Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 2: Chapter Two - Facing reality

When she woke up it was night, it was strange to feel that you are in another bed, in another world, with another family that is not your family, but simple strangers in this life.

Draco sighed with tiredness, she could no longer think like Aida, she pinched her cheek and even looked for a needle in the chest of drawers in her room and pricked her finger.

Nothing, absolutely nothing happened, when she thought about leaving she felt a noise at the front door, someone had entered.

- "Draco, honey" - It was the woman who would be her mother.

She felt no emotions, guilt lay in his heart, this was not her mother, however, she felt she owed her respect for being the mother of this child.

- "Good night, Mother" - She forced herself to call out for what was rightfully hers.

Narcissa looked worriedly at her son, her baby never said goodnight, he simply called her mother and hung on her, he was a very spoiled and happy child but suddenly he seemed to vanish into thin air.

- "Is dinner ready?" - He asked.

Gods he was having a hard time acting normal, he didn't know how this kid acted at home, whether he was cocky or calm. But more he felt he was cocky, but he couldn't put on this kind of act because he was never like that.

- "Yes, honey. Come on"

- "Okay..."

On her way out Draco took his mother's hand. Narcissa was surprised but when she saw those crystal clear, pure eyes she felt some of her concern melt away.

They walked in comfortable silence but as they reached the dining room Draco felt like he was going to choke under the pressure.

His, now, father had an imposing aura, of a sovereign and noble lord, Draco understood why the brat admired this guy but he felt that at the same time, he was an idiot. Looking on the bright side, his father was very pretty, in many ways, the actor who played Lucius Malfoy was clearly likable but he didn't come close to Lucius Malfoy, and to think there were such beautiful men in the books.

That reminded him of King Thranduil, this Lucius had a similar look to Thranduil but I would say his features were softer, snow pale hair and platinum eyes, a small nose, and crimson lips. Truly his father was beautiful, I wouldn't be able to tell if he was male or female if it weren't for his cold eyes and raised chin.

- "Dad..."

Lucius looked at his son, seeing those crystalline and pure eyes made him feel relief but at the same time there was something that worried him, it was the calm air around his son. Every time he saw his son he felt a playful and pampered air but now he couldn't feel any of that.

As Draco sat down at the table he ate his food very calmly, he didn't notice that both elders were watching his movements and it caused the calm anxiety in their hearts to light up like a bonfire.

Draco on the other hand was thinking about the things that were to come in the future, it wouldn't be easy to act low key and he didn't think he would make friends easily, not with the family history he carried on his back.

When he finished he was going to stand up and say thank you but he saw the worried and anxious look of the adults that a hole formed in his stomach, soon he felt that the food was going to be expelled from his body and be replaced by bile.

- "Is something wrong?" - He asked cautiously, even tilting his head to one side. It was a gesture of his habit.

- "Draco, son, are you feeling all right?" - His father asked with a voice full of anxiety and a serious look.

Draco knew that nothing he could say would calm his father's anxiety. - "I'm fine, Dad" - He said softly.

He felt hard to call them both dad and mom, they seemed like words that scraped in his throat but he forced himself to say because these two people were Draco's parents.

- "Thanks for the food, I'll take my leave" - He turned and left, he didn't stop to watch the couple.

His heart was pounding, there was a lump in his throat. He cursed himself over and over again, he was nothing of this couple, he felt nothing for them, and on top of that he was older than the brat, acting as this kid did would be difficult, so he had to come to terms with his personality because he felt bad betraying his person.

When he got to his room he went to his bathroom, washed his face and teeth, and looked for his pajamas in the drawers of his closet.

Already in his new bed, he stared at the bedclothes, he could not sleep and never could, with the anxiety he was carrying, he had already hurt his fingers of his hands, if one saw both hands one could see traces of blood and skin removed from the edges of the nails.

The pain calmed him down, it sounded masochistic but as his brother told him Sometimes the pain makes us see the sad reality.

Unable to sleep, he stood up and looked out the window. He wondered if he could escape from this house and live on the streets as a child beggar. The idea sounded so far-fetched that it made him want to laugh as his heart wept.

As he looked up at the night sky, a poff sounded behind him, Draco instinctively turned and saw a hunched-over creature with a dirty rag covering him, a long nose, and floppy ears. The elf seemed intimidated by him.

- "Young master, the master asks if you are going to sleep early." - Dobby, according to his memory this elf would be loyal to Potter. The very idea made him want to kick the elf out, but since the elf was a gossip and a traitor to this family he decided to act indifferent.

- "I'm going to rest early. Tell him I still feel sick. Understood?"

- "Yes, sir" - The creature shrank back and then disappeared from his sight.

Draco sighed in his heart, he was not used to magic.

Returning to bed, he wrapped himself in the covers and tried to close his eyes. Falling asleep, he let his mind wander back to his previous life, he didn't feel his father's arrival, nor the touch on his head. He continued dreaming of his brothers.

The next day Draco woke up at five o'clock, it was a habit from his previous life. He worked at the other end of town he had to get up so early to eat breakfast and then go to the bus station to catch the first one in line.

As he was still sleepy, he thought he was in his original world and only waited two minutes to clear his mind, but when he opened his eyes he saw the unfamiliar room and then he remembered everything that happened yesterday, he wanted to hit the wood but then he stopped when he heard a creaking noise in his room, he turned to look where the noise was heard.

There was another elf. But she was different, she was smaller and her little face didn't look as ugly as Dobby's face.

- "Young master" - Her voice sounded softer, she was a female elf, - "The young master is awake!"

- "Shhh, don't shout" - He said with annoyance.

The elf instantly quieted down, she looked fearful and her hand movements were clumsy. - "I'm sorry... Cherry is going to punish herself for disturbing the young master!" - Said the elf without thinking but Draco rolled his eyes and went over to stop the elf - "Young master!"

He approached and stopped the elf, the creature's skin felt rough.

- "Shhh, I told you not to yell" - He said annoyed, - "Besides, you don't have to punish yourself. Are you new?" - He asked with pretended casualness, the real reason was that he needed resources and guides to keep him stable in that world, so befriending an elf didn't seem bad.

- "Cherry is new" - Said the creature fearfully, - "Cherry is a recent servant of the Malfoy house."

- "Mmm, you were brought here how long ago?" - He questioned curiously, the more recent the elf was, the better.

- "Two weeks ago" - Said the elf still trembling, - "Young master" - She called cautiously to the blond boy. Draco looked penetratingly at the creature, - "Young master, are you going to punish me?" - Said the elf fearfully.

- "Mmm no, why would I?" - The elf looked shocked - "Cherry, isn't it?"

- "Yes"

- "Cherry, do you want to be my personal elf?" - He asked directly, the elf looked frightened.

- "Cherry wouldn't dare" - She said frightened, - "Cherry serves in the kitchens, if the master sees me serving only the young master he would be upset."

Draco looked frustrated at the creature, he remembered how dramatic and thick these creatures were. - "Mmm but Cherry, I'm not ordering you this to give up your place in the kitchen. I just want you to run little errands for me." - Draco hoped the elf understood his words and didn't confuse them.

- "Errands?" - Said the creature curiously.

- "Yes. How to bring me things when I ask you or help me to get to places in the mansion, without my parents knowing about it." - Draco felt exasperated but he needed to be patient and calm. - "Cherry, now I just need privacy and that's why I want to avoid my parents, I'm reflecting on many things, and for that, I need help from you. Do you want to help me or not?"

- "Cherry, will help the young master!" - Said the creature firmly, - "Cherry will listen to the young master's requests."

- "Good. You may leave, I will call you when I need you. Don't say anything to your master and mistress, understood?"

- "Understood, young master."

As Cherry disappeared I felt more relieved, I went to the bathroom because I needed to pee but as I stood in front of the toilet I remembered that I no longer had a pussy but a cock.

It was embarrassing for me to take out my birdie to pee, being an older person in mentality, I felt that what I was doing was wrong. Obviously, it wasn't wrong because I was doing a biologically natural need, but it felt like a pedophile in the body of a child of..... How old was he?

Wait a minute! She needed to know how old he was to know how to cope with future scenarios!

Pulling up his pants, he went to the sink and washed his hands, and once in his room, he had the good sense to look for a calendar.

- "What year it was! What month! How old Draco Malfoy was?" - He looked in his desk drawer.

When he found the blessed calendar, he realized that it wouldn't be long before his Hogwarts letter would arrive.

- "Oh, shit. I can't avoid that damn place."

He dropped to the floor, his tired face reflecting the heaviness of his soul.

According to her younger brother, the Harry Potter movie skipped the scene where Harry and Draco met. Instead of meeting on the train, it was in Madam Malkin's robe store. He cursed the gods over and over again.

Looking at the calendar again, we were May 1, 1991, to the best of her knowledge, in early August he would be going to Diagon Alley.

Because according to the movie, Potter went shopping for his supplies after his birthday. He didn't care what day he was going to buy the said Hogwarts supplies, what he cared about was not crossing words with the brat protagonist or anyone related to the protagonist.

Anyway, he had a lot of planning to do. He couldn't spend all day lamenting about being the idiot of the story, he searched the boy's desk for some blank notebook, there had to be at least an agenda. When he found what he was looking for, he started looking for pencils or crayons but found nothing, just a couple of small pens and other notebooks.

Being the curious person that he was, he took out those notebooks and saw that they were calligraphy sheets, his stomach sank when he saw that the boy had fine handwriting, he had never in his life had such delicacy for writing, that seeing the neat handwriting of this ten or eleven-year-old boy was like a slap in the face of her adult face.

- "I think I've already been cornered" - Sighing, he put those notebooks away and looked for an inkwell.

I missed liquid ink pens or pencils, it's easier to write with such things than with a quill. Putting all vague thoughts aside, he set about recalling everything his little brother had told him.

First note:

Philosopher's Stone

- I met the protagonist at Madam Malkin. - Important, don't talk to the boy, don't look at him.

- On the train he looked for the protagonist, ran into the second protagonist, and insulted him and his family. - Important, stay in the cabin of the train. It didn't matter if you are with the two fools or alone. Never leave the cabin, you never know if the force of the plot will lead you to meet the protagonist.

- When he arrived at Hogwarts, he was rejected by the main character.- Important, the plot starts from the moment you set foot in the boarding school.

- During potions classes, you must be careful with your speech and avoid looking at the professor. - Important, Professor Snape knows Occlumency and Legermancy. Never look him in the eye.

- Flying class, avoid getting muddy with the protagonist's problems with other Slytherins. - Important, stay out of it and act maturely, if you get mixed up in the problem speak logically and maturely.

- Forbidden Forest, meet the Dark Lord. - Important, don't chase the protagonist, or get in his way. You could get sanctioned with him and be sent to the forest to meet the dark lord. If you have the courage, send an Avada Kadavra to the fucking dark lord.

- The protagonist would investigate the reason why the psychopath wants to enter and steal what the three-headed dog guards. - From then on stay out of his sight. Be smart, if you can avoid all contact with any suspicious students.

Although almost all of them are suspicious.

It felt stupid to write all this, he was writing what little he remembered from the movie or what his brother told him.

Surprisingly his handwriting came out just as neat as the boy, maybe he should go through all of Draco's things to see if his body was moving by instinct or if was it just the memory of his own body.

Turning the page, he paused to meditate. He looked at the pad where he was writing, what if someone found out, the elves might find out, or maybe Draco's mother?

Leaving all thoughts followed by others.

The Chamber of Secrets

- Tom Riddle's diary - Important, it's a Horcrux, keep Draco's dad from giving it to the girl. If possible steal it and keep it, so no one will know about the blessed diary.

- Quidditch team. You call the female protagonist a "mudblood." - I don't like the game, so don't draw your father's attention to the team. Keep him from buying your place.

- Start of petrified students - If you steal the diary that year becomes quiet, and there would only be the rivalry of the houses.

- Gilderoy Lockhart - It's a scam, learn defense against the dark arts from the library.

- Dueling club, first confrontation with the protagonist. - Don't screw up and get beaten easily, that way you'll be under the radar.

- Suspicions of the heir. The female protagonist makes the polyjuice potion, and the protagonist and his best friend invade the Slytherin common room. - Seriously, don't be an idiot and get that diary. You save yourself the trouble and concurrent scenarios with the protagonist. Study yourself through library books.

Everything he wrote was good, wasn't it? Not because it was bad, but because he had a fragile memory.

When he didn't care about anything he forgot it easily, and now he didn't care at all about the life he would lead from now on. But since he was in the book world of the young wizard's saga, he had to avoid the sown mines of the work at all costs, and one way to avoid a lot of trouble was to avoid the protagonist and his entourage.

He turned to the next page and began.

Prisoner of Azkaban

- Mockery of the protagonist by Dementors - We know a hard life will affect you, so be prepared.

- Classes in dark defenses. The Boggart - What are we afraid of?

- Crimes committed by Black against the Potters. - Since it's not true, you must avoid being in that scene at all costs.

- Beware of magical creatures. Hippogriff hurts you - Don't do something stupid and don't go near the animal.

- Weasley's rat is Pettigrew. - Don't do stupid things, though you can do them. Anonymously, when the rat escapes from Lupin you should attack, you'll be in the forbidden forest. It is advisable to learn the Patronus Charm, it will be beneficial to defend ourselves from Dementors.

The third book was not very memorable, he had trouble knowing the details. He knew that the female protagonist helped the main protagonist to travel through time, but he thought that was irrelevant.

He went on to the rest, the fourth book was much fuzzier. He didn't care much about the unraveling of the rest but he was pretty sure it would be important, as he wanted to call his little brother.

Goblet of Fire

- Quidditch World Cup. Death Eaters attacking campers. - You must get your father out of that circle and stop him from going to that match.

- Alastor Moody is fake (he's Barty Crouch Jr.) - Ferrets are cute but you won't like being turned into one.

- The protagonist is chosen by the chalice. - Not your problem

- Dance. - I don't want to participate, I don't like parties. Dedicate yourself to studying. The first test, dragon. Second, mermaids. And third, labyrinth.

- Die Cedric Diggory. The protagonist announces the return of the fucking dark lord. - Recommended to take care of Draco's father. We need to get out of that crazy circus!!!!

He felt bad about everything he was writing, this was going to be harder than he thought. The more he thought, the more anxiety he had. He had to become a powerful wizard to deal with all the crap that was coming.

The order of the phoenix.

- Pink toad coming. Umbribge - Don't agree to be in their group, if all the above shit goes off.

- T.I.M.O.S. - Study, don't be lazy

- Classes of occlumance of the protagonist. - You must practice those classes, your mind must be closed to any stranger and enemy.

- The prophecy, Sirius Black dies. - I don't know what to do there...

- The Second Magical War begins

I don't remember anything else! Ahhh fucking memory! Let's improvise, details.

- Dumbledore's army

- Dad in Azkaban

- Centaurs

Get out of that shit if you don't want me to end up in Azkaban!!!!!

His memory was failing, it had been about five years since his brother had told him about Harry Potter, how he wished he had that brat's memory. But well, he was going to have to improvise and put the important stuff in that notebook.

Half-Blood Prince

- Draco joined the Death Eaters.

- The Gaunt ring (Horcrux). - You need to collect them all

- The protagonist is stalking you - Is there sexual tension between them?

- Dumbledore dies - We're screwed from there.

I didn't want to continue writing I knew that the last book narrated the search for the Horcruxes and the search for the Horcruxes and the deathly relics.

From that point on, he didn't want to write anymore, but he knew that some things would be important.

Closing the notebook, he looked out the window and saw a clear dawn. It must have been six o'clock or after six o'clock, he had time.

He changed his clothes, looked at himself in the mirror, picked up the brush on the dressing table, and combed his straight hair. He wasn't going to put on gel, he didn't want to look like his father. He was himself and nothing else mattered.

On his way out he found his mother standing in front of him.

- "Good morning, sweetheart."

- "Good morning, Mom" - He said with a shrug.

The rest of the day was tense for Draco, he ate his breakfast in total silence, and his parents only occasionally looked at him, after breakfast he walked around the mansion as if he was bored, after walking around the mansion, running into the box of his ancestors and his grandfather Abraxas Malfoy, he went outside, the garden was immense, it looked more like a forest surrounding his house than a simple garden. There was a pergola in the back garden of the mansion, and a table with chairs. He had no interest in staying outside the mansion, he had better things to do.

- "Cherry" - Called the morning elf.

- "I am called young master" - The elf was bowing in a small curtsy.

Draco ignored her. - "Cherry, please. Go to the library and bring me these books. Spells for Beginners. Basic Transformations, Theory of Magic, History of Magic. Herbology and Potions, as basic as you can find. A Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander" - He remembered the last book because he saw the Fantastic Beasts movie, you could say he loved that movie more than the young wizard's saga.

- "This... Master, but from which authors?"

Draco came out of his thoughts and looked at the elf with indifference, his heart was troubled. - "The most basic for a child of my age, Cherry. You choose as you see fit, I'll take it. Thank you" - He withdrew without waiting for an answer from the elf.

Cherry was stunned, none of her previous masters or her current masters had thanked her but her young master had thanked her.

Indifferent to the elf's thoughts. Draco passed into the mansion and went to his room, his mother had gone out for a few moments to see some friends. He didn't mind, it gave him time to do whatever he wanted. When he got to his room, Cherry appeared with a pile of books, Draco didn't bother.

He saw two books according to each course, thanking Cherry. He dismissed her and started checking the books, he would start with history of magic.

He didn't notice that his study time flew by, his hands ached from all the notes he had made, his eyes were tired and he had barely finished his first book. Not that he was a studious person but according to his memory, Draco was always far outclassed by the female lead, something that bothered his father, and he wasn't as skilled in certain subjects like herbology and runes. The latter he would see in time.

Disregarding the time, and the night sky, he read on. The books that Cherry had brought him, he left them on the side of his bed, so that his parents would not see the pile of books he had in his hand.

Hearing the sound of his door opening, he stopped writing and turned to look at the intruder. It was Lucius Malfoy who had entered out of nowhere.

- "So here you were."

- "Dad" - He said without hesitation.

Lucius stopped at that instant. - "Son, are you upset? Because you haven't gone out to play, the elves tell me you've been locked in your room all day. Did something happen?"

- "Nothing, Dad."

- "What are you doing with that book?"

His father came over to look at what he was doing, he took his notes. Half a notebook was full of notes, he took the book and realized it was a history of magic.

- "What are you doing studying, son?"

- "I was bored" - He shrugged.

Lucius sighed and put the book and the notes on the desk. - "Well, put that down and come have dinner with us. Your mother was worried because she didn't see you running around the garden or flying around the grounds of Malfoy Manor."

- "Mmm"

I left my room, my eyes hurt from reading so much. It was more interesting than I thought, maybe I will have fun learning new things in that school, the point was not to cross paths with the main character and his entourage.

Already at dinner, my mother began to talk to me, and I barely spoke in monosyllables, I know that my parents were worried about me but they could do nothing because this new personality of mine was like that. After all in my other life, it was always the three of us, we didn't have dad, we didn't have mom, it was my brothers and me. Having both parents was the strangest feeling in my life. But that didn't matter as long as I took the reins of this family.

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