Chapter 85: night48/day 49 the fall of Alexander
At 21:00 Arabella was waiting for Colt at the doorway of her castle when seen Colt she walk over to him you ready to meet the alliance and all the vassal lord how many are there? There is four in the alliance including myself and there is 15 vassals most of them are mine. As they walk Colt explains everything about freedom and the chain of command. Once they got to the messhall everyone was there Colt when to his seat after everyone got food and drinks Colt call for everyone's attention. Have some news everyone first we have make contact with the vampire kingdom and we formed trade agreement and finalized the borders with them. And we have some new people that have join us and there a new vassal lord her name is Arabella. Everyone cheer and shout that is all I have now let's eat, drink, and celebrate. After the party it was 23:50 Colt when to the barracks and summon undead there was no good ones not even one titan. Colt waited 10 minutes and tried again this time there was 5 gaint figures 4 were the same hight but one was even bigger. Colt look at its stats
Titan general (unnamed)
Level 1/75 can level up by killing enemies
Strength -100
Health- immortal as long as soul fire burns
Loyalty -never betrayed
Active skills-
Call to arms level 1
Call to arms when used all titans get a 30% boost to all stats cost 10 Mp lasts for 5 minutes cooldown 15 minutes.
Passive skills- regeneration level max
Troop buff up level max
Troop up max
Regeneration repairs damage
Troop buff up increases all stats by 35
Troop up unlock troop levels of the general.
Your name will be Titus thank you my king. Go level up help hunt the monsters yes my king.Colt when to his chamber and found Ambrosia, Diamond and Delilah waiting for him on the bed. It's going to be a long night. Colt wake up about 10:00 and the only one still in bed with him was Ambrosia. Diamond and Delilah left before Colt wake up. Colt got up and took a shower then when and got dressed for the day. Colt wake Ambrosia up and she when to get ready for the day. Colt when to the entrance of the castle to collect and disassemble everything in the front of the castle. Colt collected 220,800 iron, 1,488,000 wood, 144,000 iron ore, 3,528,000 stone, 4 million copper coins, 35,000 copper ore, 580,000 silver coins, 8,000 silver ore, 5,000 gold coins, 30,000 mithril ore, 300 opal, 120,000 low grade magic crystals, 4,800 medium grade magic crystals and 105,000 food. Good I have enough wood for my flagship. Colt when to Rehull to the undead navel base and build his flagship, a prison ship and 3 sloops.I need afew days to summon enough pirates. My king Colt look there was a undead angel I have an emergency message for you my king a badly injured soldier brought this letter. In the letter Colt readed that the kingdom Alexander there was an uprising the king and queen are dead the king die in battle the the queen was killed when the rebels overran the castle. The princess did escape the castle but was caught and imprisoned in the castle an was going to be moved to prison island in a day stit Colt message Diamond to meet him at the gate closes to the kingdom of Alexander with her war gear on and her war bicorn. Once Diamond walk out of the gate she seen the army of undead there was 90,000 undead and 5 zoombie titans there what going on Diamond you are to march to the kingdom of Alexander and to the capital the kingdom is in chaos there is aspost to be a new government I want to see that but I can not and yous 5 shadowkin appear you want to serve me yes our king find the truth out about what have happened and where is the princess she loved her people and she would have been a wonderful queen to her subjects find her she will be a great asset for my kingdom. Diamond look at him you not going if what I think you will find there is true I will destroy the entire kingdom if I when true I will see and report all to you my king. Colt when back to the undead navel base and read his book on ice magic as he summon undead pirates. After 2 hours my king yes Diamond the kingdom does have a new king his name is Caradoc. He an evil man I want the border guard one high alert there will be people coming to us to get away from them. I talked to him he wants to renegotiate the deals we have with them. If he wants to do that he can come here and see me but the border will not be moved unless he wants to give me more land I am not moving another way. Okay stay there a day and come back tomorrow yes my king. Go to lord Asher manor and give him some of the gold you have did you packed stuff in your storage like I told you yes. Good why lord Asher one he gay two him and the new king is in the same faction three he alot more realistic them most and forth he will not do anything as low as to poison you.And he have a good amount of pull. Very well Diamond look at king Caradoc king Colt willing to renegotiate the deals and agreements in place but you will have to go to king Colt to do that and as far as the borders that will not be negotiable the only way king Colt will visit any negotiating the borders is if you are going to gave us more land. I will take my leave for now but tomorrow I will return for your answers king Caradoc was going to say something but his son stop him thank you for the time to consider our next actions lady Diamond. Once Diamond left what the matter with you we could tell her our answers right now. No father my man told me there was 90,000 troops just waiting to attack we only have 50,000 at max right now and our ally the Degon Empire can not help us we did not send any notice to any of the allies of the Alexander kingdom. So what should we do nothing just tell them we will keep the agreements with them. Diamond when to lord Asher manor. A servant knoted on Asher my lord lady Diamond from the kingdom of freedom is requesting to see you bring her here immediately do not make her wait yes my lord right away. Diamond walked into the study lord Asher lady Diamond what do I owe the pleasure I was sent here because a messager was sent to my king about what have happened here and my king wanted to ensure the safety of the subjects of this kingdom and to see if there was anything to be done to help king Emerson or princess Priscilla but we have confirmed that king Emerson is dead and princess Priscilla and anyone loyal to her was sent to prison island. So now what will you do lady Diamond she put a bag with 5,000 gold in it if you will allow it stay here for the night and tomorrow morning see the new king and see what his answers are. Asher look at his sevant get a room ready for lady Diamond. Right away my lord. Lady Diamond I have a question for you I will try to answer it to the best of my ability lord Asher. You are not just a succubus but a queen succubus. Yes you are correct lord Asher. And you found your mate and he accept you yes. Lady Diamond your room is really dinner will be in a two hours okay I will put something more appropriate attire for dinner. Please excuse lord Asher. Once lady Diamond left the room. Lord Asher send messager to the other lords in their fraction that if they can come to his manor to meet with lady Diamond. Once she was in her room the shadowkin appear we found out all we can there undead at the gate go to them and let them know and they can open the gate for you yes lady Diamond. Diamond link Colt that the shadowkin was on there way to the gate. Colt finish the book on ice magic it was about 20:00 congratulations you have learned ice magic level 2. The shadowkin report all their findings to Colt he was surprised to find out that the Degon Empire was pulling the strings. Diamond also link Colt about the dining she have with Lord Asher and the other lords. Colt told Diamond do not use the gate. He want them to believe that they traveled there the normal way. After summoning most of the day Colt summon 350 undead pirates, 50 marine and 80 undead gunners.
Colt got a notification when he summon the last undead for the night congratulations you have learned pirate summon level 7.Pirate summon summons pirates and navy base troops. Can summon pirates,gunners, marines,or navigaters cost 2Mp with a 1 minutes cooldown.