Draco Malfoy and the Magic World

Chapter 9: Chapter Nine - Oclumancy

I was very happy, I got everything I wanted for my birthday. The laptop, the music discs, the music player, an external memory, a mobile phone, and my books.

I was absentmindedly using my mobile phone until it ran out of battery when I wanted to plug in the charger I remembered that wizards don't use electricity.

Argh, that sucks!

I had no choice but to improvise. I looked in spells, some that could generate electricity or at least a source of energy to recharge the battery of my phone. I found something in an advanced spell book, it was going to be hard to do that, but I tried anyway. Furthermore, I looked for some materials to make a small box, that box would be a kind of battery to charge my phone.

Firstly the spell was not to charge a phone, it was a spell that caused electricity, an offensive spell of great power that only expert wizards used. I had to devise a way to soften the spell and turn it into a harmless spell that would only cause electricity on a low scale.

As I was collecting the material, it occurred to me that maybe I could cast the spell and create my battery using spell jewelry. If I spelled a piece of jewelry and turned it into a power source, I could charge my battery!

Thinking about it, I went to find Mum and asked her for some jewelry that she wouldn't like, plus I remembered that I wanted to make some sort of heirloom to transform.

I had thought about a ring, but then I remembered that that was only worn by girls, and it looked very strange on a boy. Then a pendant, but that would be too obvious, so I thought of a bracelet.

- "Mum, do you have any unused jewelry?" - I found Mum reading a book in one resting area.

- "Mmm, I think so, but I'd have to check my jewelry box. What do you want a piece of jewelry for?" - Mum asked.

- "I want to do a little experiment"

- "Mmm okay"

I walked with Mum to her room, I was excited. I had to have a jewel and a bracelet to create what I wanted.

Mother rummaged through her jewelry box, I was impressed that she had so many things, I saw many bracelets, necklaces, and even diamonds in her jewelry box. Among her jewelry I saw bracelets, adorned with flowers or sparkling stones, among those bracelets I saw one that was just pure silver, with no stones, no flowers, I took this one. Mum narrowed her eyes.

- "Draco, do you want that?"

- "Yes, I do. I want a little jewel and a bracelet. I'll experiment, I don't know if it will work, but I still want to try it."

- "Draco, I'm reminding you that you don't know magic. Don't do anything stupid, or your father will be upset. Last time, you almost burned down an entire room."

- "Hehehe ok..."

I didn't think Draco would do something like that. It means Draco had a bit of sense and learned things on his own.

Mother handed me two small pieces of badly worn jewelry, they were dull. They looked nice, but Mother said they were a bridal shower gift from a person she wasn't very close to, so she was only giving them to me because Mother didn't like that person.

With luck on my side, I ran to my room.

I took my notes and the book of advanced incantations, I knew that one could modify spells but for that one had to have the ability and creativity to modify them.

I was writing in my room, and I was trying to modify the spell in my way, I had to ask Cherry to bring me another book, a guide to creating spells. This kind of book turned out to be thicker and more complex than the advanced spell book. While I was reading, I also wrote in my notebook, I was going to make a relic to protect myself. Transform this bracelet into a whip.

I didn't realize that while I was reading I was making notes, the hours were passing by. I was not a very intelligent person, but I was focused and had a high reading comprehension.

I didn't think I would reach an advanced level to modify the spell, so I put down the spell books momentarily and pulled the dark arts book out from under my bed.

I had to learn occlumency as soon as possible. According to the book, it was to discipline the mind, to blank, and to keep the emotions in harmony.

Concentrating, I closed my eyes and didn't think about anything, I didn't even notice some things were shaking around me, so much so that many of my books rose. When I opened my eyes, I saw all the things floating, falling to the ground with a thunderous noise. It seems that didn't go as well as I thought it would, thank goodness I kept my music player and laptop inside the cupboard.

I picked up the discarded books and put them in order on my desk, sat back down on my bed with my legs crossed, in the lotus position. I closed my eyes again, I imagined myself locking the doors of my house, I even thought of a chest that no one could open but me. My head started to ache, I took a deep breath and kept doing what I was doing.

Blank mind... A total control of emotions.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw nothing floating, nothing fell to the ground. Looks like I was doing it right. I had to keep doing this.


Having a goal in mind was different from achieving it.

I have been practicing for two weeks, my head is throbbing but tolerable. At first, I couldn't cope with the pain and asked Cherry to bring me potions for the headache. Now that a week has passed, my head doesn't hurt as much, but I do feel the flow of magic more easily, and when someone tries to enter my mind. I didn't think my father would want to get inside my mind to see what I was thinking until I felt pressure on me and realized that Dad wanted to invade my thoughts.

As for Mother, she never tried anything like that.

My study to set up the electricity spell was going well. One of the gems exploded because it had too much energy. I had to do some doodling and tweak a few things, now I was about to try the second gem. Besides, it was lucky I didn't get hurt (thank you book for protecting me).

- "Come on, it must work!" - I was now casting the second jewel, the spell was at a low level, and I wanted it to serve as a charge fort. I stopped casting the spell on the jewel, it glowed quite brightly with the charge of electricity, but what I was worried about was that it would explode like the previous one - "OK... Let's give it a try"

I had improvised with the box, making an entrance for the plug, placing two metals a couple of copper wires, and a small metal box, where I placed the stone that was illuminated. The copper wires soon connected to the illuminated stone, and the stone floated in the small square going from left to right. I was relieved that nothing bad would happen.

I took out the phone charger, connected the cable to the phone, and then the plug to the power box. I thought the phone would explode from the power source, but it instantly notified me that it was charging.

I didn't dare move the box, I was afraid it would explode. I looked at the jewel, and since I connected it to the mobile phone it stopped moving and the light beams were sent to only one source, the phone.

I was happy because my little experiment worked, but I didn't know if I could remove the jewel from the metal square that surrounded it. As the copper wires were electrically conductive, the jewel was now releasing electricity, and it seemed to be plenty because I barely pressed the power button on my mobile phone and a notification of forty percent charge came up. Apparently, my makeshift battery turned out to be more effective than the external batteries of the Muggle world.

Leaving that aside, I went back to the book of advanced incantations, I think I was going to have to use a book of runes. I had drawn the bracelet, written down the possible spells I was going to add to it, and then the type of transformation I wanted.

This was going to take time.


Before long, it was the end of June. The bracelet project was taking longer because it needed advanced spells and great magical skills. Which I lacked in a sense, my magic was weak to Intermediate, I was able to modify the electricity spell thanks to my creativity, I never tried to cast the Salvo spell when I did my experiments, but casting advanced protection and transformation spells was going to take a long time.

This reminded me that at the beginning of August, I would meet the main character.

The small battery box I had made had run out, apparently the jewelry needed to be charged every two or three days. My phone only took five minutes to charge, it was the most effective method of charging the mobile phone or the laptop.

Speaking of the laptop, I was using it, I had no internet. It annoyed me, but I could connect it to the mobile. The music discs I could make copies of them on the laptop, and then transfer them to the music player and my phone.

Having music was the best thing in my life. I was already getting bored with studying or reading without music.

My Occlumency was still in progress, I knew it would take time, even at Hogwarts I would have to practice.

In the meantime, I would be enjoying my books.

Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/329106552-draco-malfoy-and-the-magic-world

A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46147483/chapters/116173558

Scribble Hub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/749467/draco-malfoy-and-the-magic-world/

Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/15735135/Draco-Malfoy-and-the-Magic-World/1

Discord: https://discord.gg/pmkqwvrkGm


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