Chapter 84: Night 47/ Day 48 the lords battles
After defeating the zoombie titan lord Colt turn to Nostro where to now the closest is the owlbears lord let's go. Once they get here Colt landed just outside the castle territory I will walk from here. Nostro landed next to him I will follow you if you get attack I may not be able to protect you I am a capable soldier I can defend myself at the bear minimum. Good to know as soon as the owlbears notices them they attacked before Nostro could react Colt have summon his death scythe and have cut off the heads of the owlbears try and stay out of my way. I will try my best king Colt Nostro look at the owlbears their heads where cut clean off so quick I never seen him drawn his weapon as they close in on the castle Colt kill all the owlbears that attacked them once they got to the castle they walked into the throne the lord was sitting on his throne. How dare you attack my troops and my castle do you know who I am. Colt answer I do not care you can ether submit to me or die. The lord got up never and try to attack Colt in one fast motion Colt cut off his legs he fell to the ground screaming.King Colt are you going to finish him in a minute Colt summon is troops search the castle Colt ordered the troops brought from the dungeon 3 female vampire they where still in chains and naked.Nostro noticed their arms he grabbed one of them and explained the marking king Colt these are slaves they and ether half breeds of from poor families and where sold into slavery. So what do we do with then there not owners markings on them so after you kill the lord here that are yours and before you think about freeing them as long as they are in this kingdom they will be slaves. So take them with me yes can yous fly they all said no okay Colt call forth 5 gargoyles and ordered the to carry the 3 slaves back to count Vlad castle and to the chamber that he was staying in. Colt walk back up to the lord the lord was unconscious so Colt drawn his sword and drove it through his heart killing him. As soon as they walk out of the castle it fall to the ground. 2 out 3 to go. The next closes is cranium rats, and vargouilles lords that are next to each other this going to be fun let's go. This time we are landed at the castle as soon as they land they where attack by cranium rats, and vargouilles Colt summon his troops and it was a clash there was 20,000 to 3,000 as they fight Colt,the liches and the necromancer summon undead from there corpses after killing all the troops Colt ordered his troops to search the castles they brought up 20 females from the dungeon they looked like vampires with their pale skin but their eyes where solid black. Just then someone casted a fire ball at Colt and he blocked it who the hell are you one of the twi women that standing behind Colt yelled at him I am king Colt you can ether submit to me or die. Fuck you and they both yelled at Colt and attack him together Colt kill both of them in a blink of an eye.Nostro watch the dual with count Brandyn if I did not know it I would assume it was a different person completely. Congratulations you killed a lord you have acquired bonus barrack cranium rats. Colt look at Nostro what are them. We are Shadowkin one of the girls answered. Shadowkin yes the girl answered. What is a shadowkin? Ask Colt. A shadowkin is a type of demi-human that can turn into a shadow and can travel in shadows they are weak when it comes to physical and magic abilities they are weak the only thing they going for them is when they are in their shadow form physical attack do not harm them and some magics do not affect them. Colt free them yous are free to do as you please. Nostro show me to the last one yes king Colt this way. After flying south for a hour they where there they where met with the pseudodragon lord. What do you want the pseudodragon lord said to Colt the pseudodragon lord was a very beautiful woman. We are here for your submission or death it up to you witch one. If I submit what will happen? Your castle will be disassemble and a new one will be built in my vassals area, two if you do not have a bloodline I will give you one when one becomes available and you will have access to my magic library. Very will I will submit to you Colt send her the request and she accepted it what your name. My name is Arabella that a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. You are a flirt mister Colt is there anything in your castle that you want before I destroy your castle no have at it. Colt disassemble the castle Colt summon 20 gargoyles follow them okay I will
Arabella and her troops left. Colt message Ellie to meet Arabella at the gate. It almost morning let return it was 4:00 Colt when to bed as soon as he got back. At 10:00 he was wake up by Ambrosia my love you need to get up sometime day before she knew what happened he was on top of her my king there audience my love Colt look to see the vampire slaves he have found was there. Colt whisper in Ambrosia ear when we get home you will be punish for that. Yes my love she answered.After getting up Colt got dress and meet with count Vlad and the dining room good morning king Colt and good morning to you count Vlad. Can you let me handle some count Vlad why yourselves or I will see if yous are really immune to magic. Just them 5 shadowkin appear and bow to Colt please allow us to serve you king Colt look at me they all turn their heads up and look at Colt they felt his overwhelming presence yous will serve the people of my kingdom yes our king very will. Question for you king Colt yes there are others and we been hiding in the shadows can they also join your kingdom all is well in my kingdom your race do not matter we are one. That good to know I am planning to be leaving in 8 hours that then here by then yes king Colt. Colt talk to count Vlad for a little. When Colt was about to leave I do have a personal matter to deal with you yet what is it count Vlad what are your plans with my niece will you make her your queen no. I already have a queen I just need to find her do Ambrosia knows yes she knew before we make our pact. I assume she is from your world yes my wife and if you can not find her or she doesn't want you there is another but again she knows that so she will always be a concubine probably but she knew. Very will do not hurt her Colt. The only tears I will give her are tears of joy. Colt left the dining room and when back to his chambers. Ambrosia yes my love I want to quickly go to a magic grimoire store can you escort me to one my pleasure. Colt and Ambrosia when to the grimoire store and Colt got 3 grimoires one on ice magic,one on storage Magic and one on undead magic. Meanwhile Nostro gave his report to count Vlad so he is that powerful and skilled yes I truly believe if him and his army would attack we will be overwhelmed and destroyed the only good thing is his troops are not very intelligent but they will follow any orders without hesitation or regard for there safety. And his skills you truly surpass count Kristopher yes. And he know black magic that will cause serious damages to the familiars. I want as soon as he leaves a meeting for all the head families we need to discuss alot of things. At 16:00 Colt and Ambrosia say their good byes and started towards hope. They where in the city by 18:00 Colt gave orders to have a feast at 21:00 and for everyone to gather in the messhall for important information. Colt when to the vassal area and build Arabella her new castle and told her to be ready to meet the kingdom at 21:00.