Chapter 2: A Playful Childhood and sudden illness
After the training, I walked home with Dave and my other best friend, Chelsea. I was talking with them on the techniques we would practice once he got back to Chelsea's house. I heard a voice coming from behind us. "Hey, Kat! Wait up!"
I looked over my shoulder. Shit! It's Zoro. What do I say? "Hey, what's up?"
He smiled big. "You left early after class got over. I was wondering if we wanted to train with me. Maybe we could get to know each other."
I leaned over to Chelsea. "What do I do?"
She chuckled. "Go ahead girly. You're not gonna get another chance. You're gonna train with Zoro. You have too. I'll see you later."
I blinked. What just happened? Did she permit me to train with the new kid? I blushed and walked over to him. "Sure. Let's do it."
Zoro offered me his hand. "Come on. Let's go."
The color of my face became brighter, and I felt my heart pound on my chest. I started laughing with excitement.
A few hours later, after Zoro and I had trained, I collapsed on his shoulder, closed my eyes, and breathed hard. His shoulder is so comfy. I know we're just kids but I would lay my head on his shoulder forever.
Zoro smiled and moved my hair out of my face. Is she sleeping? Did I tire her out from all of our training? He shook me awake. "Hey, Kat wake up?"
I opened my eyes. "Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry."
He grinned. "It's ok. You're quite the fighter? I could train with you for hours and not get tired."
I blushed.
A few days later, I woke up feeling like another kid. Happy and full of life. I opened the door from my bedroom to the kitchen when I felt my head burning. "Mother, I don't feel so good."
My mother came over and put a hand on my forehead. "Katherine, you're burning up. I need to get you to the hospital." She set her stuff down and removed her apron. "Don't worry, honey." Once we arrived, my mother helped me walk into the hospital.
The nurse came over to help my mother with me. "Mrs. Lee, what's wrong?"
My mother looked at the nurse. "My daughter is very ill. She woke up this morning and came into the kitchen with a sudden fever."
The nurse nodded. "Come with me." She helped me into a hospital bed while she informed the nearest doctor.
I looked up at my mother once I got changed into a hospital gown. "Mother, can you Zoro for me?"
"Of course my love. I'll write to him. You just hang in there." She left the room and started writing to Zoro's parents.
A few hours later, Doctor Dee pulled my mother aside after writing to Zoro's parents. "Mrs. Lee, I ran many tests on your daughter and it seems to me that Katherine is fine. But I have to ask, has she eaten anything that didn't settle right with her stomach?"
My mother thought for a moment. "I don't think so. I made her favorite dinner last night."
I lay in the hospital with an I.V. attached to my arm when I felt a hand in mine. I could feel a strong but gentle squeeze. At first I thought it might be my father. Then again, it could be Zoro but he could be here.