One Piece: A Love Strong since Childhhod

Chapter 8: Off on a world wind adventure

My mother smiled and hugged me, fighting back tears. "You have to promise that you'll be careful and that your swordsman will take care of you."

I nodded. "Don't worry mother. Zoro always does. Now let go because I can't breathe."

My father smiled. "Sasha dear, Katherine is a grown woman who can make her own decisions besides it's time that she makes her path in life, and with Zoro by her side, I have no doubts that together they can make it happen."

Zoro smirked. "If anyone tries to hurt Pretty Kitty I'll make sure they'll pay."

By this point Luffy was already out the door. It was clear that although he didn't know Zoro or me, he was getting sick of hearing my pet name. "She's got a name you know."

A few hours later, Zoro, myself, and Luffy were down at the docks, about to board a small boat. Luffy and Zoro were the first to enter the small boat before Zoro offered me his hand. "My Lady."

I giggled taking his hand. "My king."

Luffy gagged. "Zoro, I know just met you but I thought you had a reputation for being a pirate hunter not a romantic."

Zoro looked at him. "True. But love makes a man do crazy things." 

I lay my head on his shoulder before Luffy let the rope go, before the boat left the dock. "Well this is it. Off on an adventure."

Luffy let out a childish laugh. "Time to find a ship and a nagivtor."

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