One Piece: A Love Strong since Childhhod

Chapter 5: An Attempted Rescue Mission

Luffy followed me towards the Marine base. "Boyfriend? You mean the Pirate Hunter Ronoro Zoro? The man who supposedly murdered Captain Highlyn. I want him to join my pirate crew?"

I looked at him. "Why would Zoro want to join a pirate crew? People hire him to hunt pirates and bring them in for questioning." Is this guy serious? Does he want Zoro to be a pirate? I heard a small voice coming from behind me. It was the innkeeper's daughter. "Alys, what are you doing here?"

Alys smiled. "I'm on my way to see Zoro. Father, made some food for me to bring him." She looked up at me. "Is it true that he's as good-looking as people say?"

I giggled. "Oh yes. He's a bad boy with a heart of gold."

We all walked up the long winding path that finally led to where Zoro was being held. I spotted that Alys was about to climb up a ladder that was lying against. "Alys, what are you doing? If you enter the Execution Grounds you'll be killed. I understand that you want to help in rescuing Zoro, but allow me to bring the food your father made."

Alys sighed but nodded. "Yes. I'll let my father know and prepare a room for him." She handed me the basket. "Thanks, Kat. You've always been my hero."

I ruffled her hair. "We all have our ways of helping people. Some of us kill the evil and corrupt, others cause rebellions, and others aid the sick."

Luffy smiled. "You have a way with kids, don't you?"

I nod. "She's become a little sister to me. I don't want to see her get hurt." I climbed up the ladder and entered the Execution Grounds towards Zoro. I set the basket down and kissed Zoro on the cheek and whispered in his ear. "I'm here, naughty boy. Please don't leave me." A tear from my eye fell on his cheek."

Zoro lifted his head slowly. "Hey, Pretty Kitty. Don't cry I'm ok. Only 9 days left and then I'll be free to be with you and we'll leave this place. I made you a promise." 

"Don't talk like that naughty boy. You're so stupidly brave I don't understand why you did it. Alys's father made you food. They're also getting a room ready for you.

Zoro chuckled. "Is that so?" He gave a kiss on my forehead. "Look at me. I made a promise to your father that I would make you my bride. I tend to keep my promise."

A cold chuckle broke the mood. "I hate to ruin this romantic mood, that any trespassers must leave the grounds or otherwise be shot on sight."

I stood up. "Tell me, why do you torture Zoro?" I smirked. "You can try to kill me. Capitan Alexander." My hand moved towards the weapons pouch on my leg. "You marines forget, I'm a weapons specialist. Anything you throw at me, I'll make sure it hurts you tenfold."

On the other side of the wall, Luffy smiled. She's so cool and collected. I have to have her as part of my crew.

Captain Alexander laughed. "Toture? Oh please, it's punishment for what he did."

Within less than 2 hours, everyone that Captain Alexander had brought with him was dead at my feet.

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