One Piece: A Love Strong since Childhhod

Chapter 9: Nami the thief and nagavitor

For the first couple of hours, I was feeling seasick as I sailed over the side of the boat. However, I had taken short trips with my father to other places to get medical supplies and bring back weapons books.

Zoro pulled my hair back to help me. "It looks like the sea doesn't agree with you, Pretty Kitty."

Luffy looked at Zoro. "Is she gonna be ok?"

Zoro nodded. "She'll be fine. She's just seasick. Pretty Kitty isn't used to long voyages."

Luffy smiled. "So, tell me about yourself and Kat. I wanna know everything."

Zoro lifted an eyebrow. Who is this strange kid? Why is he so hell bent on becoming Pirate King? And why does he want to know everything about me and Pretty Kitty? "You're an odd kid, you know that right? Why do wanna know everything about us? 

"Because I just do. I ate a Devil Fruit so I'm made out of rubber. Bullets and other things just bounce right off of me. That doesn't mean I can't be killed or injured." 

For the next couple of hours, Luffy and Zoro just talked, getting to know each other. It's amazing how much talking two men can do with one of them tipping the boat over without wanting to kill the other. I had my head on Zoro's shoulder with my eyes closed just listening to the call of the birds.

Luffy glanced at me before saying anything. "So, you two have been together that long?"

"Yep. I almost lost her to poison as a kid. I promised her father that I'd keep her safe."

A small port appeared on the horizon. As the small ship arrived, the three of us sat up, ready to find a boat and a navigator. The town and its population were also fairly small. The market seemed busy, with vendors shouting and children screaming, playing and darting around the adults. 

Luffy smiled. "This place is so busy. We'll find a navigator here."

I looked at Zoro. "He seems confident."

Zoro nodded and smirked. "Well, someone has to be." He took my hand and we went into the port to find a ship. 

Luffy bounced ahead of us, looking for a decent ship and someone who could navigate the seas for us. He ran into the nearest shop. "Hey, do you know where I can find a ship?"

The shop owner looked at him. "I don't sell ships here. Now get out of my shop. I have customers to attend to."

I was in a weapons shop bent over the counter looking at a small dagger. I felt Zoro's hand around my waist. "What are you looking at, Pretty Kitty?"

I smile. "A small dagger. Not like I need another weapon."

A few hours later, Luffy came into the shop. "Guys, I found a navigator. I think she'll be the perfect."

Zoro turned around and looked at him. "You think she's perfect."

A girl entered the shop. She was around the same age as Luffy, Zoro, and myself and had short red hair. She wore a blue tank-top and white shorts. Her eyes were green. "So, this is the poor excuse for a pirate crew. An assassin, a swordsman, and some kid who wants to be the Pirate King? I hear you need a navigator. My name is Nami and I will help you out, but only if you guys help me get treasure."

I looked at her. "Do you have a ship?"

Nami smiled. "Of course I have a ship. It might be small but it's just big enough for three people."

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