Chapter 12: Chapter 12
Those were the only words I could think to say moments away from death.
"YE—Wait what?" My (what I assumed to be my last few) words caught the blonde Fallen Angel by surprise.
I felt myself blushing slightly, pointing an accusing finger at the blonde Fallen Angel.
"Y-You WATCHED me and my girlfriend make out for THIRTY MINUTES!?" I pointed out yet again.
The Fallen Angel's cheeks pinked slightly. "S-Shut up! Don't make things sound like that! It's not—! I was observing you for my mission!" She defended.
"What kind of mission requires you to watch the whole time while a teenage boy and his girlfriend make out for thirty minutes!?" I shot back. "I mean, I'd understand if you had to watch me and stuff, but I highly doubt it was necessary for you to watch us the whole thirty minutes! I mean, go get a snack, get something to eat, go to the bathroom, go watch a movie! Do SOMETHING! No matter how you look at it, you're a pervert who likes watching teenagers make out—Pervert!"
The blonde Fallen Angel's face was beet red as she was trembling with either embarrassment or rage.
"I—You—That's—!" She was so frustrated it had become difficult for her to speak. "J-Just…SHUT UP! You didn't even go all the way with her, so what does it matter!? I mean, you didn't even actually touch her most private area so why should I care?!"
"But I—FUCK THIS!" The embarrassed Fallen Angel held a light spear in her hands, poised to strike. "I'm just going to kill you now and be done with it! DIE!"
Oh shit.
She launched the spear at my unarmed body.
For a moment, I was certain I was dead… AGAIN. Then I felt strange. Like some new reflex in me had awakened.
I immediately leaped backwards. I only meant to move a little, but I ended up leaping back several feet, landing upright on my feet. It grazed my leg a little, stinging me badly, but it wasn't too bad.
I stared. "Whoa."
The Fallen Angel's left eye twitched. "OK. Lucky dodge. Let's see how you like THIS!"
She materialized and threw another light spear. FUCK!
I rolled left, out of the way of the spear, causing it to strike nothing but the ground. I stared in wonder at my new and unexpected reflexes. Apparently my body had changed even more than I thought after I became a Devil.
Damn! This crazy chick can create more than one of those damned things! I can't fight her when I have no weapon!
I choked on my next thought.
As much as it went against every fiber of my being, I had to… to…
I acted instinctively, being snapped out of my thoughts by the blonde-haired Fallen Angel who was trying to kill me. Due to being submerged in my thoughts, I reacted much more slowly than I would have before. I barely had time to shuffle out of the way to avoid getting decapitated. The light spear missed its intended target: my neck. Instead, it just barely grazed my right shoulder, cutting the fabric of my shirt and just a bit of my shoulder's flesh.
Even though it was just a shallow cut, it felt like a small fire had been started on my shoulder!
I winced, clutching my shoulder in silent agony.
Damn! Do Fallen Angels possess this kind of power? It didn't hurt this much when I was human—
Wait! Devils are creatures of the night! Light is like poison to us! Damn!
I shot a glare at the Fallen Angel. In my current state of weakness, I had no chance against her. I had to…
I had to run.
But I had to distract the Fallen Angel first if I wanted to have a chance at getting away…
I turned in the direction of the blonde-haired girl. "Hey! Fallen Angel!"
She materialized another light spear, narrowing her eyes at me. "Oh? Could it be the shitty Devil's decided to finally stop hopping around like an idiot and take his death like a man?"
I resisted the urge to snap at her for that, but I kept my cool. "No. It's just that there's something I have to say first."
The blonde Fallen Angel rolled her eyes, sighing. "Whatever. Just make it quick."
"It's just that—OH MY GOD—!" OUCH! "—WHAT'S THAT OVER THERE!?"
I pointed over the Fallen Angel's shoulder toward the direction of nothing.
Yes, I know it was a stupid idea. Perhaps the most unoriginal, stupid idea in all of existence… but wanna know the stupidest thing about it?
I don't know how or why, but apparently my voice must've been rather convincing because the Fallen Angel quickly turned around, looking in the direction I pointed in.
I didn't have time to stare and exclaim "Oh my fucking goodness, I can't believe that worked." The moment the Fallen Angel was distracted, I turned tail and ran.
I ran as fast as my new, Devil legs could carry me, which was to say, VERY VERY fast. Not fast like the speed of sound, but faster than the average human for sure. Maybe even faster than a speeding car. It might have to do with the properties of the piece Sera-tan used to reincarnate me. Despite the great speed I was running at, I didn't even feel winded or tired. It was only now that I was focusing solely on moving rather than surviving that I was able to realize this speed.
I made sure to take several shortcuts and cut across several alleyways, sometimes doubling back to make sure that I was losing my possible pursuer.
It wasn't enough to get away. I also had to make sure that there was no chance that the Fallen Angels would follow me back to my house. I couldn't put Naru-nee in harm's way like that. Despite how often we fight and argue, I still love her.
She's my big sister who's raised me since I was little. I won't let anyone hurt her!
I kept running for several more minutes, my house being only a block or two away. Almost home-free.
I let out a sigh of relief as I slowed myself to walking speed.
"I guess I outran her."
"Outran who?" A (unfortunately) familiar voice asked in a mocking tone.
I spun around on my heels to see no one within my immediate sight.
"Yoohoo!" The voice said, causing me to direct my attention upwards to the top of the nearby streetlight upon which sat a familiar, smirking, blonde-haired Fallen Angel who was swinging her legs in the air casually.
I blinked several times, trying to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me.
"W-What?! B-But I escaped you!"
The Fallen Angel narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, apparently you missed the fact I have WINGS."
I stared dumbly. "...Wha?"
"I can FLY, ya know?" The blonde explained. "You weren't difficult to track down. All I had to do was fly high into the air and follow your movements with my eyes. Then I flew over to a street lamp in the direction you were heading and I've been waiting here for a good ten minutes."
I rubbed the back of my neck. "Huh… in hindsight, I probably should've accounted for that possibility…"
The blonde leaped up from her sitting position on the light, flapping her wings in order to float in midair.
"So, are you gonna make this easy, or do I have to hunt you down like the rabid dog you are?" She once again materialized a light spear.
"Mmmmm…" I thought about it. "Do I get a third option?" Hey, a guy can dream.
"Just stand still and let me stab you!" The Fallen Angel commanded.
I raised my fists. "Sorry, but I've been there, done that, no fucking way is it happening again!" I knew there was no choice. I had to stand and fight. I had no combat training nor any type of weapon nor any way to reach the Fallen Angel in the air. My best hope was to hit her in the eye with a rock or something if I had any luck whatsoever. "I'm taking you down here and now!"
"Ha!" The Fallen Angel laughed. "You got guts, kid. Too bad I gotta stab them out of you!"
"Kid"? Who's she calling a kid? She looks younger than I do!
I prepared myself to dodge out of the way as the Fallen Angel poised herself to strike again. I was prepared for the worst when—
"Hands off!" Another, more welcomed, familiar voice intervened.
The Fallen Angel looked as confused as I did… but only for that one second though. The next second, she was being knocked out of the air and smashed against a wall by a large, heavy, metal object. Upon closer inspection, I observed that the thrown object had been a dumpster.
"Eh?" Well, the dumpster had been thrown at the Fallen Angel, so it was that second clue that let me know that the thrower was an ally.
"Ah. Very good to see you're okay, Haruto-san." I turned in surprise to see a familiar, blue-haired girl with the face of a bishounen approaching me.
"Yura-san?! What are you doing here?!" I asked in shock. Just how many people did I fail to see observing me.
Yura-san shrugged, a small smile on her face. "Nothing much. Just—" She paused as if waiting to say the punchline of a joke… Wait… No. She isn't… she can't be! She's not serious! "—takin' out the trash."
Noooo! She did! She…
I stared at her, dumbfounded. She… she really just said that…
Yura-san had an expectant look. Then I realized she was silently asking me to judge her joke.
I sighed, shaking my head. "No… Just-Just… no." The dumpster that was pinning the Fallen Angel to the wall began to shudder, no doubt the Fallen Angel attempting to extract herself from between the wall and the dumpster. "But no time to discuss your bad jokes! We gotta get going!"
"Right. Follow me."
"Yea—Huh?" I was about to agree with Yura-san's choice when I was suddenly plucked from the ground. For a brief, horrifying moment, I thought that the Fallen Angel had somehow gotten out of the predicament she was in and was lifting me from the ground into the air. Then I just realized that Yura-san had picked me up… from the ground… and was holding me bridal style.
"Let's go, Haruto-san." Yura-san then took off, carrying me in her arms…
Well, suffice to say, I felt rather uncomfortable. What guy wouldn't feel uncomfortable, being carried bridal style by an admittedly handsome, bishounen-faced girl?
Speaking of bishounen-faced girls, Yura-san was oddly strong. Even with a Devil's body, I don't think it's natural to be able to run so easily while carrying someone else. This led me to believe that the piece that turned Yura-san into a Devil was a [Rook].
To avoid being jostled around like a toy of some sort, I had to wrap my arms around Yura-san's neck. She didn't seem to mind, but I couldn't help but feel that Ruruko would probably hit either me or Yura-san out of pure jealousy right now… most likely me though. It would be just my luck I guess.
Yura-san continued running, making sure we didn't let the Fallen Angel girl catch up to us. She made sure to take us down dark alleys and places that are not easily seen from the air.
Apparently she had the brains to match her brawn.
It was about ten minutes until a familiar, two-floor house came into my sight.
"Do you see her behind us, Haruto-san?" Yura-san asked with a strange tone. Experimentally, I raised my head and looked over Yura-san's shoulder. Despite all of my expectations, I actually DIDN'T see the blonde Fallen Angel girl who had attacked me earlier chasing after us with raging vengeance in her eyes.
I let out a sigh of relief. "No. I think we lost her."
Yura-san slowed her pace to a walk and continued moving towards my house.
"That's good."
It might've been a rude thing to say to a girl, but I was just so shocked by how Yura-san's face looked.
Her face was beet-red and steaming, her eyes were open so wide that I thought they were going to pop out, and her mouth was twitching uncontrollably, like she was repressing a smile. In a weird way, it kind of looked like her face was about to explode.
Yura-san quickly set me on the ground as we quickly approached the front door of my house.
She turned away, but I could still see her ears turn red. "I have no idea what you mean." I noticed her arms were trembling somewhat.
I stared at her with half-lidded eyes. "Riiiiiiight." I walked over to the front door of my house and gave it three hard knocks.
I felt like I was forgetting something…
That was when a different thought worked its way to the front of my mind. Something troubling.
"Say, Yura-san, I have a question."
Yura-san stared at me, having calmed herself down. "Yes?"
"How did you know where I live?"
Yura-san paused, her expression becoming blank in the face of my question. "Hm?"
I placed a finger on my chin, thinking it through. "No really! I mean, we've never really interacted much before, so we were never really close. I've certainly never invited you over. We've never really walked home together… How do you know where I live, Yura-san?"
Rather than give me a straight answer, Yura-san rolled her eyes away from me. "Errrrrrrr…"
I stared at her expectantly, waiting for an answer.
"I mean…it's like you—"
"NARU-KICK! CHA!" I was interrupted by the sound of the door slamming open and then by a kick flying through the air that made direct contact with my face, sending my sorry ass flying backwards several feet.
"Oh dammit! What is it with everyone and kicking my goddamned face in?!"
Naruko had no idea what the word "restraint" meant.
"You had it comin', ya jackass! Sleeping over at a friend's house on a school night, hanging up on me—TWICE, and also—" It was then that Naru-nee noticed two things.
First, the blue-haired, bishounen-faced girl standing beside me.
Second (and perhaps the most apparent), the injuries I had sustained courtesy of my Fallen Angel friend.
Naru-nee's eyes widened. "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?!" Her voice was overwhelmed with concern.
I really wish she had noticed my injuries BEFORE she kicked me in the face though.
"Would you believe I tripped?" I asked with a joking smile.
Naru-nee hit me right upside the head, an annoyed expression on her face. "This is serious! W-We have to get you to a hospital or something! Damn! The one time I have to regret not having a first aid kit and it has to be this kind of situation!"
It was at this moment that Yura-san calmly stepped forward, a calm expression on her face.
"Namikaze-san, if you will calm down for just a moment, I have a solution to your problem."
Naru-nee… I was kind of surprised. Her expression became disturbingly serious and rather aggressive for a moment after she looked at Yura-san. I might've been mistaken because her expression looked absolutely normal after that one second had passed.
"I'm sorry, have we met?"
Yura-san waved off Naru-nee's perfectly reasonable question. "That's not important now. I'm your so—"
"BROTHER!" I quickly inserted before Yura-san could say something that could get us both beaten into a coma.
Yura-san looked surprised. We stepped back and kind of huddled up together, speaking in whispers.
"'Brother'? Really?!" She sounded rather unsure of this.
I rolled my eyes. "Yes! Come on! She looks mature, but she doesn't look old. She looks like she's in her twenties!"
"Well, it just seems weird…"
"Just don't mention it to her. We are siblings, OK?"
Yura-san nodded out of understanding.
After that quick conversation, we moved back towards Naru-nee.
"I'm your brother's stalk—I mean—FRIEND." Wait wait wait! What was that first thing she was gonna say?! "And I can honestly say that his injuries aren't that threatening. I have a friend who's skilled in medical treatment. If you want immediate medical attention for Haruto, then she can easily treat these few cuts. She's really only like a minute away from here."
Naru-nee raised an eyebrow questioningly. After considering it for a few seconds, she nodded.
"Well… Haruto doesn't look like he's dying… so I guess that's fine…" She then looked at me. "How did you even get this injured, Haruto?"
I panicked for a moment. Of course she was going to ask that at some point!
Before I could blurt out something stupid, I put on a blank face.
"I… I fell."
THAT was the best you could come up with?! YOU FUCKING IDIOT!
Naru-nee was clearly unconvinced.
...Well… perhaps a partial truth will do…
"I got into a little fight with some thug who was trying to mug me with a knife."
Naru-nee's eyes widened. "What?!"
"I mopped the floor with him, but he got a few good moves in. Thus explains the cuts on my body."
Wasn't a full-proof excuse, but it was something at least.
Naru-nee examined my face for any sign of deception. She would not find any for it was technically not a lie… well, the "fight" part wasn't anyway.
She eventually sighed. "I see… Well, just be more careful next time. If you end up in a fight with the odds stacked against you, don't try to play the big, bad hero. Run away next time, OK?"
Her voice was filled with concern and worry. I suddenly felt bad for lying to her… but I couldn't very well tell her anything that had happened. I couldn't involve Naru-nee in the world of Devils. I hadn't been involved in the world of Devils even once and I got a spear through my chest. I didn't need Naru-nee getting hurt for being associated with me. The less she knew, the better.
I nodded, trying to ease her worries. "Yes, Naru-nee."
"Alright then. Just call up your friend and get those injuries treated before they become infected or something."
Yura-san bowed respectfully. "Yes, Namikaze-san. Haruto-san and I will wait for our friend in his room."
Naru-nee was about to turn around and walk away when she paused, as if realizing something.
Both Yura-san and I tensed for a moment, worried Naru-nee had seen through our ruse as she turned back around to face us.
Then a mischievous smile appeared on Naru-nee's face.
"The two of you alone? Together?" She shrugged, still smiling with that mischievous smile of hers. "Alright then, but be sure to leave a sock on the door so I don't walk in on you two." She giggled somewhat as she walked away.
My face flushed red as I picked up on the meaning behind Naruko's words.
"I… Wanna know what? Forget it." It wasn't even worth trying to come up with a comeback. I looked back at Yura-san. "Come on, Yura-san."
There was a brief pause.
"Yura-san?" I looked in the direction of my blue-haired friend to see she was frozen in place, her face covered by her hands. "You okay?"
Yura-san jumped, as if having just remembered my presence. She removed her hands from her face, revealing that her cheeks were tinged with red.
...She was kind of cute when she was embarrassed.
"Y-Yes. Sorry. Your Onee-sama's words were just sudden and—"
I waved it off. "Yeah. Don't think too much about it. O-Onee-sama always acts like that around my friends. Just doing her duty as my owler shister—Olwder seester…"
Why do I feel so dizzy all of a sudden…?
I stumbled a little when I tried taking a step.
"Careful!" Yura-san caught me before I could fall.
I didn't notice it before because I wasn't moving much… but my sense of balance was really off… I also noticed that the pain from my wounds hadn't faded a single bit. If anything, the pain was starting to sting even worse now…
"It's the light spear's power. Even though none of the wounds themselves were severe, the light is slowly poisoning you. We have to get you healed and fast." Yura-san threw one of my arms over her shoulder. "Let's go up to your room where we won't be disturbed."
With Yura-san supporting me, we made our way up the stairs to the second floor, traveling down the hallway and stopping at my door.
I unlocked it and pushed forward, opening the door. Yura-san shut it behind us after we got in.
She carefully set me on my bed, making sure not to agitate my injuries.
"Just stay still."
I raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do?"
Yura-san shook her head. "Nothing. I'm not suited to most healing magic. However, my King would certainly be well-versed in such magic."
Her King...? Sitri-senpai?
Yura-san then pulled out a familiar card. The summoning circle for calling a Devil. It held a magic circle on it similar to the one Sera-tan gave me when we first met face-to-face.
She held the card close to her face and whispered something, probably words needed to summon Senpai. After she did, the card started glowing a beautiful, azure-blue color.
...There was something else I had to get off my chest though.
"Thanks for saving me from the Fallen Angel, Yura-san." It was fair. Yura-san saved me from possibly being killed by that blonde Fallen Angel… It was only fair that I thanked her for it.
As we waited for the magic circle to take effect, I was surprised by Yura-san's request.
"I want you to…" Yura-san's face was bright-red with embarrassment. "...I want you to call me by my first name…" She twiddled her fingers together, no doubt doing her best to keep from falling silent due to embarrassment.
I gave a small smile, nodding. She really WAS cute when she was blushing.
"Alright then. Tsubasa-chan," I said in a cutesy tone.
Yur—I mean, Tsubasa-chan's face became even redder at this.
"H-Haruto-san, t-to call me in such a w-way—!" Her face was steaming by this point.
For the record: Yes. This was the reaction I was trying to invoke. She really is cute.
It also answered the question of whether or not she was interested in me. That made her a possible potential harem candidate. However, I didn't exactly feel that romantic attachment to her yet. I cared for her, but not in THAT way. So I would just have to wait and see how this plays out in the future.
"It's nice to see the two of you are getting along well." Interrupted a new and familiar voice.
I looked to my right and stared at Sitri-senpai who was sitting next to me, her hands in her lap and a smile on her face.
"Oh… Hey, Senpai…"
Then, after several seconds, Tsubasa-chan and I processed this entirely.
We were both surprised by Senpai's sudden appearance. We hadn't even noticed her presence until she had spoken up.
"H-How much did you hear?!"
Senpai's smile was clearly one of amusement. "Everything after you thanked Tsubasa for saving you."
I looked at Tsubasa-chan. She wasn't doing so well. It was embarrassing enough for her to ask me to call her by her first name. To know that someone had observed the whole exchange made her look like she was going to die from embarrassment.
The world was starting to spin a little, I rubbed my temples to try to lessen the headache that was starting to grow in my skull.
"Gah! This hurts!" My body hurts, my head hurts, everything hurts. It wasn't unbearable enough for me to pass out or something, but it was fairly unpleasant.
For a brief second, I thought I saw a quick flash of concern in Sitri-senpai's expression. Whether I saw it or not would remain unknown as her expression quickly returned to being the usual serious expression that always seemed to be on her face in matters related to school or Devils.
She looked at me and Tsubasa-chan. "What exactly happened?"
And, as quickly yet carefully as possible, Tsubasa-chan and I recounted my encounter with the Fallen Angel, Tsubasa covering everything that happened after her arrival. I made sure to emphasize how the encounter with the Fallen Angel WAS NOT my fault since Senpai already told me not to get involved with them.
Senpai considered everything we told her with a pensive expression. "I see… To think they would try something so bold… not know whose servant…?" Then I realized she was mumbling to herself because she seemed to have forgotten either Tsubasa-chan or I were here.
"Um, Senpai… not to be rude, but I'm pretty sure my wounds are still bleeding…" I didn't mean to whine, but there was a slight squeak at the end of my sentence. It might've been my imagination, but I think it was starting to hurt WORSE now.
Senpai nodded. "Of course. Before anything else, we must treat your injuries. I know of a potent healing method, but I require your trust in order for it to go smoothly. No questions."
I nodded. "Rock on. Let's get to it then."
"I need you to strip."
I stared at Senpai for a moment before laughing it off. "Haha! Sorry, Senpai, but I think something's wrong with my ears. Could you repeat that?"
"I need you to strip naked."
I stared blankly. Her expression was not joking. She wasn't looking me in the eyes, but I knew she was serious.
"If he's too slow, I'll gladly do it for him, President." I felt chills go down my spine as Tsubasa-chan stared with scary eyes, her hands ready to… do something to me. There was a strange grin on her face.
"Wait wait! I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" I gestured for Tsubasa-chan to calm down. "Could you two at least… turn around maybe?"
Tsubasa-chan and Senpai exchanged a look before nodding in agreement.
They both turned their backs to me and, with great embarrassment and hesitation, I reached for the buckle on my pants, closing my eyes and trying to forget the fact there were two girls in my room. It was just as embarrassing as when I woke up stark naked next to Serafall… this morning… This morning?! Really?! Damn! To think this all happened in one day! I mean, what kind of luck do I have?! It's horribly inconsistent, so it's tough to tell whether I'm really fortunate or have the shittiest luck!
Luckily, these thoughts kept me distracted until I was finally naked. Otherwise I would've focused on the pain when my clothes touched my wounds while I was taking my clothes off or the embarrassment of being forced to strip by these girls.
To preserve some semblance of dignity, I covered my manhood with a blanket on my bed after sitting down.
I coughed into my fist. "I'm done."
Both girls turned around to face me. While Senpai's gaze was purely for examining my body, I noticed Tsubasa-chan's eye held a (for lack of a better word) HUNGRY look in them. She was suppressing a smile and I couldn't help but notice the drool that was beginning to drip from the side of her mouth or the bright blush that appeared on her face.
Trying to draw attention from the fact that I looked like an animal that a certain predator (COUGH TSUBASA COUGH) was about to pounce on, I turned to Sitri-senpai.
"So… what's the next step?"
"Lie down on the bed." Senpai instructed.
"Right." I did as instructed and laid down on my bed.
"Now close your eyes."
I made a mental prayer.
For the love of all that is unholy, please don't let this turn out like some kind of scene from some kind of hentai.
"OK, now no matter how much what I'm about to say sounds like something that someone would say shortly before some kind of scene from a porn, just listen," Senpai said, pausing before continuing. "Keep your eyes closed no matter what I do or what you feel brushes up against you."
I scooted away from Senpai, laying more on the other side of the bed further from her.
"I… I'm not so sure about this anymore… I think I'd rather just bleed out… a little bit…"
Sitri-senpai frowned. "You're going to be difficult about this, aren't you?"
I shrugged, wiping some sweat from my forehead. The world was starting to spin faster and faster as I started feeling more nauseous due to my light poisoning.
"...Probably…" I said honestly. Then more honestly, "Yes."
Sitri-senpai adjusted her glasses, a frown appearing on her face. "...Some part of me knew you were going to respond like that. Tsubasa, if you would?"
I raised an eyebrow. "Would what?"
I didn't even know when Tsubasa-chan appeared next to me. She beat her fists together just once.
"On it."
Before I could say "What?", I felt something hit my right on the head and everything went dark.