Natural Contest: BRAVE

Chapter 12: The Land Of Instincts

"Uncle congratulations, you now stand a fighting chance against the weakest creature in this land"

The voice of the serpent echoed in Skylar's mind as he lay on a large platform similar to a bench.

Inside a bigger room, that seemed to be made from marble; a room similar to the one he just break out from, but clearly larger. A room with a plain white ceiling like marble and at the center on it a very large orange flower that looks like a gaint sunflower which emits a cool orange light that illuminates the four corners of the room and its floor about a hundred and twenty meters below it, hangs. This room he escaped into with three of its four corners bounded by a white wall that has vivid patterns and clear pictures of fantasy creatures engraved on them. Its fourth corner which he is looking at as he rested is body and which seems to be made from a transparent glass material as its serves as a screen that display the content on the other side of the room at that corner probably, to anyone inside the room.

Skylar found himself in this room after he left the previous room which he found out has no door practically and also where a great danger awaited him,; a trap set by the large green serpent to help him overcome the intense gravity in this region where this wolf's lair is.

"Bitch, what are you up to next."

Skylar who ignored the insulting comment of the green serpent somewhere outside the room asked with a voice that expresses his listlessness.

"Uncle, so you know something is next, wow, so smart, at this rate i might soon becomemight your baby factory."

The serpent replied sarcastically, her seductive voice instinctively raising a level in potency.

"Bitch, just let's get to it already"

He replied, clearly annoyed and probably at the subtle effect of her earlier statement on his being.

"Uncle don't rush you have to rest and replenish your energy at this rate."

The seductive voice of the serpent echoed softly in Skylar's agitated mind, soothing it.

"Okay, can you just let me know what's next, so i can prepare."

Skylar less agitated asked with a softer voice.

"Okay, at this rate there is no harm in telling you, so listen uncle. You see, this place is a place made for special creatures like you to unleash your bestial instinct and kill one another and to earn especially a right..."

"Wait, stop. What do you mean by special?"

Skyar interrupted the serpent with a raised voice.

"Its just like you heard, special"

The serpent replied matter-of-factly

"To let you know, i am not special at all"

He informed her, he himself uncertain about his claim.

"I know at this rate, you are beyond special"

The serpent with a sweet chuckle responded Skylar's comment.

"Fu.k, don't you get it i don't have bestial instinct or anything, i just want to leave here already"

Skylar raised his voice in annoyance as he expresses his wish to the serpent.

"Uncle, you see that's not up to me, as this lair belongs to the wolf brothers and i just happen to be a mere manager here. So at this rate i don't have the right and capability to let you out of here"

The serpent replied, her voice in skylar's mind feigning self-mockery and sadness.

Bitch, i know you will never let me go, why act like you really want to help...

Skylar who saw through the serpent's guise said in his mind, making sure the serpent won't pick it.

"Can't you just sneak me out."

He asked pleadingly.

"That, i can't at this rate. Like i already said, i lack the capability and my boss that brought you here is expecting to see you on the arena"

The serpent responded, the veracity of her words unknown.

"Okay what's the killing stuff and bestial instinct about."

Skylar swallowing his boiling anger asked.

"Oh, its simple, at this rate we just let you guys loose in the arena, and you slaughter one another in a limited time..."

"Wait, you mean we try to survive by not getting killed by others for a set duration"

Skylar who suddenly sat upright asked, his face expressing a mixture of shock and disgust.

"Something similar"

The serpent replied with a voice that sounded like she's trying not to give him a clear answer.

"Okay, what do you guys gain from this."

Skylar regained his calm and asked softly as he returned to his laying position on the platform.

"Like i said i am just a mere manager who is just getting paid by the owners. I am quiet an insignificant poor creature"

She replied, sounding pitiful.

"Okay what do the wolfs gain."

Skylar understanding her ploy to shift responsibility asked.

"Its simple they gamble, drink and enjoy the show, its simply a party time for them, and at this rate we can say they enhoy the carnage..."

The serpent responded with blatant embellishments targeted to paint the wolfs as some very evil creatures.

"So this is an illegal gambling den" Skylar catching a hint of the situation asked probingly.

"Hmph, at this rate something like that "

The serpent relied with a feigned show of anger.

He is quiet smart or very smart, but at the same time might be very lazy when it comes to properly utilizing his head...

The serpent thought as she took a mental note.

"Fu.k them, so they kidnap poor creatures like us and watch us kill one another while they feel good"

Skylar commented with slight irritation.

He might even be faking all his reaction... Is he trying to get useful information from me by making me slip up... Then he is not just smart, he is also very shrewed... got to note that too...

The serpent thought in addition.

"But uncle don't you want to fight and drown yourself in blood. Most creatures in the arena enjoy the slaughter. And at this rate its also a win-win situation for you, right. That perfect opportunity to improve and strengthen yourself"

The serpent transmitted her words coated with persuasion to Skylar's mind.

"Do i look like someone who wants to engage in a meaningless slaughter?"

Skylar replied with a side-eye and added right after.

"Just when will i be thrown in this arena thing?"

"There is a process to that, and at this rate you have to take a qualification trial first"

The serpent replied with a meaningful chuckle.

"Wait, you mean i have to take a test before i can be thrown into some land of death where i will become a spectacle for some psychopaths."

Skylar asked as he suddely sat upright again, clearly bewildered.

"Yeah, so rest well, i will be back."

The serpent answered and her presence coming from somewhere outside the room vanished.

After about few hours; from a door shaped opening that formed magically on the wall facing the transparent screen, behind Skylar, one of the two giant snake that escorted Skylar previously entered the room with an ancient clay bowl and jug on her back.

"Uncle, you eat the fruits, at this rate they are good for your body. And please follow her after you are done, she will take you to the trial ground"

The serpent instructing voice, hasty and fleeting appeared in Skylar's mind like it floated from afar.

"Hey, bitch wait..."

"She's gone"

Skylar muttered after his shout got no reply.

He turned to the very attractive giant snake with a pure white glossy skin, two big white horns and a pair of very attractive brown slit eyes which seem to hide a playful and mischievous glint.

The white giant snake acting clumsily and nervously probably confused on how to approach the enigmatic creature in front of it proceeded after some time and after calming her nerves, to carefully and telekinetically place the bowl and jug on the large bench in front of the sitting Skylar who has been scrutinizing it for a while.

There are clearly two of them... Are they twins... They should be females probably, they are very beautiful...

Skylar thought as he briefly turned his attention to the delicacy in front of him.

After this, she bowed lightly with a clear sign of hesitation and confusion and then moved to a corner in the room far away from Skylar who watched everything unfolded with utter bemusement.

What's wrong with this snake, maybe she misses mummy, poor creature, that bitch and her wolf gang must have kidnapped her too and might be forcing her to do dirty stuffs...

Skylar thought jokingly, showing a feigned pity to the snake as he return his attention to the delicacy in front of him.

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