Harry Potter: I Cast

Chapter 49: Snape doesn't like music radio what a shock... not (2)

I froze in my tracks as the stern voice of Professor Snape cut through the bustling corridor. Slowly, I turned to face the hook-nosed Potions Master, his dark eyes boring into mine with an intensity that made my skin prickle.

Ever since my unsettling vision of Snape's past, I had watched him warily from a distance, after all seeing your professor kill a muggle in cold blood while Death Eaters watched wasn't exactly pancakes and rainbows. I had finally joined the racks of all other students who either hated or didn't like professor Snape, however I had a pretty valid reason.

"Mr. Serendipity?" Snape repeated, one eyebrow arching questioningly.

I swallowed, steeling myself. "Yes, Professor Snape?"

"What was that incessant racket blaring through the castle this morning?" he questioned, his voice cold and monotone but with that slight edge that he always seemed to have.

"Uhmm, radio music?" I replied. "You know, like a broadcast."

Snape's eyes narrowed. "And how, pray tell, did you orchestrate this little 'broadcast'?"

"I made radios," I said simply. "You know similar to the WNN but just for my own channel."

"Ah, you made radios," Snape repeated slowly. "Well, I'm pleased to inform you that your little hobby will have to come to an end. You are infringing upon your fellow students' peace and quiet and I have received quite a few notices from students."

Already!! I mean I knew most Slytherins were stuck ups, but I played some of the greatest hits, how the hell were they already mad, besides most students were awake at 8 am, it isn't like I woke them up, right?

I opened my mouth to protest, but Snape cut me off with a sharp look.

"But it's a good way to keep students informed," I argued, trying to find arguments to justify. "Plus, this way I can put announcements forward and stuff like that. It could be really helpful."

Snape's lips curled into a sneer. "Regardless of your misguided intentions, Mr. Serendipity, you still cannot-"

"Now, what's this I hear about a student being denied an opportunity to express their creativity?" a high-pitched voice interjected.

Relief washed over me as I turned to see Professor Flitwick striding towards us, his wispy white hair fluttering around his pointed ears. 

"Filius," Snape began, his tone clipped, "I was just explaining to Mr. Serendipity that he will need to dismantle his little radio project. The channel - what was it called again?" He turned to me expectantly.

"Real Wizards FM," I supplied, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed, merlin's beard I was bad at naming things.

"Yes, that," Snape continued, waving a dismissive hand. "It has to end."

Flitwick's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, I think not, Severus," he said, his voice firm despite his small stature. "You see, this is a club activity, isn't it, Felix?"

I glanced at Flitwick, catching the conspiratorial wink he shot me. Realization dawned, and I quickly nodded.

"Uhmm, yes, it is. A new club activity, the Jarvey Radio club," I confirmed, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

Snape's scowl deepened. "That still doesn't give him the right to infringe upon other students' peace and quiet."

"Ah, but you see," Flitwick continued, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, "I've already spoken with Dumbledore about it. He's quite enthusiastic about the idea - you know how much he loves Muggle technology. He believes it will foster a sense of camaraderie among the students."

Professor Flitwick, was the goat, the GOAT. Half-goblins for the win or whatever else. Snape, however, looked far from convinced.

"We'll see about that," he said coldly. "I'll be discussing this with the Headmaster myself."

"Of course, of course," Flitwick replied breezily. "You'll see that everything is quite above board. Now, don't you have a class to attend to, Severus?"

Snape's nostrils flared, but he nodded stiffly. "Indeed. We will continue this discussion later, Filius."

With a final, piercing glare in my direction, Snape turned on his heel and stalked away, his black robes billowing behind him. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding.

"Thanks, Professor," I whispered to Flitwick, relief evident in my voice. "You're the best."

Flitwick chuckled, patting my shoulder reassuringly. "Think nothing of it, my boy. You're my apprentice and a student at Hogwarts, after all. I'm always happy to support anyone's endeavors. But if you are feeling generous how about you give me one of these radios so I can study them."

"Of course professor," I grinned, quickly jumbling my hands into my robe and getting my wallet out, my hand moved through it for a second before I felt one.

"Here you go Professor," I said handing him the radio.

"Hmm looks interesting," He said mostly to himself before putting the radio in one of the pockets in his robe.

"Professor," I began hesitantly, "did you really speak with Headmaster Dumbledore about the radio station?"

Flitwick smiled at me. "Not exactly," he admitted. "But I'm certain he'll be quite agreeable to the idea once I explain it to him, after all what I said is true he loves muggle technology. The key is to get to him before Severus does."

I couldn't help but laugh. "You're brilliant, Professor. Truly."

"Yes, well," Flitwick said, puffing up slightly, "one doesn't become a Dueling Champion without learning a bit of strategy along the way."

Hearing him say that, I thought of another thing on my bucket list.

"Professor, how about you come on as the first guest for the radio show? Though I do need a room for the radio station."

"Don't worry about that we'll get a free classroom when we ask Dumbledore, I'm sure he'll be happy to."

"I'll make sure everything is ready to get set up."

"Excellent!" Flitwick clapped his hands together, bouncing on his heels. "I look forward to it. But for now, we'd best get to class. Wouldn't want to keep your classmates waiting, would we?"

With that, Flitwick led the way into the Charms classroom. I followed close behind, my mind already racing with ideas for the upcoming broadcast, and what questions I could ask professor Flitwick and how I could get another white haired professor to come to the radio show too.

As we entered, I couldn't help but notice the mix of expressions on my classmates' faces - some glowering with annoyance, others grinning and flashing thumbs-up signs. It seemed my impromptu morning show had garnered a mixed reception, but I was undeterred, they just needed a few more chants In was sure of it.

Real Wizards FM was here to stay.

I slid into my seat beside Bell, who immediately began signing.

"You made a radio station?"

"Yeah," I signed back. "How did you know?"

"Kenneth told me," she signed pointing to Kenneth who was sitting behind her.

He lurched forward a bit. "Sweet Caroline was a banger, also happy birthday."

Bell quickly signed herself. "Yeah happy birthday."

Penelope, Lucy and Adrian also wished me a happy birthday, when they could as Flitwick began with the class.

"Alright, students," Flitwick announced, his voice carrying over the chatter, "today, we will be diving into your first truly offensive charm, Incendio. Wands at the ready!"

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