I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 51: Chapter 51

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-You die a hero or live a dos-.

-Stop, wait. But you also died a hero, and then you were resurrected.

-Fucking TV necromancers.

-Calm down. -You gotta look on the bright side. I'm finally being voiced by a man, cos I saw on the internet the fate of another popular female big-eared character.

-I'm voiced by Kharlamov.

-Okay, that's a bit of an oversight on the plus side. -Yeah.-Guys, why are you sitting there, shovel in hand and run to dig up Cheburashka's grave, we've come up with such an idea.

From a conversation between the Wolf and the Hare.


After discussing the plan and working out the details of what we could do in different situations, we set off after Ihira. Brock was still resenting the privileges given to Barton. Clint was completely free from the orders of the head of the Strike, and his behaviour and positioning on the plans hinted at a completely different assignment, given to Falcon personally. The meeting was on the outskirts of the city, but that didn't negate the chance of civilian casualties, and I had a feeling that the confusion would be devastating to the city. At least the third RPG charge loaded in the car suggested that. Upon reaching the rendezvous point we spread around. Falcon Eye took the high ground on one of the rooftops. Reaper and Owl crouched on the third floor of a nearby car park they now have a mini stakeout point there. Fox has also climbed a couple of floors up and is now adjusting his scope. But Bulldog, Panther, Korshun and I stayed downstairs and waited for the command to attack. I was in time to notice how the guys were so carefully retreating from Jim's position, rubbing the grenade launcher with an incomprehensible expression on his face. In principle, I was not an exception and joined their retreat...tactical change of position. Half an hour later our client appeared. And in full battle readiness.

On Ihira's side there were only a couple of guards, while on Pryde's side there were two jeeps of his men and a couple of other weirdos walking along with him. One of them wore a large black leather cloak in the +17 outside. And his size and leather-clad muscles were clearly more suited to some wrestler. His face was a brick, and coupled with his baldness, he resembled Hitman on steroids. To David's left was a man in a plain blue long-sleeved t-shirt and sand-coloured trousers. He stood out only with two long knives of a specific curved shape and a grey ring with strange rectangular stones. You could tell from his face that he had oriental roots and probably knew kung fu.

In his hands was a weighty suitcase, which most likely contained the item Yashida wanted. The moment the cases were exchanged, we sprang into action. Bulldog did not trifle and launched three shots at Pride's vehicles at once. Taking out half of his men. The rest opened fire on him at once. David, realising that things were getting hot, handed the case to the man with the knives and jumped into the only other car in one piece. Hugh was helping Jim by taking down the overzealous boys. We, too, joined in the lead pelting.

-"Kid, go get the case, we can handle this. - I heard the Reaper's orders on my headset.


Chasing after the guy with the knives, I just hung on his tail without being able to touch him. His speed was always a couple of steps faster than mine, and he dodged any object thrown in front of him with ease. Even a full transformation didn't work. After running 500 metres away from the deal, he stopped.

-Let's play wolf. - Said the man with a bloodthirsty smile.

Then he tossed one of his knives and the moment he caught it my body was covered with many cuts. Some of them went to the bone, others were superficial and would have closed in a second in a normal situation, but now my body was taking a tremendous amount of damage, and regeneration was just trying to keep me alive.

-So slow, maybe you're a doggie instead of a wolf? It's just that a wolf is kind of a predator, and you're a half-dead pug at most. - Said the man, brushing the blood off his blade.

I couldn't figure out how he'd hurt me if I couldn't even see or feel anything. It was definitely not a ranged attack, the blood on the blade suggests direct contact, but with my reaction speed it's impossible to injure me without me even noticing. Think, think how he did it. Speedsters leave behind a clear trail of evidence of their involvement in an attack. But there's nothing here.

-Don't understand how I attacked? -You don't understand how I attacked? Well, I'm being kind today and I'll give you a second chance. - Said the man, tossing the next knife.

Taking advantage of the moment, I rushed towards him at top speed, but he caught his weapon earlier and I reached his position with a new bunch of injuries. Falling to one knee, I spat out a copious amount of blood onto the concrete. This time I caught a glimpse of his power activator.

-Don't you get it now? - The man asked amused, standing a few metres behind me.

-I get it. - I said, turning my head to him and giving him a smile full of blood, which made him twitch.

-The ring, it gives you strength. - I said, barely standing up on both feet.

-It's amazing! Only a handful of people have been able to find out what I use to kill them. I hope this knowledge will help your soul to find peace. - Said the man, tossing both of his blades this time.

- ZA WARUDO. - Pronounced the key phrase Rain.

Then the knives fell to the concrete, followed by the headless body of the Chinese man. Pierce stood a metre away from his corpse, holding the severed head of his enemy in his right hand, the grin of the previous second still on his face. He didn't even realise he was dead.

-We should have cut the bullshit. - Rain threw his head to the side and summoned a star from where he got some of the ointment and covered his worst wounds. As he endured the itching he felt better, and taking the case and ring from the corpse he headed back to his own.

Upon reaching the battle site, he caught a glimpse of the battle part of the strike and the steroid Hitman. The man was covered in metal and resembled Colossus in some ways. Only instead of just amplification, he could still let out blades and other metallic offshoots. I don't know what kind of metal it was, but bullets didn't take it, and from RPG charges it formed a shield, so the damage to his body didn't even reach it.

-Baby, be careful. He's extremely dangerous. - Brock, who'd spotted me, was stating the obvious.

Iron noticed me too, so ignoring the bullets of his more intact colleagues he headed to finish off the wounded me.

-Siaolun is giving the toys an extra minute of life again, but I'll fix that. - Said the man as he began to grow a blade on his hand.

-"I'm so fucked up with all of you. - Angry, wounded and tired Pierce let out a cry of the soul and aimed his gun at the enemy and fired.

Running to the wounded kid's aid, the guys from the Strike were frozen in shock as the two-metre tall figure suddenly regained his human skin colour and his head shattered into pieces.

The capture of both cases was accomplished, which would no doubt please the superiors. The only and the main upset was Pride's escape, at least we thought so initially until we arrived at the meeting place where David was lying tied up in the middle of the hall with two arrows in his leg.

-It took you long enough. - Barton came out of the darkness with a mocking smile.

-"Unlike you, we were dealing with a dangerous enemy. - Said Brock, followed by a wounded Jim, Bobby, Nick, and a still bleeding mummy-like me. Even with all the treatment of the wounds along the way, they weren't closing properly yet. I'd lost too much blood and the wounds were almost everywhere. So I'll definitely spend a couple of days inside the house.

-Okay, I'll get some remedies right away. - Said Clint with a clearly faded smile.

After that we were given three days to rest and recuperate after which we were to head out on a new mission.

Three weeks later...

I was finally home, and for the long haul. In those weeks we had completed eight missions in many different parts of the world and had been to many different variations of the word arsehole. And here I am standing outside the door of my most favourite flat.

-Av-av. - It came from the carrier in my right hand.

-Yeah, Tiny, we're home. - Said Ryan as he opened the flat door. The flat wasn't some super-rich flat or a place full of hiding places. No, it was an ordinary two-bedroom flat in New York, but that was what made it so special to Pierce. It was a place where you could feel calm and relaxed. After ordering a meal delivery from the nearest supermarket Ryan went to unpack his things. York went off to explore his new domain.

You're probably wondering where Tiny came from. Well, on our last mission, we were clearing out a gene-enhancement lab. And to my surprise, with hundreds of captured humans, they still used animals for tests first. So they were some kind of overly righteous evil scientists. So it was among the test animals that I found Tiny. A little Yorkie that weighed only a kilo and a half. Tiny was on a programme designed to increase the mental capacity of the test subject. So the little fellow became extremely intelligent and inquisitive. Of course, he is a bit scared, but the rescue from the doctors and the twenty hours of flying have made him trust me a little more. The baby still didn't like the colour white very much and was scared of people in such clothes. Every hour of the flight I remembered his eyes full of fear when I had to hand him over to the shield doctors for examination. Even though I had been present for that entire hour, he had thrown such stifling glances at me. I promised myself then that I would try to fix these phobias and traumas with care and lots of goodies.


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