Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 1: Chapter One - In another world

After waking up I felt that my memories were blurred.

I was on a bus, going straight to work when suddenly I heard the screams of all the passengers and the bus braked violently on a road that goes more than a hundred kilometers, instinctively I held on to the railing of the front seat and lowered my head for prevention but still the bus overturned.

I felt the life escape from my body, I was scared at that moment and very cold. It wasn't a bad life but I would have liked to leave my little brother something better than his studies.

- "Draco..." - I heard a female voice calling a boy.

Draco... What a strange name, in my city, using that name would be synonymous with ridicules.

- "Draco!"

A jolt in my body made me instantly open my eyes.

I was numb, and in front of me was a beautiful woman with long curly hair, it was like a cascade of pale gold, her skin white and her cheekbones high with a small nose more like a small button and beautiful blue eyes.

- "Draco, baby. Are you all right?" - I felt her hands on my shoulders. I was puzzled. What the hell is my name? - "Draco! Answer me, are you okay?"

- "Cissy! Stop it! He must be very sick for him not to answer" - My gaze went from this woman to the person with the manly voice - "Draco, son, are you all right?"

- "What!" - My voice escaped in a gasp of anguish and pain.

The man seemed alarmed because he ran to my side.

- "Draco, look at me." - The man took her face in his hands, those stunning silver eyes puzzled her, - "Tell me! What hurts you?"

- "I..." - Her mouth fell open like a fool. The man seemed to be concerned, his hand rested on her forehead. - "My head hurts horribly" - She admitted.

It was a half-truth because she was honestly confused about the people accompanying her and calling her son.

- "Oh, honey, you should have told Mom" - The woman stroked her hair, she felt a tingling in her chest, - "It must be tiredness, you've been running all afternoon in the field and then you collapsed."

- "Mhmm... I want to sleep" - I made up an excuse.

From what she said the blonde woman made a vague excuse to be alone.

Both elders looked at her in-depth, she did not doubt that the two adults were intelligent and saw through her white lie.

What she didn't know was that both elders saw the pleading in her eyes, and a strange feeling settled in Draco's parents' hearts, despite being reluctant to leave, they left him alone.

In the solitude of the bedroom, she stood up and began to meditate.

She had a bad habit of always biting her fingernails when she was nervous or very anxious. Now she had both sensations settled in her heart, her body was cold as a dead man and her hands were shaking.

Draco Malfoy

The name was familiar to her, it sounded distant but she felt like she knew him.

Oh my god! If her memory served her correctly, she had heard the name in a movie! The question was, where!

From so much thinking she felt like she was going to get a headache until the vague memory of the young wizard's saga came to her mind.

- "Shit! I was reborn in Harry Potter's world!" - She exclaimed in anguish. - "And not only that! It had to be that idiot Malfoy!" - She cursed the fucking blond and the four-eyed man.

She didn't like Harry Potter.

At the beginning of the saga she had liked the first two movies, so much so that she bought the first two books, but after reading the first book she was disappointed and even wondered why the fuck she bought the second book.

She cursed over and over again, she had spent her savings for nothing.

The first reason why she stopped watching the movies and didn't read the books was because of the discrimination against the Slytherins.

She was not an idiot, she knew that between the upper and lower classes, there was always friction but she felt that the author had exaggerated, above all she did not believe that an eleven-year-old boy would be so arrogant and pedantic, in fact, eleven and twelve-year-old boys always think about playing and living their lives as children.

The second reason was that she hated the false democracy at Hogwarts.

She understood that the Slytherin was wrong to achieve their goals under dodgy acts. Or that the pureblood aristocracy interfered in the student council.

But seriously, for the headmaster to give points to Gryffindor students for breaking rules or beating a fucking troll, was already over the top and unreasonable. Many times she wondered where the hell the other Hogwarts houses were, it seemed like the audience was Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

Why the fuck not give the cup to Ravenclaw? After all, they were studious students and knew about ethics.

Or the friendly Hufflepuff, those students deserved the cup much more since they were trying to keep the peace in the school.

Why always Gryffindor?

In the third year, she hated the way they put all the Slytherins.

Many times she got spoilers for the saga, so she already knew the ending and knew a lot of things about this saga. Even when the saga was worldwide recognized and appreciated by many, she had seen that even among fans they put Slytherin last.

If you went in order. First are the Gryffindor, then Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and finally Slytherin (by reputation).

By god, if she was going to be reborn in a world where there's a crazy psychopath who wants to make a Hitler-style reign, she'd better get her bags and get the hell out of here and go to another country.

She didn't mind going to the end of the world, as long as she didn't live in a senseless war, where the winners would be only lions and the losers would be only snakes.

- "Better reborn in Middle Earth. At least the elves would be sexy and the only enemy would be the orcs and the dark forces of Sauron."

It was a pity.

Maybe the good thing was knowing the main details of the eight movies, and all thanks to her little brother, that kid was a Harry Potter fanatic, it was thanks to him that she ended up buying all seven books. If it wasn't for her brother she might not know the details of the saga.

But the main thing now was that she was in the body of the pedantic child.

For starters her name was Aida, and she died at the fucking age of 34, on her way to work on the bus that overturned on the city's main highway.

She wasn't a Harry Potter fan but she tolerated it because of her little brother, she was a book reader, you could usually see her reading any kind of book, from comedies to fiction, she loved reading. So to see her as a fan of Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Hunger Games, Sherlock Holmes, Sophia's world, or Game of Thrones, it was very obvious.

She had read the lord of the Rings five times, but she still cried when she read about the death of King Theoden, her brother had called her a sentimentalist, and he even made fun of her. She could not refute him, seeing such touching scenes brought tears to her eyes.

In the hobbit, she didn't feel such emotion, as the book seemed more like a story. But watching the movies for a moment she wondered if King Thorin loved Bilbo.

As for Game of Thrones, she had read the first two books. She was going to read the third part until the fucking accident happened.

She had read other classics, like Frankenstein, Dracula, Witch's Foot, and Murder on the Express, so forgetting Harry Potter was pretty easy. Especially with Game of Thrones, by god she imagined herself being reborn in that world, it would be bloody because she would have to defend her life and act with cunning to survive.

As for Harry Potter... This world would be easy, she simply had to avoid acting stupidly. At least in Middle Earth, if she was reborn as a hobbit or elf, even as a human, she could have a normal life and act according to her character.

But no, she was reborn as fucking Draco, pure blood, I'm better than everyone, arrogant, Malfoy.

Anyway, she stopped throwing a tantrum in her mind and was calming down.

This time her mind wandered into her memories of her former life. She was a woman born into an almost wealthy family, who was later kicked out of the main house because her father had died.

Her life was easy in her first years of life, but then in her adolescence, her mother eloped with another man and her father changed for the worse, she was no longer affectionate with them and was always bitter.

She was the middle sister, she had two brothers, her older brother Chris and her younger brother Brandon. Her happiness was only based on her two male siblings, as their mother had abandoned them and their father could barely stand them, Chris took on the role of both parents, taking care of them and teaching them.

The new role that her older brother had taken on made him give up his future dreams, as soon as he finished high school he went to work to provide more for the house, at that time his father was no longer so bitter but he still treated them coldly.

Her grandmother and paternal uncles and aunts treated them distantly and barely spoke to them. So Aida could only assume it was because of her mother.

It was at that time that she bought the Harry Potter books and the first two movies. As she liked to watch series, and movies and read books, she bought them just out of curiosity.

Her little brother liked it so much that he kept talking about the saga all day long, even her brother Chris asked her what he was talking about.

Aida understood that her brother didn't have time to watch movies or series so she gave a vague answer.

As an adult, Aida took on responsibilities and could no longer read as much as before.

On the other hand, her little brother, who was a teenager, continued to love the saga, and one day he told her to take the Pottermore test. When she finished the test it came out that she was Slytherin and his brother said he already knew it.

He was so happy that it made him want to pull his cheeks, Chris was not spared from his brother and took the test, Chris also came out Slytherin, Brandon seemed surprised but then he said that it seemed obvious.

And when Brandon took the test he almost went backward, he came out Slytherin like them.

Aida never laughed so hard that day, then Brandon talked about the saga and the test, and just assumed it was due to the personalities and beliefs they had but they weren't bad.

Brandon even commented that it was weird that she was Slytherin because she always read books and watched documentaries, the latter she did because of her higher education, she got into the habit.

He said she should be a Ravenclaw, but then again, maybe her aloof personality made her a Slytherin.

When her father died, they were expelled from the house where they lived.

Chris was outraged and even wanted to file a lawsuit but Aida knew they could not. The house where they lived belonged to her grandmother, who gave it only out of charity to her father.

Aida already knew that her father's family despised them, so getting a new roof over their heads was difficult. And when they did, Chris and Aida worked twice as hard, mostly for Brandon, so that he would have a better future than they did.

Brandon continued with his fanaticism for Harry Potter, Aida was already tired of that, and of doing other tests from other pages that told her which house she would be in.

To give her little brother a hard time she took those tests and her brother stopped messing around, in all of them she always came out as Slytherin, even when she asked him to take the test about how well she knows her Slytherin house, she passed all the questions with a 100% probability of being a Slytherin at heart, her brother was surprised and asked her if she had already read the books and seen the movies, but Aida only told him that she knew all that because of the spoilers he gave her.

As for Chris... His brother every time he pestered Brandon, he took those tests and his house always varied between Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Brandon seemed surprised by that, but he didn't think anything of it.

When Brandon became an adult he wasn't so exasperating, he even became a lover of other series, "he expanded his horizons," Chris said.

He loved the walking dead, and Marvel movies, he even considered star wars to be a better world than Harry Potter, which surprised her.

As Brandon had become an adult, Chris and Aida's responsibilities were reduced, and now they had to live a comfortable and simple life.

And then the fucking accident happened. That still hurt.

Now she was Draco Malfoy, from being a woman she had changed to being a pedantic child. How fair was the life, the heavens rewarded her for her years of hard work, note the sarcasm.

She was so long in thought that sleep overcame her, as she closed her eyes she could only dream of Brandon's smile and the indifferent eyes of Chris.



This story doesn't belong to me. I translate this story.

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/329106552-draco-malfoy-and-the-magic-world

A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46147483/chapters/116173558

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/749467/draco-malfoy-and-the-magic-world/

Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15735135/Draco-Malfoy-and-the-Magic-World/1

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


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Translator: Translate Spanish, Portuguese, and French. To English.

Proofreader: Those in charge of reviewing and correcting the translation (grammar, punctuation, etc.).

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