One Piece: A Love Strong since Childhhod

Chapter 10: Getting to know Nami

Once the four of us left the weapon shop and started making our way to the shipyard to the ship that Nami claimed she had. As we walked through the busy streets, there was a yell coming from behind. "DAMMIT! WHERE DID THAT LITTLE BASTARD GO!! I SWEAR I'LL KILL HIM!!"

I turned my head slowly, "What was that?" I spotted a small shadow hiding in an alley. "Hold on a moment guys." I let go of Zoro's hand and walked over towards the small child. 

The child backed away from me, noticing the sheeted sword on my back and the small weapon's pouch attached to my leg. He started crying. "P..please don't hurt me. I didn't mean to steal the bread. I'll bring it back."

Despite hiding my emotions, I couldn't help but let out a smile. "I'm not gonna hurt you. What is your name?"

The boy stepped forward. " it true?

I raised an eyebrow. "Is what true?"

"That you're an assassin?"

I said nothing, just looking at the kid. 

Zoro and the others come over. He put his arms around my waist. "Who's this?"

The kid spotted the three swords at Zoro's side and booked it past him. "There's no way that both an assassin and a Pirate Hunter were standing right in front of me! Neither of them made a move to kill me.

A few hours later, once again the four of us made our way to the shipyard. After dealing with more yelling, but this was the hustle and bustle of the busy market. Vendors were yelling at each other about what they were selling at their goods. Once we arrived at the docks, there was a boat, that was a bit bigger than the one Luffy, Zoro, and I came in on. 

I looked at Nami, "Are you sure this is your ship?"

Nami nodded. "Yep. Just big enough for 4 people. Besides, it will allow you and me to get to know each other. I have so many questions for you. First, how did you end up with a guy like Zoro?"

I smile. "Well, I've been with Zoro since we were kids. He's always been there for me. Not only is he my boyfriend, but he's also my best friend." I looked at her. "So, what made you want to become a nagavitor?"

Nami smiled in return. "I've always had a knack for navigation. As a kid, I read every book I could get my hands on. I drew maps of the places I wanted to visit when I got older."

"Well, now you get to live your passion." 

Nami nodded. "You could say that. So what about you? An assassin huh?"

"Yep. It's hard to understand for people who don't know the underworld of society. We live in the shadows and are forced to work in darkness. In a sense, we are forced to purge all emotions and become hitmen and hitwomen for hire. The people have grown to fear us. As a doctor's daughter, my mother's greatest fear was coming true. She wished that I could follow in my father's footsteps and heal people. My father could see that I had a knack for weapons. He knew that becoming a doctor was not for me. He handed me over to the Assassination Guild."

Nami stared at me. "So your parents gave you over to evil people?"

I shook my head. "No. Us assassins aren't evil." I looked at her. "If it hadn't been for Zoro, I would have bee dead 10 times over."

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