Saiyan Family of Fairy Tail

Chapter 3: Chapter 3- Fairy Tail Wedding (1)

Hey guys, Novaflame6_Badal here. I'm back after abit of a hiatus. For awhile i didn't know which direction to take this story so i was trying to brainstorm for ideas. One thing I neglected to mention (cuz i just thought of it) was the fact that Teilanne was pregnant with her second child in the years they lived with Gildarts. So the other saiyan is around and it will be a boy. I'm thinking his name will be either Daikon, Ceriac, or Turrik. I'm leaning towards Turrik though, he'll introduced in some way during this two parter. He'll technically be a hybrid since Gildarts was around, but not at the same time since Gildarts is a wizard and not a normal human. Anyways.. onto the chapter as this one will be abit shorter since it is a two parter.

Disclaimer- I do not own Dbz, Dragon ball super, or Fairy Tail and the series characters. Those rights belong to Akira Toriyama and Hiro Mashima respectively, i only own the oc's.

Chapter 3- Fairy Tail wedding (1)

Everyone stood there, shocked at what Teilanne and Gildarts just said. They were getting married?! How many in Fairy Tail saw that one coming? Makarov was pleasantly surprised and he welcomed it. However, there was one more matter that Teilanne and Gildarts were keeping a secret even from the saiyan children. Teilanne told something.. or rather someone that they could come out now. A shy little boy with a brown monkey tail, Red hair, and brown almost black eyes stepped out from behind his mother. His clothes were a mixture of color from his parents clothes. A black and brown shirt, blue pants, and bandages around his limbs like his father had.

From what the wizards in Fairy Tail could tell, the boy must have been around 6 or 7 years old. But one thing was for sure, they could definitely tell that he was Teilanne and Gildarts kid. He had Gildarts hair and face, Teilanne's eyes and had a tail like she did, his skin was tanned slightly, but his build was like a mixture between Gildarts and Teilanne.

Makarov- Why hello there young one. What might your name be?

Teilanne- It's alright son, you can tell him.

boy- Turrik.

Makarov- Turrik, eh? nice to meet ya.

Turrik was nervous at first but after seeing that he could trust makarov, he opened up to him. The boy smiled at Makarov and proceeded to call him "Gramps" instead of Makarov. Teilanne attempted to correct her son before Makarov intervened by telling her that he didn't mind being called Gramps. He rather liked it, honestly. It made him feel like a grandpa again.

Makarov- So, when are the two of you thinking about getting hitched?

Teilanne- Hitched?

Gildarts- It's another way of saying when are you getting married.

Teilanne- Oh. To answer your question Master Makarov, we were thinking in a few weeks since several months have passed already.

Makarov- In a few weeks, my that is soon. We'll have to prepare. I take it you mean to reveal young Turrik here to his siblings and the rest of his family here soon?

Teilanne- Yes. Can't do that too soon or else we could have an awkward mess on our hands, seeing as he is me and Gildarts child.

Makarov- I see.. Rest assured i will keep your secret until you deem it necessary to say something about it.

The two thanked Makarov and quickly exited the guildhall to drop Turrik off in a safe place where he wouldn't be spotted. They then returned to the guild hall as per normal to resume their wizarding duties.

1 week later

Everyone had been going about their own business when suddenly they were all called into the main room of the guild hall. The adults who were present knew what it was about, but everyone else had no clue what this was about. There were only a handful of adults in Fairy Tail that knew this was an announcement. As soon as everyone was inside of the Guild hall, Makarov began to speak. The usual suspects of Natsu, Gray, Erza, and the Strauss siblings all wondered what this was about. Fairy Tail's resident saiyan children had an idea of what the announcement was, but they weren't 100% sure.

Makarov- Thank you for coming on such short notice everyone. Now, you're probably all wondering why you were called here and what's so important about it. To answer that I'll turn it over to Gildarts and Teilanne as they have a very important announcement for you.

Teilanne- Thank you, Master Makarov. This has been a long time coming... But Gildarts and I..

Gildarts- I'll take it from here. This lovely lady here has given me the opportunity to be a father again by asking me to marry her. I had some doubts at first, but i thought about a very special young girl in this room who her mother says has always wanted me to be her father. So I am going to take this lovely young woman and mother of three to be my wife.

Fairy Tail- Eh? Ehhhhhhh???????!!!!!?!!!

Erza- C..Congratulations then Gildarts..

Mirajane- This is quite the surprise..

Lisanna- What brought this on Gildarts?

Gildarts- It was the honest feelings of Gine, Uruk, and Kizuna. But especially Gine and Teilanne, I felt flattered to be honest. How could I in good conscious accept feelings like those and not respond to them?

Erza- So when are thinking of getting married?

Teilanne- Well.. after discussing it, we decided to get married here in a few weeks. We felt this would work best. It doesn't have to be a big one, it can be small.

Porlyusica- I'm sorry to interrupt Teilanne, but that just won't do at all. Not when you've come to your fairy tail family about it.

Erza- She's right, this is a big deal. And it's something to be celebrated.

Mirajane- For once, i agree with the tin can. You shouldn't hide this, be proud of it.


Everyone- Yeah!!!

Teilanne was glad everyone took the news like champs, it was a load off her mind. Gildarts put his hand on his soon to be wife's shoulder.

Gildarts- You'll get used to it after awhile. It's always like this.

Teilanne- ...I see... Weddings weren't exactly that big of a deal on planet Vegeta. I.. could get used to this.

Wedding preparations began in earnest, it was going to be a busy few weeks around Fairy Tail. While Natsu was glad to help do some things, he was more shocked than anything. Out of everyone he would expect to get married, Gildarts wasn't one of those people. Gray of course thought it was hilarious seeing Natsu in such a state. That was before he'd promptly get beaten up by erza. As for the saiyan kids... Gine was the most excited about it, almost to the point of being giddy. Kizuna and Uruk were as casual as possible about it, they knew it was coming and that it was only a matter of time until it did.

Later Kizuna was found talking to mira jane, though erza and the others couldn't tell what they were saying. Lisanna couldn't help but smirk. She knew her sister had been watching Kizuna for awhile now. When asked, mira said she was sizing him up for when she fought him. Natsu, Gray, lisanna, happy, elfman, uruk, and Gine decided to listen in on their conversation. Kizuna knew they were there, but he purposely didn't say anything until after Mira had left.

Mira- So how's it feel to get a new father?

Kizuna- kinda neat i suppose. I don't remember much about my birth father, but Gildarts does resemble him in several ways.

Mira- I see... the whole guild's going nuts about it. Just wanted to know how you felt about it.

Kizuna- Thanks Mira Jane, you're a lot nicer than people say. Honestly, i think you're alot cuter when you show your real self.

Mira- wha-?! whatever, you're weird.

Kizuna- It's what i honestly think though.

Mira- well.. n-no one asked what you think of m-me!

Kizuna- Say.. Mira, why did you ask me what i thought about Gildarts becoming my father?

Mira- no reason.

kizuna- Mira, i know that's not true. You had to have a reason for it.

Mira- Ugh, fine i'll tell you. long as you get off my back about it and never ask again.

Kizuna- *laughs* ok i promise.

Mira- Even though i don't remember much about him, i wonder how my dad felt when he knew that he'd become a father? Both of my parents died when i was young so i had to be the one to look after lisanna and elfman.

Kizuna- i'm sure he was very proud of all 3 of you. No sane man could ever hate his children. I'm sure that he was a very kind man, at least that's what i feel when you talk about him.

Mira- Kizuna... You know, you're alright kid. And.. you're very sweet too.

Kizuna- you say something else, mira?

Mira Jane- No, nothing! Anyways we should head back. We'll fight this out someday Kizuna. I'll prove that i'm stronger than you.

Kizuna- Looking forward to it, Mira.

The others looked on and smirked, they could tell that there was a special bond being formed between those two. Lisanna knew that there would be many more chats like this one between her sister and kizuna, and she couldn't wait to hear her sisters stories from them. For now though, she needed to help with wedding preparations.

Days until the wedding... 3 days.

To be continued in Fairy Tail Wedding II.

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