Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven - The Hogwarts Letter
As I said... I was very happy for XiYue but the fact that I was left without a cell phone made me feel empty. And my cell phone is my baby! How I would listen to music! The laptop replaced my cell phone but between the two I preferred the cell phone, because it is small and easy to carry.
At least I have to thank dad for taking my baby away from me. I've been studying some potions books, so much so that I started making some of them.
Draco's ability was always natural, so picking up a cauldron and making a potion felt familiar to me, sometimes I didn't need to look at an ingredient to realize he'd already grabbed it and thrown it into the cauldron.
I entertained myself with that until an owl arrived with a letter in my name... At that moment all happiness disappeared from my heart
- "Draco! Draco, darling, it's your Hogwarts letter." - mom and dad were at home... I didn't know whether to thank the heavens or curse them...
In any case, my reaction was not what my parents expected.
The floating emotions disappeared, my heart became cold like an ice cube, and all the happiness was drained away.
Director: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Dear Sir, Draco Lucius Malfoy Black
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. See the list of necessary equipment and books. Classes start September 1. We expect your owl before July 31.
Very cordially,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Director
Even though I read the entire letter, my breathing continued to be sharp. My head started to hurt, my eyes were burning and my body felt like it was on fire.
These feelings were not mine. Draco...
Save them...
My body felt light, I heard a scream in the background but my consciousness faded.
When I opened my eyes I was in some kind of train station. It is strange to see the age of the place, I think the wizards have not advanced much in society and technology.
I walked through the station until I found a bench. It was good, I was getting tired of walking in this endless station
- "I finally found you,"- I looked at the voice that said that. Teenage Draco sat next to me - "it's a surprise, I thought I would never be able to meet you." -
- "That's what I should say," - my tone of voice sounded annoyed - "I should be in court. At least death should decide between sending me to heaven or hell." - that last one was not an option
The blonde looked at me with some embarrassment.
- "Tell me why I occupy your body." - I crossed my arms - "I'm innocent! I should have my eternal rest." -
- "That's the case, Miss Aida,"- The blonde said politely. - "I never thought that after dying in my nineties." - I would see myself in a limbo, I met a nameless god. He called himself wanderer." -
- "What does that god have to do with me?" -
- "That's the funny thing, that god said that he was created from the human thoughts of your world. He said he had his sights set on a common woman like you." -
- "because I.." -
- "He said he wanted to rewrite history. Where I am only a story, in another world I am a reality. He said you didn't have a very fair life and he wanted to give you another chance." -
- "What an opportunity you gave me,"- I said sarcastically. - "I know how your story ends, you yourself ruined the reputation of your house and your family. In the end the only good thing you had was your son." - I was a little worried by the blonde's repentant and ashamed look - "Tell me, why. Tell me what that god told you. Because I don't lack the desire to send him a right hook." - the blonde river a little animated
- "He said that you had a life of fortune at the beginning of your life. He said you would have lived a life like me, but for selfish relatives and your mother's abandonment. He told me that I had already lived and had reflected on my sins, he would send me to be reborn in another world, where I would not have to deal with the chaos of my world." -
- "what else..." -
- "He said that another reason he chose you was because you didn't live your life. Besides, you weren't that selfish. Maybe you're quiet and a little moody, but that's you. You may be cunning and intelligent, but you are not evil and only protect those around you." -
- "That sounds very Gryffindor, you know..." -
- "I know. But he said the other reason was your year of birth" - my year of birth? - "He said you were born on a special day and in a golden year. The dragon was your symbol. He said that's why he chose you, because you're a dragon." -
- "That's only one year. My sign is Taurus and the year I was born was horrible. My mother almost died because of me," - I growled.
- "Maybe... But he said you were a dragon and because you were one you were the one to take my place." -
- "Bullshit! I want to go to heaven or hell! The year I was born was a year where other children were born, anyone could have been!" -
- "I can't, Miss Aida. That god has already arranged everything, the reason why we are here, gathered, is to ask your forgiveness for making you take my place but at the same time only ask you for one thing." -
- "What is it? "- I said resignedly.
- "Save them. Save my parents, I know that with your mind and your talent you can achieve it." -
- "I'm not as talented as you think." -
- "That's not what I saw a few days ago. When I was a child I never mastered non-verbal spells, nor was I an expert in transformations, I never created family heirlooms and I was not a flying talent either." -
I stayed silent
- "You have talent, the talent that I lack." -
- "Don't make me take your place," - roge - "it's painful for me. They are not my parents, they are not my godfather, it will not be the same." -
- "I'm sorry... But I wish you all the luck, Miss Aida." -
- "No, don't do this to me Draco! You're not as bad as you think!" -
- "Yes I am, Miss Aída..." - he avoids my gaze - "but I am grateful that someone sees me as a person and not as a murderer." -
- "Draco..." -
- "It's time for you to return to the world of the living, Miss Aida. Good luck..." -
It was like a blow, a bolt of lightning falling on his own body, his mouth opened as if the breath had escaped him. My eyes snapped open, he was no longer in the long train station, but in his room.
- "Draco!" - the broken voice of a woman, she looked to her side while still breathing hard
My strength had been drained, a lone tear rolled down my cheek, I could only think of my two brothers.
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