Chapter 1: Chapter 1- Flight and where am I?
Heya guys! Novaflame6_Badal here again. Never thought i'd be doing this again, but after much thought I decided to try my hand at a dbz x FT crossover again. Last one i lost inspiration for so i took it down. Not this one because i figured out a way an oc story can be told that no one has thought of yet.
Anyways I don't own Fairy Tail, Dbz, Or Db Super those belong to Hiro Mashima and Akira Toriyama. I only own my OC's!
Saiyan Mother's P.O.V
I remember it like it was yesterday, that day. The day everything changed for me.. and my son.. That day my son gained two siblings, but also lost a father. If you're wondering who I am, I am Tielanne and I am a saiyan. I know my name's a little weird for a Saiyan, but so was my husband's. This is the story about how myself and my Kids lost our own families, came together as one, and eventually found a family again.
It all started one day one planet Vegeta, the proud home of our race. I was out with Ginè, my best friend who was also a mother at the meat center. Ginè wasn't as strong as me, but my fighting days were over.. or so I thought. Looking back on it now, I was so naive to think a Saiyan's fight was ever over just because I became a mother. If only Faasha and Tora were alive then, maybe 2 families wouldn't have to be torn apart forcibly by what was coming. After a full days work at the meat factory, myself and Ginè went to check on our children. I went to see my son, Kizuna, while Ginè checked up on her baby boy; Kakarot. Then I spotted Tora and Faasha's two kids, they slept on either side of Kizuna albeit with some difficulty.
My eyes softened when I remembered my friend Faasha's dying words... "Take care of my Kids.. please. They'll need a mother, a mother I can't be for them." Those words weighed heavily upon my mind. I knew from Tora that the boy's name was Uruk. But the girl.., she didn't have a name yet. They left that up to me, since I was taking them in as my own and becoming their mother now. My expression became dark when I noticed something wasn't right, evil was approaching planet vegeta and.. it was strong.
Third person p.o.v.
The Saiyan known as Bardock rushed back to planet vegeta after Dedoria leaves him for dead. He had to warn everyone, Freiza had gone mad! He was going to destroy Planet Vegeta, he betrayed them! He tried to warn everyone, but they all called him an idiot for saying that. He just turned in a huff and ran away to try and stop freiza from destroying the planet. One of Bardock's friends, a saiyan named Yuren, was abit suspicious of this and chased after Bardock to catch up to him. He knew Bardock better than for him to start spouting random nonsense about their planet being destroyed.
Eventually, he caught up with the saiyan warrior and stopped him so he could figure out some answers as to what was going on. He needed to know if what Bardock was saying was true or not, either way he'd get to the bottom of this right now.
Yuren- Bardock, Wait!
Bardock- huh? Yuren, what do you want? I'm kinda in a hurry here!
Yuren- Is it true what you said back there? Has Freeza really betrayed us? I may may not be as close of a friend as you were with Tora, but I'd like to think i know you better than to just start spouting off something like that without reason.
Bardock- ... Yeah, it's true. He's gone crazy and he's coming here to kill us all. You have to get out of here with your wife and child. I'll handle this alone if i have to.
Yuren- You can't get rid of me that easily Bardock. But ok, I'll go warn my wife so she can take my son and Tora's Kids and get out of here before Freeza shows up.
Bardock- Tch! Do whatever you want, I'm in a hurry!
Bardock then ran off, while Yuren ran home to Telianne to warn her. Once he got there he told her word for word what Bardock warned him about and told her to take the children and escape as quick as she could. Yuren's wife tried arguing with him to stay and that she was not about to raise 3 saiyan kids on her own. They needed a father, but they needed a mother more... Teilanne knew of the bond between her husband and Bardock, the two were almost like brothers since Tora passed on. So she knew that no matter what she said, Yuren wouldn't abandon Bardock to die alone. A tears escaped her eyes as she saw the look her husband gave her before flying off to help his friend, He wasn't coming back.
Teilanne quickly gathered what she could of some food and supplies, such as some saiyan armor, diapers, and anything babies would need. She then took off for the launch bay after gathering her child and the children of Tora and Faasha. Planet Vegeta had minutes to survive as Freeza drew closer and closer to the planet, she quickly hopped in a saiyan pod just large enough for her and the three babies she carried. Thinking quickly, she hurriedly typed in the coordinates for the nearest hospitable planet. That just so happened to be earth. The saiyan pod took off seconds after the hatch closed and the coordinates were punched in. She looked out the window and saw Ginè who gave her a sad smile, knowing this would be the last time she saw her best friend.
Bardock and Yuren fought through the hordes of Freeza's soldiers and called out for the little tyrant. A purple alien with Saiyan like armor and black horns protruding from either side of his head came forward in his hover chair. Bardock gritted his teeth as he spoke to the tyrant.
Bardock- Freeza, we quit! All the planets and all the lives you had us snuff out in your name, you can have them back because we don't work for you anymore! So here's a farewell gift from us saiyans to you! Here, have it!
Bardock and Yuren channeled blue energy into their palms and reared back their hands as they tossed it and Freeza's energy blast. The two blast combined into a bigger one as they headed towards Freeza. But then Freeza began to laugh maniacally as his blast suddenly expanded to the size of a sun and easily absorbed the two saiyans blast. He then launched the blast at both saiyans and the planet as they were engulfed in the fiery ball of death. Both Bardock and Yuren smiled before calling out their son's names, knowing one of them would defeat Freeza and avenge their people.
Bardock- Kakarot!
Yuren- Kizuna!
The blast from freeza made contact and sunk into the planet as it erupted in pillars of flame before eventually exploding. The saiyan race was no more...
Luckily, a few saiyans who were off the planet when, it exploded survived. The son of the late King Vegeta, Raditz, Nappa, Tarble, Kakarot, Paragus and his son Broly who somehow managed to escape the planet in time, and of course Teilanne and the 3 children she escaped with. But something happened to Baby Kizuna right when Vegeta exploded, a dark swirling energy came over him and somehow affected his power. This caused him and the other children in Teilanne's care to start crying. While the said saiyan mother was attempting to calm down the children, two figures appeared near where planet Vegeta once stood. Both with blue skin, one was a woman with red eyes and a black staff. The other was a man with white hair and red eyes. Both were of the demon realm and felt confident that this would change some things. The woman's little "gift" to the brat of the saiyan woman who escaped would ensure another saiyan wouldn't interfere in this timeline.
This change to baby Kizuna would open a wormhole and caused the saiyan pod bound for earth to phase dimensions and end uo somewhere else entirely. Meanwhile had managed to calm down Kizuna and Uruk, but the baby girl saiyan was still crying. She had to think of something. This young one was still nameless, so it was as good of a time as any to name her.
Teilanne- Shh, shh! It's alright Ginè, Mommy's here..
This seemed to calm down the baby girl saiyan and she then opened her eyes and started to laugh as Teilanne repeated the name to her. She was relieved to know that what she planned to name the girl worked and it just so happened to be in honor of her best friend too. Eventually baby Ginè fell asleep on Teilanne's lap, alongside her brothers. The pod sped through space towards their destination: earth.
The journey took about a year, but when the saiyan mother looked up they were entering the atmosphere of a large blue and green planet. "That must be earth," Teilanne thought happily. The pod sped across lakes and mountains, before it eventually crash landed in a forest.
Not far from there a certain brown haired man had heard from the locals that a large monster had recently appeared in the forest. They were scared of it, so the man went to go check it out. Redish brown hair, black eyes, stubble of a beard, black boots, and a faded black cloak adorned the man we see (Fairy Tail fans should know who this is XD). When he got to where the large monster was said to be, all he saw was a large circular ball in the center of a crater. Curious he decided to investigate.
When he approached the ball, he jumps back when it opens and smoke comes rolling out. That's when he hears coughing and what sounds like a woman's voice trying to calm down a baby that's crying, or in this case several babies. It sounded like she needed help, so he offers the woman a hand without any hesitation. The woman gladly accepts it and is helped out of the crater, while holding her 3 babies.
Man- Are you alright miss?
Woman- Yes, I am fine now thanks to you. Thank you for helping me and my children sir.
Man- You're welcome miss?
The woman blushes with embarrassment as she remembers that she neglected to tell this kind man her name.
Woman- Oh my forgive me sir. I am Teilanne, and these cuties are my children. The two boys are Kizuna and Uruk, and the girl here is Ginè.
Man- Teilanne?
Teilanne- Yes I know, it's an odd name isn't it?
Man- No, not at all! It's a wonderful name. My name is Gildarts. Gildarts Clive.
Teilanne- Oh, I see. Thank you for helping us, mister Gildarts .
Gildarts- Woah slow down there! You don't need to call me mister, just call me Gildarts.
Teilanne- I see. Well thank you just the same, Gildarts.
Gildarts then invites them back to his home, seeing as they have no place to go. As they travel to Magnolia returning to his home, it is there that Gildarts hears of Teilanne's tragic story of how she lost her home and her husband. But he remembers that he does have to return to the guild first, so on the way back to his home he stops by the Fairy Tail Guildhall. When Teilanne sees Magnolia and the guild hall of Fairy Tail, she begins to think: "Guilds? Where am I? I don't remember hearing earth being like this".
Makarov- Ah.. Gildarts I see you've returned abit early.
Gildarts- Yeah. This poor thing and her 3 kids have nowhere to go, so i'm helping her out. Decided i needed to see you first though.
Makarov- I see.. And what might your name be miss?
Teilanne- It's Teilanne, sir.
Makarov- Teilanne? Well then Teilanne, I do hope you consider joining our guild at some point. I'm getting the feeling that you're stronger than you look.
Teilanne- perhaps one day sir.
With that, the two walked off towards Gildarts' home where Gildarts would find out firsthand what type of beings he just took in.
A/N: That's the end of the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. Any dbz fans who played Xenoverse should know who the two blue skinned villains are XD. And as you guys may have guessed one of the pairings will be Teilanne x Gildarts. Her kids pairings i'll hint at in future chapters. Next chapter will be a timeskip after Natsu, Erza, and the Strauss siblings join Fairy Tail.
Next time: Chapter 2- Saiyans and Cana