Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 3: Chapter Three - Avoiding the parents

It's been a month since I arrived in this new world. I won't lie that I still find it hard to be in my new person's shoes.

I had studied the pile of books Cherry had brought me, and made notes in several of my notebooks, so much so that I needed more of them. Having the elf on my side turned out to be more favorable than expected. As my parents were suspicious of my behavior, I would sneak into different rooms of the mansion, always running to a corner to hide and continue studying.

The important thing was to study, I was never a self-disciplined person but as this body is of a child of the aristocracy I had to learn the etiquette, the treatment and to be a straight person. Also because I was the fucking idiot in the story.

Every day I woke up it was the same thing, my mother insisted that I talk to her but what could I tell my mother, my father was also worried, he always came to my room every time I went to sleep. I pretended to sleep every time he came, I felt his hand go through my head, and sometimes he hugged me, and as I never answered he left without saying a word.

I'm sorry, Dad, Mum... I don't want to worry you but it's important to keep doing what I'm doing.

Cherry kept helping me to bring books, and a new pile of books was under my bed. My eyes hurt and so did my head, now I have several books on spells and transformations.

- "Non-verbal magic..." - I had been thinking about it since I woke up in this world.

How I had read other magic books, different worlds, where to do magic there is no need for a wand. I've been thinking that maybe I can do magic without the need for a wand and now I'm going to try it. I had a cup on my desk, Cherry had apparently forgotten to take it with me. I still had some use for it, I thought of something basic.

- "Accio cup!" - The cup didn't move an inch. I tried again in a calmer voice - "Accio cup!" - The cup didn't move but I still kept my hand outstretched, I thought it wasn't going to do any good but suddenly the cup started to shake until it flew into my hand - "Wooo" - He was surprised. I tried again, and this time the tail flew more easily into my hands.

Once I had secured this summoning spell, I moved on to an easier one. I wanted to try something with water.

- "Aguamenti" - I wanted to fill the cup with water but nothing happened. I summoned the incantation three times but nothing happened, I was about to give up on the fourth attempt - "Aguamenti!" - A jet of water fell on the cup, so much so that the cup tipped over - "Damn it!"

I got up hastily from my bed. It must have been three o'clock in the morning. I hoped I hadn't made so much noise, I don't want my parents to come and reprimand me.

Thinking about how to clean up this water stain, I remembered that there was a spell to clean up this mess. Trying it, I managed to blot up the spilled water and put the cup back on the desk.

I was about to try something else, seeing the bathroom door. I thought of the incantation to open the locked door.

I got back up from my bed, walked over to the bathroom door, locked it, and then closed it.

- "Right... Let's try it Alohomora" - Nothing, nothing was happening. And out of nowhere, it made me want to go to the bathroom. Bless my luck! - "Alohomora" - I said again helplessly - "Alohomora, Alohomora!" - I said so many times that the door opened. Relief rushed through my body, and I hurried to the toilet to empty my bladder - "A little more and it would come out."

Back to the incantations, I continued practicing the most basic incantations for a boy of my age. The hours flew by, it was so much fun doing incantations that before I knew it, it was already dawn, maybe it was already seven in the morning.

My head hurt and my eyes hurt, I called Cherry to tell her to tell my parents that I wasn't going to have breakfast with them because I felt sick.

I fell onto my fluffy mattress and pulled the covers up to my neck, sleep quickly took over. Nothing disturbed me.


When I woke up through the window, it was late. The colors of the sky were orange and reddish, it looked so beautiful.

I decided to go out, I had been hiding in my room for a long time, plus I needed to clear my mind a bit. All this month I had been studying that I didn't realize how tense I was.

I looked out the door of my room, I looked at the hallway, it looked beautiful. The windows gave way to the afternoon light, and I went out as if I had been called by the charm of Mother Nature herself. I looked outside the house, the immense garden, and the trees that surrounded it, I listened to the birds singing and their wings flying through the immense sky.

I went down to the first floor and went for a walk in the garden, the fresh air felt better than expected, I was walking around until I saw a boy's broom, leaning against the corner of the mansion.

Now that I remembered, Draco had made a fool of himself in flying class. I certainly didn't mind the class but I wanted to try flying a broom, I had never been in the sky before in my life, let alone flying in my safety.

I took the broom and mounted it, I was wobbling under my weight. Still, I imagined I was riding a bicycle, the broom began to rise, and a weight settled in my stomach.

The wind blew the memory of an afternoon from my childhood came to me, like a fleeting memory of childhood lost after my parent's separation.

I kept soaring, until soon I tilted and the broom moved forward, kept moving forward until it picked up speed, it was so amazing and exciting, and I allowed myself to smile as before. I flew, I flew until I was tired, soon the sun would be setting, and I wanted to see the sun through the clouds. So I soared, I soared until I was above the clouds, I saw the sun, like a bright world, fall through the clouds until it disappeared and the sky became dark blue, and the stars were beginning to appear.

I was tired and my backside ached, maybe I overdid it too much when I flew. I must have been in the air for at least two hours. I descended into the back garden of the mansion and propped my broom in the corner. As I passed inside I saw a sea of commotion, my parents were shouting my name and the elves were fearful.

I cleared my throat.

- "Draco!" - My mother shouted in fright. I had never in my life thought I would see such a large woman, frightened by the disappearance of her son. The most surprising thing was to feel her arms around my body - "Where the hell have you been?! I've been looking for you all afternoon! You weren't in your room, I looked for you in the library, in the visitors' rooms, I looked for you in the gardens! Where the hell were you?!"

- "Erm... I was flying" - I declared without a trace of emotion.

My mother looked at me furiously, I had never seen her like that. Although I didn't know her that well hehehehe.

- "Flying... You were flying!" - A growl escaped from her throat - "You were flying and you didn't think to warn me so I wouldn't worry!"

- "Cissy" - My father's voice sounded behind my mother - "Cissy calm down"

- "Calm down!" - My mother shouted hysterically - "It's been a month already! One month, Draco!" - My mother looked me straight in the eyes - "One month since you've been avoiding me! A month since you've been silent! What's wrong son, why don't you want to tell me what's going on with you?"

A silence settled in the room, my father was also looking at me, the knot in my stomach increased, and my heart was beating painfully, but I couldn't, not yet.

- "There's nothing wrong with me, Mom," - I said in the firmest, most confident voice. But my mother's look faded into disappointment, I understood that look, I once gave that look to my little brother, I was once a woman.

- "I understand... If you don't want to tell me that's fine" - My mother patted my shoulder gently but her voice was sad - "When you're ready to tell me what's wrong with you, I'll listen" - My mother's mood drastically changed to a calm one, it was scary the way women's moods change.

I couldn't do anything to change things, if only I had Draco's memories, I would know how to act, what things to say to Mum, and what things I could say to Dad but my person had already settled in this body, with the memories of my former life, I had other habits and experiences that weighed on me more than they could weigh on Draco.

I went to my room to change my clothes, I was all dirty. I took a quick bath and dried my hair carelessly, my modest way of dressing didn't go unnoticed by my parents, simple cotton trousers and a long-sleeved shirt.

At the table the silence felt awkward, I was so hungry, I hadn't eaten in the morning, or in the afternoon. I was careful not to draw attention to myself with my movements. I wanted to chew fast, swallow the food and gulp down more.

Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes into hours. Dinner passed slowly, I didn't dare look up, I felt an icy weight on my neck, it was my father, I was sure of it.

When the meal was over, I thanked him for it and left. My mother answered in a monotone voice and let me leave.

When I was in my room I looked in the mirror. I was frightened because I looked horrible. My eyes were sunken in, with black shadows, my pupils were dilated and my eyeball was throbbing red veins, my cheeks were sunken in and my hair was dull. Gods I looked awful!

I went to the bathroom and got rid of my clothes, maybe a nice hot bath would take away the discomfort.

I filled the tub with hot water, then looked in the bathroom mirror for any salts or oils the boy had. Thank goodness there were salts, I should have been a bit smugger. Now I was ten or eleven years old, my body was tired from all the stress I had put on it.

Tomorrow I'll continue studying, I'm tired, I should rest early, so my eyes won't hurt so much...

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