Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 4: Chapter Four - Horcrux Mission

Yesterday I noticed that the calendar was marked on the date of the fifth of June. What on earth was the fifth of June?

As I didn't have the head to know, I called Cherry. My elf said she didn't know either but she could find out for me what was on that day.

I didn't think about it, I still had a lot of things to do. The incantations were flowing easier, sometimes I would cast spells without making words, that's what I call non-verbal magic. I was getting pretty good at it.

After five minutes Cherry appeared. As far as I could tell, the fifth of June was my birthday. For some reason I wasn't feeling upbeat about the idea, even Cherry saw my pursed lip.

I dismissed the elf and decided to leave my room. I didn't know if my parents were currently in the manor. I had remembered to remove a certain obscure object from my father's office, the question is? Where is the office?

I summoned Cherry again. I felt safe summoning the elf. - "Cherry"

- "Young master"

- "Are my parents at the manor?"

- "Answering the master. Master Lucius left early for the Ministry, and Mistress Narcissa went out on errands" - I seemed to be in luck, both my parents were gone - "Why do you ask young master?"

- "Nothing important. But, Cherry, do you think you could take me to my father's study?"

- "To the master's study?" - The elf looked puzzled.

- "I have to check something in my father's office. I'd like you to come with me and watch the entrance," - Cherry nodded doubtfully.

Cherry led me all the way, it wasn't as far as I thought, but I was worried that some gossipy elf would notice my entrance to Dad's study. Apart from the diary I had to take care of the gossipy elf.

- "Cherry, do you know if Dad put any tracking spells in his study?" - The elf denied - "Can you check if he put any spells?"

- "Is it important that he does?"

- "Very important, I'll tell you later. I just need you to check, got it?" - My elf entered the study with fear, a few minutes passed and Cherry came out. - "Well?"

- "The master only cast security spells on his locked drawer and a chest. The rest of his study doesn't have a single tracking or security spell."

- "Good. I'm going in, please keep watch. If anyone comes you pass me the word, got it?"

- "Yes, master."

I entered my father's study, it looked better than I imagined.

Focusing on what I came here to do, I conjured up a daily Tom Riddle action, but there was no response. That intrigued me, if Dad knew that the diary was something obscure then he would have it in a safe place.

I went through his library, and not one book looked any different, I checked his drawers, and none of them had the damn diary in them. The urge to curse was on the tip of my tongue, but I calmed myself and kept looking.

I was so rushing through the desk that I tripped over the leg of the desk, I was falling until I leaned on the armchair next to it, I sighed with relief, and I almost let out a curse, I looked around the whole room I was helpless because I didn't get anything until I saw that all the lamps were on except the one that was hanging on the column behind the armchair.

- "Strange..." - I touched the lamp and ran my hands under it until my fingers sank as if the stone underneath was loose. Suddenly an entrance opened into my father's library - "He had a secret hiding place" - I thanked heaven for not forsaking me.

The torches were lit, and inside I saw a small hallway and some stairs leading down, I entered with my heart beating fast, and down the stairs, all very dark, I think this was beyond the dungeons, soon I saw a slight illumination at the bottom of the stairs, it was some kind of room, it was very clean, I saw a series of objects and books. I think these are dark artifacts and books of dark sorcery.

I hurriedly went through the shelves, each book was a black or purple hardback, and the lining was sometimes dark green. I sighed inwardly, it seemed like it was going to take forever until in the corner of the library, at the bottom I saw a book abandoned and full of dust, I ran my hand over the dirty cover, it said Tom Marvolo Riddle, I smiled hopefully, I left the secret room, I ran up the stairs, I walked down the short corridor and I went out.

The door wouldn't close, I figured I should touch the unlit lamp again, I touched it at the bottom where the stone was sinking, and instantly the secret door closed, I looked at the floor to see that there were no stains or footprints, unfortunately, there were footprints of dust.

I called Cherry into the study - "Cherry!"

The dust must have come from the stairs, that part had no torches and I was sure that my father didn't call the elves to clean that secret room. I was sure he had put a cleaning spell on it and preserved it.

- "Young master!"

- "Cherry clean all these footprints. And the fallen dust, also the footprints I left outside the studio. In the evening come to my room, I'm going to tell you something important."

- "Understood, young master"

- "Not a word of this to my father, understood."

- "Yes, young master"

- "It's a secret" - I smiled at my elf and ran out of the study.

When I got to my room, I made room in my wardrobe, in the farthest part, I looked for a thick wooden box with a big lock, I found one, not so big but big enough to keep this damned diary.

I didn't dare open it, since it was cursed. My body trembled, it was normal because I had done something out of the ordinary. I never took anything without permission, this was the first time I did it.

Putting the box away in the farthest part of my wardrobe, I got up from the floor and tidied up everything I had taken out. I smoothed out the wrinkled parts of any fancy suits and then closed the door as if nothing had happened.

I left my room and went to the garden, perhaps if I took to the air my mind would clear and the fear that had settled in my heart would vanish.


In the afternoon I went to the dining room, my father had returned early from the ministry, and I didn't think much of his business.

It seemed that my parents were getting used to my new attitude, but that didn't take away their worries. Now that I thought about it... My birthday was only three days away, today was the second of June.

I looked at my mother, who looked beautiful like every day. My father always looked haughty. As both of them were in a good mood I thought of asking about my birthday.

- "Mother" - I called her after finishing my meal.

- "Yes, honey" - Mother seemed delighted that I was talking to her, my father looked no better, he seemed somewhere between surprised and relieved.

- "Mommy. What are you going to do for my birthday"

Mum looked surprised but still smiled at me and gave an answer. - "Well, we're going to throw you a party, like every year. We are going to invite our acquaintances and their children of your age. You're going to have a good time, my love"

When my mother mentioned her acquaintances I almost had a heart attack. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and cleared my throat.

- "But mum..." - I looked into her eyes for a few minutes - "Mommy I don't want a party" - Mom looked surprised, and out of nowhere my father had a coughing fit. I looked at him and I knew he wanted to laugh.

- "What! But every year we always do it for you and you like it!"

- "But that was the previous years" - I said discouraged, mother seemed to realize that - "I don't want to do the same thing every year. And I want it to be just the three of us this year"

Mum and Dad looked surprised - "Is that right?"

- "Yes," - I said sheepishly, Oh my gosh, my cheeks were burning with embarrassment. For some reason, Mum and Dad looked happy.

- "So what do you want to do, dragon?" - Dad asked me with good humor.

I was sure he wasn't going to like it. But hell I missed the non-magical world, I came from there. - "Can we go to the muggle world?"

At that instant, my parents' expressions changed. One was surprised the other was horrified. Mum was shocked and Dad was horrified

- "I'm a bit curious" - I shrugged my shoulders.

- "Draco, that place is off-limits to us. You must understand that it's dangerous."

- "How can you know if it's dangerous when you've never been there?" - I couldn't help but lash out at my father's words.

Dad looked somewhere between surprised and annoyed, Mum put her hand on his shoulder to calm him down. She gave me a withering, yet studious look at my movements. - "Draco, that's no way to talk to your father. And as he said, it's off-limits to us."

- "But I want to know. How will I ever know what I'm up against if I never know anything outside of magic," - Mother was thoughtful as my father looked impatient and annoyed, - "But just this once, I'm only asking you once to go to the Muggle world."

Mum and Dad looked at each other, there was a sort of silent conversation between them. They both nodded and then looked at me.

- "Fine, Draco. We'll only go to the Muggle world this once. However, there is one condition"

- "What is it?" - My heart was pounding with excitement.

- "I want you to tell us what's wrong," - Mother demanded in a commanding voice.

I was startled, both of them staring at me with their piercing eyes, my soul seemed to come out of my mouth. Either you tell us what's wrong, or we don't go to the Muggle world.

Blimey, the woman sure knows how to bargain. Gotta give my crafty mum a point, bump her lady!

- "Mmm I'll tell you," - Mum's eyes sparkled, - "But I can't tell you now," - Mum pursed her lip, - "I'll tell you when the time is right. It won't be long now, but right now I just want to enjoy my birthday with my parents. I swear I'll tell you everything when the time comes, just this once, fulfill my whim," - I said with pleading eyes.

Mother and father looked at each other, their connection was enviable. Mother looked between me and father, there was a resignation in her eyes.

- "Alright, and I expect Draco Lucius Malfoy Black to keep his word!"

I nodded firmly, my heart throbbing with excitement was calm and peaceful. I could only see my old home one last time, just one last time until I grew up...

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