One Punch

Chapter 2: A Hero's Daily Life - Part 2

*Year: 2017*

*3rd POV*

The man continued walking down the busy street, most people now shrugging their shoulders and passing by as the news report went on. It was just an everyday occurrence at this point, people would panic if it was happening right in front of them but most of the time when on the news, well they just ignored it. 

That's what the man did as he turned the corner into an alleyway, a bit cleaner than the guy was used to but it was the quickest way home. Right now he looked like he could use a nice chair and a drink of any kind before tomorrow begins. Another day on job hunting and trying to find his place in the world.

As he was about to pass by a connecting alleyway, he heard, a person screaming and rubbing his head the an turned to walk down the alleyway. The screams got louder as he got closer to the source of it and the place just kept on getting filthier. Then he saw who was making the screams, a young woman in her twenties being mugged by a guy who was about the same age maybe a bit older.

He was currently trying to grab the woman's purse having been peppered spray in one eye as he was doing so. Seeing this something flashed across the man's once emotionless eyes and he charged forward, briefcase overhead having a clear advantage due to the side he was coming from being his temporary blindside. 

*Year: 2020*

*1st POV*

Sighing I sat down on a piece of rubble as some specialized units came in to pick the guy up. Usually, I'd just call the police in this situation, most of the time the big-timers or well consistent go over to Chicago but even Manhattan gets them, every once, in a while. So I got pretty chummy with the local nine-one-one operators and they'd usually call the people needed to transport people this big. 

It was a big truck essentially that was heavily armored with two people wearing specialized black suits, with some high-tech guns, and a large stretcher. I'd just pointed at the guys and they went to work right away. So seeing as I was no longer needed with no other explosions going on I went right back to running home.

Didn't take me long to get back and I immediately jumped to my apartment, realizing I had accidentally left the door unlocked on my way out. So getting my normal clothes back on I went back to watering with a small smile forming on my face. Honestly speaking this was one of the more enjoyable pastimes I had beyond video games, used to be a big modal builder but well.

I think I nearly punched a hole in the roof of this apartment building one too many times for that to be a thing anymore. Although I was thinking about getting a nice yellow flower species, something that was a bit more classical flower shape. I'd think the two would make a nice pairing together, well if they don't die first. Which was sadly the case for most of the plants I got, didn't have that green thumb. 

Once I was done watering, I put the water jug down and went back inside looking through the coupons seeing if anything was about to expire or if something caught my attention. That's when I saw it, coupons for the supermarket about to expire, and in panicked realization I got my wallet, the good shoes on not my boots, and ran out the door making sure to lock it. 

Running down the streets, I was kinda just thinking to myself trying to figure out what to do with my life. I mean the heroing thing was fun and all but well after a while it got boring and my funds were running low so I needed to get a job or something. I could try my hands at law enforcement or something like that but doubt they'd just accept a guy with no qualifications, although maybe one of those superhero teams was hiring.

...Wait did they even get paid, well I mean there were probably a few corporate-sponsored heroes alongside government sponsored teams. then how'd they get paid, do the people paying them know who they are or do they have a super secret special bank account? 

Well didn't matter, they probably didn't have like an open meet and greet or something like that. Heck, I doubt they really had an online media presence or even a place to apply so probably no luck there. 

When I finally reached the place and grabbed a cart, I quickly realized I could've asked one of those special containment guys if they were hiring. I rubbed my bald head in annoyance, with a few people staring afterward although at this point I didn't mind it was something I got used to after my hair fully fell out. 

I got to shopping pretty fast and made sure to grab anything I needed or was on sale more specifically. That and alongside anything I needed to restock for the bathroom, pretty sure I was out of flossers and maybe toilet paper but luckily for me, they were on sale. So once I got everything done I went to the checkout area and waited in line, whilst scrolling through social media to see if anything popped up.

Honestly, most of the interesting stuff happened halfway across the world and well by the time I got there it would be pretty much done. I did try to go to these places a few times but well sometimes I was too fast and ended the fight before it began or too slow with it ending two minutes after I got there.

That and the crowded city did not make it any better but oh well you work with what you got and this place was my home, so I stayed here. That and I couldn't find a cheaper apartment than where I was so yep, home sweet home. 

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