I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 52: Chapter 52

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After resting for the day, I got to work. Missions rarely ended without wounds and so I desperately needed to develop a new regenerator formula. During my training, I had been able to create a recipe for treating severe wounds, but it was very slow to take effect, and I had to drink about three litres of it. Now I am not limited in my choice of ingredients and was able to get a couple of extremely valuable samples during the missions. My goal for today is to reduce the required amount of liquid by 5-6 times. So, having procured all the necessary ingredients, I started cooking. Everything went into play, I threw in literally every single thing that helps in regeneration or energy boosting. Test regenerators given by Shield, crafts stolen in the enemy's lab, a part of my blood and Thor's blood, and a lot of useful vegetables, fruits, drugs, stimulants, energisers and other obscure, but according to the description very useful products.By the end of the day I had a pot of purple-coloured brew simmering in front of me. Tiny cautiously looked out from behind the corner and flatly refused to come to the kitchen. One of the drops of the previous brew fell on the floor and he decided to lick it off. For the next half an hour he ran around the flat ramming sofas and armchairs, which from his actions moved away as if they were pushed by a grown man, and then he raped literally all the cushions in the house. Anyway, after he was released, the dog was clearly not happy with my culinary skills. The judgemental look he gave me was disconcerting. If he decided to lick the drop himself, what was my fault?

In general, having conducted tests on a hamster bought in the afternoon, which after the reception first so accelerated in the ball that, crashing into the wall of his plastic prison broke into pieces, and then in a jump broke through the window and fled in an unknown direction I was partially satisfied with the result. But I had to be sure that there were no negative effects, so I reached out to the second volunteer who was huddled in the corner of the cage. Test subject number two showed the same amazing enhancement properties and increased vigour. After being cut with a scalpel, he would regenerate his carcass in 0.001 after taking damage. If it weren't for the blood marks, you'd think I hadn't inflicted a cutting wound at all. No negative effects were detected afterwards. Having confirmed the safety and extreme usefulness of the drink, I left to re-purchase the necessary ingredients. Leaving Pierce didn't see the rodent start furiously tearing down his plastic house.

While I was queuing up with a cart full of energy drinks and regular food for dinner I decided to look at my profile, I had a lot of notifications about skill upgrades, I should see how my skills as a chef had improved.

Name: Ryan Pierce

Level: 70

Experience: 108000/110500


-Strength: 244

-Agility: 217

-Stamina: 329

-Intelligence: 140

-Intuition: 118

-Free points: 182

Specialities: major, lab mouse, hitman, under-alpha, semi-high.

Skills/Skills: "martial arts 75ur", "shooting 73ur", "polyglot 5ur", "psychology 33ur", "strategist 43ur", "stealth 58ur", "player's mind MAX", "intimidation 63ur", "animal style 34ur", "drug resistance 65ur", "hackerman 58ur", "engineer 61ur", "alpha will 15ur", "regeneration 48ur", "alchemist cook 46ur", "poker face 32ur", "howl 24ur", "falcon gaze 33ur", "pain threshold 51ur", "max hit 14ur", "masochism 33ur", "biology 54ur", "S class rights 40ur", "sixth sense 30ur".

Superpowers: "time acceleration", "lycanthropy", "hellfire".

46 isn't bad. I wonder what I'll be cooking at 100? Dishes that would raise the dead from the grave?

-I haven't seen yours in a while. - Said a man in a white suit approaching me. He was about 30-35 years old, Cuban, black hair and black eyes! Except for the iris, his sclera was black.

-Who are you? - Pierce asked, tense and ready for trouble.

-Calm down, I'm not going to attack you. -Said the man. - Said the man with his hands in the air.

-"I don't believe that. - Rain replied as all his animal instincts along with his sixth sense screamed to run.

-I was just curious when I met the systematic. - Said the man, lowering his hands.

-How do you know about the system. - Pierce got nervous, looking for ways to escape. But when he looked round, he noticed how everyone was frozen. It was like time had stood still in this shop.

-I've run into your people a couple of times. -Yeah. Funny guys. You're usually some of the most interesting people in the world. I've got some cool stuff coming up in the next year or so. And I was just thinking about the guest list, and you came up. It's like a sign from above. - The man said, clearly amused.

-But, unfortunately, you are still weak and will not be able to perform properly. So personally for your sake, my friend, I will wait for another 5-8 years. I hope that when we meet next time you will be stronger, don't disappoint me Ryan Pierce. - Said the man in high spirits and then began to dissolve and time went on again.

-Who the fuck was that? And what kind of fun is this aaaaaaaa..." Pierce let out a stifled cry of pain as a seal appeared on his chest on the left side that hadn't been there a second ago.

You've been marked by the Beyond

And what does that mean, who is that anyway?

I paid for the goods and headed home, not understanding anything and feeling very angry. While I was walking home, I had time to cool down a bit and look at the situation more logically. The dude was extremely powerful, it was a pity that I couldn't tell if he stopped time or put the shop in stasis. The main thing was that he should not be equal in power to the abstracts, otherwise it would be unrealistic to resist him. He also knew about the system from somewhere. And that was the worst part, because I didn't know if he could do anything about my access to it. The number of increasingly delusional assumptions in my head was starting to make my brain hurt. So I decided to switch to something else. Like the Spider who called this afternoon.Parker had contacted me on his off-duty days, and as I expected, he'd accepted my offer. Since I couldn't personally supervise everything at that moment, I dumped Peter's acquaintance with the lab on Frank. He already had all the information about him and his nocturnal habits, so as a father he knew he had to explain to the boy about the nonsense of the whole superhero game.

I bought $500,000,000 worth of toys for the lab. Only the best institutions in the country have a lab like this. Ideally, the most advanced lab would cost a billion and a half, but I don't have that kind of finances yet, and Spidey, even with all his genius, must first generate revenue. When he settled down and even, somehow, forgot about my disclosure of his identity, I sent him the drawings of normal equipment. When he saw them, he was already glowing with joy and fell into complete ecstasy. That is, until he got to the armoury. I'd built complete bracelets into his new suit. I even upgraded them specifically for righteous Parker. Now they could fire electrocuted darts. Not lethal, but extremely effective. It was the combat mode with lethal ammunition that started it. And a pair of inbuilt blades.

Given Spider's acrobatic skills, it was foolish not to adapt his weapons to this style of combat. That's why his new suit had retractable blades of my hardening on his wrists, elbows, and at the tips of his feet. With his dexterity, if Peter was surrounded, it wouldn't be a problem to set up a meat grinder. That's what confused Parker. But I reminded him of the exoskeletal opponents he'd been seeing so often lately, who could be safely poked and slashed with these blades without hitting the pilot.

I also built him a thermal imager and some sort of software into his suit. You could call it an unfinished version of what I'm going to put in my armour. Plus I added a knuckle power system to amplify Peter's punches and after the penultimate mission I dropped off a drawing of a system for feeding a cocktail I'd made into his bloodstream. At the time I only had a recipe for a mild stimulant, but now Spidey will be able to withstand a couple of three fatal wounds.

For the last month, Parker's been training with Castle. Something about him caught Frank's eye, and I didn't even have to ask him to train the kid. He volunteered to do it after watching a couple of tapes of his fights on the internet. I'll visit him in a week or so to check on the progress of the new black suit. At first Spidey was reluctant to change the colour, but after an hour's argument we agreed on two versions of the paint job. Day and night. If the supervillain attacks during the day, Peter flies to him painted in the colours of the target. But if the attack is at night, he, like a savvy boy, puts on the dark version of the costume.

You don't have to worry about him turning into an insect just yet. I reckon he's got about 4-5 more years before he has any noticeable effects on his body like extra arms and other mutations. In a couple of days, I'll continue experimenting with his DNA, trying to find a way to stabilise the mutation. Because at the moment I only have one way to help Peter and it's not likely to please Spider.

After I finished my experiments today and made myself a new pillow, I went to bed. I slept until three in the morning. I was awakened by a message from Tony. During the missions I wrote to him that I wouldn't be available, but since I didn't extend the silent mode this time, he decided that I was now completely free and informed me about his wonderful party on Saturday. I couldn't sleep tonight without finding out I was invited to a rich man's booze party at three in the morning!

After cursing Stark in five languages, I went to get something to eat. If I'm awake, why not make myself a sandwich? My kitchen is connected to the living room, and those who sit there can watch the master prepare a masterful meal. So I am sitting in the kitchen cutting sausage, of course, I did not switch on the light, I do not need it. I've long ago learnt to see well in the dark. In general, I don't touch anyone and I'm slicing bread and suddenly the window in the living room slowly opens and a kid of about fifteen years old in futuristic glasses ala Sam Fisher falls out. He stands up quietly and starts looking around. When he sees me, he's in a stupor, and I couldn't find anything better to say:



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