The Abyss Dendro Lector of Nazarick

Chapter 3: Chp:2 Albedo

Time quickly passed as the Night of the Shut Down came.

Leon, or Hjortr [Pronounced "Yorr" or "Hyorr"] as his Guardian Name was, sat in silence on his throne, formulating how he would act with the rest of Nazarick.

Based on his memories and the backstory he 'heard' from his creator, he was a Great Nature Spirit who was tainted by the Abyss, falling into its depts and emerging as the Abyssal Lector.

Well that was the lore HuTaoTaxEvasion developed. But in reality Hyortr was a product of a custom wish from Ouroboros.

Going forward..

He was supposed to be a detached being, unconcerned of life, and have a disdain towards all things outside Nazarick. Although he liked to roleplay during gameplays, fitting in with this job description was not easy.

Though his passive voice and his plain Face Plate that showed no emotions will be very helpful to hide any slip ups he made.

He had already thought of how to keep up his persona and act with his fellow guardians. For now, he waited for the 'Great Transfer '.


As time ticked by, Hjortr suddenly felt the barrier restricting him inside his throne room vanish without a trace. This signaled that Nazarick has reached the New World.

"Now..we wait." He spoke as he sat leisurely on his throne. Waiting for Albedo to arrive and meet him.

After a few minutes, he felt a presence suddenly teleport in the Teleportation Zone.

Soon, an echo of footsteps could be heard in the Hallway leading to the chamber as a White pale skined female walked in. Her pristine white dress with slits on her thighs and chest accented her curvy body.

A gentle smile stuck to her face as the small twisted horns and the black feathered wings gave her an otherworldly elegance.

"Albedo.. to what do I owe the please of your visit?" Hyortr asked, seated from his throne.

'According to my lore, I am the oldest NPC in this Tomb. Being a thousand years old, I must show I am wise and calm... aah how tiring..' Hyortr internally lamented as he met Albedo's gaze with his impassive one.

"Hyortr, I assume you felt the shift in the force?" Albedo asked a question of her own.

Nowhere near irritated by Hyortr's high and mighty attitude, greeting her while on his throne. For her, it was his personality given by the Supreme Being and as the 'oldest being', she was willing to give him a certain amount of respect.

"Indeed...then You are here for that reason I assume."

"Yes..Lord Momonga has ordered us, except for the Victim to be assembled in the Amphitheatre in the Sixth Floor. Shalltear has already departed." Albedo concisely replied.

"I see.. then I assume You have two more to meet then?"

"Yes." Albedo replied shortly.

"We shouldn't keep the Supreme One waiting for long. I shall meet with Cocytus myself." Hyortr said as he stood up.

"As you said. We shouldn't make my love wait, what if he needs me? What if he needs me to..." An almost over zealous love filled Albedo replied.

"I-is there only Lord Momonga?" Caught off guard by Albedo's sudden shift in demeanor, Hyortr tried to steer the conversation.

"Regrettably yes... Everyone except my Love Lord Momonga has abandoned us." Albedo tilted her head as a shadow passed over her face briefly. But suddenly she regained her previous composure.

"I see..let's go then." Hyortr nodded, ignoring her words walked forward towards the Teleportation Zone followed by Albedo.


In the Teleportation Zone on the Fifth Floor, the Glacier.

In the ice and snow filled floor, eternally bathed in a snow storm a lies the residence of the guardian of this floor.

In the Snowball Earth, Hyortr met up with Cocytus. Having relayed the message of Momonga to him, both set out to the Amphitheatre.


Arriving through one of the entrances inside the Colosseum, Hyortr was met with four people. Three of which was about half the size of the Fourth.

Those three were obviously Aura, Mare and Shalltear. Aura and Shalltear were currently bickering with each other while Mare hesitated to stop them. Meanwhile, the fourth figure, The Overlord himself, stood silently, his dim red glowing orbs for eyes staring at them as if reminiscing about the past.

"How disgraceful. Bickering infront of the Supreme Being. Is this how you show your sincerity?" Cocytus slammed his halberd on the ground, creating a small area of frost to form on it, while he exhaled mist from his nose? or is it spiracles?

His voice drew the attention of the four as Aura and Shalltear quickly apologised to Momonga who calmly waved his hands as

he glanced at the green figure beside Cocytus.


Ainz pov

"How disgraceful. Bickering infront of the Supreme Being. Is this how you show your sincerity?"

While I was lost in thought about the days Bukubukuchagama and Peroronchino would quarrel, a heavy and cold voice took me out of my musings.

Looking at the source of the voice, I saw Cocytus, looking at him I recollected all the memories related to him.

'An Insectoid Warrior created by Warrior Takemikazuchi. He is a weapon enthusiast with all the qualities of a samurai. He is also the guardian of the Fifth floor Glacier, Alignment Neutral Good.'

Glancing at the figure next to Cocytus floating silently above the ground, he recognised Hyortr.

'Hmn, Hyortr. A custom wish from the other game his Creator HuTaoTaxEvasion loved to play, an Abyss Lector. He is a Powerful mage with one of his job class being summoner. He is an AoE NPC who is also a Battlefield Controler. Said to be detached and disdainful, seeing all things as worthless. Allignment Extreme Evil...'

Recalling all the information about Hyortr, Momonga felt Hyortr might be another person he should be warry of after Albedo. Like her, Hyortr was also an intelligent and wise being with his lore making him a millennia old.

'I hope I don't slip up...' Momonga Thought to himself as he spoke up.

"You came Cocytus. You too, Hyortr."

"It was natural to answer your call Lord Momonga." Cocytus replied as he exhaled a stream of mist.

" As said by Cocytus, we guardians are always ready to heed your call, Lord Momonga." Hyortr spoke, floating off the ground with his hands together in a downward open prayer. His tone detached but a small hint of admiration within it.

'Uwahhh his tone is so cold. Even colder than Cocytus.' Momonga thought to himself as he again replied.

"I am glad you think so highly of me."

"Ah, Sorry for being this late everyone." A male silvery voice spoke up as everyone turned to the way Cocytus and Hyortr arrived from.

From the distance, Demiurge along with Albedo could be seen walking together.

Soon they joined the group as everyone, as if practiced a thousand times lined up perfectly and knelt before Momonga.

Stunned by the sudden turn of events, his jaw dropped as a Green glow enveloped him.

"Now then everyone, let us swear our pledge of Fealty" Albedo's declaration further intensified the green glow around Momonga.


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