gonna have to return to the Underworld for a lil' while, so can I count on you to keep an eye on Haru-tan? Maybe teach him more about Devils and the Do's and Don'ts of being one?" Sera-tan then clasped her hands together, putting on an adorable, puppy dog look. "Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase? He's my cutest, most adorablest, huggable servant and he means a lot to me! Please do it, for me?"
I felt my heart skip a beat. Sera-tan was so cute!
Sitri-senpai seemed uncomfortable, but nodded. "O-Of course. If you are the one asking, I will do it, Onee-sama."
"Yaaaaay! Threeway group hug with Haru-tan and my super amazing So-tan who is the bestest sister in the entire universe!"
I was immediately dragged by the arm by Sera-tan and pulled over where I was once again pulled into another tight hug with Sera-tan and Sitri-senpai, once again feeling soft boobs on both sides.
I avoided eye-contact with Sitri-senpai due to the awkwardness I felt.
"Erm… once again, I apologize…" I felt my face turning a deep shade of red again.
Sitri-senpai avoided my gaze as well, a slight pink appearing on her face. "No… with Onee-sama, such a thing is to be expected. Nothing to apologize about."
"...Fufu…" I blinked, turning to the other three occupants of the room.
Ruruko was biting down on her knuckles with a rather angry expression on her face, clearly trying to resist the urge to say something particularly nasty.
Yura-san was looking away, her fists clenched tightly.
Gremory-senpai, however, looked on at the scene with a clearly amused expression on her face, her hand covering her mouth to hide what was, no matter how you looked at it, a small smile.
She was clearly the one who let out that amused giggle. What she was so amused about, I wasn't quite sure.
...The hug Sera-tan gave me and Sitri-senpai seemed to go on forever. At least ten or twenty minutes…
"Sera-tan…" I started.
"Don't you have to get to work?"
"Hold on! Not done!" Sera-tan complained. She hugged me and Senpai just a bit more tightly for several more seconds… then another five minutes… and theeeeen she was done.
She released both Sitri-senpai and I, taking a few steps away towards an empty space on the floor.
Then she started drawing something on the floor… a magic circle, I think it was. That's what it looked like.
As a bright light began to emanate from the circle, Sera-tan shot me another wink—SERIOUSLY! WHERE DOES THOSE FLOATING CARTOON—LIKE HEARTS KEEP COMING FROM!?
She turned to both Sitri-senpai and Gremory-senpai, an expectant expression on her face.
"Please take care of Haru-tan, So-tan! I'll also be counting on you too, Rias-chan!"
Gremory-senpai bowed respectfully. "As you wish, Leviathan-sama."
"Then here I go!" Sera-tan then struck a cute pose one would expect of a magical girl. "Don't worry, Haru-tan! I'll definitely keep my promise to spoil you lots and lots when I get back reeeaaaal soon, 'kay!? Buh-bye!"
I nodded, still uncertain what she meant by "spoiling" me (while I now had a better feeling about it).
"Alright, I guess I'll see you when you get back, Sera-tan." I waved goodbye as Sera-tan was enveloped by the powerful light of the magic circle, having vanished by the time the light faded again.
Then there were just five of us: Me, Sitri-senpai, Gremory-senpai, Ruruko, and Yura-san.
Gremory-senpai shot me a confused look. "You call Leviathan-sama 'Sera-tan'?"
I frowned. "Yeeeeaaaah…? She said I could. Why?"
Gremory-senpai shook her head. "No. Nothing. I suppose it shouldn't be surprising if Leviathan-sama let her servants act informally with her."
"There you go again," I pointed out. "Why does everyone keep calling Sera-tan "Leviathan-sama"? I understand that that's her last name, bu—Hold on… Leviathan… that name… sounds familiar…" I rubbed my chin as I tried to place why that name sounded familiar… I didn't think much of it until this point, but now I realized that there was something about the name "Leviathan"... something important… It was something Sera-tan told me earlier. Something I'm forgetting… it was an important name, I'm sure, but I couldn't remember why…
Oh well.
I shrugged. "Oh well." Why I said it both in my thoughts and aloud, I don't know.
On that note, Gremory-senpai turned to leave. "Now that I've delivered the message I was supposed to, I have to head to classes now." As Gremory-senpai headed towards the door, she stopped, as if suddenly remembering something. She then turned back to face me. "Ah yes. Namikaze-kun—no. May I call you Haruto-kun?"
I waved it off. "Just Haruto's fine. I'm not one for formalities usually. If you're one of these High-Class Devils like Sera-tan and Sitri-senpai or whatever, then I don't mind you being informal with me."
Gremory-senpai nodded. "Very well then, Haruto. I just wanted to ask you to speak to Yuka next time you see her. She's been terribly worried about you. She was frantic when I told her that Issei and his friend (meaning you) were attacked by the Fallen Angel, feeling guilty for having had to leave to report back to me. I would appreciate it if you could talk to her."
Oh yeah. Yuka… I hadn't been sure what to say to her up to this point, but I guess I could wing it.
"No problem, Senpai."
The crimson-haired girl smiled appreciatively.
"Thank you. Now then, let me officially welcome you once more to the world… as a Devil."
With those words, Gremory-senpai left us…
Then it finally sunk in…
I died…
I was reborn…
I had become… a Devil.