The Abyss Dendro Lector of Nazarick

Chapter 4: Chp:3 Moving Forward

In the vast expanse of the Colosseum, the Guardians swore their pledge of loyalty to the only Supreme Being who stayed until the end.

"Wonderful! I am sure you will fulfill all the tasks to the very best. Raise your heads." Momonga spoke as he took on his Roleplaying persona. His arms spread wide as he unconsciously released Despair Aura level 1.

"We are unworthy of your praise Lord Momonga. We are merely your humble servants. Whatever you command us, we shall grind our bones together untill it is done. " Albedo bowed her head as she spoke.

"This we swear!" The chorus from the Guardians left Momonga amazed and curious as to whether they rehearsed this beforehand.

"Good...As Albedo might have informed you, our situation has changed and the current status of the outside world is uncertain. I have sent Sebas to investigate...he should return soon." Just as Momonga ended, a hurried tap of footsteps rang as Sebas jogged just after Momonga's mention of him.


The conversation went as intended, with Momonga ordering Albedo, Demiurge and Hyortr to establish a Superior Information Exchanging system throughout Nazarick.

While he tasked Mare to create a series of Hills and Mounds around Nazarick as suggested by Mare, he also asked Hyortr to summon Dendro And Geo Shamans to help him.


Travelling the depts of the Forest named Veiled Forest. A deep growth of pale green shrubs, bushes and grass grew everywhere as dark grey trunks of the towering trees shrouded ones vission forward.

The forest seemingly effected by the Abyss essence emitted an erry and unnerving atmosphere. But here, Hyortr felt at home, even though not even a day has passed.

Reaching a large clearing he saw what looked like a large circular platform. Rune engraved pillars surrounding it. Thorned vines crept all over the place, creating cracks and ruins in the structure.

Along with the pillars, 10 tall Golems with glowing green vein like lines spreading all over the surface knelt on one knee facing the centre.

Their bodies made of wood, almost as if a tree had taken their shape. From the woods, the same peculiar red-pink flowers bloomed on them but smaller, the size of a Poppy.

The eyes, black as the Abyss, as if they were asleep, dormant.

But Hyortr felt, no he knew, that with a single command from him they would awaken to heed his orders. They were the Golems that players would have to face first when reaching this area, a level 80 Gacha summon.

From there, a cobbled path sprawled forward into the woods. In the distance a giant mountain loomed. It's structure strangely humanoid.

'Gargantua ...' Hyortr thought facing the Former floor Guardian.

Due to requiring extensive resources to move and operate him, he was usually put to sleep when not required and rarely used. But a slither of his will would remain, observing, waiting, for when the Supreme Beings would command him once more.

Turning back, Hyortr continued his stroll. Occasionally meeting strange abyssal creatures, npcs from the Genshin Lore like Hilichruls who were pop-spawns like the undead, courtesy to his creator who happened to be a 'friend' of the Devs.

Usually they were stingy beings but for his creator's request they didn't mind it much because it didn't alter the gameplay that much because these Hilichruls were only at a level range of 15 to 50, for late game players this didn't mean much.

"Now what..." Hyortr muttered. Although he had already accepted that he would be living as the Guardian of Nazarick and possibly be involved in the horrors displayed and hidden by the Tomb, he didn't know what he, himself would do.

Would he become someone like Demiurge, seeing everything as Farm Potential Subjects or Like Shalltear that seemed to find sadistic pleasure in other's sufferings? Or maybe be like Sebas, loyal and noble.

Remembering his -450 karma, he was an Extreme Evil. He knew from reading various fics and even the original source, this alignment and karmic value will alter his personality and perspective of the world.

Did he have a problem with it? No, not yet. He didn't view himself as a good person who would vehemently seek to do good. For him, his own selfish means were important. If it somehow benifits the others then good for them.

He lived in a world where lies, schemes and sinning was quite common. Although killing didn't occur as often as in the Mediaeval and Dark Ages, the modern world has changed. From killing with swords to killing with their words, mouths and Money.

Only a select few would try to be good in that world. And he was glad he wasn't one of them. In Nazarick where evil was the norm, standing out like that meant danger. He knew what Pestonya was subjected to. Disdain and hostility, just because she sympathised with the humans.

"Huh, did the Karmic Value already change me this much? Even disregarding human lives?" The sudden chain of thoughts that was leading him deeper into evil surprised him.

'Or am I already like this?' Hyortr....or Leon didn't know.

'What happened is irreversible. Only thing is what I wish to do in the future.' he mused.

Seeing the temple he now will call his home and lair from now on, an epiphany struck him. A simple but profound thought.

"I don't care what the world views me as. I will only continue to be selfish. Only thinking of what benifits me." Hyortr internally smiled as he floated towards the Octagonal Crystal.

"And for my selfishness, whatever Nazarick benifits, will also benifits me." Hyortr extended his hand as he channelled his mana into the crystal making it glow as luminous as the sun.

The light extended towards the whole floor for a brief moment as it receded back shortly after. After a moment of silence, countless grey pale trees and thorny vines grew all over the floor, covering the whole Earth. Converting the whole area into a giant Forest.

Looking at the result of his Skill, Growth, amplified 10 times by the Crystal behind him, he could see, hear and interact with everything the forest covered now.

With the first step down he went to meet up with Demiurge and discuss how to properly set up a Communication system.


At night, as Hyortr was looking at Mare who was ordering his Mages to help create mounds and vegetation around the Tomb, he noticed two figures flying in the sky.

Remembering the anime, he too flew to join them. Partly to witness the story in the making and to see how Demiurge completely misunderstands Momonga's words.

"I may have come to this Lands to obtain this box of treasure." As Hyortr reached them, high above the clouds, he heard Momonga's words.

"Then, all of Nazarick is ready to give it to you. Lord Momonga." Hyortr joined them as both Demiurge and Momonga turned in surprise to see Hyortr behind them.

'I didn't even sense him!' Both gasped in shock.

While Demiurge took this as a display of skill from Hyortr and thought of how useful it might be, making a 20 point table with advantages and disadvantages.

Meanwhile Momonga panicked internally thinking if Hyortr had sneaked for a kill he might not have noticed it. This further strengthed his resolve to be cautious and thankfull that Hyortr was on his side.

'Hm? Did my appearance here made them suspicious?' Ignorant of their thoughts Hyortr thought he might have done something that they were caught off guard.

'Ah! My presence here. Normally all Guardians would be following His orders and be on stand by in their domain.'

Guessing it to be so, Hyortr prepared to give an explanation on his own but Demiurge's words made him abandon it.

"Hyortr? Are you here to oversee the shaman? Ah! I see, You didn't want them to hinder Mare's work. " Demiurge quickly made a question of his own as he himself conveniently gave an answer.

" are familiar with how chaotic they are. And..they have a certain nack for pranks." Hyortr spoke as he remembered dealing with them whenever he played Genshin Impact.

"I see. It's good to see you here Hyortr, as for your previous words, I believe this Box of Jewels is not just for me, but for my Friends and the whole of Nazarick to adorn.. but we don't even know the dangers of this world yet."

Momonga spoke as he answered Hyortr's previous statement. But suddenly he dropped a passing comment.

"..heh Conquering the World seems like an Enjoyable choice huh?" This simple, jesting words that Momonga non-committably spoke stunned Demiurge.

'So this is where it all begins..' Hyortr mused as though he was a watcher, observing the fate of this world be decided with a simple comment from Momonga.


I have removed some of the details regularly seen in other Fanfics like Swearing Fealty to be backstaged, so that I can focus on what is on the screen.

Also, as mentioned in Synopsis, this is a Wish Fulfilment story that I want t to properly develop. So Hyortr will actively take up roles on things Ainz would have done. Just a disclaimer.

Thanks for reading this fic

Have a good time.

Hail Ainz Ooal Gown!

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