I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 53: Chapter 53

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The guy rushed to the still open window, but was stopped by a knife stuck in the middle of the window sill. Realising that he couldn't get away that easily, he turned back to the landlord and removed the expandable baton from his belt. After opening it, electricity ran along the base of the weapon, and the guy threw himself into the fight, wanting to give the enemy no time to find a new object to throw. The dweller, however, showed no fear, dodging the thief's attacks with playfulness, and then twisting his baton arm at a dangerous angle to make the thief experience all the benefits of electrotherapy. The dog came up to the twitching and passed out after a couple of seconds.

-Baby, don't bite him. -We don't know where he's been. - Pulled the kid off Pierce.***

The kid woke up in a dark room tied to a chair. His gear and night vision goggles were taken away. Unaccustomed to such situations, the young burglar got cold feet and cursed his greed and inattention a couple of dozen times. Suddenly a dim light illuminated the room, and he saw the man who had knocked him out in front of him. Pierce was sitting in front of him in an expensive black coloured suit, and at his feet lay a little Yorkie.

-So what did you want to steal from me, Aaron? - Ryan asked, stroking Tiny. Davis could have sworn the dog was looking at him with contempt.

From the guy's story, it seemed that my flat had been the target of the robbery purely by chance, and he didn't know anything about me. The guy and his friend had been in the business for a year and had learnt to find flats like mine. I rarely showed up in it and considering that it was usually empty for a month to six months, they decided that this was their option. When asked where his mate was he hesitated for a moment, but intimidation made him continue the story.

His partner, after six months of living as a thief and assessing the genius of his friend, decided that they were worthy of more and went to Ozcorp with some of their creations. Well, you can imagine what they do with young geniuses there, can't you? And that's where the second piece of information about the teenager, which was given out even less willingly, came into play. Namely that he's a mutant. Only because of his abilities they, having almost no normal equipment were able to rivet such quality creations. Alex could manipulate metal and convert it to a liquid state. Because of this, most of the problems in creation were solved by himself. Anyway, his friend didn't return to their lair that night and he never saw him again. Two days later, Aaron, who had already moved all his things to another place, watched as several black vans drove up to their base, from which a party of uniformed men poured out and broke into the house.

Basically the guy hadn't managed to cause me any discomfort or inconvenience, so I could let him go. But given his skills and intelligence, that would be a very stupid thing to do. If the creation of the goggles only mildly interested me, his gloves and shoes were pretty impressive. They used several variations of magnets and micro-blades allowing the user to climb any surface. Simply put, he created a technological analogue to Parker's abilities. You can't let valuable teenagers like that go.


After dealing with my overnight guest, I went to my workshop. There I found my favourite new piece of equipment, only slightly inferior to Stark's. I'd paid a billion and a half for this beauty. My heart sobbed bloody tears as I looked at the cheque, but there was no other way. Only the best tools are needed to execute all my ideas. I didn't skimp on materials either and bought the best. The strongest and rarest alloys had been smuggled here over the last six months. I was even able to buy vibranium. A whole 100 grams for 5,000,000. I originally thought I was buying it from Clo, but then it turned out he hadn't even travelled to the technonegrams yet.

I understand the scarcity and extreme difficulty in extracting this rare metal. But to charge these prices is disgusting. Vibranium is valuable, but nowhere but Wakanda do people know how to use all its advantages. And only Stark can afford to experiment with such an expensive material. After that purchase, every night I have a dream about stealing Cap's shield and pulling out the entire stock of such a valuable material. To be honest, knowing all the properties and capabilities bestowed by this metal, I finally understood what "nailing it with a microscope" meant. Putting that on a dumb shield is just a new level of degradation. Considering they put adamantium in it, it's even worse.

After all the research, the funniest thing was the most useful way for me to use it at the moment. And no, not in my armour. The most useful result was throwing the metal into the flasks of my cocktail. After long exposure with metal irradiation, the formula of the cocktail was changing and some of its effects could turn out to be permanent. At the very least the increase in strength, stamina, and regeneration should definitely have stayed with the user forever. But to be completely sure of that, one would have to let the serum spend at least a month under irradiation.

Leaving half of this miracle metal in the flasks, I went to the skeleton of my new armour. I didn't change much of the core of the suit. So 30% of Tony's creation will remain in it. Namely the look and the chain swords. Basically, that's all that will connect it to the one Stark gave me. I let my soul run wild from there. Taking a few batteries from the Hammer drones and what Stark put in the armour, I started to create. Firstly, I changed the internal structure of the reactor, increasing its size by about two or two and a half times. The circle was bigger, but also more powerful. I crammed a few batteries into my new reactor and made an internal storage tank, fixing the most problematic areas with the rest of the vibranium. Now I'll have to replace the reactor after 50-70 hours of use. But at the same time my creation gives out about 60-68% of the Stark reactor's capacity on the new element.

Unfortunately, I couldn't properly incorporate the flight system from the Warrior suit. So the main turbines are hidden in the back, and additional gimmicks for control and manoeuvring in the air in the legs and hull. Because of this, the back of the armour has been given a seal. I never decided to give up the pins in the legs, which I had seen in the artillery. So I spent ten hours refitting the lower part of the armour.

The new reactor allowed me to be a bit stingy with the armour, and I may even have gone a bit overboard. Firstly, I installed an extremely lethal version of the arm laser. It drains 11% of its charge when activated, but it's worth it. If I hit a Mark 3 with that beam, it'll shred like a piece of paper. I've also installed hidden machine gun bays on the arms, shoulders, ankles, back and sides. All this stuff will be controlled by an AI I'm developing. The missile charges I had reduced were placed in the shoulders. At the back of my arms I extended smaller two metre long versions of Vanko's whips. Later, I refined that little bugger used by the Warrior in the fight with Ivan. After the modification, the missile was able to explode in a way not originally intended by its creator. I installed it in a free space on the crotch of the body. I think it will surprise my opponents.

On the sides, I've made compartments for gas charges. Which have the ability to disperse gas capsules over an area in half a second. If I load them with paralytic or tear gas, my enemies won't even have time to reach for a gas mask.

But my main pride is the devil mode. I won't fully describe its considerable list of advantages, but I'll just say that it's a killer thing for once. Very memorable for the enemy once.


I decided to have some fun once in a while, so I took Stark's invitation. The party was in a tower he'd recently bought on the centre floors. Looks like Tony hasn't built the top with the balcony yet. I didn't get a chance to walk through the future battleground. Jarvis checked all the guests at the entrance, so it was very difficult to get into the tower uninvited. Before heading to the tower I spent time buying a beautiful, but so useless car. After the mission in Rome, I am extremely uncomfortable with such unreliable vehicles. Knowing where to shoot, this pile of horsepower can instantly turn into a pile of scrap metal while blowing up. And even all the dealers' assurances that by paying four times as much for the armoured version I was getting a tank didn't reassure me.

-Oh, look who I see. - Said Tony as he approached Pierce.

-Hi. So what's the occasion? - Asked Ryan drinking his third glass of champagne.

-Well, you don't need an occasion for a party. Look at all the beautiful models and businesswomen here. I at your age ... - Said Stark looking round the room and not covering the rear.

-What are you at his age, Tony? - Miss Potts, standing behind Stark, said with an icy smile.

-I...I...I...didn't get that heavy on the alcohol. - Stark tried unsuccessfully to turn the subject to Raina.

Pierce and Pepper looked at him with a look that said that not even a one-year-old child would believe this nonsense.

-Oh! There's Derek from advertising, I'm gonna go find out about a slogan for my future clean energy reactor. - Tony was the fastest to disappear among the guests.

-He's rarely right, but you really should drink less at this age, Ryan. - Pepper turned to me, and then she snatched my glass from my hands and went to the back of the room to greet the other guests.

I thought about Tony's words and at that moment a message from the system popped up in front of my eyes.

Congratulations on your eighteenth birthday. As a gift we are unlocking a hidden feature of the system for you.

"It's legal now."

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