The White Devil of Leviathan

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

School had been rather uneventful.

I spoke with Yuka and Karlamine somewhat. Hung out with Ruruko. But nothing else really happened.

Yuka left us at the school gate since her house was in a different direction, leaving me, Ruruko, and Karlamine to walk home together. Karlamine's house was a bit out of the way, but still fairly close to the school. So that was our first stop.

Still uneventful. We dropped her off, agreed to see her at school the next day, and then moved on.

It was just me and Ruruko now. There was a strange silence between us.




"..Erm… are you mad at me, Ruruko?" I said mostly to break the silence. Usually we were having some kind of discussion regarding either maintaining equal levels of affection towards her and my other potential harem candidates or maybe something more casual like TV or school… but there was not a single word between us during our walk until I spoke

She turned to me, a cute, curious expression on her face. "Noooo… Why?" 

I averted my eyes. "It's just that… you seem quiet. Did I do something wrong?" 

Ruruko shook her head quickly. "No no! Nothing like that! I just thought you had a lot on your mind. I mean, a lot's happened… You found out you died and became a Devil. I figured it was a lot to take in. Not to mention realizing that a fair majority of the well-known students in school were related to the supernatural…" 

"Well, it's a lot to take in, but I haven't really been exposed to much other than the fact that I'll live for a long time and possess some kind of Sacred Gear." Then a thought occurred to me. "Although… now that I think about it… something's kind of bugging me." I admit it had been a thought nagging at me ever since I found out Ruruko was a Devil, but this was the first time I actually paid attention to it.

It was a thought so troubling that it caused me to stop in place, causing Ruruko to walk several steps ahead of me before she realized I wasn't following. She turned around and stared at me.

"Devils live for a long time, right?" 


"And you became a Devil a long while before me, right?" 

"..." Ruruko answered slightly hesitantly this time. "Yeah." 

"So even if I did my damned well best, you would've outlived me by several millenia. I would continue aging while you would be able to look the same until the day in the far-off future where you finally died." I looked down to avoid Ruruko seeing my sad eyes. "So at some point, you would've… you would've left me behind… What exactly did you intend to do about this?...About us? Would you…?" 

I admit I probably had no right to feel so sad considering I was trying to build a harem, even if it was with Ruruko's permission, but the thought that she could treat our relationship as nothing more than a fleeting romance kind of hurt… Just what did she think of us? I cared for this girl… that was the major requirement that had to exist between me and girls I ask to join my harem: Mutual affection. Was it really mutual? Was it all a trick crueler than what Yuuma did to Issei?

These are the kind of thoughts that ran rampant inside of my head.

No right… I had no right to feel like this. The happiness of the girls matter more than my own personal feelings… but…


I felt my hand being grabbed and placed against something small but soft.

I looked up to see Ruruko blushing slightly, holding my left hand pressed firmly against her breast.

"Idiot… Don't ever think like that…" She used her other hand to tilt my head to look directly at her face. Being shorter than me, Ruruko stood up on the front of her feet, almost on her toes. Her face seemed to be coming closer and closer to mind and—


That is what happened. Ruruko's lips met mine. She was kissing me and I was kissing her back.

It wasn't chaste either. It wasn't heated and sexy, but it wasn't chaste. We held our lips together for a good minute before Ruruko finally pulled away, smiling at me.

"In case you haven't forgotten, I confessed to YOU." Ruruko pointed out. "And it wasn't exactly a quick affair either. I always either choked at the last minute or I humiliated myself… I still humiliated myself even when I DID successfully confess, remember?" 

I looked back to the day that Ruruko had confessed to me. I couldn't suppress that amused smile that appeared on my face.

"Yeah… Remember when the dog—?" 

"Yes." Ruruko's smile faded.

"And then you lost your love letter because—" 

"Yes." Ruruko was starting to look annoyed.

"And you ended up—" 

"YES." Ruruko said, her face bright red with an annoyed expression on her face.

I let out a small laugh. "Hahaha! And what bad luck you must've had to have this happen on the day of a pie eating-contest." 

Ruruko took my hand away from her breast and crossed her arms, now thoroughly humiliated as she remembered the day she finally confessed to me.

"Ahem!" She tried to get us back to the point of the conversation. "My point is… do you think I would go through all that if my feelings weren't honest?" Her soft smile returned, her eyes gazing at me lovingly. "I love you, Haruto. You were my whole reason for wanting to become a High-Class Devil." 

"Ruruko?" That last part was somewhat surprising. What did she mean?

Ruruko's expression changed to that of a shy one. "Well… as you know, once a Devil has reached High-Class, they get their Evil Pieces and can start building their Peerage. Their servants become Devils as well… If I got my Evil Pieces, I would've made you my own servant." She shuffled awkwardly, having revealed a major secret of hers. "Then we could be together even with our lengthened lifespans… I… I wanted to be with the man I loved for as long as I live…" She twiddled with her fingers out of embarrassment. Somehow it was more embarrassing for her to explain how she wanted to be with me than it was for her to actually say those three special words.

All doubt vanished from my mind.

I wrapped my arms around Ruruko and pulled her in closer.

"I love you, too, Ruruko." I pressed my lips against hers, returning the affection she showed me.

It was true… While I admit there was one other girl I think I could bear to tell those words, Ruruko was closer to me than most. She was also possibly the only girl who could feel comfortable with her boyfriend building a harem. We held a mutual trust that I would continue loving her. If I couldn't even say those words, then I had no right to be with her…

I pulled away after a few minutes, Ruruko blushing as I held her.

Before I could react, she forced her lips upon once more. This kiss lasted less time than the others before Ruruko pulled away.

I stared at her and she stared at me, our faces heated and our bodies beginning to heat up due to lust.

Both of us seemed to act on pure instinct.

Ruruko jumped from the ground, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I, in turn, held my arms around her to hold her against me.

Ruruko kissed me again and I kissed her back. It was meant to be neither short nor chaste this time. We held our lips together, passionately reveling in each others's warmth. We kissed again and again, only breaking apart each time because we required air to survive.

On the last time our lips met, I happened to catch Ruruko with her mouth open. Not hesitating, I entered her mouth with my tongue and entwined my tongue with hers. I moved my hands up and down her thighs, tracing my fingers in-between her legs, inducing added pleasure in Ruruko if her moans were anything to go by.

Ruruko tightened her legs around me, both of us holding each other more passionately than before.

Of course we would never go all the way considering the time and location, but things got much hotter before we were finished.

And the funny thing is… this wasn't the first time we acted passionately like this.

Hey! We've been dating for almost a year! It's only natural for us to behave like the teenagers we were!

We would hold each other passionately, make out, feel each others's bodies, but we would never go all the way. That was to be saved for a special time in the future when we were both certain we were ready.


After our thirty minutes of passion were over (that's right. We made out for at least thirty minutes before we realized it was starting to get dark out), I walked Ruruko home. She lived closer to school than me, but our houses were still in the same general direction.

It soon became dark as I left her at the door, I opened my mouth to say something, but my face was too heated… I couldn't really speak right. It probably came out as something like "Harabla liaosshu rablablah…" 

Ruruko merely nodded, her own beet red face steaming by this point.

Yeah… whenever we came out of our own little world, we were always kind of embarrassed when we thought back on it. I was good when it came to doing small things like kissing or groping girls, but when it came to serious stuff, I couldn't help but become somewhat flustered when I thought back on it.

After saying goodbye to Ruruko, I started my own trip back home…

Fuck! I forgot about Naru-nee! She's still gonna kick my ass when I get home!

I groaned.

I was really going to have to pull a good excuse OUT OF MY ASS if I wanted to avoid having to explain everything that happened between yesterday and today. Cos if the first words out of my mouth as an explanation are "I died and became a Devil.", the main response from Naruko would be a kick to the face and being thrown into an insane asylum.

I had to think of something… and it has to be convincing…

Kidnapped? Too drastic.

Got lost? Too obvious.

Staying over at a friend's house? Bound to get my face kicked.



I thought back to what Sitri-senpai told me… she said my real duties as a Devil were going to start tomorrow. I guess Sitri-senpai was going to introduce me to such things since Sera-tan was busy with her own stuff. Maybe I'll finally figure out what my Sacred Gear is…

"About goddamned time!" 

A sudden voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked ahead to see a shorter girl with blonde hair tied into two short pony tails and who was dressed in a gothic lolita fashion.

She seemed to be glaring at me.

And I knew it was me whom she was glaring at because there was no one else. I looked all around me to make sure.

"Yeah you, shitty Devil!" 

Whoa whoa whoa! That was uncalled for!

This girl seems abnormally pissed off for some reason… Do I know her?

"Erm…I'm sorry…?" 

"Damn right you're sorry!" The girl screamed at me. "You're an ass! I spent all day planning this out, trying to catch you on your way home! Then I end up waiting for almost an entire hour because you had to stop and suck lips with that washboard!" 

...I think she and Issei would get along if Issei wasn't a pervert.

But I was more troubled over the fact that she had been watching us. I sure as hell didn't see anyone around us who could've seen.

Then I realized it. The tingling feeling traveling down my spine—No. Tingle doesn't quite describe it. It was more of a chilling feeling that send shivers down my spine. It was like some kind of sixth sense. It was telling me something. It was shouting, SCREAMING even. It seemed to be repeating the same thing over and over again:


It was telling me that this girl was not human. She was dangerous.

I took a step away, uncertain what to do.

"You… who are you?" 

The girl smirked. She leaped into the air. A small, naïve part of me hoped she would fall face-first back to the ground,but I knew I would never be that lucky.

In a single second, black, feathery wings sprouted from her back, allowing her to float about in the sky.

...Black, feathery wings…

I felt my body tense at the realization, sweat rolling down the sides of my face.

"...A Fallen Angel…" Just like the girl who killed both me and Issei.

"That's right, Devil-kun!" Her previous fury became an arrogant, cutesy kind of tone. "And you don't need to know my name because, in a second, you'll be dead! Time to clean up the mess Raynare left for me! Suck for your masters, cos whoever he is, he's about to lose a servant! Ta-ta, Devil-kun!" A pink spear of light, similar in shape to Yuuma's, appeared in her hand.

...Shit. I have no way to fight against this girl! I don't have a weapon and I'm not any stronger than when I was killed by Raynare! I haven't even unlocked my Sacred Gear!...

Well, if I'm gonna die anyway (AGAIN), I might as well say the thing that first came to mind when this girl told me she was following me…


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