Natural Contest: BRAVE

Chapter 11: The Trial Begins

The heaven really loves me and at this rate i may really become the queen of those idiots... ah...., i can't wait...

This thoughts found its root in the mind of the serpent hissing in excitement and with a crazy expression on her face as she gave the creature below her a thorough scanning from head to toe and severally while also giving away instinctively her greedy intention to possess him.

"Ehm, wait, listen."

Skylar with urgency and slight panic in his voice called out as he requested the attention of the crazy and delusional serpent basking in the afterglow of her orgasmic delight.

"Uncle, you said you fell from the heavens and nobody sent you, right?" The serpent after regaining her calm and with a sultry voice coated in faint delight asked as her hand return to teasing Skylar's body spread-eagled on the large altar.

"Well, you see, the things is there are a lot others like me sent here, maybe you can find someone else to your liking and just let a common guy like me go. Right?"

Skylar said with a twisted smile focused on the serpent as he tried to ignore the effect the serpent's teasing and voice is doing to his being.

"Uncle, don't you want to make me your baby factory?"

The serpent asked as she stopped her teasing and locked eye with Skylar with a serious look in them.

"What do you mean?"

Skylar feeling both confusion and suspicion answered.

"You must have a lot of it saved up, don't you want to release it?"

The serpent asked as she resumed her unbearable teasing on his body.

"Wait, wait"

Skylar shouted with urgency and panic as he felt the serpent's golden claw slowly approach the most sensitive part of his body.

"You see i completely understand and don't blame you but the bastard wolf, so just please let me go"

He added hastily as he felt a great embarrassment looming.

"I see, you understand uncle..., then you will understand this then"

She commented as she suddenly relocated her mischievous claw to the center of his forehead.

Bitch what are you up to...

Skylar leaked his thought, panic dominating his expression as he instictively felt danger approach him.

And soon the tip of the serpent claw touching his forehead glowed green, accompanied by a sound like the jiggling of million bells.

He cried out in pain as a familiar green pattern burning with green flames appeared on his forehead.

With this i should be a step closer to my freedom, wait, a perfect shell, who made this..., i think i understand a little why he was sent there, is this really the right choice... no, this would never have happened if they don't want it... i see, they must pity me...

The serpent thought as the look in her eyes went from hope to clarity, from clarity to confusion and from confusion back to clarity which then finally settled on an expression of relief and gentleness.

At the same time above the wolfs' lair in the mysterious fog;

A pair of eyes as big as the setting sun and each containing a cosmos opened. In these eyes are the reflected image of Skylar on the altar suffering and struggling as he attempt to raise his hands bound tightly by gravity, to the top of his brightly burning forehead to alleviate the unbearable pain assaulting him.

The eyes kept watch until the moment the figure of Skylar they laid on, turned relieved and peaceful and then they vanished.

The moment skylar regained his consciousness;

"Uncle listen carefully. In that room is a swarm of flesh eating bugs locked away under you inside the altar...

You have three hours to escape that room and till they come after you when they are automatically freed. And believe me, once they are set free there is nothing you can do to stop them from feasting on you. And you must know this they multiply rapidly when they consume flesh, and i also know you are an avatar, so think catefully before you make your decision or at this rate you will be stuck in a nightmarish loop just as you imagined... bye"

The voice of the serpent that's no longer in the hall echoed in Skylar's mind and after which he cursed out angrily at the treacherous crazy serpent that has left him for a gruesome fate.

Let's think carefully... this bitch is probably an unusual npc or an administrator since she is aware of my player status... so all i need to do about that is just play along for now and gather every information i can get here, and i need to get out if here fast... wait, that bitch said three hours, hmm, strange, how do they measure time in this world, our status window has no time indicator... fu.k, how long have i really been in this world, well that doesn't really matter, wait, i can't log out here right... fu.k, i promised not to log out in a black zone, fu.k, when did i make that promise... i must have forgotten something very important, well, i will remember when i need to... now...

Skylar analyzed in his mind after which he turned his head to one side and then the other side with great difficulty in other to check the location of the hall's exit.

The door to this place is probably behind me, then the next thing is to completely overcome this insane gravity... i can already use energy to cancel it out, and the next and most difficult stage is moving my body under it, then...

Skylar thought and concluded.

He then closed his eyes, settled his mind and focus all his senses on all which is not matter enveloping him and a few seconds later the inside of the hall was drowned in a sea of green light.

At the same time, three beings had a clandestine conversation;

"Mistress are we not too hard on them"

"What, you are taking his side already little sister and what's with the honorifics"

"She is right, at this rate we are too hard on them"

"Mistress, this is not your style, so why?"

"Yes mistress, he might loose his spirit."

"We don't have time, the contest can begin at anytime."

"Oh, so that's it."

"But mistress you gave that thing to him, what if like he said there are others like him from the old empire palace garden with far greater potential than him"

"Someone extremely weak that can survive the inner region and reach here in an avatar and not die once is either a candidate or directly related to one"

"I think he is superior to a candidate"

"Idiot little sister, that's totally impossible"

"At this rate she might be right and i pray she is"

"Wait what, what am i missing, little sis please tell me"

"Eh, its just a feeling"

"What feeling."

"Since i met them earlier, i just felt all my fears fly away."

"If that's true at this rate we even have to go harder on them"

"Mistress no, what if they hate us."

"Well, at this rate we should be dead already."

"Mistress wait, are we not joking here."

"Big sis is an idiot."

"Take that back, i am smarter than you."

"I don't think so, you can't even tell their mettle."

"Are you saying that guy burdened with enormous trauma and with that rootless spirit is something special."

"Big sis they are not a guy."

"She is right, you should start treating them with respect and also they will be your new master."

"Eh mistress, are we serious, a person that may not even survive the arena."

"The arena is too small for them, big sis we can make a bet."

"Okay, lover girl, what's the stake."

"If they becomes king in 100 years, i will become the big sis at that time."

"Absolutely impossible! In a hundred years, even the old emperor, the greatest ever was a librarian no one cared about at 120..."

"Big sis are you scared?"

"No way, what about you."

"Hmm, let's see... if i am wrong you can have that thing."

"No way, deal."

"You will regret it at this rate."

"Eh, mistress who."

A melodious chuckle ended this mysterious conversation.

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