One Punch

Chapter 3: A Hero's Daily Life - Part 3

*Year: 2017*

*3rd POV*

Soon enough the man swung down his briefcase on top of the man's head, pushing them down and forcing them to let go of the purse. Giving the woman a chance to get away, and hopefully call the cops as the mugger now with a far more pissed-off expression than before got a knife out. 

Seeing this the man got a trash lid from the side to use as a makeshift shield, even though it probably wouldn't work out well for him. The man went forward for a jab, leaning more towards his still-seeing side trying to make sure to hit the man in any location. It did pierce the trash can lid, but the handle didn't go through and stopped them in their tracks, giving the man a chance to deliver a punch to the side of the mugger's face. 

He did grunt a little, but it didn't knock him out or do any lasting damage to him and just gave him more motivation to try and stab the man. Ripping the knife out of the trash lid, he shifted its position in his hand downward and raised up his arm trying to deliver a downward strike on the man's shoulder. 

The man lifted the shield up again barely stopping the knife in its track, and then seeing his chance kicked the mugger's privates, with all the force he could muster into the kick. The mugger's eyes went wide as he dropped the knife to the ground, and just put both hands over his privates reeling in pain, bending over as he fell to the ground groaning in pain as he did so. 

The man began to huff as a flash of unseen orange light flashed across his eyes, with a smile on his face to compliment it. Not one of a person enjoying the pain, but rather a fighter in the making enjoying the fight. 

*Year: 2020*

*1st POV*

While getting my card out, I heard people running out of the door with me and the cashier being a bit confused. He was a teenager, wearing the standard green/white uniform of this supermarket and I just shrugged paying for my groceries, going outside with bags in hand. 

That's when I saw what everyone was running from, it was a giant, and I mean a literally giant man who was wearing some underwear and had tubes coming out of his back. He had a weird mask on his face that was ripped all to hell essentially, honestly speaking it was weird that it was still even a little bit on. I just sighed though, mostly because whenever a villain or rampaging monster, or whatever else it was if they were big odds are that it's extremely weak. 

"Yes, this is the power I've been searching for." they shouted...said aloud I mean honesty it was hard to tell with giants if they were yelling or speaking normally. He swung both arms to his side, destroying parts of two large buildings nearby. 

It was not enough to destabilize them, but it was definitely enough to worry the people inside who were currently running away from the area, well the giant would've been enough but the destruction just added to it. So I put my stuff down and well made sure it was far away so that it didn't get destroyed. 

Then I jumped up into the air, right as he was beginning to talk or yell again. "Yes with this power, the whole world shall-" and I believed a single punch to the side of his cheek sent him tumbling down. 

I sighed as I landed, wiping my hands off of whatever the heck was on the guy's cheek, some weird fluid thing. Once that was all done, I made my way home not bothering this time to make a phone call, seeing as there were a few civilians already nearby calling. 

Honestly speaking though it was getting late in the afternoon, the sun was setting and well I just wanted to get some dinner going and maybe watch some bad TV. Honestly speaking that sounds like a great idea, I mean no decent fight going on today but well that was pretty much every week at this point, a lot more villains than usual but still the same quality of strength, heck no variety either.

Where are the speedsters, the weird powers people, and anything else that would be more interesting than size/super strength? Well, there was always tomorrow or next week if I was unlucky or rather if the city was lucky anyway. Well, I made my way home, not running this time but going fast enough, that I was a bit faster than a car or bus. 

I got to my apartment building, a nice three-story I believe, as well as nice as a place as a place with cheap rent. So once I was there I made my way through the door, I took the elevator up not really encountering any of my four neighbors on my way up. Yeah, not a lot of people in this place, I mean my apartment was small and not the cleanest but it was still the nicest. 

Yep, so I unlocked the door went inside got my stuff put away, cooked myself a nice meal, and sat down watching some bad cop drama show, didn't know what it was called but it was entertaining. I think I was drifting to sleep at that point because my eyes felt weary and soon enough I was greeted by pure darkness, drifting into hopefully a dreamless sleep. 

Then a loud noise woke me up, from outside and I hurriedly got up looked outside the door, and saw a floating humanoid figure floating over the ruins on Manhatten. It was definitely an alien, with purple skin, one eye, and blue lighting flowing out of his skin. 

"So this is Earth, this is the place where my destined rival is supposed to be, pathetic all these so-called heroes couldn't withstand a few punches from me, let alone deliver an actual fight!" They screamed as blue lighting shot out of them, killing a few dozen people who were escaping from under the rubble. 

I smiled and ra-no I jumped outside, and ran right toward them getting a running jump at them. With a bored expression on my face, I delivered one punch to the side of his face, and instead of being flung back he just smiled as his face twisted around a bit.

"Well looks like theirs one worthwhile warrior on this planet." As his fist charged with power he delivered a punch to my stomach shooting me upward. 

I was launched up into the air, and while I didn't clench my stomach, I was smiling a bit as I pulled my fist back getting ready to use the momentum to my advantage. As I sailed back down I saw that the alien warlord I was guessing, was getting ready to deliver another punch as I was getting ready to deliver my own. 

"Consecutive normal punches." I said as I launched a flurry of blows pushing myself faster than I usually do. His body began to be pumped as each fist made contact directly with him, not giving them a chance to counter me, and launching them to the ground and we both collided with the ground soon enough, leaving a larger hole than what was initially theirs. 

I reeled back another fist, getting ready to put a bit more oomph into this time, seeing if he could take my punches at a bit more power. Launching it, he caught it with one hand as he got back up, coughing a bit of green blood out of his mouth as his body began to repair itself somehow. 

"Well, that was pretty good, but it's my turn." He used his other fist to launch a series of blows, not as fast as my own but each one filled with the same electric energy coursing through his body. I held on as he pushed me back, not letting him let go of my fist as his punches connected with my stomach. Then when he paused I launched a quick strike to the side of his stomach, and he let out a loud grunt. 

I then grabbed the wrist of the hand holding onto me and flipped him over slamming him to the ground and surprising him, although he had a large smile on his face as I did. 

"Excellent human, yes this is it, this is our destined fight my rival, even if this planet were to crumble beneath our feet I would gladly die as it did." Then he began to laugh as he launched himself back up, escaping from my grasp. 

He then began to channel all that power into his right fist, and he screamed launching themselves at me I smiled as I felt something return to me, something I didn't feel in a long time. Excitement, and I launched myself at him putting far more effort than I usually do in a fight.


Then I woke up just as a movie that wasn't playing earlier finished with the classical kiss scene in the rain. Seeing that I grabbed my face and slumped back into my couch.

"Ahh man, that was a really good dream too."

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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