Chapter 24: chapter 23 Part 2
The event Jiraiya was to perform was something called Kabuki. It's a kind of dance drama that actors would play out but there were no spoken words. Jiraiya, with the addition of Kakashi, Anko, Tenzo, as well as several other people, were starred in this show.
Naruto was ecstatic as he watched the show on top of Junko's lap, with Sakura and Ino on both sides of him. He always loved these shows, since the first time he went to one with the Hokage, he became a fan.
"Isn't this great Naruto-sama?" Junko whispered to him, feeling the boy just about to jump out of her clutches.
He nodded and she chuckled. "How did you know I loved this?" He asked, only for Sakura to speak to him.
"Umm...Naruto-sama don't you remember? You took the both of us the show here in town. We had to hold you down so you wouldn't jump onto the stage." Sakura reminded him.
"And you almost got us arrested when you tried to sneak backstage." Ino added.
"Oh...right." Naruto remembered that time and chuckled.
Soon enough, the show progressed and neared its end. Sakura excused herself but Naruto didn't hear her, his mind focused on the show in front of him. When the show finally ended, cheers of applauds burst out, with Naruto's being the loudest.
As the actors exited stage left, Sakura took stage clapping her hands as well. "Thank you Jiraiya for the lovely drama. Now everybody, if you look behind you, you can see a piñata hanging from the tree." Everybody looked behind them to see said piñata, although this piñata was designed after Kakashi, causing snickers to erupt from everybody who knew him. "This is our next event. We have several piñata's with several designs on them. However, due to the number of piñata's that we have, I ask that only the children play."
There were several grumbles from the adults but Sakura didn't hear any objections so she ushered everyone toward the tree.
First up was Kiba. He was blindfolded and spun around quite a few times until he was dizzy. He was given three strikes and let go. There were shouts while Kiba tried to get his bearings. He swung once and missed...twice and missed again. The third time, he made contact with the Kakashi doll and broke it open, spilling out marginal amounts of candy.
From the looks on everybody's faces, they were disappointed and they looked to Sakura. "What? Did you really think I would spoil the game with lots of candy on the first blow? The candy is in one of the piñata's and you'll just have to wait before dogpiling."
They understood and Sakura brought out the next one. A piñata of Anko. The person the piñata was based on choked on her water when she saw it and the way she was dressed. When Sakura called for volunteers, Naruto's hand was the first on up but was quickly put down by Junko. She whispered in his ear and he nodded.
Hinata's was second so she was chosen. She was blinded and spun around until she was dizzy. She was let go but she fell down on her face due to the dizziness. After being helped back up, she was let go and she took a swing at the Anko piñata. She missed but cracked it open on the second try and candy spilled out.
After the candy was grabbed, the next one was put up and the next volunteer was chosen. While this was going on, Kiba grabbed Sakura and brought her to the side. "Hey you have a Kyuubi piñata?"
Sakura stared at the dog boy. "No...why?"
"Just wondering."
Kiba returned to the circle of kids while watching Tenten try and crack open a pinata molded after her sensei.
"Oi! Sakura..." Speaking of Tenten's sensei...his clone and the Hyuuga just arrived.
"Lee? What are you doing here?"
"We just got back from a mission. Gai-sensei broke his leg and isn't able to come right now and sends his apologizes but he'll be here later.
"That's fine Lee. Go ahead and join the party."
Time passed and finally almost everyone has taken a turn. Everyone except for Naruto, who was eagerly awaiting the surprise Junko said they had for him. When the time came, Sakura motioned to Ino and she nodded, placing her eyes over Naruto's as Sakura got the last one.
After Sakura put it up, Ino removed her hands from his eyes and Naruto gasped at the piñata. It had all three of the girls, Sakura, Ino, and Junko, complete with bondage gear with Sakura standing over them with a crop in her hands. "That's beautiful." He said, while Sakura handed Naruto the stick and placed a blindfold over his eyes.
"Thank you Naruto-sama...I made it myself."
Naruto was spun around, around, and around until he was dizzy. He was released and he swung, missing it completely. The next one was a little closer. He tried to steady himself and try to get his bearings but failing too. He took one last swing and by sheer luck, hit the piñata and crack it open, spilling out lots and lots of candies, causing everyone to dog pile on the spot. Naruto lifted up the black band and smiled, before diving in himself.
The girls watched with smiles on their faces, watching their master as he wrestled the other genin for the candy. They were glad to see that he was having fun.
"Alright everyone, can I have your attention please?" Sakura called out to everyone from her position on top of the picnic table they had brought here. When she was sure she had everyone's attention, she continued. "Supper is being prepared as we speak which will include a variety of foodstuff. When it is finished, it will be served in the living room and it'll be announced. In addition, the alcohol will not be brought out until after presents so don't ask. Those of you that are forbidden from touching alcohol, you know who you are and we will be watching. In the meantime, feel free to mingle."
Sakura jumped down from the table and spied Naruto going into the house. She followed him, thinking now was the time that they could speak as she knows that he wanted to speak with her when they had time.
When she entered the house, she spied Naruto, with an extremely satisfied smile on his face, sitting in a chair. She walked up to him and he patted his lap, silently telling her to sit. She smiled and complied, snuggling herself while he wrapped his arms around her. "You are such a wonderful girl Sakura. Organizing all of this? You are truly the best girl anyone could have."
Sakura blushed at his praise. "It wasn't all me Naruto-sama. Ino really helped as well."
The blonde chuckled. "I know pet but there's something I want to ask you. Why is Junko out?"
"I thought it was a good idea." She explained. "I thought it would be a good idea to explain how she came to be and give a short history of my forgotten family."
"How did they take it?'
Sakura chuckled. "Kiba really likes her. Tenten...not really sure but I think she likes her as well."
"Oh yeah..." Naruto is suddenly reminded about Tenten. "Why is she here?"
She smiled. "She wanted to talk to you about our relationship. She seems really interested."
"Well I'll be sure to..." Naruto trailed off when his hands went down a little and hit something metal. "Well well, what's this?" Naruto slid his hand under her shirt and felt the metal band. "Care to explain this pet?"
Sakura smiled. "I know how you feel about these big events so I ordered your girls to put these on. I almost had to force Junko to put it on."
Naruto smiled. "Thank you Sakura."
"Thanks aren't necessary." Their attention was drawn to Tenten who just crashed into something. "You know master, it's not too late. I can still take her and train her myself."
Naruto chuckled and patted her in the head. "That's alright Sakura. Just let her have her fun."
"Spoilsport. Oh...that reminds me. Tenten wanted to ask you something." Sakura got up, watching the girl go up to Tenten and speaking to her, finally arriving back with her and grabbed a chair and sat her down. "I'll leave you two to it."
Sakura left them alone while Tenten stared at the boy, suddenly feeling very awkward. She stared at him when he chuckled. "So what do you want Tenten? Tell me and I'll tell you everything you want to know."
Tenten gulped. "I...I would like to know more about your dominate personality with those girls. Why you treat them the way you do?"
Naruto smiled and begun his tale.
Time passed and supper was served in the living room on the big table that was put out there and the guests were amazed by the amount of food that was there. Sakura admitted that she had the help of the Akimichi family. They all sat down and begun to eat.
They all had a good time. They all laughed and joked while they eat. The adults shared tales of their adventures while the children listened in. Near the end of the dinner, Sakura stood up and called for everyone to listen. "I want to take this time to thank all of you for coming. We all had a good time so far and the night is still young." There were cheers all around and Sakura turned to Naruto who was right beside her. "And I hope that the guest of honor is having a good time as well, considering how depressed you were recently. We all want to see you happy, some more then others and I want to thank you for changing me and Ino's lives for the better. You saved more ways then one so we salute you." Sakura and Ino both raised their glasses before taking a big gulp from it, causing Naruto to smile.
The rest of dinner was spent with loud voices and gropes.
When dinner was finished, Sakura announced one last event for the night. Hide and seek and that they would be playing it in the nearby woods.
This allowed the Akimichi's and the clones of Sakura and Ino help with the clean up and to prepare for the cake and presents.
When everyone arrived at the woods, Sakura announced some rules. First of all, chakra is allowed but limits will be placed. Just tree walking and water walking is allowed and a perimeter of five miles has been set up. After that, Sakura called for volunteers and everybody took a step back...except for Kiba so he was chosen as the `it' person and home base was a clearly marked tree.
Naruto and the rest bolt to their hiding places while Kiba counted to thirty.
A few hours has passed since the start of the hide and seek game. So far, everyone has been it except for one person...Sakura. The reasons being she had far more experience hiding her scent and sight. Some of the people claimed she somehow cheated but that was false.
She knew this area better then anyone...more then Naruto did.
She spent the majority of her childhood in this area and knew all the most tiniest of the hiding places and thus, combined with her skill, was able to make good of the hiding places.
Soon enough, the day turned to night and everybody called it quits. They went back to the house just as the Kyuubi festival started. They soon arrived at the house and the girls led everybody to the living room and there was a long table with several chairs and one special one. It was a decorated chair that had the words `Birthday chair' on it.
Both Sakura and Ino took an arm and led the, getting excited by the minute, blonde birthday boy and sat him in the chair and took their places beside each side of him while Junko stood behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders. A table was set in front of him as well as several chairs.
Sakura went off for a second before returning with a crown in her hands and a smile on her face. This caused Naruto to blink in confusion for a split second before a smile came on his face, his insides bursting with happiness. Sakura placed it on his head and secured it.
"A king must have a crown, does he not?" She said, after she took a step back. She then bowed to him in respect. "I hope your majesty has had an excellent time so far." Now Naruto could barely restrain his excitement. He looked to the side and saw both Ino and Junko bowing to him as well.
Naruto truly felt like a king and his body reflected it.
"And the king must have an elegant cake made for him." As if on cue, the doors opened and a large cake was brought out and set down onto the table. It had a black and red theme and on the top, there was a family photo that had Naruto, Junko, Sakura, and Ino smiling for the camera with thirteen lit candles surrounding it.
"I remember this photo." Naruto said, recognizing the picture.
Ino chuckled. "You should. It's the first picture we made of our complete family. Now make a wish and blow out the candles."
"What could I wish for? I already got everything I ever wanted." He thoughts for a few moments and his eyes shifted to Tenten before going back toward the fire dancing on the candles. Finally, after a few moments, he smiled and took a deep breath, letting it all out and blowing out the candles.
Cheers and applauds sounded out and Sakura asked him what he wished for but Naruto only shook his head. Sakura chuckled and said `fair enough' and grabbed a knife and plate. She cut out a piece of the cake and placed it on the plate with the fork.
With help from Ino and Junko, the trio cut out pieces of cake for everybody. The ice cream was already set up on a nearby table. After everybody was handed cake, the cake was moved to the table that had the ice cream.
Sakura waited until everybody was nearing the end of their cakes before speaking. "Alright everybody, presents time. If you brought presents, get them now." There was a rush as people ran to the stacked table that had their presents.
"I'm first!" Anko declared as she burst out but was promptly tackled by Kurenai.
"Now now Anko-chan...let the pets go first." She whispered in her ear. She scowled as Kurenai patted her cheek before getting up, watching the girls go up to the boy.
"So Naruto-sama..." She said, taking a seat on top of the table while holding a small box. "For the past few months, I've been working on a device that you would find extremely useful." Naruto smiled and shifted in his seat. "Unfortunately that was a complete bust. I couldn't find the problem even with the help of Nara-san." She said, thumbing the Nara adult male. "Anyway, I got a new idea and I think you'll love this."
She handed him the box and she chuckled as he watched her rip apart the wrapping and opened the box. She smiled when he gasped, really hoping he likes it.
It was a necklace that had two vials of blood in it; the two vials had the kanji for `Sakura' and `Ino'.
"Believe it or not, I got the idea from Anko-sensei and watching an interrogation session. She slit the prisoner's throat and I watched as the blood spilled. It was then I got this idea. The vial on the right has my blood in it and the one on the left is Ino's. Each vial has freshness and hardening seals so that the blood stays fresh and it would take a tremendous amount of force to break it." Naruto looked up when Sakura cupped his cheek. "This way, my Naruto-sama, we will always be close to your heart, no matter where we are."
Naruto smiled. "I love it. Thank you so much Sakura-chan." Naruto placed the vials around his neck and he loved the way it felt against his skin.
In the back, Kurenai leaned close to Asuma. "That's a little creepy don't you think?"
Asuma chuckled. "This is Sakura we're talking about. She is selfish when it comes to Naruto."
The both of them looked behind them when Anko moved her face in between their faces. "I think it's so romantic."
Kurenai scoffed. "You would." They turned back when Ino spoke.
"Alright, my turn." Sakura jumped off the table when Ino approached. She handed him a wrapped box. "I wanted my gift to be practical and I had quite the time figuring out what to get when suddenly I remembered. You love bullwhips and torture." Naruto snapped his head up in the middle of taking off the wrapping and Sakura stared at her sister as well, wondering what the hell was she doing. "I can see it in your eyes. You want to use the bullwhip but you can't so I, with Asuma-sensei's help, had this made for you."
Naruto finished unwrapping Ino's gift and opened it to reveal a custom made bullwhip, with a custom made handle that had the kanji for `torture' on the bottom.
"This is a battle-ready bullwhip that is made of the same material of Asuma's trench knives."
Naruto looked up at his girl, confusion etched on his face. "Could you...explain more?"
Ino just chuckled. "Sure. As you know, the material of the knives is compatible with a person's elemental affinity. Asuma has wind elemental affinity and wind is most suited to cutting and slicing as well as blowing shit away. With the bullwhip, the ability to cut and slice is already high but with the addition of your wind chakra, you can slice off limbs like they were nothing. You can cut down huge trees with a simple flick of the wrists. Also, and I think you'll like this part, I included several chemicals that cause several effects when you coat the whip with it. They range from increasing the pain, making the pain last, acids to melt the skin, and even numb the pain in case you want to practice on a certain blonde or pinkette."
Naruto stared at his pet as she spoke. He could hear the hidden meaning behind those words. She wanted him to use it on her and/or Sakura and he was about to do something when she mentioned the pain-numbing chemical. He looked down at the whip. It was tough, he could feel and like the other whips he used, this one was truly battle ready. "Are you sure about the chemicals Ino?"
She just chuckled. "They were given to me by our doctor. She regrets not being able to come but she hopes that these would help you."
Naruto took a few moments to think about this. True, he really did love the bullwhip, despite what he said to his pets and Ino read his mind. Perhaps the tutoring sessions with Ibiki were helping after all. Lords knows Sakura is gaining knowledge everyday with Azumi.
To be honest, he was getting scared that she was bringing stuff home. Remember that spiked drink Sakura gave to Tenten? Sakura made that all on her own.
Finally, he smiled and chuckled. "Thank you Ino-chan. Your lessons with Ibiki are really paying off."
Ino gave a short bow. "Thank you Naruto-sama." Junko took the package and placed it on the table where the presents were going to be after they were opened.
Next up was Kiba. He had two packages in his hand and he set them on the table and grabbed the top on. It was small but rectangular. He took it and handed it to Naruto. "We're friends Naruto. We've been best friends since the academy. We've been though a lot together and so I want to give you this."
Kiba handed off the object and Naruto unwrapped it, letting out a gasp when he saw a single kunai in a display case. "This is the weapon I used to make my first kill."
"Wow...I can't..." Naruto was truly amazed. He knew what this signifies. "Kiba...I couldn't possibly..."
Naruto was silenced by Kiba just waving him off. "Ehh don't worry about it."
Naruto smiled, truly touched by his gift. He suddenly blinked when another package was put in his arms after Junko took the present from him. He took it and unwrapped it, opening the box and looking in it, looking in it for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter. Confused, the girls looked in the box before each of them face palmed.
Inside was a trio of expensive, high quality, leather collars.
"Yeah, I thought you would get a kick out of that." Kiba joked when Naruto showed them to everybody.
"There's three collars here Kiba." Sakura said. "What's the third one for Kiba?"
"Well..." He started. "Since he managed to get the two of you to wear them, I figured it's only a matter of time before he ropes in a third one." He finished with a smirk.
"Thanks a lot Kiba." He said, amused by the gift. "These collars look expensive."
"Oh they were. Cost me a pretty coin. Hehe...OW!" Kiba's head was assaulted by the nearby females, mainly Hana and Tenten. "What did I do?"
"Leave him alone girls..." Sakura said, chuckling a bit. "We've gotten used to his perversions."
While Junko took the presents away, Sakura grabbed Ino's arm and led her away from the group to the side of the house. When they were out of sight, Sakura threw Ino against the wall. "Something on your mind sis?" Ino asked, a smirk on her face.
"You know exactly what's on my mind." She spat out. "What the hell is with the bullwhips and that little speech of yours?"
The smirk never left her face as she straightened up. "Sakura, you know we agreed not to interfere with the other's presents. When you asked for my blood, I didn't ask."
"That was then, this is now!" She snarled and she took a step forward. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you in the freezer for that speech stunt."
"Lighten up Sakura. You know as well as I do Naruto-sama loves the bullwhip. This way, I give him an outlet and let him give pain to his enemies."
Sakura crossed her arms. "And that speech?"
Ino just shrugged. "I've always been a straight-forward kind of girl. This just proves it."
Sakura stared at the girl, a frown still on her face, thinking about it. Finally, she sighed. "Alright, but watch what you say from now on. We don't need him seen like a bad person. I nearly had a heart attack seeing the horror on Tenten's face when you mentioned he loved torture." Sakura grabbed the girl and pushed her in the direction of the party. When they went back, they saw everybody waiting for something.
They reached Naruto and took their places again. "So what did we miss?" Sakura asked.
Naruto only chuckled. "Nothing. I wanted to wait for you."
"You didn't have to do that Naruto-sama." Sakura replied but Naruto just waved her off, watching Hana approach Naruto.
"Hana?" Sakura said surprised, seeing the package under her arms. "I thought I said you didn't need to bring a present, that just talking with Naruto-sama would be enough."
"I know you said that and I enjoyed talking with Naruto but I couldn't show up with nothing so I asked around and I found that you liked ramen. I didn't want to get passes since anyone could get that so I made this." Hana handed the box to the surprised blonde. Sakura told him that she got Hana to come since he wanted to talk to her, to get to know her and they talked and talked and talked and they seemed to enjoy each others company.
He opened the box and gasped and the sight, reaching in and pulling out a homemade ramen bowl. "You like it?" She asked, chuckling as she saw the surprised, happy, look on his face. "Making stuff is a hobby of mine and I made you a complete set, ranging from small to extra large."
"Wow...this is...this is amazing Hana. This is absolutely amazing. How did you manage to get orange on it?"
Hana chuckled. "Sheer luck. The colors are always a wild card. The best thing you could do is hope it comes out as you want."
Naruto replaced the bowl back in the box and handed it off to Junko. He got up and grabbed Hana in a bear hug. "Now now's not that big of a deal." Hana tried to pry Naruto off but his grip was tight but he eventually let go, tears in his eyes.
"Thank you Hana-chan. You have no idea what this gift means to me."
As Naruto wiped his eyes, Tenten leaned next to Sakura. "What's with the tears Sakura?"
Sakura chuckled and answered her. "The very first gift Naruto-sama ever got was from the owners of the Ichiraku ramen stand and the gift was homemade ramen bowls, similar to what Hana made. That gift was the first act of kindness he had ever received."
"Ahh...I see." Tenten turned back when Naruto took his seat again, the smile still on his face. "(Sigh) My turn." Tenten took a step forward and drew Naruto's eyes toward her. "So Naruto-kun, I add the -kun because I believe you earned it." She said, seeing his eyes widen at the suffix. "All my life, I always had mixed feelings for the dom/sub relationship. I always thought `what kind of person would you have to be to be in that relationship?' and when I realized that two of my closest friends is a sub, I began to wonder. I talked with both of those girls about their side of the relationship and the answer they gave me gave me strange things to think about. When I talked to you, however, I began to realize the true meaning of the dom/sub relationship."
At this, Anko perked up and stared at the girl with wide eyes.
"So I wanted to give you a gift that, I think, would represent your willingness to protect and serve each other. Of course, my ideas may be a little biased since I'm a little obsessed with weaponry but still..." Tenten placed the three boxes, each with a name on it, on the table. "These gifts are for all three of you." Naruto, Sakura, and Ino each took the box that had their names on it and opened it and they all gasped.
In all three boxes was a small sword, a Shinogi Zukuri, beautifully decorated. Near the bottom of the blade, was three different kanji on each blade. For Naruto's, the kanji was `Strength'. For Sakura, the kanji was `Wisdom'. For Ino, the kanji was `Courage.'
"I figured those words best suited you." She said with a smile.
"This is beautiful." Sakura said. "Did you make this?"
"With the help of my blacksmith master, yeah. Took me several tries but I finally got it right."
"Tenten I..." Naruto was at a lost of words. He really didn't expect her to give them this kind of gift. "I don't know what to say."
Tenten chuckled. "I give you this gift with a promise. A promise that no matter what happens, I will still be friends to all of you."
"Thank you Tenten. Thank you so much." Naruto was truly touched by her gift. It made him think that when the time came to capture her, her conversion will come much, much easier. Tenten nodded and took a step back while Junko spirited it away with the rest of the presents under guard.
Next up was Sasuke. He came up, carrying a large scroll. "You know me Naruto and you know I'm a man of few words so I'll just say this." At that, everybody chuckled. "Anyway..." He said, glaring at everybody. "Sakura once told me that you had an wind elemental affinity so I dug through the Uchiha jutsu archives and copied all the wind jutus's I could find as well as some weapons and they're all in this scroll." Sasuke handed the scroll to Junko and left, a smile on Naruto's face.
He was smiling because he knew that Sasuke was recovering, slowly but surely.
Next up was Hinata. She walked up to the birthday boy and he lit up. "Hinata-chan...I haven't seen you in a while."
Hinata chuckled. "My mistress keeps me busy. Slavery is a full time job you know."
Naruto chuckled. "Don't I know it." He muttered, sneaking a glance to his soon-to-be wives. He looked at the box that Hinata placed on the table. He unwrapped it and found several jars in it. He took one of them and opened it to reveal some sort of cream.
"This cream..." Hinata spoke. "Is regularly made jointly by the Nara and Hyuuga. I asked the Nara to add an extra ingredient. Not only does the cream numb and sterilizes the wound, when it is applied to a body part, it increases the sensitivity by a lot. Could be torture to a certain blonde." Hinata said, her blank eyes shifting to Ino who gulped when she realized Naruto would be using that on her breasts. Hinata chuckled at the sight before turning back to Naruto who just took out a piece of paper. "Those are the instructions on how to use it for medical purposes and another set of instructions on how to use them as something else. I also included an order form to turn in to the Nara's when you run out."
Naruto smiled. "Thank you Hinata. I love it." Junko took the box and placed it with the others.
The next guests were Shikamaru, who, in addition to his parents, gave Naruto medical supplies that is unique to their family, including several aphrodisiacs. Jiraiya gave Naruto an advanced book on sealing, as he feels that he is ready for it. With that, he could potentially seal human beings. The Yamanaka's gave him a scroll of mind techniques that Ino could teach Naruto how to use, if she could, on them. Inoichi also gave Naruto a piece of paper that had the words...
`I forgive you.'
Naruto smiled and thanked him. Next up was Kakashi and gave him several skin-tight black outfits, similar to what he always wear, and had several styles, masks included. Ibiki gave him a scroll containing several interrogation techniques that he feels that Naruto could use in the near future. Tenzu's gift were wooden sculptures that had all four of the Uzumaki family featured in different poses and stuff.
After all of the `normal' gifts were presented, Sakura nodded to Ino and she stepped onto the chair. "Alright everybody, may I have your attention please? For those of you that wish to have some privacy for their gifts, please stay behind, the rest of you will go outside the house where a dance floor has been set up. DJ services have been provided by Gai-sensei. Believe it or not, he can rock. As promised, the sake has been brought out."
"I want to remind you of the rules. Sex must be performed behind closed doors. As for outside, as long as try to make an effort to hide yourselves, it's okay. Rooms that can be used have been marked. This includes bathrooms, bedrooms, or even the laundry room. In addition, if someone wants to share their rooms, they are free to do so. Now I am aware that there will be more people then there are rooms and if that happens, try and find a place where there are less people. If you are an exhibitionist and gets off of people watching, then do what you want. Now I warn you, there are camera's in every room, including the bathrooms. This is for your own safety. Someone will be watching at all times and if an incident happens, we will respond appropriately. Now...go and have fun."
Everyone that hasn't gave present bolted from their spot and went outside the house to party and Ino followed to supervise. The rest that stayed wanted some privacy for their presents. The first up was the Hokage. "Now Naruto, I know how paranoid you are when you are away from the house for quite a while so I made this for you."
Naruto tore apart the wrapping that covered the box and he gasped, as well as the girls, when he saw the present.
The Hokage's own crystal ball.
"Why are you giving me your crystal ball?"
He looked up when the old man laughed. "My dear boy…my ball is at my office. This ball is for you, but with limited power." Seeing the confused look on his face, the wrinkly old man continued. "As you know, my ball can cover this entire village as well as a couple miles out. I can watch anyone at anytime. Your ball, however, can only view a few places, such as your two territories, the ramen stand, the residence of Yamanaka and Haruno, and finally, the I/T division. This is done by seals. In addition, I have placed seals on your pets that will allow you to watch them no matter where they are."
"So I can watch them, no matter where they are?" He asked, only to beam when he nodded. "Can I try it out?"
He nodded. "Sure. The ball is made to be user-friendly. Just send your chakra into it and think of the person you want to watch and the ball will do the rest." Naruto nodded and placed his hands on the sides of the glass ball, sending his chakra into it and thinking of his blonde pet.
The fog inside the glass started to clear and everybody could see the image of Ino holding somebody, Kiba it looks like, in a headlock and chastising him for something. "Kiba, I don't appreciate being called a whore. Slut is okay but I don't like the word whore so watch your mouth or next time I'll castrate you in the most painful way possible."
She let him go and he scampered away and something else catches her attention.
"Wow…this thing is so cool." Naruto commented. "I could hear her clear as day."
"That's the beauty of the seals. Doesn't matter how low she speaks, you'll hear her."
He smiled and looked up. "How complicated is the sealwork? What if I want to watch somebody else?" The Hokage motioned him to look in the box and he did and saw several scrolls.
"It's not that hard to understand if you know what you're doing and I trust you with this responsibility."
"Thank you Hokage-sama. I'm truly honored."
"No need for thanks Naruto but I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave. I've been away from the office too long."
"I understand. I'll see you later." With that, the Hokage vanished in a poof of smoke.
Next up was Kurenai. She came up holding a large scroll and placed it on the table. "Ever since we met, I've been helping you with your genjutsu. You sucked at it at first but you managed to climb the ranks in usability and slowly I've been teaching you techniques for personal use. My family was genjutsu users and amassed quite a collection and so I picked out a little collection that I feel safe in giving you but I give you this with one condition, you are not to use any of these techniques on each other until I give you the okay."
Naruto nodded, understanding where she was coming from. "Thank you Kurenai. Thank you…for all that you have done for my family."
The red-eyed beauty smiled and bowed to him in respect before taking a step back only for Tsume Inuzuka to step forward but to Naruto's confusion, she didn't have any kind of package in her hands. "Tell me Naruto, you are aware of slave seals?"
Naruto looked at his best friend with a look that said `are you crazy?'. "Yeah, I'm using a few on my slaves."
Tsume nodded. "Then tell me this…are you aware that there is a seal that can choke someone?" Seeing Naruto's wide-eyed gaze, she continued. "It's fallen somewhat out of favor but it still exists. Our family uses them on wild beasts and it can be used on humans. It…" She trailed off when she saw Naruto stop paying attention to her. He was staring into space as thoughts ran in his head.
"Choking seals?" He asked, feeling like a complete idiot.
She nodded. "These seals are used as punishments and I have a feeling that you'll enjoy it."
"What…exactly do these seals do?" He said, everyone noticing tone that said `I am so stupid.'
Tsume smirked. "To put it simply, it chokes them. These seals are not designed to kill someone, merely to get them to stop them in their tracks. There are multiple fail-safe's in place that will prevent the holder from dying."
"And you knew…all this time? Why didn't you suggest it to me before?"
Tsume chuckled. "I wanted to see how long it took before the idea came into your head. To be honest I'm surprised it didn't arrive to you sooner since I know you like to use breathplay on them."
Naruto groaned and slammed his head on the table. "Kami…I'm so stupid."
Sakura quickly bent down and tried to comfort him. "It's alright master. I'm sure it would've come to you sooner or later."
The blonde groaned again. "No Sakura…I never would've thought of something so simple." He then gave him a very hard smack on the back of the head as punishment. "God, I call myself an expert. Hit me Sakura. Right here." He pointed to the same spot he just assaulted.
"HIT ME!" He ordered, only to let out a yelp when Junko followed his orders, with enthusiasm. She smirked when he looked back to her. "And I notice that there's no hesitation."
She chuckled when Sakura glared at her.
"Follow his orders Sakura."
Sakura whimpered but moved her hand back, bringing forward hard and fast, making contact in the same spot as the other strike. She whimpered again when she heard Naruto cry out in pain. Immediately she tried to apologize but Naruto covered her mouth with his hand.
"Th-thank you S-sakura."
"You're still a newbie brat." All three looked up to see a smirking Anko leaning against Kurenai's shoulder. "There are so many things you have yet to discover and you'll find them when you're ready."
"But still…" He winced as he touched the spot on the back of his head. "A choke seal is something that should've been completely obvious to me."
"Ehh, don't beat yourself up on it. We all make mistakes, like Kurenai and my snakes."
Naruto chuckled when Kurenai blushed red. He had nearly laughed his guts out when Anko told him the tale of the pervy snakes and the helpless victim, aka Kurenai.
"There's more Naruto…" Tsume said. "In addition to the choke seals that I'll apply to your pets, there is another seal that I know you'll love. It produces an extreme vice-like grip on your genitals, female genitals by the way, and produces an extreme, intense pain that, despite the girls masochism, will bring them down to their knees as punishment. I tried both seals on Anko's pet and they work. Just let me know and I'll show you how they work, how to apply it, and how to activate them."
"Can you do it tonight?" Naruto asked but Sakura placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Tonight might not be the best time master. Tomorrow might be better after we have all recovered from the party." Naruto nodded and turned to Tsume who nodded as well. As Tsume stepped back, Anko came up, holding something.
She tossed it to Naruto when she got close. "Believe it or not, I had a hard time trying to figure out what to get you. The equipment you don't have is off-limits to you until you get older and most of my ideas were already taken. Then I remembered that little sneak attack you gave me when you helped me with Hinata." Naruto gulped when a manical grin appeared on her face.
He had hoped that she liked it enough to not get revenge on him.
"Don't look so scared brat. I liked it." Naruto let out a sigh of relief and Sakura released her grip on her hidden weapon. "So that's why I'm giving you this." Naruto took the object in his hands and opened it. On the top it said `Anko Mitarashi's coupon book'. "Basically what these coupons give you is the right to my body for 24 hours."
Naruto's head snapped up in shock when she said that. Was she joking? "Are you joking Anko-chan?"
Anko smirked. "I'm not kidding brat. You can have all of this…" She moved her hands over her body. "Except this." She tapped her pussy causing Naruto to frown.
"Not fair Anko."
"When you earned the right, it'll be worth it."
Naruto licked his lips at the thought. Out of all the females he knows and tasted, Anko's the only one that always escapes his grasp. He watches sometimes when she has sex and that only makes him wants her more. "And as a bonus…" Naruto snapped out of it when she continued talking. "Everytime you use a coupon, your pets get Hinata for the same time period."
"Really?" Sakura asked surprised. "We can do what we want with her?" Seeing her nod, Sakura and Junko cheered.
"Thank you Anko. I really love it." Naruto commented.
Anko chuckled. "Just make sure you make the most of it. There's only a limited number but no expiration date."
Naruto laughed while Junko took the book and set it elsewhere. As Anko left, Naruto looked around and saw nobody else there so that seemed to be all.
"Do you like your presents Naruto-sama?" Sakura asked.
Naruto smiled and touched the necklace around his neck. "I love them Sakura. I really do."
"That's good to hear…ah crap I forgot. There's a couple more." Naruto looked to his side when Sakura said that, seeing her pick up a box from the ground. "Iruka-sensei had to leave early and wanted me to give you this." Sakura handed him the box and Naruto took it, unwrapping the paper and opening it. Inside was a collection of massage oils and supplies. Some of the stuff in here he ran out a while ago but never got around to picking some more up. Some were new.
"How did he know I needed some more supplies?"
"I'm not sure but I think Ino-chan mentioned something to him a while ago. I'm not sure, you'll have to ask her. One last thing…" Sakura picked up something else. "The Ichiraku's were unable to make it but they did give me this for you."
Naruto unwrapped the present and it was a picture frame that had a photo that they took long before Naruto had any pets. It was one of the first times he felt happy.
"Thank you." He whispered into the photo as he remembered that day. He sniffed and handed the photo to Junko. While she left, Naruto sighed and leaned back in his chair, the crown still on his head. "Thank you Sakura-chan. Thank you for everything."
Sakura smiled and bent down, placing her hand on his thigh. "Thanks are not necessary for making the master happy. It is our purpose in life to make you happy."
"But still, I thank you."
"You're very welcome master. Would you like to party master? I can hear the music playing."
Naruto smiled, and looked at his pet. "If my pets will join me?"
Sakura smiled and nodded, Naruto standing up and taking off the crown and placing it on the table, taking Sakura's hand and Junko's and leading them outside where everybody was partying like there was no tomorrow.
"Oh kami...what the hell did I do last night?" Sakura groaned as she sat up, her hand going to her head as felt the pounding headache drumming away in her head. Not wanting to wait for it to go away, her hands glowed green and the pain vanished. She moved her other hand but it suddenly stopped short.
She looked down and the first thing she noticed was the fact she was completely naked, including the chastity belt. As she woke up, she noticed her wrist handcuffed to Naruto's wrist.
`Figures. Master wouldn't want me anywhere else if he took off the belt.' The pinkette heard a soft moan and she looked at the other side and found both Junko and Ino, both completely naked including the chastity belt, handcuffed to Naruto's other wrist. As she stared at the trio, the memory of last night came back to her and she chuckled.
After they danced the night away, they ended it with a three way fuck with no attempt to hide themselves from the eyes of everybody else and she knew they had an audience. Finally, Sakura looked up and chuckled again.
A lot of people were passed out drunk, some still holding their sake bottles and some were naked and she knew there were probably some outside as well.
`Oh well, time to get to work, then I can relax.' She looked around and spied Naruto's pants. Grabbing them, she fished out the keys and unlocked her cuffs and took them off of Naruto. After that she stood up, and she could feel her sore body as she stretched. `Man, that party was the best. Even though I despair the cleanup, it was worth it.'
She tiptoed around the various obstacles and passed out kids and adults. She reached and stairs and went up, avoiding Anko as she climbed. She reached the next level and saw some more people. She went to Naruto's bedroom and opened it, closing it quickly to avoid letting Kira out, needing to use the bathroom.
After she was finished with that, she relocked the door and went to her bedroom. Entering it, she approached her closet and dressed in simple clothes and regular shoes. After straightening up her appearance, she grabbed a clipboard and locked the door and went into Ino's bedroom. Gathering up some clothes, she locked the door and took the moment to check the guest rooms and bathrooms.
All of them were occupied.
She didn't need to see who was in there as the memories of her clone that was in the surveillance room was still in her mind. Thankfully, no one tried to force themselves on one another and everybody had a good time.
Going back downstairs, she got some smelling salts and bent down near Ino. Holding it to her nose, it took no time for Ino to startle herself awake. "" Ino said, her voice weak.
"Rise and shine Ino. We have a job to do."
"Oh...okay." The blonde said while sitting up, not really awake yet.. She grabbed the clipboard when Sakura handed it to her and watched as her sister unlocked the handcuffs.
"Make a list of everyone who is still here and wake up the people that volunteered to help clean up first. I'll be making breakfast for everybody in the kitchen. The hangover pills and morning after pills are still on the table. I'll tell you when the coffee is ready."
"Yes ma'am." Ino said as she stood up, her entire body shaking. Sakura grabbed the blonde to steady herself and it took a minute for her to stop shaking.
"Got any headaches?"
Ino nodded her head and Sakura's hand glowed green and placed them on her head, removing the headache that tormented her friend. The blonde sighed as it completely went away. "Thank you Saku. I needed that." Sakura smiled and nodded and gave her the keys.
The next half hour, Ino woke up the people that volunteered their help to clean up, which included Anko, Hinata, Kurenai, Tenten, Tsume, and others. After the last one was woken up, almost all of them having splitting headaches, Sakura announced the coffee was ready.
As everybody filed in the kitchen for coffee and breakfast, Sakura started to brief everybody. "While I was cooking, I took a look in the backyard. While most of the kids are in here, there are some out there with the adults and some are naked and some of still clothed. There's even a couple in the trees so here's what we're going to do. We're going to hold off waking the kids and do the parents and adults first then we'll let the parents decide if they want us to wake them or not or just to take them home."
"You can go ahead and wake my Hana and Kiba up. They been drunk before and can handle it." Tsume declared before downing her coffee.
Sakura nodded. "Alright, if there's no further questions, then we'll get started."
"One thing first..." Kurenai stopped them. "That announcement Naruto made last night about his wedding. We all knew he was drunk but is what he said true about not going with a traditional wedding?"
Everybody turned to Sakura, waiting for her answer. Finally she sighed. "Yes, it's true. As you know, we have a different relationship with Naruto-sama and we are willing submissive for him. Now when you learn to be that vulnerable to somebody, that trusting, you become a different person."
"I'm surprised you don't call him `master'." Tenten chuckled out, taking a bite out of her breakfast.
Sakura smirked. "What makes you think we don't want too? Naruto-sama ordered us to call him `Naruto-sama' when we're in public because he doesn't want people to get the wrong idea. Not sure what idea but it's what he wants."
"Can you get back to the wedding brat?" Anko said impatiently. She was tired and she just wanted to go back to bed.
"Alright alright. Anyway, the wedding Naruto-sama wants is something that's popular among doms and subs. We will be dressed up in leather dresses and hands and feet shackled together. For Ino, her father will give her away and for me, Ibiki-sensei as he is the person who taught me a lot. At the end of the wedding, Naruto-sama will ask everybody to follow us to another room where there will be a bed and we will basically fuck each other, then we'll go to the reception."
"Why do you want us to watch you have sex?" Tenten asked confused, blushing.
Sakura smirked seeing that blush. "It's our way of finalizing our relationship. We give ourselves to one man and one man only. Of course we already had sex before but this act will be special as the tradition is that family and friends stand in a circle and witness the height of our relationship."
"We're hoping that everybody will be fine with it." Ino spoke up, a large cup of coffee in her hands. "My family is fine with it although my father had convinced harder then my mother." It was then she paused for a second. "Where is my dad anyway? I didn't see him in the house."
"He's out back, passed out with your mother." Sakura answered.
"Oh, anyway, my cousins are coming as well. Surprisingly there were fine with it when mom told them about it, although I'm not sure about a couple of them. Are you okay with it Tenten? Because we really want the maid of honor there."
Tenten did a spit take when Ino said the maid of honor. She looked at the smiling blonde and looked at Sakura, who was also smiling. "Are you serious? We only know each other for a few months."
"We have grown more then just friends Tenten." Sakura spoke, drawing her attention to her. "We're best friends and we are close. If it wasn't for the fact that you're scared to enter this house alone, you would be practically living here so that's why we want you to be our maid of honor."
"I'm...I'm honored to be the maid of honor."
Sakura smiled. "Thank you Tenten."
"Just one question."
"Will I have to wear the same stuff you'll be wearing?"
Sakura chuckled. "You'll be wearing something similar to ours." Tenten groaned and her head slammed into the table, hearing everybody chuckle. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. Now we need to get busy."
Everybody stood up and started their assigned duties. Some grabbed trash bags and some grabbed smelling salts. Sakura went back to the living room and to the still sleeping Junko and Naruto. She bent down and patted Junko on the cheek, waking her up. She opened her eyes to stare at the girl before closing them again and turning around.
Sakura frowned. She moved her hand back and gave Junko a hard smack on the back of the head. Junko yelped and jerked, opening her eyes to glare at her host. "What the hell was that for?!"
"You have a job to do. Can you get master into his bedroom?"
"Yeah, why?"
"I need him out of the way and I don't want to wake him."
"And if he sees the cage you installed in his bedroom?"
"Just tell him to talk to me about it."
Junko sighed and nodded, sitting up and paying no mind to the handcuffs, and gently picking Naruto up bridal style. Sakura handed her the keys and she went up the stairs to Naruto's bedroom and unlocked the door, spying the new cage in the room, and both of them going on the bed.
There was a soft sensation on Naruto's head. It was soft and gently, the touch moving across his hair as a soft sound was heard by his ears. Slowly, he began to awake and he noticed his head on something soft.
As he awoke, the sound he was hearing was actually a melody song from the lips of a female, the touch upon his head was a hand moving across his head. Naruto hummed in content as he shifted, lying on his side now. " nice."
"Master...are you awake?" A voice called out to him.
Naruto recognized it as belonging to his first pet. " that you?"
"No master, it's Junko."
Ah so it was Junko and judging by the feeling on his wrist, she was still handcuffed to him but only one handcuff was still attached. He took that hand and closed his hand around it. "What time is it pet?"
"It's almost six p.m. master. You've been asleep for most of the day."
"Mmm...that's nice." Naruto wasn't exactly awake but he wasn't exactly sleeping. He was somewhere in between.
"Master, you do realize you have to get up sooner or later don't you? Tsume still has to educate you on her seals."
Naruto looked up at his pet. "Fine, since you really want me to get up. You got the keys?" There was a moment of silence before the last handcuff was taken off. "I'm going to hop into the shower. Go outside and dismiss yourself." The both of the children got up and Junko opened the window and Naruto went to the shower but before Junko jumped out, Naruto stopped her. "Junko…tell Sakura that I expect a report when I get down there."
Junko nodded and jumped out the window, dissolving herself and letting the mud hit the ground as her soul went back to Sakura.
Sakura was nervous.
Sitting at the table with Ino and a bowl of steaming ramen and a cup of coffee for the master and a clipboard with numerous reports, the top of which had the report for damages done to the household.
There were two pages.
Being the organizer of this event, both Sakura and Ino were held accountable for any damages. Finally, footsteps were heard and they both gulped when came down the stairs, dressed except for his shirt and jacket. He was nude from the waist up, the only thing there was the blood necklace, much to Sakura's pleasure.
He sat down and took the chopsticks in his hand, dipping it in the ramen and eating. The girls stayed silent as he eat. They didn't dare speak, not when they saw the look on Naruto's face.
He took a gulp of his coffee and sighed. "First things first pets…who do I have to thank for the cage that's attached to the foot of my bed?"
"The both of us master. We thought it would be a good idea and now you have a perfectly legitimate reason for having that cage in there since it will soon be known of our relationship to you."
"I see." Naruto stayed silent after that, continuing to eat his ramen, the bowl being refilled by Ino when he ran out as well as the coffee. The silence reigned for about ten minutes before Naruto spoke again. "So tell me pet…just how much damage as my house suffered besides broken doors and glass?"
Sakura gulped. Here it comes. "T-there was damage to both the inside and outside. The door to the collection's room was broken by a drunk Anko and stumbled all throughout the room, breaking several fragile objects. She will be appropriately billed for it and will be taken to court if she refuses. Most of the windows have been broken as well, including the den window. Fortunately the basement door wasn't touched but the attic received some horny adults."
"The outside received the most damage. The lawn got tore up as well as Ino's garden." At this, Ino whimpered, morning her flowers and Sakura patted her friend on the back to comfort her. "We already made the necessary arrangements to have the backyard repaired."
"And, how exactly, are you going to pay for this because I'm sure as hell I'm not giving you any money out of my pocket."
"You don't have to worry about that master. We've been saving up for damage control since you opened a new bank account for us. We can pay for everything."
Naruto nodded. "I believe that. I get monthly bank statements and I see how much you saved up." Naruto sighed. "Alright, I'll be going out for a couple of hours while you continue fixing the house. I'll be back around eight or nine."
Naruto stood up and walked away, leaving his coffee behind as he passed Tsume. He exited the house and went to the park.
When Naruto did come back, he found several clones of each running about the house carrying trash bags and other things. He sat on the couch and laid down on it closing his eyes and listened to the sound of his pets fixing the house. A couple of seconds later, his nose caught the scent of Tsume sitting next to him.
"Those girls are really motivated, I noticed."
Naruto smirked. "They have to be. They know the punishment for slacking off."
He heard Tsume chuckle. "So you like Sakura's gift?"
"I love it. I always knew she was going to do something like this." Naruto heard her stand up and walk toward him. "Speaking of your pets, come with me to the dungeon. I got your present all ready and I need your help."
Naruto opened his eyes and saw Tsume motion to him to follow and he did, following the feisty female. He followed her downstairs and to a room where his pets were locked up, gagged, and placed in a painful position, in one of his bondage frames, the kind that kept the head stabilized.
"I went ahead and applied the seals to your pets." She said, circling Ino. "What I didn't tell you before is that there are two ways the seal can be activated. The blood fusion and chakra fusion. What I did was the blood fusion. I had Sakura get some of your blood while you were asleep and I combined the materials."
"She withdrew my blood?" He asked, staring at his pink haired pet.
She nodded. "I wanted to do it myself but Sakura insisted on doing it herself, saying that you only trusted her with your blood."
"She was right." He said, moving his hand across her hair as he circled around her, hearing her whimpers. He turned back to Tsume. "So tell me more about the fusion. It sounds interesting. Jiraiya told me a little about them but never got to explaining more about it."
"Basically, the blood fusion is more secure as it contains both your blood and chakra. The chakra fusion has just your chakra but it can be removed. The blood can also be removed but it would take a lot of effort to remove it."
"Wait wait wait...from the way you're talking about, it sounds like more then one control can be applied."
Tsume nodded. "Yeah, once the blood fusion is applied, you can add another control user. Why? You got someone in mind?" Naruto didn't answer but he kept his eyes on Sakura and Tsume looked back and forth until it clicked. "She's the prime." She whispered, causing Naruto to look at her. "She's the head slave isn't she? She's the one that keeps blondie in line when you're not around."
"So what are you saying?" Naruto said, glaring at the woman.
Tsume shook her head and waved her arms in defense. "Nothing nothing. I'm just saying that you can give her the authority of the choke and vice seals."
Naruto rubbed his chin in thought. "What would I and she have to do?"
Tsume smirked. "Well the main control has to be set first. During which, they'll feel a sharp pain for a couple of minutes as the seal expands. The same with the other seal. After they settle, will the seal allow a secondary control. Come on behind Sakura and I'll show you how to do this."
Naruto went behind Sakura and bent down following Tsume's lead. She then pointed to two spots on Sakura's back, upper and lower. "You see these dots connected to the seals? That's where you give control. Now what you need to do is place one finger on each of these spots." Naruto did what she said and placed a finger on each spot. "Now send chakra into it and kept doing it until you can feel it not accept your chakra any longer. At that point, Sakura will be in pain the second your chakra enters her body.
Naruto smiled and looked at the girl in front of him. She was still whimpering and she was right to whimper. "You ready pet? This is going to hurt." A link of chakra was created and as predicted, Sakura's body jerked and she screamed in pain as the seal's snaky tendrils extended into her neck and her nipples, breasts, cunt, and cilt.
Naruto kept up the stream of chakra and stopped when he felt the seals stop accepting his chakra but the girl didn't stop screaming. Tsume tugged on Naruto's arm and they went to Ino and repeated the process with her, leaving two screaming slaves.
Naruto smiled while he bent down in front of his sobbing pink haired pet. The screaming stopped some time ago and he was able to let her rest. "You know something my cherry blossom...Anko is right. We really are just newbie's to torture. All of us is still learning how to torture. Your training with Azumi is helping you a lot and Ino's occasional lesson with Ibiki is helping her as well. Soon enough, we'll be able to call ourselves experts."
Naruto reached out and unbuckled her restraints and she fell forward, still crying her eyes out. He left her there and joined Tsume looking over the scrolls she brought over, letting the girl rest for a bit.
After about a half an hour has passed, Tsume felt he was ready to try out the seal for the first time. They turned to Sakura, who was rested at this point, and she gulped at the sudden attention.
"Stand up my pet." He ordered and she complied, walking toward them at Naruto's motioned and stopped a few feet from them. He took the time to look at her. Any and all marks from the seal turned invisible, hiding its presence from onlookers. "Close your eyes pet." Sakura whimpered but obeyed. If she had a choice, she would prefer watching her doom coming.
There was silence for a few moments, Sakura's fear increasing with each second. Suddenly, she started choking as her throat closed off. She grabbed her neck but couldn't do anything as she tried to bring in more air. It was like an invisible hand was closed around her throat, choking the life out of her. She opened her eyes to see a smirking Naruto. Her throat closed off some more and she feel to her knees before collapsing to the floor.
", ple.ase...stop." Sakura teared up as Naruto ignored her, keeping his hands up to keep choking her. Finally, Naruto seemed to give her mercy as he unclenched his hands letting her throat open back up.
"This is absolutely amazing!" Naruto shouted with glee, looking at his sobbing pet. "I really love this. I wonder how you will react to the vice grip."
Sakura's eyes widened in horror a split second before an extreme, vice-like grip took ahold of her nipples, causing her to grab them to try and smooth the pain but nothing she could do would help. She didn't need to open her eyes to see his maniacal grin on her master's face and she couldn't ask him to stop because of her screaming.
She couldn't stop Ino from staring at her.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the pain stopped and Sakura sobbed hysterically after what she just experienced.
"And the best part is that the pain will last for a while." Tsume said, causing Naruto to chuckle. Sakura could only hear them as she kept her eyes closed.
"I'm definitely going to be using these seals Tsume-chan. Thank you so much."
"No problem brat. I should be going. I'll be seeing you tomorrow for practice."
There were footsteps and then the sound of the door closing was heard by Sakura. Then another set of footsteps and Naruto came up to her. "So beautiful." He said, complicating her pain. She didn't see him reach down and grab her hair. She screamed as he pulled on it, dragging her to a cage.
He reached it and opened it, throwing her inside, pulling some hairs in the process.
"Thank you for the party slave. I really REALLY enjoyed it. Now...enjoy your reward."
Naruto made a hand seal and activated the seals on Sakura's pussy and cilt, smiling as he heard her scream and trash about.