Saiyan Family of Fairy Tail

Chapter 5: Chapter 5- Sibling and New Guild Member?

Hey guys, Novaflame6_Badal here again. I know it's been a few weeks since I updated any of my stories, got caught up watching black clover... great series by the way. Anyways I'm back now so I will do my utmost to update whenever possible. For those of you who are interested, I'm doing a rewrite of Legend of the Remnant Saiyans over on wattpad my user name is RoseSaiyan2. I'll try and get to my other stories as soon as I can.

Anywho, I don't own Dbz/Kai/ DBS or Fairy Tail and their characters. Those belong to Akira Toriyama and Hiro Mashima respectively, I only own the oc's. Anyways, onto the story!

Chapter 5: Sibling and New Guild member?

The wedding lasted late into the night and after it was all said and done, the fairy tail guild hall was much the same as it normally was. Teilanne chuckled at the scene before her and Gildarts. Everyone was passed out on the floor and snoring.

Several members had bottles of wine or some other kind of alcoholic beverage next to them as they slept. Now it was just the two of them, the younger members of the guild, and the 3 saiyan children who were awake. Teilanne looked to her kids and then back to Gildarts, he knew what that look meant. It was time they told their kids about their new sibling.

Gildarts- Why don't you go and find Cumber? I'm sure he's itching to meet his siblings.

Teilanne- ah, yes. you're probably right about that. When you're done here, bring the kids to the house.

Gildarts- *chuckles* Sure thing, dear.

Teilanne then leans in and gives her husband a quick kiss before heading off to find their youngest child... It still felt weird saying their children to her. Gildarts felt himself still blushing after his wife walked away, so he shook his head and told himself that he'd have more time to fawn over his wife later. He had to focus.

Easier said than done though.

Though he did have difficulty not thinking about his bride at the moment, Gildarts managed to focus enough to cover all the members sleeping on the floor in blankets so they wouldn't catch a cold. Sighing, he saw the kids were awake and motioned to them to follow him.

Kizuna, Uruk, and Gine saw this and followed Gildarts not knowing where he was bringing them. Unknown to them however, was the fact they were also followed. And by who else but Natsu, Gray, Erza, and Mira Jane. Mira Jane mostly because she wanted to see what Erza was up to once she spotted her following Kizuna and his 2 siblings.

Back at the Clive residence, Teilanne was seen waiting for her husband and her other 3 kids. She had Cumber with her, he was sleeping on her lap. That was until he heard the front door open. The 7 year old woke up with a start, quickly hiding behind his mother.

Teilanne- Cumber, it's okay. That's probably just your father and your siblings coming in.

Cumber- Siblings, momma?

Teilanne- Yes. You're going to meet your big brothers and Sister.

Teilanne saw Cumber squirm a little bit, she took this as a sign of nervousness or shyness. Although he was already 7 years old, Cumber had only ever seen Teilanne and Gildarts before. He'd never seen or even been around his mother's other children who were now his siblings. This reaction was... understandable. This was going to be Cumber's first time meeting his siblings face to face. She combed her hand through his hair until she heard Gildarts calling her and announcing that he was home.

Teilanne and Cumber shared a look before the smaller saiyan his behind his mother as they ventured into the other room.

Gildarts arrived back at their home with Kizuna, Uruk, and Gine in tow. Walking into the other room, the 3 saiyan children were curious as to why Gildarts was being so secretive about them having to come home suddenly.

Gine- mom? what's going on?

Uruk- Is there something we should know about?

Kizuna- *sighs* Gine, Uruk... They obviously had a reason to call us here.

Kizuna looked to Gildarts, then to Teilanne with a knowing look. He knew they had something to tell the 3 of them. And whatever it happened to be, it was pretty big because he could tell that they'd been keeping it secret for a long while.

Kizuna- You have something you wanted to tell us, don't you mom?

Teilanne and Gildarts smiled before Teilanne spoke up again.

Teilanne- Yes, son. There's... someone who wants to meet you three.

Gildarts- we've been keeping them secret until after Teilanne and I were married.

Teilanne then waves over to someone. Upon further inspection, it is a small boy with red hair and a brown... tail? The boy hid slightly behind her leg and briefly peaked out at them.

Gine- aw! what a cutie!

Teilanne- Glad you think so Gine, cause this is your younger brother.

Uruk- wait..

Kizuna- Younger?

Gine- Brother?




Kizuna/ Uruk/Gine- EHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!

Gine- wait.. so you mean that you were already-

Teilanne blushes out of slight embarrassment, but then answers her daughter's question.

Teilanne- It is embarrassing to admit, but.. yes Gine. I was pregnant with Cumber here after... let's just call it a embarrassing incident and a rather humiliating lack of judgement on my part with Gildarts here early on.

Gildarts also blushed at the memory but then spoke up to save his wife from fainting from embarrassment.

Gildarts- I think we were both to blame for an embarrassing lack of judgement then dear. I include myself in that manner.

Gine's face becomes red at the thought and her mind goes into overdrive at the implication of their words.

Gine- oh.. my..

Kizune- So... you two did do it.

Uruk- And our new sibling here is the result of that?

Teilanne, whose face was still red with embarrassment managed to collect herself and answer her son's inquiry with a nod.

Teilanne- It's ok, these are your brothers and Sister. Go on, I know you want to say hi to them.

The small boy inched out from his mother's leg before running right into Gine's arms. Once Cumber embraced Gine, Kizuna and Uruk also hugged him.

The newlywed couple smiled at the scene, they were relieved to see the others accept their new sibling so readily. Gine then wondered about something.. Just how long were they keeping Cumber a secret from not only them, but the rest of Fairy Tail? She then asked their youngest sibling how old he was now.

Gine- Cumber?

Cumber- yeah?

Gine- How.. old are you now?

Cumber thought for a moment before thinking about how to best answer his sister's question. He then answered her in the best way he could think of how to.

Cumber- I'm 7.

This surprised her and her two other brothers, Cumber was right underneath their noses for 7 whole years?

After some time, Makarov cleared his throat and instructed all of the guild members to come into the mess hall of the guild. All members, including Laxus surprisingly, gathered into the mess hall for a special announcement. All of the adult members and even the kids who were members of the guild gathered to hear what the announcement was.

Now that he had everyone's attention, he gave way for the Clive family to step forward. They did so, albeit a bit nervously. They were still unsure how the guild would react, but then remembered that this was their family.

Laxus- So mind telling us what this is all about, gramps?

Makarov- I think the Clive family would be able to explain it better.

Everyone then looked to the family for an explanation on this. Seeing the expectant look on the other Wizards faces, Teilanne walked forward and spoke up.

Teilanne- There's someone Gildarts and I would like you to meet. Do try not to scare them as they're still a bit shy around people other than their siblings, Gildarts, and myself.

She then waved over to Cumber who was still hiding behind his sister's leg. Gine smiled at him and then pushed him gently towards Teilanne.

Gine- It's ok Cumber, go on. Mom just wants you to meet everyone.

Cumber- mm... o-ok.

The small red haired boy then walks over to his mother and faces everyone. Teilanne and Gildarts smile as they both put a hand on each of his shoulders. The fairy Tail Guild then realize something when they look back and forth between the small boy and both Gildarts and Teilanne.

Macao- Say, doesn't he look kinda similar to both of them?

Wakaba- Yeah, almost like a mini mixture of both Gildarts and Teilanne.

Gildarts- well you guys are right about that.

Lisanna- huh? Gildarts, what do you mean by that?

The burly wizard looks to his wife who smiles and then explains everything with just a handful of words.

Teilanne- We'd like you to meet our youngest son , Cumber. He's the fruit of the love myself and Gildarts share for each other. Granted it was due to some rather... (blushes in embarrassment) poor judgement early on by us both. This was before we knew that we wanted to get married.

Gildarts- yeah.. Our little Cumber here, he... And Gine over there kind of forced our hand.




Fairy Tail Guild- EHHHHHHH?!?!?!?! YOU'RE SON?!

What happened next was a hilarious display of every single one of the wizards who didn't know this reacting in different ways out of shock. Of course Teilanne could hardly blame her Guildmates, something like what she and Gildarts just revealed was so unexpected of either of them to the point that it was a little jarring.

However after recovering from the initial shock of their revelation, the women of the guild just couldn't get over how cute Cumber was. And he was so we'll mannered when introducing himself to them too. His tail just made him even more adorable in their eyes. Gine noticed that her younger brother was getting a little nervous with all the attention he was getting. Cumber took to hiding behind her leg out of habit.

She chuckled because she remembered that it wasn't so long ago she had the same habit as Cumber had developed. She ruffled his hair and spoke to him.

Gine- Cumber, it's ok. They're not going to hurt you, I promise. They. Just really want to get to know you is all.

The young saiyan seemed to understand this as he then nervously came out into the open.

Gine- There, that wasn't so hard now was it?

The boy shook his head no. Lisanna was the first of the kids to greet him, followed by Elfman, Mira Jane, Erza, Natsu, Gray, and finally Cana. He wasn't sure why, but Cana felt eerily similar to his father Gildarts. Were the two related somehow? He'd have to ask his mom later, she'd know because she knew almost everything about Gildarts.

While this was going on everyone had somewhat dispersed and returned to business as usual. It was an eventful day in Fairy Tail, and one that had been filled with surprises. Although he was young, Cumber would come of age to join the guild eventually in the next few years. Until then, Fairy Tail's resident Saiyan Family just enjoyed life at the guild until a later time. Their adventures would continue, but that is a tale for the next time.

To be continued in chapter 6: 7 years later and a celestial wizard?

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.A little on the shorter side, but I figured it'd be a nice set up chapter for the time before Lucy joins Fairy Tail.Anyways, I wasn't expecting as many people to like this story as there have been so thx guys. I'll try and keep the story interesting for you guys. Of course you know you can't have saiyans in a story without some Dbz villains lol. Leave a review or PM me on which villains I should bring into the story. And in case you forgot, I'm planning on Mira Jane being with Kizuna, While Wendy is going to get Uruk but I'll leave it open between a few girls other than Wendy just to keep things interesting and see who you guys think should ultimately end up with Uruk. As for Gine, I already have someone in mind for her.. you guys may or may not have caught the hint I dropped in an earlier chapter at who I'm thinking of pairing her with. Lastly, there's Cumber (name change from Turrik). In talking with another writer, ComparedDread12, I have decided to have Cumber paired with Coco. Don't worry, I'll try and flesh it out so it makes sense. Anyways that's it for now, see you guys in the next chapter!

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