Chapter 7: Chapter 7
"OH MY GOD, I'M DEAD!" I shot upright, my eyes wide open. "GAK!" I clutched the sides of my head as a sudden, sharp pain ripped through my skull. "Wha—?"
It took me a few seconds to realize I was in a bedroom… Wait…
This was the guest room I usually slept in when I slept over at Issei's house!
...How'd I get here?
I noted that my heart was still beating so fast and hard enough that it felt like it could burst out of my chest at any second.
WAIT! My chest!
I quickly started feeling all around my torso, remembering the pain I experienced as a spear of light tore through it. I blinked several times, realizing I felt no mark upon my clearly healthy body. No holes, bleeding or otherwise. If anything, that was more unsettling.
Yuuma… being stabbed through the chest… was it all a dream…?
If so… there's still one question that remains unanswered…
It was something I only noticed after I felt a cold breeze…
Not naked as in I was wearing nothing but underwear. I mean NAKED naked. I wasn't even wearing underwear for some reason! There was no way I would come home tired enough to somehow accidentally take off all of my clothes and go to bed and I CERTAINLY don't sleep in the buff…
I crossed my arms, closing my eyes as I tried to recollect everything I did yesterday.
Let's see… I remember… going on my date with Yuka… we… we had a lot of fun… but then she left, acting weird after seeing Yuuma…
Nope. No matter how many times I played yesterday through my mind, I always only remembered it ending with being stabbed through the chest…
"But… that had to be a dream… right…?" I scratched my head, sighing. "Dammit… just what the hell happened…?"
"Unn… mmm…" I heard the sound of a sweet sounding voice next to me. I froze before turning slowly to my right to see what caused the noise.
Laying next to me on her stomach was a cute girl with beautiful, long, black hair…
A NAKED, cute girl with beautiful, long, black hair…
Naked… like I am… me with no memories…
...Hehe… this is all just a dream… just some crazy dream that just happened to cover most of what I did yesterday… T-There's no way I would take some random girl into my bed… I don't do drugs and… I… I have rules, dammit… I-I'm a TRUE harem king… I wouldn't do something so random… hehe…
I breathed in, then out. "OK, Haruto. This is all just some crazy dream. You're gonna slap yourself and wake up, realizing you don't have some strange girl in your bed."
I slapped myself across the face and back-handed myself just to make sure.
My stinging face told me I was indeed awake…Ow…
So I'm not dreaming… so who the hell's this girl?!
I swallowed, my face turning a slight pink as I placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, gently rolling her over with shaking hands so I could see her entire face.
I felt blood dripping from my nose as I was given full sight of her entire naked body… all of the private parts… the most private parts… her boobs… so vulnerable right now…
I slapped myself across the face again.
BAD Haruto! You know the rules! No groping girls you don't know and no groping girls you don't have a clear romantic interest in! This girl is both! Bad! Bad Haruto!
I covered my face with both hands and let out a muffled scream of frustration.
It was so tempting! It was different from when I was tempted to do ecchi things with Ruruko or Yuka! This was an ABSOLUTELY NAKED GIRL! ASLEEP!—But! I'm not like that!
I inhaled and exhaled several times, trying to calm myself. I wiped the blood from my nose and tried to think.
"OK, Haruto… keep calm." I said to myself. "For all you know, NOTHING happened. Maybe you both just happened to sleep in the same bed… together… naked…"
I was in deep denial. VERY deep denial… The only way to know what the hell happened would be to ask the girl…
Come to think of it, she kind of looked familiar, but I could place the face to a name…
As gently as I could, I shook the girl.
"Um… time to get up, miss…?" I kept shaking her. "...Hello…?"
"...Nnnnnn…" She whined, rolling over, facing away from me.
I blinked. "Hellooooo?" I started shaking her again, a bit more roughly. "Time to get up."
"NNNNnnnnnn!" The girl once again ignored me and yanked the blankets over her head.
My eye twitched. She was cute yet annoying at the same time.
"Hey now! Time to get out of bed and give me some answers!" I said a bit more forcefully.
"Don't wannaaaa…" She whined.
HA! So she IS awake! I pulled away the part of the blanket covering her face and started shaking her even more forcefully now that I knew she was awake.
"Come ooooon! Get up!"
"Nooooooooo," she whined like a baby, smacking my hands away. "I don't wanna get uuuuup!"
I considered just lifting her up and shaking her like a rag doll, but then I thought, "Maybe I'm going about this the wrong way…"
I sighed, taking a deep breath. "...PLEEEEAAASE get up? Please?"
There was another groan of annoyance yet approval at the same time, but the girl finally sat up slowly, rubbing her eyes as the blanket she had been covered in fell down around her, once again exposing her wonderful boobs.
I once again felt blood flowing freely from my nose.
The girl stretched her arms, yawning in a very cute way before opening her eyes finally, staring directly into my own eyes.
Her eyes were violet… violet…
I quickly plugged my bleeding nose with tissues before I blinked, frowning.
"Have… Have we met before? You look familiar."
The girl smiled brightly. "Yep! It's good to see you again!" Then she pouted. "Wait! We met only a few days ago and you've already forgotten me!?" She whined, a somewhat cute, hurt expression on her face. "You're mean!"
I sweatdropped, wondering what this girl was talking about. "Er… I'm sorry?" Then a thought occurred to me. "So… who are you?"
The girl pouted, closing her eyes with an annoyed expression on her face.. Geez, no matter what expression this girl wore, she was incredibly cute.
...wait a minute…
Before the girl could react, I reached out and grabbed all of the hair running down her back in both of my hands (refraining from yanking it so I didn't hurt the girl), raising my hands up so it looked as if the two girls had twin ponytails.
My eyes widened, my shock causing me to release her hair. "You're that cosplaying Magical Girl from before!"
An elated expression crossed the girl's face, her excitement causing her to grasp both of my hands on her own.
"Ah! So you DO remember me!" She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a hug.
It felt like the blood building up behind the tissue plugging my nose was about to explode like a geyser.
It… It was far more extreme than the previous hug this girl gave me. I… I could feel her incredibly soft skin pressing against mine, the softness of her breasts…
"OK!" I squeaked out, my self-control weakening more and more the longer we held this position.
I coughed several times, trying to clear my throat and get my voice back down to its normal pitch.
"C-Can you answer a few questions and do something for me?"
"Sure! No problem!" She answered in a rather upbeat and natural tone despite the fact we were both naked and she and I were naked.
I swallowed. "First off…" I sighed. "...please put some clothes on… for the love of G—MMPH!"
The girl, with surprising reflexes, lunged forward and clamped her hand over my mouth, an alarmed expression on her face.
"Sorry, but I doubt you'll like it if you say 'that guy's' name." The girl warned.
I raised an eyebrow, grabbing her hand and removing it from my mouth.
"What? You mean "God"—GAK!" I fell backward, clutching my head as an incredibly sharp pain ripped through my skull again, as if someone was driving a huge nail through the center of my brain.
"I warned you." The girl noted in a flat tone…almost sadness or pity in her voice.
I rubbed my temples, trying to calm my aches as I also tried remembering what I was saying.
I blinked a few times as I sat up before I opened my mouth to try talking again.
"First off… OW!" It was the first and most obvious thing on my mind. "Second… damn… what was I asking before…?" That sharp pain kind of messed up my train of thought. I shook my head. "Whatever. I still have a few questions I want to ask you!"
"Like I said before! Ask away!"
"A-Anyway, I'm gonna just come out with it! Why are we naked? How did we get here—more importantly, how did YOU get in here? What's going on? And who are you?" Wait. "…Please answer that last one first." I added after a short pause.
"Right! Introductions first!" The beautiful girl gave me a peace sign. "The name's Serafall Leviathan and I'm one of fourth-Satan! I'm also a Devil!" To make the gesture even cuter, Serafall winked at me. "But you can just call me Sera-tan! I prefer most people to call me Levia-tan, but my most adorable servant can call me Sera-tan!"
OK…I got one answer, but now I have SOOO many more questions.
Leviathan? Satan? DEVIL!? And why does my head hurt every time I say "God"—GAK!
WHAT?! I can't think about it either?! What the fuck is going oooon!?
"My name's Haruto. Namikaze Haruto." I replied, introducing myself as well. "OK then, Serafall—"
Serafall-san held up one finger to make me pause. "—'Sera-tan'." She corrected with a somewhat serious expression (by her standards anyway).
"SERA-TAN," I started again, getting a cute, approving smile from SERA-TAN,
"Good boy!" She patted me on the head, leaving me feeling embarrassed yet oddly happy.
Then I realized what was going on. I felt my face heat up red. "I-I'm not a dog!" I let out in embarrassment, smacking her hand away. "Now… JUST WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!?"
Sera-tan covered her ears due to the sheer volume of my voice. I COULD have said that a bit more quietly, but I was not really getting enough answers to match my questions.
She waved one hand to silence me. "First off, loud! Very loud!" After a few seconds, she nodded. "Yes, I guess it would be normal to be all disoriented considering you got killed dead yesterday!"
I wasn't sure what to be more bothered by. The fact she just said I got KILLED yesterday or the fact she said it as "you got killed dead". Who says it like that?
"Hahaha…" I let out a small and awkward chuckle. "I'm sorry. But could you repeat that? I think I misheard you."
"Oh!" Sera-tan noted. "You didn't make a mistake. You really DID die yesterday, Haru-tan. I'm sure you would know that NOBODY can survive a huge spear to the chest."
I swallowed, subconsciously feeling my chest, remembering the feeling of Yuuma stabbing me through the…I don't know. I didn't really focus on what organ was pierced because I was a little too busy BLEEDING OUT!
Then a thought just occurred to me.
...Did she just call me "Haru-tan"?
"Yes. You and your friend got killed by the Fallen Angel." Sera-tan repeated, but then she started smiling. "But it's all okay since I brought you back as my servant Devil!"
There she goes again! What's all this "Devil" nonsense?
No—More importantly—!
"How's Issei?!" I'd completely forgotten about my best friend throughout all of this exchange! If Sera-tan was serious and we were both killed by Yuuma, then—
"He's okay too." Sera-tan assured me with that cute smile.
Damn! It was hard to think of the situation as serious when she smiles like that!
"What do you mean 'he's okay too'?" My head really was a mess. Nothing Sera-tan's saying makes any sense. So she's saying Issei and I got killed by a "Fallen Angel" and she somehow saved us…? No part of that makes sense.
Sera-tan waved off my concerns. "I mean, don't worry! Rias-chan turned him into her servant like I did for you!"
Rias-chan… Like… Rias Gremory?! The person Yuka calls "President"?!
"There goes that word again, 'servant'!" I pointed out, somewhat tired by not getting a REAL explanation. "Are you and Rias-senpai in league with Yuuma in some kind of crazy S&M ring?"
Sera-tan tapped her chin pensively. "Well, I'm not into that kind of thing personally, but to explain the full situation would take too much time. I'll just let my bestest little Sona-chan explain when we get to your school! All you need to know for right now is that you and your friend are both alive, your friend being in the next room with Rias-chan!" She winked cutely again.
There goes that floating cartoon heart again! Where do those keep coming from?!
I blinked. "Sona…? You mean…like Shitori Souna? Shitori-senpai?!" Sera-tan nodded.
"Yeah, but her real name is Sona Sitri, heiress of the Sitri clan! My precious So-tan!"
I didn't even know that senpai HAD a sister… or that she called Senpai "So-tan"... I'll keep that on file. Maybe I can use that information to tease Senpai into wearing something other than that strict expression on her face… Gufufufufu…
Wait… SERAFALL is the older one?
I mentally compared the two… the shorter, more childish magical girl cosplayer before me… and then there's Shitori—or rather—Sitri-senpai (whatever her name is. I'm still not following this), the seriously strict Student Council President who most likely lacks any kind of sense of humor…
I shook my head at the thought.
No. No matter how you look at it, Serafall has to be the younger one.
I opened my mouth to say something else, but Sera-tan reached out and pinched my lips together, keeping me from being able to speak properly.
Sera-tan gave an adorable scolding look, like a child pouting at an adult when they forgot something they wanted.
"Like I said, your questions will have to wait for Sona-chan to answer them!" Then her previous smile returned. "So let's get dressed right now!"
I felt my face flush once again at the fact both she and I were stark naked.
Damn! It's one thing for me to be flirtatious with a girl, but to be in a room with one with both of us nude was quite another!
I quickly got out of my bed and grabbed some clothes from the closet (like I said, I slept over here sometimes. This room became a second bedroom for me so of course I would keep some clothes in here). I then started getting dressed, turning away from Sera-tan to at least give her SOME semblance of privacy while she got dressed. Why? I don't know. As of now, there's no part of her I haven't seen…
Maybe it was more for my sake so I didn't end up killing myself via blood loss due to nosebleeds caused by Sera-tan's naked body… Her soft… naked… body…
Yeah. That image will definitely be saved to my brain…
I kept my back turned to Sera-tan after I finished dressing as she kept dressing herself.
After several minutes—
"You can turn around now, Haru-tan!" There she goes again, calling me "Haru-tan"... it's not necessarily BAD, but it still feels weird for a complete stranger to call me by that so affectionately.
I swallowed before turning around hesitantly…
I turned around slowly… to see Sera-tan once again dressed as a beautiful magical girl.
Wow… Just wow… I mean… I didn't really get a good look at her before when we first met, but… in her cute outfit, she looks so… wow… She's a magical girl and she looks so amazing at the same time! She even had the cute staff too!
Shit! I'm blushing again!
I looked down, trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Awww! Haru-tan's shy blushing is so cuuuute!" Sera-tan said. "Come! Give your most amazing King a hug!"
I was surprised by this girl's speed when she suddenly tackled me backward onto the ground, almost crushing my spine and rib cage in her powerful bear hug. It was only made confusing by the fact that her breasts were firmly pressed against my own chest, making it hard to tell whether the hug was AWESOME!
"Sera-tan…" I squeaked out. "...not that I don't appreciate the awesome feel of your boobs, but how am I going to explain a hot magical girl appearing in my room over here…?"
Sera-tan then released me and thought about my question.
No matter how you look at it, it would be easy for me to explain away my sudden presence with an excuse like I came here late with Issei, but Sera-tan's a different story. I couldn't say she's my girlfriend because—as far as Mrs. and Mr. Hyoudou know—Ruruko is my girlfriend. I can't say she's just a friend because we slept in the same bed together! If I just say she's a complete stranger who I just met, then it will lead to a whole lot of embarrassing and difficult-to-explain misunderstandings!
"Ooh! Ooh! Haru-tan! Over here! I have an idea!" I turned to Sera-tan who was jumping up and down, waving her hands excitedly like a teacher-pet kind of student who knew the answer to a question and wanted to show off.
She was bouncing upward, brimming with energy…
It was cute… If Ruruko did stuff like this, I would probably die from the cuteness… FOCUS, Haruto!
"OK, Sera-tan," I said, realizing I had nothing else, "What's your idea?"
Sera-tan smiled brightly. "You'll see in just a second!"
She then turned around and moved over to the open window… then she jumped.
Ah yes, because the best of plans always start with jumping out a windoooooooo—oh crap.
We're on the second floor… aren't we?
"Serafall!" I quickly rushed over to the window to peer at the ground below to see how badly Sera-tan was injured, but was surprised to see there was no magical girl with broken limbs. Instead, I found the strange girl who I woke up in bed waving to me excitedly from the street in front of the house.
Wow, she's agile. Maybe she's some kind of acrobat or something… it would be a possible explanation with how she got into my room if she went through my window… but then… how did I get in?
Nope. Still lost.
Then I heard screaming from the hallway outside my door. It was Mrs. Hyoudou!
I burst out the door to see Mrs. Hyoudou passing by, her hands covering her eyes and a flustered look on her face.
"What's wrong, Ma?" The mother of my brother-like best friend seemed surprised by my appearance, but seemed to quickly adapt. No doubt she already thought up some kind of explanation like Issei let me in last night to sleep over.
Mrs. Hyoudou seemed to be having trouble speaking words, but she eventually managed to remember how to talk.
"Seeeeeeee-sexxxxxxxxxx! Issei did—! With a foreigner—!" She then rushed downstairs.
Ah. I guess Issei got the same morning I've had thus far. Only difference: He was slower to react.
Ha! Once again, I beat that ero-idiot at something…Hehehe.
I could hear Mrs. Hyoudou freaking out downstairs from the hallway. She was really getting worked up about this, wasn't she?
I made my way downstairs since I had nothing else to do really.
Mrs. and Mr. Hyoudou went back and forth on the topic—
The doorbell rang.
"Who could that be?" I asked as if I didn't already have a fairly good idea. I was about to go answer the door, but Mrs. Hyoudou was much faster than I was.
Still flustered, she opened the door to reveal a cute magical cosplayer in front of her.
"Hiya! Is Haru-tan here?"
Mrs. Hyoudou blinked, confused by Sera-tan's greeting. "Umm…"
I sighed. At least call me by my name when you appear so suddenly before her, Serafall…
"She means me, Ma." I spoke up, moving towards the front door.
Mrs. Hyoudou, surprised, looked at me and then Serafall. Then me. Then Serafall.
"Um… Haruto-kun… who is this girl?" Mrs. Hyoudou finally asked.
"..." I stared. I had no idea how to answer that. I just stared blankly at her. I tried opening my mouth several times to try saying something, but closed it quickly afterward.
Things got awkward real quick.
I turned to the girl dressed like a magical girl. "Serafall, you wanna try saying something here?"
"I'm Haru-tan's girlfriend—!" Sera-tan said with an odd, sparkly background behind her.
I face-palmed.
Mrs. Hyoudou frowned. "...I thought you said that Nimura-san was your girlfriend, Haruto-kun?"
She was giving me a strong look of disapproval that made me feel all bad inside. Even though Ruruko is a willing member of my harem, Mrs. Hyoudou's look made me feel bad as if I HAD cheated on Ruruko as she thought and had clearly implied. Unlike with Issei, I still felt powerless before Mrs. Hyoudou's disapproving looks.
I swallowed. "Don't take Serafall's jokes seriously. She's barely an acquaintance of mine. I don't know her." It was the truth. This girl's lies will probably only make the situation worse so I might as well try sticking to the truth as much as possible.
Sera-tan pouted. "You're mean, Haru-tan! I even made you my adorable servant! After we shared the same bed and held each other so passionately!" Sera-tan hugged herself and seemed to be bouncing about, her boobs swinging and clearly not restrained by any kind of bra… she was not wearing any kind of bra or she wore one that did not fit her.
I felt my face flush a deep shade of red at how misleading Sera-tan's words were while they were technically true.
"Haruto-kun…" Mrs. Hyoudou started. "...Just what does this girl mean by this…? What does she mean that you're her 'servant'?" That's what I'd like to know!
Aaaaaah! I feel her disapproving look again! It buuuuuuurns!
I started sweating, panicking due to how quickly this situation was spiraling out of control.
Quick, Haruto! Improvise!
"U-Um! I-It's a… a… a game we've created, hahahaha!" I ended up laughing.
"'Game'?" Mrs. Hyoudou questioned, clearly suspicious.
I quickly ran over to Sera-tan and wrapped my arm around her shoulder, holding her in a sort-of half hug.
"T-That's right! It's the—uh… the… uh—The 'Master-Servant Game'!" It was the perfect name for this fake game! "Y-Yeah! Serafall is a friend from school and it's an ongoing game we have going, yeah! She's my "master" and I'm her "servant", her being able to give me orders like carrying her stuff around and stuff like that as a sort of joke, hehehehe!" I grinned nervously, still sweating bullets. "Ain't that right, Sera-tan?"
Sera-tan paused, thinking. Then she smiled, nodding. "Yep! Haru-tan is my most adorable servant!"
Oh thank G-goodness! For a second, I thought she was going to hold that thing about me not knowing her against me even though it's technically true.
Mrs. Hyoudou considered this. "A game…?"
She sounded like she was starting to be convinced.
I felt myself able to breathe normally now.
"Wait, I thought you said you barely knew Serafall-san…" she pointed out.
I stared at her.
Shit. I didn't think she'd pick up on that.
Mrs. Hyoudou's suspicious look returned once more, her eyes boring into my very being.
Damn! Damn! Haruto! Improvise again!
It was my luck that I observed Issei walking down the stairs at that moment with an only SLIGHTLY familiar crimson-haired girl (whom I assumed to be the "Rias" mentioned by Yuka and Serafall).
I quickly pointed over Mrs. Hyoudou's shoulder. "Hey, is that Issei doing ecchi things with some red-haired girl!?"
Mrs. Hyoudou's eyes lit up with surprises and the anger that she suddenly remembered. She turned around, shooting Issei with a VERY disapproving look.
Rias-senpai also looked surprised when she took notice of Sera-tan who merely waved in greeting.
"Dammit! Not again, Issei!"
With Mrs. Hyoudou distracted for the moment, I grabbed Sera-tan and did the only natural thing:
"RUN!" I threw Sera-tan over my shoulder and burst out the door, Sera-tan kind of killed the moment a little by screaming "Wheeeeeeeeeee!" joyfully as if she were riding some kind of exciting amusement park ride.
Well, I DID seem to be moving just as fast as one…
Until a huge wave of fatigue overcame me about a block away from the house, causing me to drop Serafall and fall face-first onto the ground.
Gah! Why do I suddenly feel so tired all of a sudden…?
Why is the sun making me feel so weak…?
Why do I feel like extinguishing that horrible, horrible sun?! Go away, sun!
I couldn't help but groan. "Why—?"
"—do you suddenly hate the sun so much?" Sera-tan finished my question preemptively. She was back on her feet and surprisingly not bitter about the fact I dropped her. Jeez, what's with me today? First I got so flustered when I woke up and now I can't even keep up my usual energy…
She walked over to me and held out a hand to help me up. I gratefully took it and she helped me back to my feet, me stumbling first before I regained my balance.
"It's because you're still a newborn." Eh? "Like I said, everything will be explained by Sona-chan, but to sum it up: You'll get used to it. Your body just has to build up an immunity to it. It will take a couple days at least."
Ah. Good to hear that this condition, whatever it is, is only temporary.
"Don't worry! I'll support you all the way!" Sera-tan then clung to my arm, squeezing it in-between her large boobs. With her other hand, she pointed forward. "To Kuoh Academy!"
I shot Sera-tan with a tired look. "It's early. I doubt some people have even woken up yet. You really expect me to go to school early when I can go home and get my school sup—"
My cell phone. I flipped it open and picked up the call.
I flipped the phone closed and looked at Sera-tan who was still smiling brightly.
"What are you waiting for? Let's get going to school!" I managed a weak smile.
I picked up the phone again. "Hello?"
"BITCH, did you just hang up on me?!"
I felt a faint smirk appear on my face. "Yes. In fact, it was so fun, I think I'll do it again—WAPAH!" I flipped the phone closed, ending the call once more.
I sighed. This won't be the end of it. I just know it.
"Heehee! You're funny, Haru-tan!" Sera-tan seemed amused by my small exchange with my Onee-sama.
"YOU are the funny one, Serafall." I poked her in the forehead lightly, a small smile appearing on my face.
No matter what I do, I can't stay angry, suspicious, or uneasy around this girl. She was just lighthearted that she destroyed any serious atmosphere. Whether that's a good or bad thing remains to be seen.
"Aw! You're so nice, Haru-tan!" Sera-tan complimented me, tightening her arms around mine, causing me to blush slightly as my arm was held tighter in-between her breasts. Then she pouted. "Even if you were mean to me back when you said you barely knew me."
I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "Well… it's technically true. We've only met two times and this is the first time we've had a discussion longer than a few minutes. We don't really know one another. All I know is what you've told me that I was somehow killed and that you brought me back as your servant. I still don't even understand THAT."
Sera-tan considered this, a cute thinking expression appearing on her face. Apparently just about every expression looked kind of adorably silly or child-like on her face.
Yet again, she was smiling. Apparently smiling was her favorite of her expressions… I know it was mine.
"OK then! After Sona-chan's finished filling you in on all you need to know, I'll definitely be sure to spoil my adorable servant lots and lots!" Sera-tan proclaimed cheerfully. "We'll definitely spend lots of time together!"
...What does she mean she intends to "spoil" me?
"Oh look! We're here!" Sera-tan pointed in front of us, causing me to finally notice that we had finally arrived at the school gates.
I looked around, noting that the number of people around was rather scarce. It was kind of expected since it was early and people were just now starting to arrive…
"This is good. Now, if we can just get to the Student Council room without being detected, I—"
I was interrupted as a sudden, powerful kick made contact with the right side of my face, knocking me away from Sera-tan's grasp and sending me flying several feet away.
"Hands off my man! Take that, you damn succu—" The voice of Ruruko (for who else could kick that hard?) started, the girl herself appearing in front of the gate. She then realized it was me who was rubbing my bruised cheek. "Oh hell! Sorry, Haruto-senpai! I was aiming for that big-busted, cosplaying bimbo next to you!"
I sweatdropped as I managed to push myself back up to my feet. "Erm…why?"
Ruruko puffed up her cheeks out of annoyance. "Cos it's not fair!" She jammed her finger in my direction. "You promised you would only recruit girls you knew and shared a mutual current romantic relationship with!"
I coughed into my fist. "W-Well, it's not really like that. She's not—"
Sera-tan appeared by my side, a cute, worried expression on her face. "Are you okay, Haru-tan?"
She once again wrapped her arms around my arm and once again squeezed it between her wonderful, wonderful boobs.
"Auuuu! Who is that girl anyway?! And why is she calling you 'Haru-tan'?!" Ruruko demanded, tears forming in the corners of her eyes mixed with the envious expression on her face.
I rubbed the back of my neck, sighing. "Those are answers I'd like to know myself. All I know is that she's kind of weird, talking about stuff like Fallen Angels, saying I was actually killed yesterday, and that she made me her servant or something. The only thing I COULD be sure of is that her name is Serafall Leviathan as she says."
"Yeah, well—!" Ruruko froze as she processed what I said. All of the color gradually drained from her face, turning a ghostly pale shade. "W…W-What did you say her name was…?" I couldn't help but notice that the pitch of Ruruko's voice rose several pitches, becoming high and rather squeaky.
I raised an eyebrow, realizing that Ruruko was acting kind of weird. "...You okay?"
"I believe she's fine, Haruto-san." I looked behind Ruruko to see a familiar, blue-haired girl with a bishounen-like face. "She's just surprised that YOU are the guest that the President has been expecting Leviathan-sama to bring."
"Guest? You mean Shitori-senpai's been expecting us?" It didn't slip my notice that she addressed Sera-tan not only by her surname but also with the "-sama" honorific.
Yura-san nodded. "Yes. She requested that Ruruko and I come here to meet you at the gate since we arrived before the others."
"Others"? I assumed she meant the other members of the Student Council since it was still early enough for even THEM to not be here yet.
"I apologize." Yura-san said out of the blue, bowing her head to me.
"For what?" I asked. "For tying up Karlamine for reasons I still don't get?"
Yura-san let out an awkward smile. "While I admit I may have gone overboard in trying to achieve my 'objective', it was necessary. What I was apologizing for was the unfortunate circumstance that required you to be reincarnated."
I cocked my head sideways. "Eh?" 'Reincarnated'?
Then I felt someone shove me forward. "Come on, Haru-tan! So-tan's waiting for us!"
Yura-san nodded at Sera-tan's words. "Ah, she's right. The President is waiting for both of you in the Student Council meeting room, Leviathan-sama." She bowed respectfully towards Sera-tan. "Please allow us to escort you."
What's with all of the respect towards Sera-tan? Is she some kind of famous person or something? If so, I've never heard of her before this point.
While Ruruko was still in a daze, she and Yura-san escorted both Serafall and I to the Student Council room. Although, I could swear Ruruko was shooting Serafall a fearful look, like the cosplayer might at any moment choose to obliterate her very existence for her previous insult.
We passed into an awkward silence with me feeling uncomfortable (or rather, TOO COMFORTABLE really) with Sera-tan holding my arm between her bust, Ruruko being a pale-white color, and Yura-san with a rather calm expression. But I sensed a strange tension around her.
The only person who seemed unfazed by the situation was Sera-tan with her joyful smile, humming to herself.
We passed by one or two students and teachers walking past us who shot us a strange look (for no doubt we were a strange group), but continued walking.
Some of them seemed kind of uneasy around Sera-tan, almost afraid of her. They must've known who she was too.
After a good ten minutes, we stopped at one door, Yura-san and Ruruko stepping next to either side of the door to allow both Sera-tan and I passage into the room that clearly belonged to the Student Council.
Uncertain what else to do, I reached my fist forward to knock on the door, beating it once, twice, then three times.
After a brief silence, I heard a voice answer. Shitori-senpai's voice.
"Come in."
Accepting the invitation, I opened the door to see Souna Shitori (or Sona Sitri as Sera-tan called her before) standing at the other end of the room, staring at the entrance expectantly.
I was about to speak when—
"So-taaaaaaaaaaaaan!" Sera-tan lunged forward through the door, dragging me, whose arm she was still holding onto, with her.
"Waaah?!" I couldn't form any proper words due to my surprise at how quickly Sera-tan moved.
I mean, one minute we're by the door, the next minute, we're at the other side of the room, me being crushed in Sera-tan's arms, being pressed against something else…
"Threeway hug with my most favoritest people—!" Sera-tan tightened the hug, causing me to wheeze slightly…
Wait. She said "three"?
I looked in front of me to see the "something" that Sera-tan was crushing me against.
"E-Eh? S-Senpai?" I felt my face redden as I realized that the person pressed up against my chest was Shitori-senpai.
It was particularly embarrassing because I could feel Senpai's boobs pressed against my chest. Despite being smaller than Sera-tan's, they were still exceptionally soft and nice-feeling.
Shitori-senpai blinked once when she looked at me, as if just realizing who I was.
"Namikaze? YOU are Onee-sama's new servant?" She sounded surprised. There goes that word again: "servant".
...Holy shit. Senpai is calling her Onee-sama! For real?! Serafall is the OLDER sibling?!
"Yep yep!" Sera-tan confirmed, smiling brightly as always. "I told you a bunch of times that the one I sensed was close by and now here he is! But man, what coincidence it is that he's someone you know, huh, So-tan?! It's like fate!" For who exactly?
Sera-tan's further response included squeezing both Shitori-senpai and I even more tightly against one another and against her. I could feel Sera-tan's boobs against my arm and Shitori-senpai's oppai against my chest.
Still blushing, I sighed. "I am very sorry."
Shitori-senpai closed her eyes, lowering her face out of what was clearly embarrassment. "N-No, this is to be expected around Onee-sama."
Then I remembered the reason why we were here in the first place!
"Oh yeah! Shitori-senpai, before we get sidetracked again, can you finally answer the question I've been trying to ask all morning?" I asked. I sighed. "Just what-THE FUCK-is going on?!"
I started to release my frustration that I've experienced all morning at that moment.
"I mean, first I wake up with some unfamiliar girl sleeping with both of us naked in our bed! Then she starts spouting all of this stuff about Fallen Angels killing me and something about servants and I have no idea what the hell is going on! And then Serafall started saying crazier stuff about Devils and your real name not being Souna Shitori and—!"
Shitori-senpai sighed, silencing me by placing a finger against my lips.
She then turned to Sera-tan with a stern look. "You say you've made him your servant, so why is it he doesn't understand his current situation?"
Sera-tan pouted, releasing both me and Senpai. "It's not my fault! I tried explaining things to him, but he either didn't get it or we didn't have enough time!" She sounded like a child complaining to a teacher about the reasons why she couldn't get an assignment done the previous night.
Senpai adjusted her glasses out of what was either annoyance or exhaustion.
"Very well then. I shall help in explaining his current circumstances." Senpai then turned to me, both of us quickly taking a step back upon realizing we were still very close together despite Sera-tan having let go.
Shitori-senpai did a better job at hiding her blush than I did.
She then coughed into her fist. "Perhaps the best way to begin is to properly introduce myself."
She bowed slightly to me, confusing me.
"My true name is Sona Sitri, the heiress of the Sitri clan," she said. "And like Onee-sama, I am a Devil."
Say what now?