Chapter 86: Day 50 journey to the demi-human capital
Colt wake up in the undead navel base in the bedroom on the top floor. He look at the time it was 08:00 he link Diamond you up yes I am getting ready to speak to the new king okay let me know that happens I will my king. Colt took 60 corpses with him I will continue to summon undead all day I have one hour with for corpses. So it time to go shower change and eat. Thirty minutes later Diamond link him my king yes so king Caradoc wants to keep everything the same as before fairly well are you leaving yes okay if anything happens let me know I will my king. After shower and getting dressed Colt was almost out of corpses so Colt when and disassemble what he already used to summon with and grab 60 more and when to the messhall to eat. Colt bearly eat an elderly lady ask if the seat next to him was empty. Yes it is. She sat down next to Colt. My king whatever is troubling you you need to be the man we all believe you are. You are our guiding light in the dark and when your light dims we begin to worry. We look to you but we are also here to support to you when you need it. Thank you granny and Colt kiss her forehead. Any time my king remember we older generation are always here to listen. Colt walk out knowing what he needs to do. Colt when to the front of his and collect everything.Princess Zixuan came up to Colt my king my father ask if he can have you visit him in the capital city it about 2 days trip yes Colt answered when asked immediately we will leave in 2 hours I need to talk to your father it is important Colt link Elizabeth i need you to tell Ambrosia, Aurora, Nayana, Beatrix, Elven,Josephine, Odette,and Edward to be ready we will be leaving in two hours and tell Luna,Ivy and Cherry to get their armor on and get there war bicorns feady. Yes master i will notify them.Colt ordered all 3 royal carriages to be ready with bicorns and Colt check he have 400 helhounds he ordered 300 of them to patrol the north border and Colt put all the corpses in his storage all the ravens he is planning to summon as skeleton ravens Colt gave the order to all the liches and the necromancer to summon skeleton ravens from all the ravens corpses. Now it time to collect everything 96,000 iron, 744,000 wood, 216,000 iron ore, 1,764,000 stone, 2.352 million copper coins, 294,000 silver coins, 3,000 gold coins,19,200 mithril ore, 192 opal, 60,000 low grade magic crystals, and 2,400 medium grade magic crystals. Okay time to use the platinum mine blueprint. The system prompt do you want to use special blueprint it will cost 50,000 wood, two million stone, 200,000 iron, 100,000 low grade magic crystals and 50,000 medium grade magic crystals. Yes congratulation you have built a level 1 platinum mine. And upgrade the lumberyard to level 10. Now that is done Colt when to the undead navel base and build 5 sloops. Colt ordered all the current pirates to leave his flagship and to man the new ships. Colt when back to the capital and to his castle to upgrade what he can before leaving quick. Colt build vineyard, winery, hops fields,brewery, wine cellar, castle wine cellar. Upgraded guardians of the dead to level 14,dungeon, shield, teleport gate, and resident quarters to level 10, and armory, and undead fortress to level 5
City level 10
Territory 24 square miles
Territorial 40 square miles
Settlement points 8 /16
Teleport gate crystals 3/14
Dead fortress crystals 4/5
Castle level 10/50
Dungeon level 10/50
Barracks level 17/25
Shrine of the dead level 4/10
Guardians of the dead level 14/25
Forge level 9/50
Residents quarters level 10/50
Blacksmith level 4/25
Inter Walls level 9/50
Outer walls level 9/50
Energy towers inter level 4 / 25
Energy towers outer level 4 / 25
Energy cannon level 4/25
Farms level 9/50
Iron mine level 9/50
Mithril mine 4/25
Stone query 9/50
Lumber woods/sawmill 10/50
Warehouse level 9/50
Granary level 9/50
Leather Smith level 4/25
Weapon Smith level 4/25
Armory level 5/25
Siver mine level 9/ 50
Gold mine level 9/50
Coin Smith level 9/50
Copper mine level 9/50
Gem stone mine level 4/25
Dead fortress level 5/25
Hall of races level 9/50
City square level 9/50
Teleport gate level 10/50
Great library level 4/25
Mage tower level 4/25
Great shield level 10/50
Pastures land level 9/50
Treasury level 9/50
Jewelry Smith level 4/25.
Orchard level 9/50
Alchemy workshop level 9/50.
Stable level 9/50.
Magic crystals mine level 9/50
Undead navel base 2/10 locked requirement level 15 castle.
Platinum mine level 1 /10
Vineyard level 1/25
Winery level 1/25
Hops farm level 1/25
Brewery level 1/25
Wine cellar level 1/25
Castle wine cellar level 1/25
Ran out of wood again but at least there was enough to build the winery and brewery now there will be alcohol now. After two hours everyone was in the front of the castle. Colt assign everyone Josephine, Odette,and Edward yous will be in the front carriage Aurora, Nayana,and Beatrix, yous will be in the last carriage and myself ,Zixuan Ambrosia and Elven will be in the middle carriage. Luna,Ivy and Cherry I each one of yous to right a carrage there is 3 carrages. There will be 7,500 undead cavalry escorting us to the demi-human realm capital. If we are ready let's go everyone got into the carriages and they started rolling. My king why are we going to the demi-human realm ask princess Elven. One the king request to see me and with what happened in the kingdom of Alexander I want to see what check with king Waylon and see if he owns anything. After about one hour Elven got up and sat on Colts lap my king have an ache between my legs can help me with it take off your dress and ride me she obey but before she rode it she lick it and made it wet. She rode hard and came hard just as Colt was cuming she jumped off and started sucking his dick so he cum in her mouth and she swallow it all down. She got redress and sat down. When another hour when by and Zixuan drop her dress and when and started licking and sucking when she was ready she when and guild him into her ass and started riding. After she cum a few times Colt finally cum and fill her ass up with it. Zixuan then when and got dressed again. About one hour Ambrosia got up and handed Colt a key do you know what this key is for yes good she took off her clothes the she use a pair of handcuffs and cuff her hands behind her back them she drop to her knees and suck Colts dick then she go up and when to straddle him my love yes Ambrosia can you help me with getting it in me yes I can Colt stuck in it her ass and make her bottom out on it. She started to move up and down when Colt grab her head and bite her neck and started slapping hisself in her she scream as she cum hard they both cum Colt licking her neck to seal the bite marks and uncuffed her. Get dressed we should be about an hour away from Hamton you sure king Colt we only been traveling of 6 hours Zixuan asked yes the bicorns are fast they why. I'm just surprised she answered. Once they go to the gate of Hamton they stop one of the guard yell state your business we are an envoy on our way to king Waylon in the capital city. Yes we received message you will be coming open the gate thank you the undead cavalry will stay at the gates okay once they got to the city lord's manor they stop the lord was waiting for them once they stop the vassal lord got out first then Colt and the princess got out welcome to my home I am lord Thiago of there anything I can do for you it be a honor. Thank for your hospitality all that I require is some kind of food and a bed. I am not expecting the best food coin can buy or the best bed and bedding you are a city lord and are responsible for your city and its people. You city is beautiful and the people are happy that makes my stay good the food and bedding is not of importance. It is refreshing king Colt that the rumors about you are true that you care more for the people then of luxuries of life. For dinner tonight it will be the best foods from my farmers, baker and butchers. You make not be our king but because of you our people feel safer and for that I thank you and he bow and to show their gratitude my city will feed you with the best we have to offer.