Chapter 5: Chapter 5 : who is this person. ...?
Amelia: boss.....
Amelia says in a trembling voice. Sumit introduces his new employee to his boss.
Sumit : This is our boss, Damien Alexander Blackwood. The sole owner of Vanguard Dynamics.
They all look at their boss and respect him. The boss's face was very serious, there was no emotion in it, he just had a bossy attitude. Damien sits on his chair and as soon as he sits, everyone else also sits on their chairs.
Then Sumit introduces everyone. But Damien's eyes were focused on just one person. And that person was none other than Amelia. Amelia was also looking at Damien from time to time. There was fear and confusion in Amelia's eyes. Amelia thinks to herself The world is so small. And what came into my mind that day that I said bad things to my own boss.
After a while the meeting ends. Everyone leaves the meeting room. Amelia leaves as quickly as she can.As soon as the office time is over, all the friends meet and talk, but Amelia's mind was focused on only one thing and that was Damien.
Her friends were talking to her but her attention was not there. After that all the friends leave for their respective homes. Amelia also says bye to everyone and stands at the bus stop waiting for her bus.
Tina: Amy, are you okay? I have been noticing you looking lost ever since you came back from the meeting.
Amelia: Hey Tina you are here, you had gone home right?
Tina : I was worried about you, that's why I came back. Are you well?
Amelia: Thank you, Tina. You care about me.
Tina : Are you crazy, we are friends now, right? There is no room for thank you and sorry. Now tell me what happened.
Amelia: Tina, actually you know when it was our first interview date I was late because I was trying to save a dog's life. After that the bodyguard of that dog came there and I said something very rude to him and his boss. After that three days ago I went to the mall, where that dog came near me, his boss also came there that day, So I scolded his boss in front of everyone.
Tina : Okay so what does that have to do with your worry.
Amelia : The owner of that dog was none other than our boss.
Tina : what...…??
Hearing this, Tina screams so loudly that people sitting nearby start looking at her.
Amelia: Tina what are you doing. Everyone is looking at us.
Tina : I am sorry, Amy. But after what you said, this reaction is normal, isn't it?
Amelia: yess ,But now I am not able to understand what should I do.
Tina : Okay listen, first of all calm down, okay. We met the boss today and he hasn't said anything to you yet, right?
Amelia: yes.
Tina : If the boss was angry with you, he would have reacted as soon as he saw you. Or he would have fired you from the job right then and there. But he has not done anything like that, which means he is not angry with you.
Amelia: You are saying the truth, if he had felt bad about what I said, he would not have tolerated me in front of his eyes for even a second.
Tina : Yes, that is what I am saying. So now you also don't worry too much, okay. Go home peacefully and rest. And if there is any problem, then call me.
Amelia hugs Tina and says
Amelia: Thank you so much, Tina. It was so nice talking to you. You made my head feel lighter.
Tina : any time , Amy.
After that both of them say bye to each other and leave for their homes. From a distance, a person was watching both of them from a black car.
Damien : Welcome Amelia. I am very pleased to meet you too.
Saying this, Damien smiles and rolls up the window of his car and leaves from there.
Seven days have passed since Amelia joined the office and met her boss. So far the boss has neither fired her from the job nor has he expressed his anger on her.
Amelia was sitting at her desk working on the computer. Then Tina came there with a coffee mug and handed it to her and said.
Tina : Madam, if the work is done then can we have a cup of coffee?
Amelia looks at Tina and smiles. Tina is really a very good friend. The rest of the friends are also very good. But since both of them in her friend group are girls, her bonding with Tina has become even stronger.
Amelia: You have brought coffee and I say no, this can never happen. Who am I to say no? Huh?
Both of them are laughing at this
Amelia: By the way, is your work done?
Tina : No, but it will happen. I thought I should have a cup of coffee with you before continuing with the work.
Amelia: Thank you , Tina madam .
Both of them talk a bit while enjoying coffee.
Tina : By the way Amy, has the boss not said anything to you yet?
Amelia: Till now he has not said anything, neither has he fired me from the job nor has he put any work pressure on me.
Tina : That's good. I told you that the boss is not angry with you. You were thinking too much for no reason.
Amelia: Yes, but now I am not worried.
Tina : Okay, I will go to my work, you continue your work. Let's meet at the cafeteria for lunch.
Amelia: yess.
Amelia again gets busy with her work. She does not know where she spends the whole day. Office hours end. All friends meet, talk to each other, share things about the day and then head towards home.
Amelia was waiting for her bus at the bus stop like every day. Today she was very late in working, she had already missed a bus and it was also raining. There were not many people at the bus stop. Amelia's phone rings.
Amelia's father : Amy, Princess. Where are you? You are late today. And it is raining today. Have you left the office or not?
Amelia: Dad, I have left the office. And sorry I am late for work today. I am at the bus stop. I will come home as soon as the bus arrives. Don't worry too much.
Amelia's father: You are at the bus stop, wait there, I will come to pick you up.
Amelia: Dad, I told you I'll come home as soon as the bus arrives.
Amelia's father: Amy, it is raining so heavily. The bus might get cancelled. That is why I am telling you that I will come to pick you up.
Amelia : No dad, don't worry. I will not wait for the bus, I will take a taxi and come home. Okay?
Amelia's father: are you sure ?
Amelia: Yes dad, now don't worry too much, I will come home quickly.
Amelia's father: It's okay. Be careful and take care of yourself. I am waiting for you.
Amelia: ok dad.
Amelia disconnects the phone. She also felt that the bus would not come now and the rain was increasing. She was about to book a taxi when a car stopped in front of her. Due to the rain, it was not clear who was inside.
Amelia: Who is this person??