Chapter 4: Chapter 4 : Boss
The first day in the office brings nervousness and excitement in everyone's life. What will we do on the first day, how will we do it, we are a little daring about all these things. But there is also the joy of coming into this new world.
Today is Amelia's first day at the office. She was very nervous but also very happy. She quickly completes her morning routine and leaves for office. Today she is wearing office wear which is giving her a different feeling. Today she is feeling very mature and confident. Amelia is wearing a plain light pink shirt, long black formal pants, formal shoes and open hair.
After some time Amelia goes to the office. As soon as she enters the building the receptionist wishes her best of luck on her first day. And Amelia takes her office ID from the reception because as per office protocol all the employees get their entry done at the reception as soon as they enter the office and collect their office ID. And entry into the office can be got only through the office ID.
Amelia enters the office. Amelia is an administration employee. Along with Amelia, 4 more people were selected in the same department. Apart from Amelia, there was 1 girl and 3 boys. Their names were Tina, Abhi, Kiet, Max. But in total 3 teams of the administration work. And these 5 have also been divided among these teams.
Amelia and Max are in one team, Tina and Abhi are in one team, and kiet is in one team. When Amelia enters the office, those four were there. Amelia goes and meets them all.
Amelia: Hii, Everyone . I am Amelia.
All four of them turn towards Amelia. All four of them also smile at Amelia and introduce themselves.
Tina : hii, I am Tina .
Abhi : hello , I am abhi.
Kiet : hey , my name is kiet.
Max : hii , its max.
Amelia: It was great to meet you all. We all met that day during the interview. Now we are CO workers.
Tina : we also enjoyed meeting you. And yes, we work together in the same office. But there is no need for this formality. We are all of the same age, so we become friends.
Those people very quickly get mixed up with each other . Then 3 people enter there, in which there were 2 males and 1 female. The 2nd male was wearing a black suit and the female was wearing office attire.
This person is the leader of the administration department of the company.Amayra, Sumit, Rihaan.Just by looking at those people one could make out how experienced they would be in their work.
Sumit : Good morning, Everyone. My name is Sumit. This is Amyra and Rihaan. We three are department heads.
Those 5 people also wish him good morning and introduce themselves one by one.
Rihaan : Today is the first day for all of you. Best of luck. And yes, let me tell you that we are divided into 3 teams. Because the company is very big, to maintain it and because of the company rules. But we all are like a family.
Amayra : Today is the first day for all of you, so don't worry too much, we are all going to work together. If any of you has any problem, you can tell any of us. We will definitely help you.
Sumit: But don't take everything lightly because our boss is very strict. And the company rules are also very strict here.
They were listening to everything very attentively. It was their first day and they were feeling very relaxed. But as soon as the topic of the boss came up, they got a little tensed because they had heard a lot about the company and especially about their boss and what kind of a person he was. He was a ruthless, cruel type of person.
Amayra: Let me tell you everyone who is in whose team. Amelia and Max are in Team Masters of Order which is Rihan's team. Tina and Abhi are in Team Streamline which is my team. And kiet is in Team Efficiency Experts which is Sumit's team.
Rihaan: So go to your respective team and start working.
Vanguard Dynamics is a technology and innovation based company. The work of the administration department in this is Office Management, Human Resources Support , Financial Administration , Project Coordination , Compliance and Legal Support, Communication and Scheduling, Technology and Tools Administration, Strategic Support.
Everyone goes and meets their respective teams and starts working with the excitement of the first day in office. During work they do not get to meet each other because they are in different teams. During lunch time they were sitting in the canteen and sharing their first day experiences.
Abhi :I never thought that our team leader would be so good. I have heard that seniors keep scolding their juniors and all but I did not find anything like that here.
Tina : Yes you are saying absolutely the truth. Amelia how was your day.
Amelia: You guys can call me Amy. And really, today was a great day.
Kiet : yes . But everything is so systematic here..
Abhi : Big companies cannot function without systems. I liked this systematic environment.
Kiet : Do you like the systematic environment or the people?
Abhi : What do you mean?
Kiet : You will like it, the team is good, the environment is good and most importantly the team leader is good. Isn't it?
Max : What you said means that Abhi has fallen in love with the team leader.
Kiet : maybe or Not. Didn't you see how he was staring at Amayra madam.
Abhi: What are you guys saying, there is nothing like that.
Amelia: If it is not like that then why are you blushing so much.
Abhi : Amy, at least you support Me.
All of them tease Abhi a lot. Laughing like this, all five of them enjoy their lunch. After that they get busy with their work. Then their team leader tells them that they all have a meeting with the boss this evening. Those five have to report to their boss.
On hearing this all five of them become very nervous. Because today was a very good day and full of new experiences but on hearing about meeting their boss they feel a little scared.
They have heard a lot about their boss. That he is a very angry person, very ruthless, etc. Time passes while working and it is time for the meeting. All five of them prepare themselves to meet their boss. Then their team leaders arrive there.
Sumit : Are you ready to meet the boss?
They all nod their heads in agreement. They all move forward with nervousness and come to the meeting room. They take their respective chairs and sit there. This is the same meeting room where they came for the interview, so they are familiar with this place.
That's when the boss enters. A 6ft tall man in a black suit comes there and as soon as the door opens the boss comes in. Everybody stands up in their place respecting the boss.
Seeing the boss, Amelia's feet start to tremble. She was not able to trust her eyes, is this really her boss. Her heart starts to beat faster, she was unable to understand what was happening. This is the same person whom she met in the mall that day, the owner of Sky. She had told him so many bad things. Then Sumit's voice brings her attention back.
Sumit : Boss, these are the new employees.
Amelia: boss...…..