Chapter 10: Chapter Ten - XiYue
I thought I would not achieve my goal, but I did it, on a blank piece of paper, I drew a circle with several runes around it, then I placed the bracelet in the center of the magic circle, I began to recite a protective and offensive spell, anyone attacking me from behind will have their spell bounce off or simply vanish into thin air.
It was of my creation, but I did it. I am very talented at making these things, first I created my drum box, and now I am making my magic relic. Of course, I had a little help from Mum, she didn't know runes, and she was the only one available at home to help me.
The incantation I made was a sort of poem or chant. It sounded very flirtatious.
Bright as the moon.
Your light protects the weak one.
Like a mantle, you wrap me in a blanket.
In a warm embrace, you feel me.
As a crescent moon, you subdue.
You warn your adversaries.
You dance coquettishly.
Your lord sees you burning.
My commands are your desires.
My strength is your breath.
You protect those I love.
You love those I love.
My faithful servant.
My faithful protector.
The ritual was done quickly, I said XiYue's name, because as it was a half-feminine and flirtatious poem, I thought I should put a name to complete it. The circle on the paper glowed, and the magic runes glowed and peeled off the paper, embedding themselves inside the bracelet. A current of happiness ran through me, as I saw my masterpiece, it still needed to be finished but for now, that was okay.
I wanted my relic to be able to transform into a whip or any other kind of weapon, to cast at least one electric spell through it. But for that, I had to do a more difficult ritual and draw a magic circle on the ground along with advanced spells.
My mother was teaching me blood rituals and mentioning one or another arcane spell. I decided to give it a try.
And it was the middle of July, and I needed to quickly make my weapon.
Taking the book of transformations in my hand, I began my advanced study of spells or rituals to make an inanimate object into a weapon.
It wouldn't take me that long, or maybe it would?
The other day I was listening to music with headphones on, I had no idea Mum was calling me until she came into my room very annoyed.
- "Draco Lucius Malfoy Black! I've been calling you for ten minutes, and you don't answer!"
- "I'm sorry, Mum. It's just that I was wearing headphones."
Mum looked disdainfully at my phone and headphones, something told me I was going to be without a phone for a long time.
- "Give me that muggle device and the threads!" - Mother demanded my mobile phone and headphones.
- "Mother, but... It's my phone!"
- "Nothing! I've asked you for that thing, Draco, don't make me irritate."
Reluctantly I had to give her my phone with the headphones, I almost screamed when I saw how she bent the wires of the headphones. Mother that's fragile!!!!
Anyway, Mother demanded me to go to the dining room because we had a visitor. I asked myself if Draco knew boys his age before he entered Hogwarts. According to the movies and the books, Draco arrived at Hogwarts accompanied by Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, supposed friends of the aforementioned. He couldn't judge the boys either, they were children now, and he could influence their thoughts and make them live a normal life. Or so he thought.
However, against all odds, the visitor we had was none other than a young, dark-robed, black-eyed man. He was extremely handsome! But something in my mind clicked, the only dark-eyed character in the movies was a certain grumpy potion's professor. This couldn't be Severus Snape! Or yes, Rowling described him as some kind of greasy bat! But here I have in front of my eyes a young, handsome, hot man. He wouldn't be taller than Dad, he was shorter and had a soft smile on his lips.
But I confirmed my assumption when Mother called this man Severus.
- "Good morning."
- "You've been busy," - Professor Snape looked at me with those dark eyes. He had a gaze so deep it gave me chills - "You're not going to hug your godfather, Draco."
'By Merlin's beard! Didn't Rowling say that Snape wasn't Draco's godfather? Did she lie, or was it just a small detail that she didn't make clear? Besides, this man is on fire!'
- "I missed you" - I hugged him. But my body was tense, and I knew he would feel it.
When we parted, my profes—no, my godfather looked at me a little worried. Had he felt the change too?
- "You have changed," - Commented my godfather.
- "I just got my feet on the ground, godfather," - I smiled.
- "Your mother told me that you have been very quiet and barely go out to play, is that true?"-
I looked at my mother who was drinking tea as if nothing had happened. I snort inside myself
- "Yes, but isn't it better this way?" - I tilt my head innocently - "I'm going to go to school very soon. Being so conceited or arrogant can get me into trouble, Merlin forbid, enemies." -
Severus looked at me impressed and despite my logical explanation, he let out a laugh that gave me chills. Mom stopped for a moment and looked at me.
- "Hahaha Cissy, this is why you called me." - Severus raised an eyebrow mockingly, and Mother sighed tiredly.
- "Believe it or not, it's strange to see my son like this," - Oi! I'm right here - "he would always throw a tantrum. How is it possible that he has changed?" -
- "Cissy, it's normal. Draco has grown up," - my godfather looked at me and caressed my head, I shrugged as he let me be pampered - "When he enters Hogwarts he must act as the worthy heir of his house, being too arrogant can be dangerous. You know better than anyone." -
- "But Severus!" -
- "Oh, shut up. Draco is fine, he's just matured. At least he's not asking you to smuggle a broom anymore," - I almost choked on my saliva - "And tell me, Draco. What have you done these days?" -
What could I say?
Well you see, I've been studying like a fucking crazy person since May. My eyes hurt and I feel sleepy all the time, and if that were not enough I am not Draco Malfoy, but a woman from another world who has woken up out of nowhere in the body of your godson. And I wanted to tell you that you are hot papuh. Did you understand?
No, I couldn't tell him that. Although I wanted it, I didn't lack it. I was going to open my mouth until Mom got in.
- "What are you going to do, if not do more than lock yourself in your room. And it's gotten worse since we bought him this muggle device." - Mother I carelessly threw my cell phone, it almost gave me a heart attack
Severus was somewhere between surprised and shocked. He took the cell phone in his hands and checked it, he turned on the button to turn on the screen. Thank goodness I put a pattern! Suck that one!
He wanted to unlock the screen but couldn't, they asked for the pattern. Severus looked at me skeptically.
- "Draco, is what your mother says true?" -
- "I won't lie but I won't say that I've been so locked up, I go out to fly through the gardens. Plus it's boring being alone here, the peacocks are hardly fun. Maybe all they're good for is scaring them and roasting them during Christmas." - Severus had a sudden coughing fit. Laugh, godfather, oh! His smile is pretty. Where was it ugly? Mrs. Rowling, you liar! - "As for my cell phone," -I took it from my godfather's hands - "it's delicate mom, if you throw it again you could damage it, either its screen or the audio" -
- "Argh! I should burn that damn thing." -
- "Well, it's certainly interesting," - Godfather interrupted Mom. -"But Draco, how crazy were you to ask for a cell phone?" -
Good question, in my previous life I read Godfather novels. Unfortunately, there is no internet here
- "We went to the Muggle World for my birthday. When we were walking I saw a store that sold these devices. I was curious so I asked Dad to buy it for me. I think they are much more effective than the record player we have or the owls. Here you send a text message to another user, and it arrives safely. You don't need a silly owl to send mail, apart from that, Muggles have a variety of music, they are more creative than us, we barely compose music, and the only thing we play is classical music or opera. You can also take photos and record scenes. Apart from making notes and keying them. Like now, you wanted to unlock the screen but it asked for the pattern. Very safe, don't you think?" -
By the time I realized it, Mom and my godfather were looking at me like I was crazy. Ah it seems my tongue got loose a little
- "Hehehe and I discovered all that the next day they bought it. I tried every app, but I was missing one. What does the internet say." - yes, damn it! I want the internet, without the internet, there are no hot or hard Yaoi novels!! I can't see my dirty tricks and the gay nopor! Holy gods, I missed the other one. I am a saint Draco, I am a saint
- "ahem! It sounds efficient Draco. But you must keep in mind that you can't spend so much time looking at that cell phone, you're going to enter Hogwarts and the least I want is for you to be distracted." -
- "Yes, godfather." -
- "And Cissy. You should also be strict with Draco. He can only have that cell phone for an hour or two more hours, no more." - Noooooo don't tell her that. Mother looked at me and nodded calmly - "as for you, Draco, you can have that cell phone. One hour in the morning, one hour in the afternoon, and one hour at night. OK?" -
With the pain of my soul...
- "OK." -
- "Good..." -
The rest of the day was pleasant, Severus told me what courses I would take in my first year. How he would teach the potions classes, he gave me the potions syllabus. I had to thank him, the fact that he was his godson was more than anything an advantage in my favor to be the first in his course.
Then the three of us had lunch together and my godfather left after that.
I can't deny that Severus had left a good impression on me. Now he asked me how Lily Evans' mudblood could leave such a man aside, I mean... If it were me, I would never have left him. It is true that when we are young we are arrogant but that woman knew that Severus was mistreated at home. Another little detail that my brother told me about the books and the movie.
Brandon seemed to be the most affected when Severus' truth was revealed, even saying that the friendship between Lily and Severus was hypocritical.
The Harry Potter books had a double morality. I'm not saying this because I hate the book, but from the beginning, I felt that they generalized one house as the evil one.
A clear example was the injustice experienced by Severus Snape. Dumbledore knew legitimacy, so he knew he was living hell at home. Lily was a hypocrite who only wanted to look good to others, and when that event happened where he was left upside down with his underwear exposed, it only reinforced to me that all Gryffindors were hypocritical and arrogant.
I was on Severus' side, and in my heart, I feel that...
Severus deserves better...
That night, Mother took my cell phone away from me and told me she would have it after dinner. I wanted to growl but Dad was here
The rest of the dinner was comfortable, as for my cell phone... I would see how I would get it
At midnight I had to summon Cherry, I asked her for several potion books.
I had been so focused on my books on transformations, enchantments, and runes, that I completely forgot about the other subjects. In the end, I started reading until the wee hours of the morning. I still had the laptop, hehehe, so I played music on low volume and Cherry brought me some coffee.
I was going to finish with these notes and move on to my project. Oh XiYue, yes or yes you were going to be born before entering Hogwarts!
Two days before the end of July. He had found the perfect spells to transfigure XiYue. It was still a spell in the experimentation phase, mother had gladly given me some of her jewelry that she didn't like or they were very old (although they weren't even old) I was still receiving rune classes from my mother. So my knowledge of runes was somewhat advanced.
As for transformation spells. I had to fail like six times to reach perfection, I didn't dare grab XiYue for the experimentation spell. Not until I know how to control it.
On the eleventh try, the spell worked. It was a gold chain with a red stone, mother said that the chain was broken and that was why it was no longer useful.
This chain with the red stone was transformed into a Japanese-style halberd. You have to thank my imagination. Its blade was made of pure silver but the connection was a ring of pure gold with a red scarf surrounding the ring and a red bell that rang to the rhythm of the wind, the handle was black and ended in a point.
Mom, who had been having tea in the back garden, looked at the gun in my hands. It felt flexible, I made a cutting movement. I didn't think that the halberd would release a sharp wind that would knock down several trees in the area. Mom stared open-mouthed at my creation.
It wasn't bad but this weapon that had been used for an experiment must have had a name. The halberd had a fierce and unfeminine air, so I called it
"Jiang Rong"
I had no reason to continue experimenting, so I threw the halberd into the sky in a spin, and it glowed into the tiny shape of the broken necklace that Mom threw away. I was going to have to repair that broken part.
I was happy but for Mother, it didn't seem to be the case. At night Mom talked to Dad and told him about the necklace, dad questioned me about the experiment I was doing, and he even forced me to show him Jiang Rong's appearance.
The halberd was beautiful as if it had been created for a general, a man of honor. Maybe the reason for his image is due to my thoughts about Chris. My brother was a man with a rough and wild appearance but that didn't stop him from being handsome. The halberd reminded me of my brother.
On the other hand, Dad didn't seem so upset or even scared about what I had done, if it weren't for the explanation he gave me after giving Jiang Rong...
- "You know what you have created, Draco..."- Deny - "You have created a magical relic, son, this is a family heirloom. Not many magician can create a relic with his magic
- "Is it important?" -
-Oh, yes. I had never seen in my life that a pendant could be turned into a weapon. You could usually use it to protect yourself or hex it to manipulate someone. But making a magic weapon..." - Father denied, he was between amazed and worried - "You have a potential son. But you must know how to take that potential towards the right thing, creating a weapon is not bad but anyone else who saw it would say that you are a conflictive person." -
- "But Dad Jiang Rong is broken," - he pointed to the crack in his blade. Father looked at him with a frown - "Jiang Rong was born from my experimental tests. My true weapon is XiYue." -
- "XiYue?" - I nodded - "Because you gave them oriental names?" -
- "Because it sounded prettier." - I wasn't lying about that - "And because Jiang Rong is a man's weapon and XiYue is a feminine weapon. Both will be an even weapon." -
- "...XiYue has a shape?" -
- "No, but I want it to be a whip."- I smiled as if I had committed mischief - "and I wanted to repair Jiang Rong." -
After saying that, Father warned me about family heirlooms, saying that some acquired a will of their own and sometimes a human body image. I was surprised at the detailed explanation. He also warned that my relics, being weapons, could take on a human image but they would not be friendly like the other relics, since they were created only to fight.
I did not doubt that my two relics were for fights but what I did not accept was that Jiang Rong and XiYue could be conflictive. Since I, Draco Lucius Malfoy Black, am the father creator of both relics and both relics would adapt to my personality and rescue human values.
Since I already had the transformation spell fixed, I took XiYue. I made scribbles on the ground, unlike Jiang Rong, I used my blood to give more power to the spell.
XiYue shined, and the beautiful silver bracelet, turned into a shining sphere, I closed my eyes. If Jiang Rong previously took halberd form because of my mind, then XiYue would be the same. I thought of a whip, a shiny one, that discharged rays and lightning with its whip.
When I opened my eyes I only mentioned his name
- "XiYue." - I extended my hand as if I were going to receive the hand, instantly the light flew towards me like a bolt of lightning. The wind broke in a whip-like lightning that echoed through the room.
XiYue was beautiful... Long, white as snow, its handle was silver and there was a black scarf, the whip itself was wrapped in small blue rays. This was XiYue...
- "Thank Merlin,"- I said with relief. XiYue gave another bolt of lightning as if responding to me - "You are beautiful." -
- "Draco! Draco, what was that noise?" - At that moment I was in a room... A room that my family does not usually use... And now that I see it, the room has burned walls and the window glass was broken...
- "Mom... Dad," - Father and mother were at the entrance to the room, staring at me, their eyes seemed to jump out of their sockets, more my father than my mother - "I can explain it..."
- "Draco Lucius Malfoy Black, you are grounded without a cell phone for a month," - Dad roared.
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