Natural Contest: BRAVE

Chapter 9: A Green Serpent

"Hey big guy, be gentle with your meat, at least give us the respect we deserve, since we will soon land in your belly and become part of you."

Skylar shouted rudely as he steadied himself in the cage that was thrown on the hard ground carelessly in front of their destination by the colossal beast.

In front of the caged duo was a lake of green clouds bounded to a near perfect circular form by the hard mossy ground bordering it. Floating on the center of the green mass of cloud with an apparent endless surface area is a massive structure of immense size and beauty.

The structure rooted in the clouds has a crazy tall wall, with an unkown height as it pierced into the mysterious fog above the lake of clouds, where bright rays of light descends.

The structure has walls glowing and shinning with sparkling colors from afar while also going round to form an enclosure encircling a space which from a distance seem large but can be way more and which also happened to be the lair of the massive creature.

As Skylar was marveling at the bright rays of white light which seems to originate from an enormous heavenly body hidden in the mysterious fog above, the massive creature raised his head towards the fog above the structure and howled.

The pleasant loud howl of the massive creature received as a reply two seperate howls, a deeper howl and a more dignified howl which originate one after the other from inside the structure.

Wait, there are others like this guys, how many are they in that lair and can our meat really go round...

Skylar thought as the massive creature exchange howls for several howls that came from the sparkling structure.

Not long after a very large stone bridge connecting the structure to the land where the massive creature stopped emerged slowly and magically from the bottom of the green lake of clouds.

"Wait, so that cloud is very deep"

Skylar said aloud after realizing they and their capturer needed a bridge to get to the other side.

A few minutes after the enormous stone bridge stabilized, the massive creature left for the other side in a flash leaving behind its two captives locked away in a cage.

"Mr rabbit that guy has left, we should run now and escape"

Skylar said in a hush voice, his face and attention in the direction opposite to his partner and the structure as he tried to force his way out through the gap between the bars of the large cage.

After a while, during Skylar struggle with the bars of the cage; mr rabbit tapped the back of his partner who is focused on escaping through the bar, but his partner still battling with the bars of the cage ignored the taps.

Skylar was tapped again and again until he was frustrated with his unsuccessful attempt to escape through the gap of the sturdy cage and turned to face is partner the origin of the taps who is now pointing at the enormous stone bridge.

In front of the stone bridge on land stood three serpentine creature: two white giant Identical snakes with glossy and attractive appearance positioned side by side, and a colorful green serpent in front, taking the lead.

"Excuse me, ehm..., you see i was helping you guys check the sturdiness of your cage."

Skylar with a smile said after he chuckled lightly and as he faced the three new audience.

"I think its really really sturdy, my bad." Skylar continued with an apologetic expression as he tried to ease the piercing staring the three new audience invested on him.

After a few minutes of staring and silence; the green serpent in the lead, standing on two legs waved her green hand tattooed in bright golden color, and one of the giant white snake getting the message slithered towards the large cage which magically moved and landed on its giant back.

Fuck!, is that telekinesis or some sort of sorcery?...

Skylar thought as he grabbed tightly the bar of the cage which landed wobbly on the snake's back.

At the same time the green serpent turned and started walking towards the bridge in a bid to return to the lair after wgich the white snake carrying the cage imprisoning the duo followed closely together with the other white snake behind them at a distance, their procession quiet comical.

The moment the white snake carrying the cage reached the stone bridge, Skylar screamed out suddenly in pain as his whole body out of control landed like lightning on the base of the cage, squashed and glued to it.

"Hmm, so uncle is pathetically weak." This young seductive voice echoed in Skylar's mind as he lost consciousness.


Intense pain coursed through Skylar's body and welcome him as he regained his consciousness.

Following this he felt his bones crushed regrow, his muscles tearing mend, and his tissue turning to mush heal. He felt this all happen in an endless cycle as he laid on a hard floor that seem to pound him mercilessly and relentlessly from below.

He anguished and struggled. He tried to open his heavy eyes to take in his new environment and get information on his situation but all his attempts were futile.

Someone please help me, anyone please...

He screamed in his mind and tried screaming out by trying to force open his tightly shut mouth which felt as heavy as a mountain.

Why won't i just die, why is my body regenerating faster, why is this happening to me again, fu.k, i want to quit...

He thought with resentment as he experienced this cycle of endless pain.

"Uncle, listen carefully to me. Natural energy permeates all of creations, living and non living, its ever present and submissive to those chosen by her, uncle, she chose you and you have to communicate with her, only she can help you out..."

This crisp seductive voice of a young girl interrupted Skylar's thought, lectured him and soothed his mind.

What energy, please just get me out of here...

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"No, uncle, you can't run, you have to face this at some point, or do you plan not to return. listen to me uncle, overcoming this is easy, just calm your mind and feel the energy around you..." The seductive young voice interrupting Skylar's thought and action lectured again but this time corrupted with a slight annoyance.

Natural energy, energy of creation, always around me, settle my mind and communicate with it...

Skylar thought as he exerted his will to the maximum to surpress the unforgiving pain assaulting him mercilessly from all angles.

He tried clearing his mind of all thoughts and focus his senses on things not physical in his surrounding, but after a few seconds his senses betrayed him and welcomed the dastardly torturous pain again.

Skylar, with stubborness, a sense of purpose and a will claiming its superiority among all wills, tried over and over until once again he lost consciousness while his unconscious body glowed brightly a green spiritual glow symbolizing the eternal cycle.

Please know this time, that he put away his consciousness himself after he felt the caress of the eternal mother arrest all his suffering.

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