Saiyan Family of Fairy Tail

Chapter 2: Chapter 2- Guildmates and... a new Father?

Hey Guys Novaflame6_Badal here again! Hope y'all at least somewhat enjoyed the first chapter of this new crossover. Anyways if you want to know who I'm pairing Uruk with just look at the summary and you'll know. I was thinking about possibly giving Uruk 2 girls since i wanted to give Coco a guy without having to bring another saiyan or switching around the pairings. As for Ginè, I have a pretty good idea who i'll pair her with you guys may or may not be surprised at who it is. Also there will be timeskips at different points in this fic, so bear with me.

Anyways like before i don't own anything, only my oc's!

Chapter 2- Saiyans and Cana

Timeskip- 12 years later

3 kids were seen training in the backyard of a certain fairy tail wizard's house. These three were of course Kizuna (12), Uruk (12), and Gině (12). Technically Gině was the youngest, but only by a month. Kizuna wore a black sleeveless shirt, dark blue pants, green arm bracers, and green boots. He was darker in skin tone, but not drastically darker than his siblings. The gold eyes were the only thing differentiating him from his siblings. Uruk was a little bit lighter toned but still tanned skinned, black eyes and hair, a teal blue tank top, long sleeved blue shirt underneath, teal green pants, blue boots, and orange bandages that he wore around his hands with his fingers sticking out. Gině wore mostly a purple shirt, grey shorts, brown boots, pink wristbands, and and jade colored necklace made out of bear teeth. And of course one thing all 3 had in common, was the brown monkey tail that protruded out of their backsides.

They kept training until Teilanne called them over. Teilanne has changed the most out of the family of 4 saiyans. Her black hair now runs down to about her mid back, she has wing type earrings, and wears a simple dark blue karate type dress that stops just above her ankles with black shoes. The shirt part of her dress is ocean blue with red stitches complemented by the rest of her outfit. In the 12 years since she and her kids came to earthland, she's gotten to be very close to the wizard known as Gildarts. Her kids have grown strong too and now is the perfect time to join the fairy tail guild.

Teilanne- Alright you 3, you ready?

Gině- More than ready momma!

Uruk- So today's the day?

Kizuna- That we finally join the guild that mister Gildarts is a part of.

Teilanne- Yes it is.

Gině- Say Momma?

Teilanne- Yes Gině?

Gině- When are you going to tell mister Gildarts how you feel about him?

Teilanne- hu.. G-Gine.. T-That will come in time, I promise. Just not yet, I don't know Gildarts well enough yet to tell him my personal feelings.

Kizuna- Mom... not this again. Just tell him already, he's never going to know if you don't tell him.

Teilanne- I-I suppose you are right.. I just need to find out the next time he's coming back home.

The three kids smirked, they knew how much their mother liked gildarts. One could even say she had abit of a crush on him, though she would openly deny it when asked. They all made the journey into town and waved at the townspeople who spotted them. The people of magnolia had learned to accept them over the years, so they were used to the fact that the family of 4 had brown monkey tails that stuck out.

Fairy Tail Guild Hall

As usual the guild hall of Fairy Tail was loud and rowdy, that was until the door opened and 4 people they'd never seen before walked into the guild. Of course all of the male wizards were gawking at Teilanne, she was in a word stunning to them.

Male wizard- Hey who's she?

Male Wizard #2- I don't know.. Never seen anyone like her though.

Macao- Woah... She's-

Wakaba- She's Gorgeous!

Teilanne continued to walk forward and stopped in front of Makarov. She intended to talk to him about joining the guild. Meanwhile the girl wizards were still figuring out what was wrong with all of the guys, that was until they saw Teilanne. They were shocked.

Cana- She's so pretty.

Laki- Yeah...

Erza- Hm? Isn't that-?

Mira Jane- Who's she?

Erza- Isn't she the woman Gildarts is around alot?

At this sudden revelation the guild became eerily silent before it erupted in surprise.

All Fairy Tail wizards- EHHHHHHHHHHHH????????!!!!!!!

Teilanne- It's been a long time, mister Makarov. It's me, Teilanne.

Makarov- Ah.. Well then, finally decided to join the guild eh? How long has it been?

Teilanne- It's been 12 years sir. And I'm not the only one who wants to join the guild.

Uruk- Nice to meet you Master Makarov, I'm Uruk.

Kizuna- I'm Kizuna

Makarov- Yes, well met boys. Oh?

Gině- Oh! (hides behind her brothers before peeking out at makarov)

Kizuna- Sighs.. Sis, we've been over this a million times. You'll have to meet new people eventually, now come on get out there! (pushes her towards Makarov)

Makarov- Why hello there, what might your name be?

Gině- G-Gině.

Makarov- Gině huh? Well that's a very pretty name for a girl like you.

Gině- T-Thank you Master Makarov sir.

Makarov- Anyways.. follow me you 4.

The family of 4 follows Makarov to the bar where he pulls out the guild stamp. During this exchange, a certain white haired takeover mage looks at Kizuna. She likes what she sees, as he holds himself with a certain confidence that just can't be casually seen anywhere. She smirked as she thought that she may have just found another rival.

Makarov- Now then, where do you want your guild marks and in what color?

Teilanne- I guess i'll go first. Think I'll take mine in purple and on my forearm please.

Makarov then precedes to use the said stamp right where Teilanne asked it to be put. A purple fairy tail mark glows for a second as it is put on Teilanne's forearm.

Makarov- Next?

Uruk- I'll take mine in black and on my left shoulder please.

Makarov stamps right where the boy requested and the same happens with his guild mark.

Kizuna- Orange and i'll take it on my neck just above my right shoulder.

Makarov- ah.. you have interesting taste, that's exactly where my grandson has his.

The same happens for Kizuna as his Guildmark is now placed where he requested it.

Ginĕ- I'll take mine in Red and on the back of my left hand please

Makarov- Ah.. good choice. Quite a reasonable spot to put it.

Makarov then stamps the Fairy Tail Guild mark on Ginè's hand and the family of 4 are now members of Fairy Tail. He then turns around and addresses the rest of the guild.

Makarov- Listen up everyone, say hello to the newest members of our guild.

Everyone then cheers and begins to party like before. The family of 4 sweat drop at seeing how wild their new Guildmates are. During this exchange a Black hair and brown eyed girl in a yellow dress walks up to them and introduces herself. The girl is none other than Cana Alberona.

Cana- Hi there. I'm Cana Alberona, it's nice to meet you guys.

Ginè- Hello. I like your dress Cana. It's pretty.

Cana- Y-You really think so?

Gine- Yeah i do, your name is pretty too.

Cana- What's your name?

Gine- It's Ginè.

Cana- Ginè that's a really pretty name. You want to be friends Ginè?

Ginè- Sure, I'd love to be your friend Cana!

Teilanne and her sons smiled at this, they were glad Ginè made a friend that was around her age. Teilanne then spotted the grandson of Makarov and waved Ginè over to join her, which she does.

Teilanne- Master Makarov, is that your grandson over there?

Makarov- Hm? ah, so you noticed. Yes it is. Oh Laxus, would you come over here for a second?

Laxus- Hmph! Sure. What is it, old man?

Makarov- I'd like you to meet Teilanne. She's been staying with Gildarts, who's been taking care of her and her kids when he's been in town.

Teilanne- It's nice to finally meet you Laxus, i've heard many things about you from sir Gildarts.

Laxus- Yeah whatever. Eh? What are you looking at? (glares at Ginè who fidgets nervously and has a blush on her face)

Ginè- H-Hello L-Laxus Sempai. I'm Ginè. (giggles which makes Laxus sweatdrop nervously)

Teilanne- Aw.. looks like my daughter has taken quite a liking to your grandson, Master.

Makarov- Heh, it would appear so.

They then walk away from Laxus who goes back to his own business. Kizuna is then approached by Mira Jane Strauss and Erza Scarlet while Uruk meets Natsu Dragneel and Gray Fullbuster. While her kids are making some new friends in the guild, Teilanne wonders where Gildarts is at.

Teilanne- Incidentally, where is Gildarts right now Master?

Makarov- I just sent him off with a job.

Teilanne- Oh.. I was hoping to speak with him.

Makarov- But.. if you hurry, you may just catch him before he leaves.

Teilanne- Ah, thank you Master. I got to go find him, I'll be back in abit.

Makarov- You're welcome. Take your time. Ah.. to be young again..

Makarov chuckles to himself as he knows why Teilanne wants to find Gildarts. It was quite obvious to the adults in the guild, the woman was in love with the man. Ginè is introduced to Natsu and Gray by Cana. Natsu she likes and finds very funny, however she was weirded out by Gray's habit of losing his clothes and calls him a pervert. That of course divulged into an argument and then a fight between Natsu and Gray which Cana is still rolling on the floor laughing because of Ginè's comment of Gray being a pervert.

Ginè- I don't like perverts. You're weird.

Cana- Hahahahahaha! She hit the nail right on the head gray!

Natsu- What'd i tell you? such a pervert.

Gray- Who are you talking about, Pinky?!

Natsu- Truth hurts doesn't it mister walks around in his panties?

Gray- You wanna go scale face?

Natsu- Yeah, you bet i do you loudmouth Streaker!

Ginè- Are.. they always like this?

Cana- Yeah, you.. snort get used to it. snort sorry i can't! hahahahahahaha!

Ginè- Well.. there goes Cana.. (Ginè sweatdrops at her friend rolling on the floor laughing)

Uruk- Uh.. yeah.. This is.. weird..

Meanwhile over with Kizuna, he was also subject to a senseless argument between Mira jane and Erza. He quickly diffused it by getting their attention.

Kizuna- Hey!

Mira Jane- Yes?

Erza- You said something?

Kizuna- Yes, does it really matter who I talked to first?

When he got no answer, he continued.

Kizuna- Didn't think so. You were saying, Mira Jane?

Mira Jane- Oh, right! What type of magic do you guys use?

Kizuna- Magic? Oh right. It's not really magic but i guess you could consider it to be. It's called Ki.

Mirajane/Erza- Ki? What's that?

Kizuna- It's kinda like the magical energy you wizards have inside you. Ki is alot like that. It exists in everything and can be used by someone if they train and become powerful enough. It exists because even the physical body has its limits. Ki helps someone get past those limits.

Mira Jane- This Ki.. It sounds alot like magic power.

Erza- Yeah, Specifically lost magic. It seems unique because I've certainly never heard of it before nor has anyone else in Fairy Tail.

Mira Jane- It must be rare because if even the red head tin can over here hasn't heard of it, i'm willing to bet that no one else in Fiore or on earthland even knows what Ki is.

Kizuna Continued to explain the ins and outs of Ki and showed what it could do. Both Mira jane and Erza were becoming more and more interested in ki usage. Mira Jane thought she could better learn how to harness her powers from her takeover magic if she learned how to use Ki. Erza thought it would compliment her power called knight even further if she learned how to use Ki. Both girls had a single thought on their minds, have Kizuna train them how to use Ki. This is exactly what happened as Kizuna was roped into teaching both girls how to use Ki.

Back with Uruk and Gine, the two siblings hit it off with Cana, Natsu, and Gray. Even though they were new to the guild, the younger members of Fairy Tail actually found that they had alot more in common than they originally thought with the saiyan children. Of course no one knew they were saiyans, except for Gildarts of course. For now, they were just kids with a troubled past that needed to get back on their feet.

With Teilanne

Teilanne saw Gildarts in the distance and went up to greet him on his way home. Gildarts was a little surprised that Teilanne herself would welcome him back, but he should be used to it by now. He has lived with her and her kids for several years now. The man definitely wouldn't have done this in the past though. Living with an attractive young woman and her 3 kids wasn't something he'd normally do. They were basically a family without officially being a family. He did like Teilanne, but in his heart there was only one woman he'd ever truly love with all of his being. And that was his deceased wife. But he could open his heart to Teilanne, couldn't he? It wasn't wrong to.

Teilanne- I take it your job was successful?

Gildarts- Yes it was. Teilanne, let me ask you something.

Teilanne- Yes Gildarts, what is it?

Gildarts- Do you and your kids like living with me, even though I'm gone alot?

Teilanne- Not to seem rude Gildarts, but that's a silly question. Of course we like living with you. You're very kind to us and we've learned to love you as though you're actually family.

Gildarts- You all.. love me?

Teilanne- Yes, yes we do. Actually I think out of everyone, Gine loves you the most. Almost like you were her real father. And.. she's expressed to me more than a few times, how happy it would make her for you to actually become her father.

Gildarts- Gine said that? But to do that, you and I would have to get married.

Teilanne- Yes, she did. And I know. Which brings me to why I wanted to catch you before you take another job from the guild.

Gildarts- Yes?

Teilanne- Gildarts Clive... Over the many years I've known you, You've always been so kind to me and the kids. You've treated them as if they were your own children, your own family. I've even found myself wanting to get closer to you because.. well, I really have grown to love you. And I think I know why. You remind me so much of my husband, Yuren, but you're also different too. In some ways, You're more endearing than my dead husband. That's why... I'm asking you Gildarts, please take me as part of your family. No, take my children and I as your family. Nothing would make us happier.

Gildarts- ... T-Teilanne, I never knew you guys felt that way about me. With the way you put you and your kids feelings for me into words... How, How in good conscience can I not accept?

Teilanne- G..Gildarts.. You mean?

Gildarts- Yes. I will Gladly take you as my wife Teilanne and those wonderful kids as my own.

Teilanne- Tha... Thank you Gildarts.

Teilanne and Gildarts stood there with Gildarts holding the woman's hands with his left hand and holding her by the waist with his right hand. The two then walk back to the guild to see the saiyan children getting along with the rest of fairy tail.

Kizuna- Hey mom, welcome back.

Mira Jane- Huh?! That's-

Erza- His mom?!

Mira jane- But she's-

Erza- So young!!!

Teilanne was greeted by her kids who escorted the friends out of the guildhall to give their mother time to say what she needed to. The other adults wondered what was going on until she and gildarts dropped the bombshell on them.

Fairy Tail members- EHHH??????!!!!?!?!!!!??! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!!

Makarov- This certainly is a surprise, but understandable.

Teilanne and Gildarts discussed details with the adults in the guild about what they were thinking and when. One thing was for sure, Fairy Tail was about to get even more lively in the next couple months with this news.

To be Continued in chapter 3- Fairy Tail Wedding.

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