Natural Contest: BRAVE

Chapter 10: Far From Home

Skylar opened his eyes, blinked and scanned his location.

He realised he is in a spacious white hall, as big as a football stadium.

The hall has a ceiling about 70 meters high, on which luminescent vines of different kinds and various bright colors hang. The hall also has on its white wall, vivid symbols, characters and pictures of many different fantasy-looking creatures artistically inscribed on it.

As he looked up he caught the sight of a group of an unbelievable beautiful insect-like creatures that seemed to come out of fantasy; their body glowing in dazzling light as they commune in sacred rapport with the brightly glowing vines thriving on the walls and vault of the hall pervaded by a mystical silence.

So she is the bitch that was torturing me earlier, i must have an uncanny destiny with bitches...

Skylar thought with an expression showing a contemptuous disgust as he set his eyes on the enormous green serpent at his side, towering above the very large altar on which he laid.

"Uncle, you shouldn't treat a lady that way if you want them to like you at this rate"

A telepathic voice,melodic, seductive and arousing that seem to come from a young girl echoed in Skylar's mind and seized his total attention as he fought against the primitive desire the voice unleashed at the depth of his mind.

Bitch!..., i am definitely not into bestiality, please don't react, please... Skylar thought as he continued to exert his utmost mental power to suppress the tempting desire in him and his enbarassung physical reaction.

"Uncle, you see, your mind is unguarded and leaking, and at this rate anyone can tell what you are thinking, so, how about i teach you how to tame it , i..."

The telepathic voice of the green serpent echoing in Skylar's mind suddenly vanished.

Bitch now read my mind if you can... Skylar thought with a chuckle as he gave the serpent a knowing look and a victorious smile.

What?, so fast!, i really have stumbled on an incredible specimen, at this rate its like the universe is blessing me again...

The serpent trying to maintain character thought with delight, but a melodic hiss escaped from her.

"Uncle you are really not that bad, hmm, but at this rate..., you are still miles away from accomplishing what i am talking about..."

The serpent's voice containing a playful mockery echoed in Skylar's mind.

Bitch, i know that already, and i never told you i am a genius that can master stuff instantly... all i need now is shield my mind from creatures like you...

Skylar made known his concealed thought to the serpent in a bid to reply her.

"I understand uncle, but uncle can i ask you a question?..."

The serpent with her expression shifting to a serious one asked Skylar.

If you let me out of here, i will answer any question...

Skylar expectant of a positive reply, replied the serpent in his thought.

"Oh uncle, okay i agree, i will let you out depending on your answer."

The serpent replied with a strange glint in her slit eyes.

No, i won't answer your question if you don't agree to let me out...

Skylar with a slight frown on his face firmly refused the serpent.

The serpent with a mischievous glint in her eyes sent her reptalian hand in motion on the lively body of Skylar.

"Uncle its just a harmless question you know... please promise to answer me and at this rate i might even do something good for you, Like taking care of your stuff... i will even let you go if your answer satisfy me..."

The serpernt tracing Skylar's body seductively with the tip of her claws, from his chest to his lower abdomen, approaching is groin, sent a telepathic voice with more charm and allure and with the aim of compelling him.

What the hell is with this bitch's voice?...

Skylar with an expression of pain from struggling, thought as he fought against the primal urges and desires the serpent's voice and action lit up in his depths.

Fu.k, okay, i will answer you, just stop already...

Skylar made his thought and annoyance known to the serpent watching his struggle and essential body part with glee and a curious fascination.

After a while the effect of the serpent enchanting voice faded.

Hey bitch, why are you still staring at it...

Skylar asked the serpent watching his body physical reaction with diligence and curiosity as they return to their natural state after she set him free from her seductions.

let me tell you, there is no way i am into beastility, so don't think in that direction...

Skylar added in a bid to prevent the serpent colored with wisfulness from launching another assault.

"So what's is your question?"

Skylar asked his voice breaking the weird silence and which also elicited a strange sigh from the unusually melancholic serpent.

Uncle, how did your weak self cross the wild?...

The serpent asked with a serious expression as her charming green eyes with slit-pupils stare intently into Skylar's eye.

"Wild, where is that?"

Skylar asked confused and thoughtful.

"Is it that place that look like a black titanic jungle?"

Skylar added with an expectant expression.

Hmm, that's strange, he has no idea of the wild, and can someone this weak even survive the bone desert... but from what he said, he has probably been to the inner region, so, what's going on here...

The serpent thought as she hissed involuntarily, probably from frustration.

"Uncle, if you don't know the wild, then who sent you here? how did you get here?"

The serpent asked sweetly trying to redeem her composure after she hissed instinctively and ungracefully

Bitch, look at her trying hard to act cute, just act like the beast you are and hiss like normal...

Skylar thought before answering the question and as he gave the serpent a weird look.

No one sent me here and what are you thinking exactly?...

Skylar replied and asked trying to understand the situation.

"Uncle are you saying you fell from the heavens"

This time the serpent asked with great expectation leaking from her expression which Skylar failed to notice.

Wait, if i think about it, its really like i fell from nowhere...

Skylar thoughtlessly revealed as he stared at the hall's colorful ceiling in contemplation.

Skylar after suddenly realizing he might have put himself in trouble looked to the side at the unusually still serpent.

He saw the creepy expression on her face which sent chills down his spine-her eyes full of greed, the wide grin displaying weird excitement, the lolling long and forked tongue with saliva pouring down along it and the thrill visibly coursing through her glossy green tattooed body.

He saw clearly and know instinctively how much trouble he has brought on himself.

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