Reborn as an undead lord

Chapter 83: Day 47 the undead lords

He an undead lord yes and he is powerful. The last undead lord was 300 years ago and he could only control skeleton warriors. But he was extremely skilled in magic. How many can you control I am not sure I never counted them. Can you name afew zoombie coatyl dragon, zoombie sea orc, skeleton archers, and skeleton warrior. And you where powerful enough to defeat the princess yes answer Colt. The kingdom of freedom I never heard of it one of the counts say where is it? It is in the old fae realm. The capital is about 16 hours north of Rehull but my undead workers are building roads once the roads are done it will be between 8 to 12 hours. That is your current territory I have 6 villages, one town and 2 citys. The territory I claimed is all the old fae realm that one else have claimed in the past three weeks. So any claims on territory you will respect that is older that three weeks yes. Why three week because that is when I declare the kingdom of freedom. I am not going to pay a kingdom that could have in the past 1,000 years claimed land that only going to now because someone wants it. Have someone done that yes they try to claimed the capital city. And if there are old claims if the kingdom is will to sell them or negotiate for them if not I will do nothing about it and respect their claims. And the independence settlement they can continue to be independent or join the kingdom. Are you currently at war with anyone no. I have a question for the counts and dukes in the past two months have you seen or have heard about castles with a lord appearing the lord usually have a particular troop type. Yes we have seen them and most of them have been kill. Afew have join us and the rest ether disappeared or we currently have them under watch until we can kill them. Are the lords yous have that join your kingdom is too weak? Yes there are currently 5 lords here that are under watch one have owlbears, one have cranium rats,one have pseudodragon, one have vargouilles and one have zoombie titans. Is that so do you want them gone yes but we do not know their strength. More then likely the owlbears and the pseudodragons lords will be the weeks. Then the cranium rats, and vargouilles are next in line the strongest will probably be the zoombie titan. Do anyone here have any issues with me going after them. King Colt they will be too power count Vlad they are not the first lords I have gone after and they will not be the last. How many have to gone after I have gone after about 50 most I have kill. And the rest a duke ask I make into my vassals. So that means you are the same as them count Vlad said. You are correct the difference is I want peace. Where did yous come from someone ask the same world the heros are summon from there was a super storm so powerful that too many people die at once so the gods sent everyone that die that day to here. So what do you want from us. One finalize the border of our lands, two signed a trade agreement with us, three sign a non transgression pact with us and four side a defense pact with us all the defense pact will say that if we are at war with another kingdom you will not allow their army's with in your border. That sounds too good what the catch count Qadir ask there is nothing. Too good another duke ask I heard slavery is illegal in the kingdom it is any slave traders caught in the kingdom will be imprisoned and if any slave trader attack the people of my kingdom and try to sell them into slavery I will hunt them down. Anymore questions no king Colt can you give us afew minutes to discuss things. Colt was going to get up but Ambrosia did not get up no there no reason to think about it. It will open up trading for you demi-human, demon, and beastkin all hate us and want us destroy. It be one less border to worry about. Princess Ambrosia I understand your thinking but please leave and let us talk it over. Whatever Ambrosia say my love why don't we go back to our room until they are done their discussion and make up their minds to do something useful for a change. Colt follow her to the dining hall once there she asked the kitchen staff to make some food for them Colt pull out a bottle of wine and pour hisself a glass then pour Ambrosia a glass but he cut his hand and let afew drops of blood mix with the wine here Ambrosia. This wine is so good about a hour later count Vlad can and found Colt and Ambrosia eating in the dining hall we have our answer give me a minute it is disrespectful to the chef not to finish a meal you ate very correct king Colt. Colt pull out a glass from mid-air and pour a glass of wine count Vlad thank him and drink it a very good wine it a new vinification I would say the wine is about a week old if given time it will be a very good wine. This wine is make in my kingdom in the capital city this is one of the first batchs. They where going to keep it because this was not good enough for me to drink if it not good enough for me it not good enough for them. After afew minutes they where done and Colt and Ambrosia follow Vlad back to the meeting hall. Once in the meeting hall Colt sat down and Ambrosia sat back on his lap the council have make our decision we will accept the proposals. King Colt I do have one what is it count Vlad we currently do not have any trade routes with anyone that an easy fix I will have my skeleton worker build a road from Rehull to Eclipse Hollow. If that is complete can I get the location of the lords you are having trouble with and count Brandyn I believe we have some business to attend to and what may that be asked Vlad a dual answered Brandyn why did you challenged king Colt to a dual I did not but I will not reject a gentleman dual. Colt and Brandyn walk out to the courtyard once outside they both got into position and then started fighting. Colt original did not use a weapon but after Brandyn elongated his nails Colt drawn his sword and continue the fight Colt won the fight. Your love is strong yes uncle he is and he did not use his main weapon his main weapon yes that one everyone that have seen it been kill by it. After the dual Colt walk up to Vlad where are those castle I will have one of my servants show you let's get it started. Colt told Ambrosia to stay in the chamber unless her uncle is with her and he assign 20 skeleton warriors and 20 damned soldier to guard then when he is gone. Vlad was waiting for Colt with another gentleman king Colt this is Nostro. Nostro bow can you fly Nostro yes good let's go yes king Colt. Colt and Nostro flew off which one do you want to go to first the zoombie titan. Once there Colt notice there was not alot of zoombie there was only 5 Colt quickly kill them. Colt walk into the throne room to find a young boy sitting on the throne please kill me the boy said very weakly fairly well in one quick motion Colt kill him congratulations you have kill an lord you have acquired undead Bloodline, congratulations you have acquired a unique blueprint. Colt use the bloodline right away congratulations you Bloodline have upgraded to level 9 9/20 you have acquired zoombie titans. That is this unique blueprint do you want to use the unique blueprint yes congratulation you have obtain platinum mine. King Colt that was amazing no Nostro it was not he was just a child that gave up but was not strong enough to end it himself. That was a mercy kill nothing more. Just them Colt got a link my king there a vampire there to see Ambrosia his name Brandyn and there is two more. Okey remember your orders yes my king. Meanwhile the three trouble makers are still friends yes princess we still are what happened to you. Were where you for the past two hundred years. The last mission I was on was a trap me and my soldiers could not escape it all my man die as I watch helplessly. I could not join them because I am immortal. I was found by humans and they sold me to slave trader after that I was bought and sold for about one year until king Colt bought me. He gave me his blood and help me regained my strength. Do you truly love him yes I challenge him to a dual and he beat and bed me. Do you love him yes and I love you Brandyn but it was not meant to be. I know I could not protect you from the betray of this kingdom. As long as he loves you I am good with it he does good until we meet again princess Ambrosia and they left.

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