Chapter 4: Chapter 4- Fairy Tail Wedding (2)
Hey guys, Novaflame6_Badal here again. I know it's been along time since I updated this story but here I am with another update. I will try and update this story whenever possible. Anyways onto the story!
p.s.: I don't own Dbz, DBS, or Fairy Tail and the characters belonging to said series. I only own the oc's.
Fairy Tail Wedding II
It was very busy for the next few weeks around the fairy tail guild hall, the guild members were constantly in and out to help with occasional odd jobs and things. Once the town of magnolia heard the news about the wedding, they joined in on the fun too. The whole town was treating the wedding like it was a big holiday or something to that extent. Teilanne was seen being dragged to the different wedding stores by the female members of the guild, mostly the younger ones. She did appreciate that the female members took a liking to her, but it was still more than a little overwhelming.
While this was going on, the young red haired boy with the brown tail had snuck out of his hiding spot to grab some food. He looked both ways, checking to see if he could sneak into the guild hall for a snack without being spotted. Seeing the coast was clear, he used his Saiyan speed to slip by the younger members and into the kitchen. Makarov was of course waiting there as he had the young boy's food ready for him.
Makarov- Rather hard to avoid being spotted, isn't it Turrik?
Turrik- wah! Oh.. g-gramps. You scared me! Huh? isn't that-?
Makarov- Hmm? Oh this? It's just some leftovers from the last meal. I assume you're hungry, yes?
Turrik- Y-yeah... Can I hide here for a little while? It gets a little lonely in the attic of those buildings over there.
Makarov- hoho of course you can. Don't worry, I'll make sure no one comes back here until you leave.
Turrik- T-Thanks gramps.
Makarov ruffled the young boy's hair as he ate. It really felt like he was a grandpa again looking after this young boy who was supposed to remain a secret until after the wedding. He allowed his mind to wander for a little while. The aged wizard wondered about the potential of this boy as a wizard when he became old enough to join the guild. It was obvious that he had magic power flowing through him, but he felt... something else too. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but whatever that other energy was that he felt in this boy it was very powerful. He did remember something that Teilanne told him shortly after joining the guild about her past. She said that she was something called a Saiyan and that they can project their energy outwards. One could even fly with it. He'd think on that later, for now he would look after young Turrik here.
Kizuna was seen practicing his martial arts with Gildarts in the forest not far outside magnolia. The two had made this a goal every morning since Kizuna joined the guild, it was nice way to start off the day. They eventually finished as the young Saiyan knew that his soon to be father was probably needed back in town soon. He did have to pick out a suit and tie for the wedding, HIS wedding mind you.
Kizuna- We'd better go Gildarts, looks like you're needed back in town.
Gildarts- Umm.. y-yeah. Guess We'd better get going.
Kizuna- Gildarts.. are you.. nervous already?
Gildarts- What? no. umm.. maybe? Yes?
Kizuna- ugh. come on. You haven't even picked out a suit and tie yet, how are you this nervous?
Gildarts- I haven't really been in this kind of situation all that much you know.
Kizuna- ... I can see that. Don't worry me and Uruk will be there to help you. Besides I guarantee mom's going to like whatever you choose and say you look handsome in it.
This made Gildarts feel a bit better about himself. He and Kizuna exited the forest and began walking back towards magnolia, meeting uruk along the way. Gildarts knew that Teilanne liked more simpler things, so He'd try to go for something simpler but at the same time not too basic. His long walk towards magnolia began.
They arrived in magnolia and the townsfolk were surprisingly helpful towards Gildarts. They knew this was a big deal for him, so the townsfolk along with Kizuna and Uruk were helping the man as much as possible pick out the perfect suit and tie for the wedding. Gildarts could already feel that this was going to be a long couple of weeks for him. But at the very least, his guildmates were happy to help. As long as his soon to be new family and his fairy tail family were happy, that's all that mattered to him.
Porlyusica led Teilanne into a stall to try on a wedding dress herself and the girls suggested, they thought it'd look very pretty on her. The dress was silver and navy blue, much like the outfit she had on now. It had crimson red trimmings with small white pearls dotting the hem of the dress. It also came with a crystal necklace and jade colored earrings to go with silver gloves and white heeled shoes.
When she was done changing into it and came out for the girls to see, everyone in the store was in awe. It was like they were looking at a model.
Teilanne- s-so how does it look?Porlyusica- Oh my...
store employee- miss you look absolutely gorgeous in that dress!
Teilanne- Oh r-really? You mean it doesn't look weird at all?
Gine- You look like an angel momma! Mister Gildarts will be so surprised!
Mr Clive will be very pleasantly surprised. I'm sure he won't be able to keep his eyes off you.
Teilanne- That's very nice of you to say miss porlyusica.
Porlyusica- I think we just found ourselves a winner. What do you think, Teilanne?
Teilanne- Yes.. I believe I'll take this one, It's lovely.
Store employee- I thought you'd say that. How about we just let you have this one on the house?
Teilanne- What? Oh no, I can't let you do that. At least let me pay for it.
Store employee- nonsense take it. Besides, your guild has done so much for us already. And It's kind of like a holiday for this town, we haven't had something like this happen in a long while. You'd be doing magnolia a huge favor by taking that dress for free.
Teilanne certainly couldn't argue with that. She changed out of the dress and into her normal outfit, having the dress boxed and packaged in the meantime. The store employees thanked them for their business as Teilanne thanked the girls for their help picking out a dress. She and Gine then went back to the guild as they picked up another job in the meantime while the waiting for the boys to finish up with Gildarts.
2 weeks later...
Two weeks had past and the big day was finally here. The whole town of magnolia gathered at Kardia Cathedral. A mixture of townspeople and Fairy Tail guild members filled the church on both sides. In the back, Gildarts was having some trouble getting himself ready due to how nervous he was. Kizuna and Uruk were there to help him of course as well as Makarov and Freed from the thunder legion.
Gildarts- I'll never get used to these.. ties. Geez, these things are tight!
Kizuna- Hang on Gildar- no I guess I should call you dad now shouldn't I?
Gildarts- No need to call me that. I'm not your dad yet Kizuna. Now can you help me with this thing?
Freed- There's no need young master Kizuna, allow me to do so. There, that should be better.
Gildarts- Thanks Freed, I appreciate this.
Freed- There is no need for thanks, we are all a part of the same guild are we not?
Gildarts - can't argue with that.
Gildarts was now ready, he walked from the back and to the front of the altar as the organs within the cathedral played. His hair was neatly combed back and He'd made sure to trim some of his stubble to look cleaner. Gildarts wore just a simple dark suit, matching pants, black shoes, and a red tie. He waited with his hands folded in front of him for Teilanne, his bride to be who was due to arrive very soon. No one but the younger members noticed the small red haired boy who was hidden behind porlyusica. They wondered why he hid but paid it no mind. Shortly after, It sounded as they the bride and her party had arrived.
Teilanne had finished getting ready only minutes before, she realized that she was indeed late. She needed to hurry. The other female fairy tail members originally suggested she wear makeup but, Teilanne didn't want that she preferred it to be simple. For that reason, lipstick was the only makeup she wore. Porlyusica was of course chosen to be the maiden of honor, since she knew Teilanne the best out of those in the bridal party. And since Teilanne had no living relative to walk her down the aisle, Gine took it upon herself as her mother's daughter to walk her mom down towards the front.
As she came down the aisle, Gildarts couldn't help but to stare at Teilanne. She was beautiful and he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. For perhaps the first time since his deceased wife had married him over a decade ago, Gildarts actually felt genuinely nervous. Teilanne arrived at the altar and stood beside him, she looked at him through the veil over her face. She felt the heat rise to her face because of the man she saw in front of her, he was handsome.
Teilanne- You look very handsome today Gildarts...
Gildarts- thanks.. um... you look... oh gosh... You're breath taking right now, I'm sure that once I can see your face... I'll be even more amazed at you.
Both of them laughed momentarily before facing forward towards Makarov who served as interim priest for the wedding. He smiled at the both of them as he began to a dress the couple and the whole town of magnolia who had come to the wedding. It was perhaps the largest wedding ever to take place in quite some time. Because it involved on of fairy tail's most celebrated wizards, this was automatically something the townsfolk couldn't afford to miss out on.
Makarov- Good people of magnolia! We've gathered here today to celebrated the union of one of fairy tail's best wizards and one of It's most beloved newest members! We thank you all for joining us in celebrating their union today!
Everyone gave a loud roar of applause at the speech. After the noise died down, Gildarts and Teilanne turn to face each other. Lisanna and Gine came forward to present the ring to Teilanne, who took it out of its box.
Makarov- Do you, Teilanne, take this man, Gildarts Clive as your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, to support with all of your being in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Teilanne- I do.
Makarov- And do you, Gildarts Clive, take this woman, Teilanne, as your lawful wedded wife to have and hold, to support her with every fiber of your being and all the magic power you have in sickness and in health, until death do you part?
Gildarts- I do.
Makarov- Then I ask the two of you to complete your vows to each other.
Teilanne went first, she took the ring out of the box and slid it onto his middle finger. The ring was pretty and not fancy by any means, it was lined with blue and green gems with a single gold band at the top of the ring to go with its silver color.
Teilanne- Gildarts Clive, I give you everything I have. All my joy, sadness, anger, pain, and anything else I may soon feel.. It's all yours. But most importantly, I give you all of the love that I could possibly give to any one person, It's yours now. When I first came here to Fiore, myself and my children had nowhere to go but you gave us a home to come to. You could've asked where we came from, what we wanted, what our intentions were, or any number of precautionary questions like that. But, you didn't. You simply opened up your arms and your home towards people who needed help getting back up on their feet. I am forever and always will be grateful for that. I have no proper way to thank you for all you've done for myself and my kids. The only thing I can and will continue to offer you as payment for your hospitality and love is my heart. It will always and forever be yours and yours alone, my love.
Several members of the guild couldn't stop themselves from crying due to how beautiful and pure Teilanne's wedding vow was. Makarov was even struggling to hold in the tears. How did fairy tail get lucky enough to have such a kind young woman among its family? Gildarts was next to go as Reid brought him a box with a beautiful silver ring in it. The ring had blue and green gems on the inside of it, but was covered by sparkling diamonds that had a blue and green hue to them with the same gold band in the middle of it but underneath the diamond quartz in the center which sat in a flower pattern. He slid the ring onto her middle finger before uttering his vow to Teilanne.
Gildarts- Teilanne, just as you give everything you have to me, I now give everything I have and am to you and your kids. I give my strength, desires, dreams, all of my magic, but most importantly my love and my heart. I never thought I'd ever truly love another woman aside from my deceased wife again. But you showed me that it was okay to open my heart again to someone new that'd come into my life and more than anything, was depending on me. I will do everything I can to be the father your kids deserve, and also to be the husband and man that you deserve above all else. I'm now only realizing looking at you, Teilanne, just how much I wanted to make you my wife and to grow old with you. I love you with all of my being.
Makarov- Now that both bride and groom have exchanged vows, I now pronounce you as husband and wife... You can kiss your bride, Gildarts.
Gildarts pulled back the veil covering Teilanne's face and stepped closer to her allowing his hand to cup her cheek. Teilanne also stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the man's neck as she gazed into his eyes... those kind eyes that reminded her so much of her deceased husband. While Yuren would always have a special place in her heart, she found herself wanting to let Gildarts into it. The same went for Gildarts as well. His face drew closer to hers until finally he closed the gap between them as his lips connected with hers. While it was sweet at first, their kiss briefly turned into a bit more of a passionate one. That was before Teilanne had to separate herself from Gildarts for lack of air.
Gildarts- Are you ok Teilanne?
Teilanne- Ah.. y-yes I'm fine dear, you just.. surprised me a little there. I was a little short on air was all, nothing to worry about.
Gildarts was relieved as the two went in for one final kiss, this one was shorter but sweeter. When the two separated they turned to the audience as Makarov announced the new couple.
Makarov- People of Magnolia, I now present to you Mr. and Mrs .Gildarts and Teilanne Clive!
The entire town then erupted in cheers as people celebrated the new couple who walked down the aisle amidst the confetti and flower petals. When the two came outside and into magnolia, it was like they were in a parade and they were the main attraction. This followed them all the way to the fairy tail Guild hall as congratulations and well wishes were sent their way. Once in the Guild hall, they were of course joined by their fairy tail family, it was here where the real celebration would begin.
It was like a party inside the guild hall, but no different than any normal day inside the guild. But there was just one thing missing... It just wouldn't be a fairy tail wedding without a fight breaking out in the hall of some sort, it just didn't feel right without one. As if their request was heard, a stray plate of food went flying directly into Gildarts face. Everyone stopped for a second, before Gildarts threw his own plate of food back at the sender. The sender got confused and thought someone else threw it.
And as things typically were in this guild everyone began blaming each other and began fighting each other as only fairy tail members do. punches, glasses full of drinks, tables, chairs, plates of food, etcetera were being thrown all around the room. Gildarts, who'd cleaned his face was actively involved with this comical guild hall fight along with his wife, Teilanne. Even makarov couldn't complain about it, as much as it irked him to admit that. This was just how fairy tail did things. Gildarts and Teilanne smiled, they wouldn't have it any other way.
To be continued in chapter 5: Sibling and new guild member?
And done with this chapter. I had some fun writing this chapter. Had to get a bit creative for how to end the chapter but anywho like it hate it? If you weren't satisfied, eh.. I tried at least. If you do like it , thank you for reading this. Next update will be sooner than this one I can assure you lol. anywa, see you next chapter!