Chapter 3: A 3 day's coma
After being in a coma for 3 days, I slowly started to open my eyes to see that Zoro had stayed by my side for the whole time. He had climbed onto the hospital bed that I was in. I noticed that during the time that was out he had taken a hold of my hand. I smiled. Did he stay here in the hospital and lie on the bed with me? I guess he does feel the same way about me that I do for him? "Zoro? Hey I'm ok."
Zoro opened his eyes. "Pretty Kitty, you're awake. I thought I lost you."
I blushed. "So, we're coming up with pet names already and we're only 5."
"Yep. You can call me your knight in shining armor."
The door opened and it was my mother who had come to visit. "You're awake finally. You had your father and I worried you wouldn't wake up." She smiled at Zoro warmly. "Looks like someone has been keeping you company."
Zoro smiled. "Don't worry Mrs. Lee. You're daughter is safe with me. I promise you and Dr. Lee that when I grow up I'll come and your permission to marry Kat."
My mother laughed. "That's a big promise to make, Zoro. Are you sure you can keep that promise?"
"I know it seems like that now but I'll keep it, Mrs. Lee. You can bet on it."
I blinked. Is he serious?
Dr. Dee entered my hospital room asking if my mother and Zoro could leave so that he could make sure that all my vitals were ok. He smiled warmly at Zoro, sensing that there was something between him and me. "So, you visited my patient during these past 3 days. She must be very lucky to have a devoted friend like you."
Zoro smiled big and said nothing following my mother out of the room.