Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 5: Chapter Five - Horcrux Mission II

In the evening I took my supper in my bedroom and summoned Cherry. My elf was no longer so afraid of me, I was relieved.

Perhaps tomorrow I should execute the plan "throw the traitorous elf out".

- "Hello, young master"

As lately I had messed up my sleeping schedule and was staying up until the wee hours of the morning, Cherry made a habit of bringing me cinnamon tea to my bedroom.

- "Cherry! At last" - I took the tray for her and left it on my desk. My elf no longer felt scared that I would do that for her - "Well Cherry, you remember what I took out of my father's study" - Cherry nodded nervously - "well that thing I took out is something very dangerous."

- "But if it's dangerous why does the master have it? It could hurt him."

- "Wait for me to explain," - I said patiently, - "that thing I took out is a dark artifact that Father will try to get rid of in a matter of time. What he doesn't know is that this dark thing can't be destroyed easily, all the missing pieces must be put together to destroy it" - I explained seriously, my elf was quiet and a bit worried - "and what I want you to do, Cherry. I want you to guard my room, don't let anyone find it or take it out where I put it,"

I went to my cupboard and removed the things at the back, I took out the wooden box and padlock.

Cherry looked at it, grabbed the key I hid in my folded clothes, and opened it. There was that cursed diary.

- "This Cherry, is very dangerous" - I warned - "no one can ever use it, not even write in it because it is cursed. The consequences of using this dark thing could be the price of your life."

- "Little master scares me"

I nodded. I closed the box and hid it back in my wardrobe.

- "Cherry, if my father finds out this diary is missing and questions you, you tell him you know nothing. Understood? And don't ever tell anyone that I took that thing out of Dad's study. No one must know that I was there, understood?"

- "Yes, master. Cherry swears not to tell anyone. I'll guard that box and protect it with my own life," - I smiled, sometimes elves are exaggerated.

Stroking her head, I nodded with relief.

- "Don't let them take it and don't let anyone catch you. When the time comes, I will destroy it myself. No one must know anything for the moment, you may go," - Cherry took the tray away.

I was brooding at my desk, I had to go into my parents' room and grab a pair of my father's stockings. Then summon the gossip elf and set him free.

Not to be mean, but I need these creatures to be loyal to me to proceed with my plans. I had planned to gather all the Horcruxes and destroy them, but on second thought, I could use these artifacts as currency in exchange for my family's freedom.

Anyway, now I had to take Slytherin's locket. Hehehe and that's in Black's house, thank goodness I didn't forget that detail. Then Helga Hufflepuff's cup, which is in my dearest Aunt Bella's vault. With this, I will have three of the Horcruxes. Then I'll be missing the Gaunt ring, but according to the spoiler my brother gave me, it's in the ruins of the Gaunt house. Plus these blessed things have some hexes on them that could be deadly to me. I still didn't have the power to protect myself and I had to go there ready.

Only Merlin will know if I succeed in this plan of mine. Then there was the beautiful Ravenclaw tiara, which was easy. It was in the Room of Requirement, thank goodness that's at Hogwarts, the third floor...

Talking about Hogwarts, as I was studying and doing magic without a wand lately, I didn't think I would do so badly in charms. Then there were transformations, just imagining turning things into something different from them made me excited.

That made me think of a certain Chinese anime series, the cannon fodder character who used a ring that transformed into a whip that emanated electricity and summoned lightning.

It wouldn't hurt me to try to make a similar creation, except instead of a ring it would be a bracelet.


In a good mood, I began to study advanced transformations, I looked for the section on converting inanimate objects. My excitement was at its peak, the excitement itself was enough to put effort into this subject. I was also thinking of putting some protection runes on it, that would be beneficial for me when I'm without a wand and the only thing I have is the whip.

It got to be two forty in the morning, I put the book and my notes aside. I yawned, I was so sleepy and my eyes hurt, I got up from my chair and stretched my legs and arms. Maybe I should start exercising or tell my dad that I want to learn martial arts.

In my other life, when I was just out of high school with decent grades, I bought a cell phone for finishing school, my brother congratulated me and my little brother was jealous.

Not even a week went by and I was robbed. It was two guys, they pulled me into an alley, I was scared and I started crying. They put a knife on my neck and asked me for money and everything of value. I didn't have anything of great value except my mobile phone and a few coins that were my ticket. The robbers took my mobile phone and coins, I thought I was out of danger until one of them groped me, terrified, I screamed and they were about to hit me until a passerby in the alley yelled at them and these pussies ran scared.

After that event, my brother Chris decided to teach me self-defense. After all, the one thing my brother never gave up was his martial arts classes. That's the only thing he never gave up.

Chris taught me, at least I know how to break the enemy or knock him out. I don't know how to do much, and that leaves me in a terrible state of discomfort. I should at least know how to throw a clean punch or kick in the air. Decided, I'll tell the old man I want to learn martial arts.


I was tired, my eyes didn't hurt anymore but my head was exploding, I think sleeping out of the usual time is taking its toll on my body. I'm a kid now and I should rest my hours, Mum was looking after me during breakfast until my dad asked her to run some errands for him.

- "Cissy could you go to Gringotts to sign some papers?"

- "It's important?"

Breakfast was going smoothly, I kept my concentration and let them do the talking.

- "Yes, I have to pay taxes and make some declarations. The minutes are a project I'm working on with the Ministry, I'll give you my seal and the key to our vault in case you need to make any other payments."

- "Mmm, I'll be there at noon. There won't be any problems?"

- "No. I can make the payment tomorrow, but I have work to do at the ministry, and I've been served with a summons out of the blue."

Good. This was my golden opportunity to get Helga Hufflepuff's cup.

- "Mum, can I come with you on your outing," - My parents paused in their conversation and looked at me quizzically.

- "Do you want to come, sweetheart? It's not a play date, I have to sign some papers and I'll be in an office for hours. Do you still want to come?"

- "Yes, I do. I think I could do with being in a different environment," - I said casually.

Mother looked at me with those calculating eyes, I kept up an impeccable facade, no faults, no activism from my real objective.

- "Good. But be warned, I warned you."

By noon I was ready to leave with my mother. I looked in the mirror for the third time, my hair was not gelled with gel, and soft strands fell over my forehead and down the sides of my face. My attire was always impeccable, I took a small bag and put a small book in it. I was going to pretend that I was carrying a book to read, but the truth was that I was going to use the bag to carry the cup.

We went through red flu to diagon alley, mum was holding my hand and leading the way. Everything was shining, there were people in every shop, I had never seen such impressive things in my life, even though I was ecstatic, my face remained as cold as an ice cube. It was something I had acquired over the years, many times I was called out for being too expressive with my emotions, in business, you had to be cold, charismatic, and calculating, you had to know how to manage your emotions so that others wouldn't take advantage of you. So it took me a full decade to train my expressions.

We arrived at Gringotts, mother requested an audience with a certain goblin with a strange name. I didn't pay attention, except when we entered the office, Mother was talking to the goblin while reading a long parchment. I just stared at the room and the hanging chandelier. This was going to be boring. About thirty minutes passed and Mother got up, apparently, we were going to visit my family vault, so we went down to the underground, yes it was quite cold. Mother applied a heating spell on me.

- "Hold on Dragon" - We were going at a fast speed on the railway. The goblin guiding us did not inspire confidence in me.

- "Mother, is it far?"

- "Not long dear" - Mother gave me a warm smile.

The speed gradually slowed down until we arrived in front of a vault door, Mother handed the key to the goblin who was guiding us.

- "Wait for me here. Do you understand?" - I nodded without choice.

The goblin was waiting outside, so I decided to approach the blissful creature.

- "Hello"

- "Hello" - 'How serious'

- "Excuse me, sir. This is my family's only vault?" - The goblin stared at me as if I had grown another head, how rude!

- "You Malfoys are quite rich. Why do you want to know if you have more vaults if you know you're rich," - The goblin questioned. It was a nuisance to give reasons to a stranger, but he had to do this tactfully and quickly.

- "It is intriguing. I have never been to Gringotts, and as I am a child I am curious about it. My mother before she married Father she was a Black, wasn't she?" - The elf nodded, - "Well, I was wondering if, as a member of the family, she was allowed access to her family's vaults?"

- "The Black family vaults are several, and each one has a different owner. Lady Malfoy has a vault that was given to her as a dowry before her marriage."

- "Oh, so my other family members have their own vaults?"

- "Yes. Lady Tonks and Lady Lestrange have their personal vaults."

- "And Mum can access their vaults?" - I faked innocence.

- "No. Except for one. Lady Lestrange's vault."

- "Oh... I thought, being family, they could access any of their family's vaults.

- "A witch can access another family member's vault for special reasons."

- "Special reasons?" - I had to be vague on the subject.

Mum already looked like she was about to leave the Malfoy vault.

- "Yes. For example, if the wizard or witch has special permission from the owner. He or she is also fully authorized to access their relative's vault when the owner is in legal trouble or on trial."

- "So Mum can access my Aunt Lestrange's vault because she, as the owner, is involved in legal matters?"

- "Exactly"

- "Oh. So then! Can I have access to it?"

The goblin startled in surprise, Mum just happened to come out and looked at me quizzically.

- "Something's up dragon, you look lively."

- "Mummy! Mummy! The goblin told me that we can access the Black family vaults, as long as we have a special reason to enter them."

- "Oh, that" - Mother didn't think about it - "Are you curious about those vaults? Draco, we're not here to play games"

- "I know, but I've always been curious about what my aunt Bella's vault looks like" - My mother was surprised - "you know, with all that they say about her. She might be a little crazy, but maybe she has some weird stuff in her vault."

- "Mmm you might be right. It's been a while since I went to check her vault."


- "Could you take me to my sister's vault, sir" - Mother requested to open my aunt's vault hehe, well stupid goblin you fell into my trap.

- "Are you going to take something out?"

- "Yes. My sister owes me a few galleons and I'll see if I'll remove any artifacts from her vault. I'll get the key."

- "Got it" - The goblin checked the key and saw if it was genuine.

As spells had already been cast on Mother, it was known that she was the real Narcissa, sister of Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black.

We took another trip. Mum had a small bag full of galleons, I was nervous but I clenched my hands tightly to keep my expression relaxed. When we arrived at my Aunt Bellatrix's vault, the goblin opened the vault door with the key Mother gave him.

The goblin waited outside while Mum and I went inside. I quickly looked around for the goblet until I found it, a golden goblet, with two antlers and the badger symbol engraved on it. I looked at my mother who seemed to be counting the galleons and looking through the objects in the corner.

I quickly grabbed the goblet, making sure not to touch anything. Afraid I would pick up some kind of security spell. I put the cup in a little sack that I kept in my coat pocket, fastened it with the cloth, and closed the little bag with the strings. I hung it inside my coat, by the time Mother turned around she had already stood up and was putting two small objects in her purse.

When we left the goblin asked her to write down the artifacts she had removed from the vault and the number of galleons removed. Mother wrote down the two things she removed from her sister's vault and the number of galleons.

As I left Gringotts I was able to relax, the coat I was wearing was thick and loose fitting, so no one noticed that I had taken a certain item out. Even when they checked my bag, they only saw the small book I was carrying, they didn't check my pockets because no one thought I was going to take something and sneak it out, not when I am the son of a distinguished family and my mother was accompanying me.


We were back at the mansion at about two o'clock in the afternoon, before coming we passed by a famous coffee shop. Mother told me to rest for a while in that place, I didn't object, I wanted to know much more about the place and to know more about the magical community.

We had mint tea with some pastries.

Now that we were back, I went to my room. Mother didn't seem to suspect anything.

I locked the door to my room and hurried to take off my coat and untie the little bag that hung inside it.

I opened my wardrobe and removed the things at the back. I pulled out the wooden box where I kept the cursed diary, now I had to put the cup away and close that blessed box. I'm surprised I wasn't affected by its dark power, according to my brother these artifacts had dark spells and sometimes took over the mind control of the witch or wizard in contact with them.

I didn't look inside the box anymore and closed it. I put the padlock on and put it in the back of my wardrobe. I put the other things away and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Now all that was missing was Salazar's locket. I had to be quick, it was two days before my birthday. I had to take advantage of the time my parents were out, and I had to look for a book on Occlumency and Legermancy. Maybe if I informed myself a little, I could face the incredible powers of occlumency of Professor Snape and the headmaster.

Besides, I'm not forgetting my whip, I should start working on that weapon.

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Positions are paid.

Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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