Chapter 4: A Disciple - Part 1
*Year: 2018*
*3rd POV*
Ever since that day, the day the young man prevented the mugging, he has been training relentlessly day and night. Keeping his heater and air conditioner off during the hot and cold seasons, doing 100-push ups, 100-sit ups, 100 squats, and 10 km run every day for a year so far.
He could feel his body getting stronger every day, an unfortunate side effect though was that every time he looked in the mirror he started noticing he was balding. Of course, he tried to do everything he could to prevent, any hair ointment he could find or things he found online to do to prevent hair loss but nothing worked.
So he stopped doing it halfway through the year and just tried his best to ignore it, even as he got the occasional stare. That would be it though, of course, the world didn't stop for him and he got the occasional job or two but it'd usually end pretty fast so he had to find a cheap place to live.
Alongside the new superhero teams forming, beyond the Guardians of the Globe it is getting pretty interesting. Even then most of the time these were teams formed in the background a long time ago coming into the light now. Like that one superhero team, Fight Force, yeah a lot of fuck ups happened with them forcing them out into the open but oh well.
*Year: 2020*
*1st POV*
Doing my morning stretches I turned on the local news and while they were reporting on the three villain attacks yesterday, well they didn't mention anything about me weirdly enough. Once that was all done, and after flipping through the channels I stopped and went to fill up the water jug, giving my flowers their morning soak.
I tipped it down, letting a gentle sprinkle rain over the flowers, still the same as ever soaking up good old-fashioned morning sun. I also covered my head as I didn't want the sun shining in my eyes or anything else. It's just another annoyance of my unfortunate bald head and another season I should look for another job today, maybe construction or well destruction in this case.
I guess that could work but well there are probably some specifics involved with that, which probably makes me unqualified. Oh well, didn't hurt to try at the very least, I needed the extra cash and superheroing isn't getting me paid. I'd try to keep doing it but well I didn't know when though would be the question.
Although for right now I could do some flower shopping while I was out, see which ones caught my eye. Could be a nice way to spend my day, go to wherever construction sites hire and gaze around the few flower shops in the city, see what they have. Odds are that I wasn't going to find anything for worthwhile pay today anyway, that and the villains were probably not going to to show themselves today.
I mean after yesterday's "Incidents" the city was on pretty high alert, and well other heroes would be keeping an eye on the place as well. Alongside the fact, Chicago is more of a hotspot these days with mostly classical criminals you'd expect in big cities like these. Although I guess a Kaiju attack wasn't out of the question so that was a possibility.
So I got showered, brushed my teeth and all that stuff, and got changed into some dark blue jeans putting on a red t-shirt. Once I had everything I needed, I went out the door looking for it on my way out. Not before seeing that the TV was still on for some reason, I went over to turn it off.
"If you're just tuning in, then we are receiving reports of mass-" I cut them off before they could finish, yawning as I did so not really listening.
Once that was done I went outside ready to get this day started, and hopefully get a good enough paying job in the meantime.
*3rd POV*
A bit further away in a more coastal part of the city, a few people were running away from the docks in terror as various tall humanoid beasts lumbered out of the water. These creatures who black in color, with gills on their necks, and large angler-fish-like heads that had various red spikes across the middle of their head.
Classic webbed hands/feet that had sharp talons on the ends of them, with a small tail on the backside, and large fins on their back. They let out monstrous roars, as they began making their way onto the surface en mass. Soon enough a small army formed on the beach with a few humans alongside them, wearing swim trunks and suits beaten and bloody bound in chains next to them.
Then soon enough they separated into groups forming a narrow line between the two as a large figure stepped out of the shadows. This being was bigger than the rest, with a similar build to the smaller beings next to it except with a few key details. One was the various scars littering their body and the various monstrous sea creature skulls decorating their body.
Atop their head was a golden crown with coral on it, alongside the fact it had several oddly shaped red tattoos on it forming a swirl pattern.
"My subjects of the deep spread out and capture any human you see, the Darkness will be pleased with this city!"
"Although if these humans are lying about the population, then we'll be the ones to suffer their wrath, so pillage and raid leave nothing behind!" They shouted as the smaller humanoids cheered, pumping their fist into the air as a few tugged on the chains of the humans they captured, who had terrified looks on their faces.
While this happened a figure was approaching them, wearing a black cloak and two red circles glowed underneath the hood. Seeing this, the monstrous sea creatures looked at them with a few smirking as they barred their teeth. Seeing this the figure grabbed the top of the cloak, revealing a metallic arm underneath it as they ripped it off them.
It was a human of average height with a black metallic exoskeleton, and red lines going through its body. They were wearing black jeans and a grey shirt and had more human-looking face, although their eyes were mechanical and a face that looked like a mix of Asian and German mix heritage. Alongside that was their medium-length light red hair as he got into a fighting pose.
"This shouldn't;t be too difficult, based on their appearance and from what my data indicates of Atlanteans physiology, these creatures should only need-"
*Title card: Yellow and Red *One Punch* with a much large crack on it, spreading across the screen*