The White Devil of Leviathan

Chapter 10: Chapter 10


After the lunch break had started, Yuka and I went to the rooftop for lunch…

"Hey, Haruto, why are you so mopey?" Yuka asked upon noticing my mood. "Where's your lunch?" 

Yep. That's why I was so mad and somewhat depressed.

I just realized, that with everything that's been going on, I never made myself something to eat for lunch. I didn't go home to make lunch because Naru-nee was probably on the warpath. Couldn't make lunch at Issei's house cos I was busy trying to figure out what the deal was with Serafall. Thus, I had no lunch whatsoever.

I didn't realize it before because all of the excitement of me being a Devil, but I didn't eat breakfast either…


I groaned, my stomach growling like crazy. "So… hungry…not gonna… make it…" 

Yuka giggled, opening her own bento. "If that's the case, then I don't mind sharing my lunch with you, Haruto." 

I immediately clung to Yuka, holding her tightly as tears came to my eyes.

"Bless you, madam. Bless you." 

"Hoho! Losing our wager already, Haruto?" Yuka teased. "It's only been a few hours and you're already trying to steal second base." 

I released Yuka after that. For the record, I did NOT grope her breasts. My arms just happened to overlap her breasts when I was hugging her…

But I felt embarrassed as if I had groped her.

"Am not!" I argued. I eyed the bento Yuka held in her lap, drooling slightly as my hunger started to get the best of me.

Yuka noted my expression and smiled. "Alright. Alright. Let's just start eating." 

She opened her bento, revealing the bountiful harvest within…

Yep. Definitely drooling.

Yuka picked up some of the food with her chopsticks and raised them to be on the same level as my mouth.

Wait. Why does this feel like deja vu?


The door to the roof suddenly slammed open, a lone projectile ripping through the air and stabbing the food Yuka picked up, sending it flying through the air and leaving my sight.

Nooooooo! Not agaaaaaaain! My beloved fooood!

...Yep. Definitely feeling deja vu right now.

"Don't touch that Succubus's cursed cuisine, my King!" Karlamine was the one who appeared in the doorway leading to the roof instead of Ruruko whom I had expected. Her right hand was outstretched as if she had thrown something while her left hand held a box wrapped in cloth. Another bento.

"Ara ara, it looks like the false knight—" 

And that was when I left undetected. It didn't take a genius to figure out that this conversation would only go down a familiar and potentially unpleasant path. It was fairly easy actually. I don't even remember how I avoided their detection. It was like some outside, almighty force was guiding me on my way. It wasn't the "Big Guy Upstairs" cos I'm a Devil. He wouldn't protect me, I don't think.

After I made my way down the stairs from the roof, I paused for a few seconds, trying to figure out what to do with my time.

Well… I did have a few questions concerning my Devil-hood. Might as well go talk to Sitri-senpai.

She said she would be in the Student Council room during lunch if I had any questions.

I made it to the Student Council room in about five minutes at most. I opened the door and entered, the only occupant of the room being Sitri-senpai. She sat behind a desk, examining some papers while her lunch sat next to her, a safe distance so the papers wouldn't be damaged or ruined if her an unfortunate spill were to occur.

She looked up after she noticed my presence, nodding as I entered the room.

"Ah, Namikaze-kun. I take it you have more questions?" 

"Yes." That and I wanted to escape the clash between Yuka and Karly.

Of course, I'd keep that part to myself.

Senpai moved her papers off to the side so as to not be distracted and placed her hands in her lap. She stared at me.

"Well… so Devils… erm… I…" It was kind of hard to word this. "What is my purpose? I mean what is my job as a Devil? What do I do?" It was something I've been wondering. "Am I just meant to be her servant, doing tasks for her like cleaning her house, doing her laundry, or stuff like that?" 

Senpai shook her head. "No. True, while people who are reincarnated into Devil servants are to follow their King's orders, the tasks they are to accomplish may vary. Some servant Devils perform a large variety of tasks for their masters while others merely remain by their master's side as a bodyguard or other such tasks due to their power. There are even a few instances in which a King has reincarnated a person into their servant for absolutely frivolous reasons and serves no purpose other than being a pet of sorts. Essentially, your purpose could be anything depending on Onee-sama's desire. Of course, since you are Onee-sama's servant, I doubt your purpose will be meaningless. Considering her position, she would not make just about anyone her servant." 

Huh. I wonder what Senpai meant by that. I guess it has to do with whatever job that causes everyone to refer to Sera-tan with the "-sama" honorific… Leviathan… That's her surname even though she's Sitri-senpai's sister…

Leviathan. That name was so familiar… I know it. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to religion other than praying to God every now and then… I'll have to brush up on this stuff if I'm going to be a Devil.

"So what is my job then?" I asked.

Senpai seemed to consider her answer before answering. "I cannot say. Like I said, all servant Devils's jobs depend on the will of their masters. There's also the factor of your Sacred Gear to consider. We still do not know its name or ability. We are hoping to figure that out later on. At the very least, you will be helping in supervising Onee-sama's and aiding her with her work while performing other jobs on the side." 

I sighed. There it was again. My Sacred Gear. I've tried to ignore it, but I still couldn't stop thinking.

These things are so powerful supposedly, so what is mine? It was certainly enough for me to be eliminated, so what is it?

The suspense is going to be the death of me…

OK, maybe that wasn't the best way to phrase it.

Anyway, I was curious to say the least.

"OK, I think I get it now." 

"Good," Senpai stated. "Do you have any other questions for me?" 

I thought about it. The one concerning my job was at the front of my mind… I guess—

"So am I going to ONLY be a servant?" 

Senpai frowned. "What do you mean?" 

I rubbed the back of my neck. "I mean, am I just going to be a servant for the rest of my lengthened life? Even if I'm Sera-tan's servant, it'd be kind of a depressing existence after a while. It'd be neat to be almost immortal in terms of lifespan, but to just be spending it doing chores and stuff like that sounds dull. I like Sera-tan, but what am I striving for as her servant? Is there a goal I'm supposed to reach or what? That is the question I'm trying to ask." 

"In that case, perhaps I should explain the Devils's ranking system." 

"'Ranking system'?" I questioned.

"Yes," Sitri-senpai went on to explain. "There are four major ranks in the society of Devils. For people such as you who are Reincarnated Devils, you typically start off as Low-Class Devils." 

"So it's kind of like a 'Level 1' in Devil terms?" I asked, trying to clarify.

Sitri-senpai nodded after considering my question. "In a way, yes. Low-Class Devils often includes either those who are born as commoners or recently reincarnated Devils, people who've yet to make their mark or display their power that earns them their right to attain a higher rank. However, those born from Pure-blood or noble families, such as me or Rias who are from both, usually already possess High-Class status from birth." 

I guess that made sense. Regardless of actual strength, those who had the luck of the draw to be born by some Marquis or King or whatever always got more privileges and rights than those below them.

I will admit it was at least a little surprising to figure out Sitri-senpai and Gremory-senpai were nobles. They held an air of elegance and power, but they didn't act all snobbish as I would expect of people who were at or near the top of the political food chain. Sera-tan also kind of broke this idea in my mind by possessing an air of childishness and approachability. Nothing like how I would picture a noble. It was still hard to believe she was Sitri-senpai's Onee-sama.

I guess there were all different kinds of High-Class Devils.

Senpai continued speaking. "Low-Class Devils are capable of raising their rank to Middle-Class Devils and then to High-Class Devils through one of three methods." Senpai then counted "one" on her left hand. "The first and most common is by performing Contracts. You see, just as depicted by those of a religious faith, Devils are sometimes contracted by those with a certain level of desire. In exchange for performing a task or fulfilling a desire of theirs, the Devils are paid a price by their contractor for their services." Senpai pulled out a familiar-looking card out of thin air. It looked like the one Sera-tan had given me when we first met. "Since drawing magic circles in blood and sacrificing animals is rather outdated in this place and time, the process has been simplified with these. Just by wishing for a Devil's presence, the contractor can use these more convenient flyers to summon one in order to fulfill a task or desire." 

I raised my hand to interrupt. "Erm… so… these prices that we're paid…I won't-like-be taking people's SOULS, will I? Cos I don't think I got the stomach for it or the ability to keep a clear conscience for what may potentially be killing a normal person." 

"Like I said, Namikaze-kun," Sitri-senpai stated, "Devil Contracts have changed with the times. Nowadays, a Contractor can pay a Devil with just about anything. Just as long as it matches the value of the task or desire fulfilled." 

I shrugged. "OK. I can live with that." 

Sitri-senpai paused, placing a finger on her chin. She was clearly deep in thought.

"..." I was uncertain what to say. "Erm… what are the other methods?" 

Senpai sighed, as if she was going to have to say something potentially upsetting.

"Well, the second method would be through Rating Games. You know how a Devil's Peerage is based on the pieces from the game of Chess?" I nodded. "Well, this system also gave rise to a special game devised by Devils who wished to prove the superiority of their servants against others, the Rating Games. They're used to measure a Devil's strength as well as the strength of their Peerage. If a Low or Middle-Class Devil performs well, they may be considered for a class promotion." 

"So… it's like a game in the form of a battle between a Kingband their Peerage against another Peerage and their respective Master?" 

"Exactly. Devils are capable of honing and showing off their skills and abilities in a non-lethal environment due to special systems and spells in place to prevent unfortunate incidents." Whoa! That's awesome! So I get to fight these other guys and go all out without consequence! AWESOME! "These spells rarely ever fail and successfully assure safety 99.999% of the time." 

That… Something's wrong with that.

"And the other 0.001% of the time?" I asked.

"It's the most popular and best method to raise one's own ranking in Devil society." Sitri-senpai explained as if I had not raised a very good and VERY CONCERNING point about Rating Games. "However, since you are Onee-sama's servant, such a method may not be entirely available to you." 

I stared. "Whatcha talkin bout, Sona?" 

Sitri-senpai adjusted her glasses. "Considering Onee-sama's position and how busy she always is, competing in a Rating Game is simply out of the question for her and her Peerage, which includes YOU, Namikaze-kun." 

"What?!" I pouted. "But I wanted to compete in Rating Games…" I complained. I know I should be really grateful considering Sera-tan brought me back FROM THE DEAD, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed that I would never be allowed to compete in Rating Games.

"You can't. Not as a Low-Class Devil." Senpai confirmed. "But if you were to use another method to attain the rank of a High-Class Devil and in turn get your Devil Peerage, it should be no problem." 

"Yay." I gave a little cheer. The dream wasn't dead quite yet. Just as long as I boosted my rank to that of a High-Class Devil, I'll be able to compete in Rating Games against other Devils. "So what's the third method?" 

"Another method that is unavailable to you." Sitri-senpai said. "But for a different reason." 

"What do you mean?" 

"The third method for a Devil to increase their rank is through Military Accomplishments. By obtaining great achievements in times of crisis or situations, showing exceptional ability or skill. That is the third method. For defeating a high-ranking member of the Angels or Fallen Angels or any enemy of the Devils in general, a Devil will be rewarded." 

"Sounds fair. How do we do it?" ...this… this could work out for me in a number of ways. Revenge and advancement. Two birds, one vengeful stone.

"No." Sitri-senpai replied almost immediately.

"...Eh? But couldn't I just—" 


"What if I—" 


"How about—" 

"NO." Senpai said even more firmly. "I don't want you even considering trying to go after that Fallen Angel." 

Damn. She saw right through me.

"Why not?" I was somewhat unsatsified. I HAD TO get back at that stupid crow for what she did to Issei. Even if we were brought back… what she did… I'm gonna beat her into the dirt!

Senpai's gaze become much harsher, as if COMMANDING me to calm down.

"It's because of the current situation between the three factions…" 

Senpai then went on to explain about the three Factions: the Angels, the Fallen Angels, and the Devils. She explained how they were always at each others's throats for a long time. She explained how they all fought in some Great War where a large number of their respective members died, reducing their numbers drastically. Even after the war was ended since none of the factions could continue without being wiped out, a tense stalemate continued, even to this very day.

"Doing something as drastic as attacking a member of the Fallen Angels could very well start a second Great War. It could possibly be even more severe due to your status as Onee-sama's servant." 

Oh, now I feel bad.

I hung my head in shame. "...sorry…" I actually did start feeling ashamed of my thoughts. I was about to go hunting down Yuuma for revenge without a second thought towards how it would affect others.

Sitri-senpai's expression softened somewhat. "It's fine. I just want you to fully understand the consequences. You can't just do such reckless things. There are rules you must follow and duties you must uphold as the servant of Onee-sama. It would not reflect well on the Devil race if one of our Reincarnated Devils were to start ANOTHER conflict in the world." 

"What do you mean…?" I asked, interested.

Sitri-senpai seemed to be somewhat uneasy. "Well… In all of the history of the supernatural world, our wars and conflicts tended to mirror those of the normal human world. While some events were completely unrelated between the supernatural world and the human world, there are many major wars that were started directly as the result of a Reincarnated Devil's actions…" 

"Like which one?" 

"World War II. One of the major leaders of one of the Axis Powers was a Reincarnated Devil. A Stray Devil, but a Devil nonetheless." 

"Which leader?" 

"I won't say, but he's currently hated by just about everyone in the universe be they a mythological figure, human, Devil, Angel, or Fallen Angel. He single-handedly almost caused a Second Great War between the three factions before all three leaders agreed that he was unrelated to the Devils's will and cooperated in putting him down." 

"… who was that?" 

"Let's leave it that." 


"LEAVE IT at that." Senpai said a bit more forcefully. Apparently this guy, whoever he was, was a sore spot for the Devils. Probably put a damper on the reputation of Devils. "So you understand the situation?" 


"You will stay away from Churches, Angels, and the Fallen Angels?" 


"You won't go after that Fallen Angel?" 


"Good." Senpai said, a small and pleased smile on her face. "Just remember: You hold an important place by Onee-sama's side and in her heart. You must not do anything that could reflect badly on her or the Devils. It's especially important considering you are one of her most important pieces." 

Yes… I'll definitely be sure to remember this… so much for revenge… I can't do such a thing in good conscience anymore.

"Besides, even if you were allowed to go after her, it wouldn't do any good." Sitri-senpai said suddenly.

I frowned. "What do you mean?" 

Senpai crossed her arms, a knowing expression on her face. "You would only gain a possible promotion if you were to defeat a Fallen Angel leader. The Fallen Angel who killed you was far from being that powerful. I doubt she was even a noteworthy member in the Fallen Angel faction." 

That kind of hurt my pride a little… I got killed by a smallfry.

"Oh yeah. I just remembered something." I started after realizing that Senpai brought up an important subject. "Just what piece am I? You and Sera-tan didn't tell me yet." 

"Oh yes. Of course. Amidst everything, Onee-sama and I have yet to inform you of your position in her Peerage. Since Onee-sama is busy with business back in the Underworld, I would be happy to tell you. Namikaze-kun. The piece Onee-sama used to bring you back was—" 


"Aha! There you are, Haruto!" 

The door had slammed open to reveal Ruruko with a worried expression on her face with a hint of annoyance.

Ruruko paused when she noted Sitri-senpai. She bowed respectfully. "Forgive me for barging in unannounced, President. I was just looking for Haruto." 

"What's wrong, Ruruko?" She seemed kind of worried.

"Class starts in ten minutes and Yuka-senpai and Karlamine-senpai came to me when they couldn't find you?" 

I turned my head to face the clock in the Student Council room.

Wow! Ruruko was right! Senpai and I have been talking so long that we lost track of time again!

Senpai nodded. "Right. It appears that mine and Namikaze-kun's discussion has taken up most of the lunch period." She started gathering her papers and started packing up what was left of her lunch. "You should head to class now, Namikaze-kun." 

I raised an eyebrow. "Are all of our conversations going to end on such a formal and cold note?" 

Sitri-senpai's expression became one of bemusement. "What do you mean? Is there something wrong with the way I worded it? Is it an inefficient way to convey the meaning?" 

I rubbed the back of my neck, thinking. "Well, no. But it feels kind of like you hate me or can't wait to get away from me whenever you end the conversation like that. Why not say something like 'See you later, Haruto' or maybe 'We'll talk more soon' or perhaps 'Until the next time we can talk' or any other way. When you end the conversation with 'You should head to class now' with that commanding tone, it sounds like you don't like me very much. Do you find something wrong with me?" 

"Oh boy…" Ruruko sighed as she turned away, as if something painful was about to happen.

Sitri-senpai adjusted her glasses so that the light reflected off her glasses.

"Do I find something wrong with you?" Senpai reiterated. "Well, to start off, I find your manners lacking, your flirtatious playboy personality annoys me, you don't pay much attention in class, you're never sitting up or seeming attentive to the matters at hand, not to mention you rarely seem to put much thought into your actions which often leads to misunderstandings or troublesome situations—" 

Ouch… this hurts on so many levels…

I felt a barrage of figurative arrows pierce me from all sides as Senpai went on to list every single one of my apparent flaws.

I laid my head down on the desk as Senpai went on for a good five minutes concerning my flaws. My pride was definitely shattered by the end of it.

"And you have the habit of rubbing the back of your neck far more than necessary." 

I rubbed the back of my neck in the middle of that out of discomfort, halting when she finished and placing my hands in my pockets.

" —But to say I dislike you is not true." 

I raised my head in curiosity. "Huh?" 

Sitri-senpai smirked. "Despite your flaws, I find you to be a pleasant person to be around. You are reckless, but your heart is usually in the right place. Where you got this silly notion that I disliked you, I have no idea. Trust me, Namikaze-kun. I am usually outright honest when it comes to my positive or negative opinions towards others. If I disliked you, I would have said so." 

"It's true, Haruto." Ruruko admitted. "If the President dislikes someone, she gives a clear sign. Be it a gesture or words, she lets it be known." 

I looked at Sitri-senpai. "So you really don't hate me? I just wanna be sure. I mean, I'm your sister's servant and I'm sure we'll often be interacting with one another. I want to make sure there's at least a neutral air between us if not a good one." 

Senpai's smirk became a more pleasant smile as she closed her eyes. "Yes. Even if I had never known of you before, I would still like you since Onee-sama likes you as well. Despite how she acts, Onee-sama is an excellent judge of character. If she cares for you and enjoys being around you, then it's clear that you are a good person. I trust her as I trust you." 

I felt myself blush slightly. I felt embarrassed for some reason. "Um… thanks, Senpai…" 

"Now head to class, Namikaze-kun." Senpai urged me. "We'll speak more soon. Feel free to see me after school if there's any remaining questions in your mind. And be sure to stay after school tomorrow. Now that you've been introduced to your status as a Devil, you'll begin to take on your first duties as a Devil." 

"Yes, Senpai." Ruruko started tugging on my sleeves.

"Come on, Haruto. We have to get going before we're later for our respective classes." 

I looked at Ruruko and smiled. "Right. Sorry for wasting your time, making you listen to us talk, Ruruko." 

Ruruko sighed. "Well, I'm more just relieved you haven't been spending this time trying to recruit President." 

President turned to me and gave me a questioning look. "'Recruit me'? What is she talking about, Namikaze-kun?" 

Ruruko opened her mouth to talk before I panicked and clamped my hand over her mouth.

"Oh! Haha! Nothing! J-Just a little… Er… thing!" Shit! I can't let Senpai know I'm trying to build a harem with the girls I like! Why? I dunno! I just got the feeling that whatever conversation results from her realization will be unpleasant. "Bye, Senpai!" 

I quickly ran towards the door before I paused, realizing something. I turned back to Senpai who still had Ruruko standing respectfully by her side.

"Hey, Senpai. You forgot one last thing." 


"What's the last class a Devil can reach?" Sitri-senpai had said there were four major ranks of Devils. She only mentioned Low-Class, Middle-Class, and High-Class Devils.

Sitri-senpai noted my question and responded appropriately. "Oh yes. Before I forget. The final and highest class a Devil can reach: Ultimate-Class." 


Senpai nodded. "Yes. As the name implies, it is the ultimate rank any Devil can achieve. To possess such a rank means that a Devil has attained the status or power on the level that far surpasses all others. Only the most powerful and skilled Devils could even be considered capable of achieving such a class." 

As I turned away from Sitri-senpai as to hide the amused smirk that appeared on my face.

"So, to sum it up, it's a class reserved for the elite of the elite, huh?" 


My smirk gradually evolved into a full-fledged grin.

"Alright then!" I turned around and pointed at Senpai. "Then I make my vow here and now: I WILL reach the rank of Ultimate-Class Devil! No matter what, I'll become someone powerful enough to slay even God Himself if I so desired! That's my goal! My reason to get stronger as Sera-tan's servant! I'll become strong enough to protect her and all of my friends and loved ones from whatever threat comes their way! Even if only one method is available for me to rank up, I'll become a High-Class Devil, and then an Ultimate-Class Devil through Rating Games! No matter what method I use, I WILL succeed!" 

Then I left on that badass note!

Of course, that was the high point of my day. I met up with Karlamine and Yuka in class. Both of them were kind of ticked off that I left in the middle of lunch (Speaking of which, I'M SO STARVIIIIIIIIING!), but they both quickly forgave me and then we went on with class.

The rest of the day was rather boring. Boring old class. Boring old life. There was nothing fun to do and no opportunities to mess with Ruruko to get a cute reaction out of my most amazing alpha girl.

If I didn't vividly remember getting speared in the chest, I never would actually believed that I had become a Devil. Everything was actually somewhat the same… I guess becoming a Devil hadn't quite started having the drastic change I hoped for…

Oh well. Maybe that would change after I unlock the power of my Sacred Gear.

Whatever it is, I hope it's strong. Strong enough to deck the floor with that shitty crow, Yuuma. I'm not letting her get the best of me next time we fight (and there WILL be a next time). I may not be able to pursue her, but I sure as hell will do my best to make sure she doesn't do anything like what she did to me and Issei ever again.

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