Harry Potter: I Cast

Chapter 50: Getting Approved, my radio show

After class, Flitwick and I walked out into the corridor, our footsteps echoing against the ancient stone walls.

"Professor Flitwick, where are we going?" I asked, noticing we weren't heading in any particular direction.

"Mr. Serendipity, the best way to find someone in Hogwarts is to let Hogwarts guide you to them," he replied with that characteristic professorial wisdom that somehow never felt condescending. "Especially when that someone is our esteemed Headmaster."

As if summoned by our conversation, we rounded a corner and there he was - Albus Dumbledore himself. His half-moon spectacles perched on his crooked nose, magnificent white beard tucked into his belt, and wearing robes of deep purple adorned with silver stars.

Looking at that magnificent beard, I had to physically restrain myself from reaching out to pluck a hair for my polyjuice potion. The temptation was almost overwhelming - it would be so easy, just one quick movement...

No kleptomania Felix, no kleptomania, I chanted internally like a mantra.

"Ah, Filius, Mr. Serendipity," Dumbledore greeted us, his blue eyes staring into my golden ones, a smile forming on his face. "I must say, the corridors were unusually musical this morning."

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak while still fighting the urge to snatch a hair from his beard.

"Indeed, Albus," Flitwick squeaked enthusiastically. "That's actually what we wished to discuss with you. Young Mr. Serendipity here has shown quite remarkable charm work with his broadcasting system."

"Go on," Dumbledore encouraged, looking at me over his half-moon spectacles with evident curiosity.

I swallowed hard, suddenly nervous under those penetrating blue eyes. "Uhmm, yes Headmaster, I was wondering if you would officially approve my use of radios and broadcasting channel within Hogwarts."

"Of course, everyone needs a good start to the day, and I can think of nothing better than music," Dumbledore said, stroking his beard which only made me want to pluck a hair even more. "Quite ingenious, I must say. Even the ghosts were humming along - though I dare say Sir Nicholas was a touch off-key. And that Muggle song, 'Sweet Caroline' - I found myself quite unable to resist joining in with the 'bum bum bum' part."

I blinked, caught off guard by how easily he'd agreed. Then-

"However," he added, and my heart sank momentarily. "I believe such an endeavor would benefit from proper structure. Perhaps..." He paused thoughtfully, "a school club?"

"That's exactly what we were thinking!" Flitwick chimed in excitedly. "In fact, young Felix here, was hoping to start a series of interviews - educational content, you understand."

"Just magical questions, I have, though I could get some questions from other students, plus I was wondering," I added carefully, "if you might be my first guest, Professor? I'd be happy to provide you with one of the special radios I've developed."

"A chance to educate all of Hogwarts in one sitting?" Dumbledore mused, stroking his beard (I forced my hands to stay at my sides). "Who would ever say no to that."

"Thank you, sir," I offered eagerly. "And about the location..."

"Ah yes," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "I believe I know just the place. Fifth floor, second corridor to the left, third room. It used to be Professor Dippet's."

"Thank you, Professor!" I said, already mapping the location in my mind.

"Shall we say tomorrow at 5 o'clock in the afternoon?" Dumbledore suggested. "I find myself with a curious craving for more Muggle music. Though perhaps we could avoid anything by the Hobgoblins - Professor McGonagall still hasn't quite recovered from their last concert in Hogsmeade."

With those cryptic parting words, Dumbledore walked away, his starred robes swishing majestically behind him. I watched him go, my mind racing to make plans.

"Well, that went splendidly!" Flitwick squeaked excitedly. "Though I do hope you'll save a spot for me in your broadcasting schedule, Mr. Serendipity. I have quite a few stories about my dueling championship days that might interest your listeners."

"How about this Friday, Professor?"

"Excellent! Now off you go to your next class. Tell them you were assisting me with a particularly tricky charm - not entirely untrue, considering those remarkable radios of yours."

The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and planning. Thankfully, I didn't have potions today so I managed to avoid another confrontation with Snape. By the time I was finally free, my mind was buzzing with ideas for the radio station.

Standing before my new club room, I looked at the giant oak doors, they looked like everything else in Hogwarts, pristine and new, but i guess that was a given since magic made everything so much easier.

However, as soon as I pulled the handle, a cloud of dust billowed out, making me cough and step back. The room beyond was pitch black, heavy curtains drawn over what I assumed were windows.

"Lumos," I muttered, raising my wand.

The bright light revealed a spacious classroom, though everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. Holding my sleeve over my nose to filter the musty air, I made my way to the nearest window and yanked down the heavy curtain.

Sunlight flooded in, illuminating dancing dust motes and revealing the true state of the room. Rows of empty shelves lined the walls, and scattered desks and chairs created an obstacle course across the floor. I wondered what subject had once been taught here.

"Okay time to get to work," I muttered, rolling up my robe sleeves. "Let's start with all this dust, seriously it's clogging my throat."

I molded the magic in me to form an s shaped pattern, raising my wand all dust in the room vanished in the blink an eye.

"Thank Merlin for scourgify. Now what to do with all this furniture."

I pulled out my wand and began to transfigure after all I wasn't that good where I could do more complex transfiguration spells without a wand, at least not yet.

I used most of the wood to make a big wooden stand, using some other spare wood I expanded the desk and made it sort of a round table. I even transmuted some wood into cushions for the chairs, leaving only four in total.

Walking over to the desk I also made a small stand for two microphones, one which I would have to build when I get to my room and connect them with the network, that was going to be a hassle.

"Hmm should I make instruments that play themselves. I mean it could be cool to have an entire band, make a simple jingle for the entrance. I'll think about it later."

Time for heated floor.

Holstering my wand once more, I pushed magic through my finger and began inscribing ancient runes on to the floor, one after the other.

It wasn't long before I had done so, moving onto the next part of the project.

Creating artificial light.

That was simple enough.

I transfigured the left over material into metal strips and joined them together after which I inscribed a simple light rune on it, with an ability to turn them on or off at my whim.

I looked at the door, ready to start charming, inscribing or chanting any and all spells so no one would be able to enter.

I cracked my neck, pulling my magic into it all.

A locking charm here, an identification rune there, some recognition magic and we were done.

Simple enough after all I had practice with this already and I used almost the same magic circuit as the one I had placed on my drawer in my room.

Two security measures.

1. The magic words, I am One with words. (I know that I shouldn't use the same password with everything, but could you blame me.)

2. This was the important one, was that it had to be my magic and it had to move in an exact pattern one which didn't coincide with the pattern of the circuit itself.

I walked out of the room the sun already down as I looked at my watch.


Not bad for six hours of work, I'd skip some classes tomorrow and give the final touchups.

Plus I had to make a new radio today.

After all, I couldn't give Dumbledore a simple one now could I.

As I thought this I felt the grin return to my face.

Yeah this plan was going to go well.

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