I'm Alexander Pierce's son

Chapter 50: Chapter 50

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The bags were taken off us, and we really were in some kind of factory. The rusty beams and the general atmosphere of disrepair clearly spoke of the very old days of its normal operation. Under the acceleration with the help of pushes in the back from automatons we got inside, where a vat with extremely unpleasant-smelling chemistry was waiting for us.

-Welcome. - Said one of them in Russian. The man was bulky with a nice beard and a couple of scars on his face. I wonder if he had domes on his back.

-Peter Perchiv. - Said Murdoch with surprising calm. Hmm, is this the result of Stick's training or has he realised how things really are?

-You should have taken the money instead of trying to play fair lad. But you decided to be different and that's where we are thanks to your endeavours. Now you and your friends are gonna die. And don't worry about Anna, she won't be around much longer. - The man said with a nasty smile.

-Are you sure about that? - Raein asked, looking into his eyes without a trace of fear.

-What a brave boy. And who are you? - Clearly amused by what is happening asked the kidnapper.

-Who I am is not important. What matters is whether you are ready for the consequences of your decisions. - Said Ryan.

-"You threaten me some more, kid. Am I ready for the consequences? Yes. Are you? Because of your long tongue, you'll be the first to go to the water treatment. - Said the man clearly unhappy with the complete lack of response to his threats.

-Well, I warned you. - Said Pierce, shrugging his shoulders and loosening the ropes on his arms.

-Do it. - He gave a command into the void, and the bandits closest to the three of them got an extra hole in their heads. Those who stood further away were shot in the knees. Well, the main instigator of today's entertainment was targeted by about three laser dots. And if he twitched now, his body would have an extra hole in his head, heart and...for some reason, his groin.

Back in college, I had a lot of fun with my dad's transmitter. So now I had a full set of its copies and points on the map to which I could attach my position. But the main advantage of this technology was that it was almost completely hidden from sensors and scanners. Only super modern technology or maybe an MRI could burn it. So I immediately made myself a separate marker with the ability to call Frank's men. It even has several modes from surveillance and light defence to full combat operation with increased chance of personnel loss. So right at the moment of capture, Castle's transmitter received a signal with my location. Well, more than half an hour of circling the city gave his men plenty of time to pack up and get on my tail.

-Pack Mr Perchiva up while my fellow misfits and I get some air. -You don't mind, do you? You don't mind, do you? - Ryan asked, looking at a stunned Foggy and a pensive Matt, who was now being cut with ropes by one of the soldiers.

Pierce could even guess what Murdoch was thinking at the moment. If my men had not appeared, he would have had to act, and considering that there were half a dozen of them, the chance of Foggy and myself getting away in one piece was very slim. But at the same time my men had killed some of the bandits. Now was the decisive moment in Murdoch's future. If he would accept it, he would be perfect for the role of my assistant. But if he can't make this deal with his conscience and push the boundaries a little, then the end of our co-operation will be his legal services.


The day before our leave officially ended, we were pulled out on a new mission. Upon arrival at the base, I observed a rather quiet scene. None of the guys showed even a minimum of discontent with the situation. It seems that everyone in Udar was used to this kind of situation. After a couple of minutes of waiting we were approached by a soldier who had been sent to escort us to the intercom. Inside was already waiting a man in his forties with grey hair and a steely gaze.

-Since we're all here, let's not waste time, which is always short. - Said the man then launched the data on the large monitor on the wall.

-This is David Pryde. Trafficker in arms, drugs and human beings. - On the screen appeared the image of a man of 35-37 years old with green eyes, black hair and a rather memorable tattoo on his face in the form of some swirls.

-A year ago, he gained access to information that is extremely valuable to us. Your task will be to capture him. - The man announced the purpose of the mission.

-According to the information received from the agent you rescued, in three days in Japan, there will be a meeting between Pryde and Ihiro Yashida. We don't know what exactly the Japanese wants to buy from the target, but taking into account his condition it is something extremely dangerous and very expensive. The secondary objective will be the extraction of the object of the transaction. - Said the man, switching the slide first to a photo of Ihiro and then his corporation.

-You will fly to the site tonight and will be contacted upon arrival by an agent sent in advance.

-Who? -Ramlow asked.

-You must have level eight security clearance to know that. - Said the man.

-"Do you know Yashida's location? - Brock asked, clearly not taking the news of his lack of clearance positively.

-Yes, he's at his country house near Osaka. His granddaughters Mariko and Yukio are also with him. - A satellite image of the building and a photo of the two girls appeared on the screen.

-Any other questions? - The man asked in a calm voice.

-Allowable levels of destruction and casualties? - Ramlow asked.

-You are authorised to use heavy weapons. The losses must not exceed 50 per cent. - Replied the man. Here's a nice, nice shield for you. We don't know the location of the meeting. And the heads don't care about the possibility of conflict in the middle of the city. Grenade launchers, rocket launchers? Please. Just keep half the civilians alive, that's all. I can't even imagine what David knows that they'd be willing to do something like that.

Entering the aeroplane in the evening, Ryan witnessed a rather interesting sight. Hugh was running round the cabin and shoving a map of Japan with marked cities and a bunch of dots inside them in everyone's face.

-Kill me. - Said Jim, coming from behind.

-What's going on? - Pierce couldn't resist asking.

-Ah, you don't know. Every fucking time we go to Japan, this happens. - He said, pointing to an overexcited Paris.

-So his little boy is hooked on Japanese cartoons and slowly but surely got his father hooked on that shit. And now we have to put up with his drooling, enthusiastic face every time. - Said Tern, throwing his bag in.

-It's just too high a level of art for you. - Hearing his friend speak, Hugh said with a wicked grin.

-I'd rather be back in Madagascar than listen to you rave for the next twenty hours. - Said Jim, pulling out a book.

After the flight we went straight to the coordinates of the base to meet the agent. The base turned out to be a decent-sized house with Japanese touches of the last century. After punching in the right code on the door, we got in.

-Password. - A man's voice rang out from various parts of the main hall.

-Альфа-07259-Зэта-45. - Said Rumlow as he froze in the passage.

-Great. - A reply came from somewhere below the ceiling and the agent sent in advance jumped down in front of us. It was Falcon Eye.

-Sit down in an hour, we're having a meeting. -My call sign is Falcon Eye. My call sign is Hawkeye. - Said Clint putting down his bow and going to his room on the first floor under the furious stares of Blow.

-He was going to shoot the commander with a bow? - Hugh asked the question going round and round in everyone's head.

-Probably. - Answered Ethan, who almost never spoke outside of missions. Everyone seemed to be amazed at Barton's distinctive type of weapon. Slowly, everyone began to scatter to the empty rooms.


Sometime in the future, on one of Strike's missions...

-It's too quiet in here. Oh, I can feel it in my arse, something's wrong. - Said Jim into the comms channel.

-Don't give me that bastard cackle. - Said Hugh.

-"No more bickering. - Brock interrupted the discussion.

-"There's the Reaper. - Two voices answered.

Ramlow realised that something was wrong, the amount of empty equipment outside clearly hinted at the extensive personnel of the base. But they'd been exploring the bunker for three minutes and hadn't encountered a soul.

-I think I found something. I've got bloody footprints here. According to the position of the stains and the amount of clotted blood, someone's body was dragged here about 30-40 minutes ago. - Nick called it in.

-Where are you now? - Asked the Reaper.

-Sector C. -Bright replied.

-"All right, I'll be with you soon. - Said Brock.

Meeting up, they continued to explore the enemy complex together. After a few minutes of walking through the blood-stained corridors, the tension reached its critical point. But suddenly they heard music from the end of the corridor. As they got closer, they noticed that all the bloody footprints led to this hall. Inside, HandClap was playing. As they opened the door, they saw a strange man in a red and black suit armed with two desert eagles and katanas. He sat on a mountain of dead bodies of doctors and guards and clapped his two severed hands to the beat of the music. After a few seconds, he noticed the new guests at his concert.

-Do you guys know where Francis is? - Asked the man, throwing his hands aside and pulling out a gun.


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